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1034522 No.1034522 [Reply] [Original]

To mark the publication of William H. Patterson's two-volume enormo-biography of Robert Heinlein, Tor.com is organising a kind of online seminar with various sci-fi authors talking about which Heinlein story is their favourite and why (feel free to do the same in this thread, even if you aren't a famous sci-fi author). I'm looking forward to Charlie Stross's take, personally.


>> No.1034527

I love Heinlein because he was a raging misogynist.

>> No.1034535


A female friend of mine says he has some issues (like with not seeming to believe in rape), but on the other hand, he's one of the few sci–fi writers who sees women's ambitions and space to be worthy in itself and takes it into account. A lot of women really identify with his pro–birth and family focus.

>> No.1034583

The greatest SF author of all time.

>> No.1034588
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>> No.1034599

> not seeming to believe in rape
Strange that you say that. I remember in Friday a rape is described as something particularly abominable, and when Friday kills her rapists, the narrator seems to nod approvingly. That's how I remember it, at least.

>> No.1034609


Yeah, I don't know if I agree with her about that, either. But note that in Friday and in TEfL, the rapists are killed before they can rape. The subtext there, according to my friend, is that if you let yourself get raped, it's something else. Like I said, I don't know if I agree, but I'm throwing it out there.

>> No.1034615

> the rapists are killed before they can rape
FWIW, I don't think this is true in Friday--at least not in the version I have.

>> No.1034616

Well, sure, if you're a genetically modified super-human and you let yourself get forcibly penetrated, that's one thing. If you're a normal human being on the other hand...