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/lit/ - Literature

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10339821 No.10339821 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: soyboy repellant literature

>> No.10339836
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ITT: best bookcovers of all time

>> No.10339837



>> No.10339843

What's a fucking soyboy?

>> No.10339847

Please keep you maymays inside your containment board

>> No.10340224

Pechorin's fits were really ahead of his time

>> No.10340226


>> No.10340396

Anything by Celine

>> No.10340519

The newest /pol/ buzzword. "Cuck" is over now I guess.

>> No.10340530

Save your stale memes for other boards.

>> No.10340538

soyboy is in its death throes. Estronaut is on the rise

>> No.10340546


>> No.10340557
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Found him

>> No.10340567

estronaut isn't very funny though

>> No.10340576

It's one of those words that pop up time to time as shorthand for "I'm underage and likely retarded please disregard everything I say."
You know, like calling people cucks or referring to movies as "kino."

>> No.10340580

Its been a while since I seen this much reddit concentrated in a single post

>> No.10340596

Do you really identify that shit as central to 4chan culture?
Maybe I just predate it so much I've become a grognard but all these new phrases sound absolutely retarded to me and I can't imagine anyone with half a brain using them seriously.

>> No.10340658

Wouldn't consider them "4chan exclusive lingo" because yeah that sounds pretty fucking stupid.
If you want to attach them to any group, I'd say they belong to the anti-sjws on youtube and twitter.

>> No.10340665

I want to go back to when we called each other faggots and cockmonglers

>> No.10340671

btw i'm not >>10340580

>> No.10340678
File: 55 KB, 309x475, 124603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A young man who exposes/defines himself heavily to rick and morty, game of thrones, hard science, herb based diets, cloud rap and is politically left/libertarian.
His opus of literarure is Slauterhouse V.

pic rel

>> No.10340689

Faggot lost all its power, it just means person here now. That's why cuck had to replace it

>> No.10340698

This, also most of the neets have degenerated to pure homosexuality or animated realms.

>> No.10340701

I like estronaut

>> No.10340762
File: 33 KB, 324x500, pleasanthell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like estronaut
But it doesn't make sense. It implies a deliberate exploration of femininity that is dangerous, brave, honorable and glorious.

>A young man who exposes/defines himself heavily to rick and morty, game of thrones, hard science, herb based diets, cloud rap and is politically left/libertarian.
I thought soyboys rejected "branding" themselves with commercial culture. More like they accept that traditional masculinity (even traditional Boomer masculinity - why must I marry and work myself to death) should be replaced with something more focused on cooperation and communication among and between the sexes and that this effort *is* masculine. So OP's three word bait means books that they would find abhorrent or subversive. I nominate pic related. Easy read and most men can relate to it.

>> No.10340774

you're definition of soyboy is much more accurate than >>10340678
soyboys are male feminists who want to do away with all things traditionally seen as masculine. the word soy is used due to the fact that soy consumption lowers testosterone levels.

>> No.10340808

A nu-male who exclusively consumes soy variant products, and are more effeminate as a result.

>> No.10340820

>anything to do with femininity
>dangerous, brave, honorable and glorious

>> No.10340830

a term that twitter and /pol/ pushed to redditors pretending to not be redditors and then it cycled back onto reddit and here and now in the babylonian confusion we have a schizophrenic situation where no one can ask what it means or deride it without a /pol/yp saying you’re a soyboy. if you have a normal hairline and testosterone levels it doesn’t apply to you and the faggots on twitter who pushed it hard make garbage content and know they suck

>> No.10340834

>it's been at least 3 months since soyboy became common vernacular
>retards are still falling for ez (you)bait like this

>> No.10340871
File: 123 KB, 467x425, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chantards questioning the masculinity of anybody else in the world

your mother is probably worried about you

>> No.10340963

I wish these kind of threads were not full of screeching faggots. ''Pol!!! pol pol pol!!'' This was a thread about fucking books, literature, and this board is for discussing literature. People who are looking for this kinds of books because they fit their tastes, good luck. Here the the threads get filled with cancer it seems.

The decline of /lit/.

>> No.10340979

So an estronaut would be someone like Hemingway? An Ubermensch of gender?

>> No.10340982

Whitman could be another example

>> No.10340987

If you use the term soyboy in earnest you're from /pol/edditwitter and your threads have no place here

>> No.10340988

You are a fucking soyboy you fucking fagggot

>> No.10341059

he was a pansy

>> No.10341076

napusi se kurca ti si mi kao neki nacitani seronja, treba da znas da najpametniji likovi ce se vreatiti na nivo seljackog razislaja i samo u neki retkim trenucima vratiti se samo za posebne posboe

>> No.10341105

I don't have a twitter and I've never been on /pol/ in my life
t. OP

>> No.10341233
File: 98 KB, 500x742, haram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So an estronaut would be someone like Hemingway? An Ubermensch of gender?
Well, yeah. He was a faggot and a phony, everyone knew it, but he went ahead and wrote anyway and people love it. That kind of defiant confidence is traditionally masculine, the whole fuckyouiwontdowhatyoutellmelamb.jpg thing. So estronauts are ackshully *more* masculine because transgression - everyone else stays on Earth cowed and cowering.

>> No.10341237

>your mother is probably worried about you

She better be

>> No.10341281

it's only used by absolute idiots.

I have a dream that my four little ideologies will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their pill but by the content of their character.

>> No.10342423

itt candyass roodypoos