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10339425 No.10339425 [Reply] [Original]

Best endings to books that are not the Dead, preferably poetic and meaningful.

>> No.10339450

The ending of The Savage Detectives has stuck with me a lot. I read it years ago and I still think about it every now and then

>> No.10339486

>Dubliners - James Joyce

>> No.10339806

The Sun Also Rises
A Farewell to Arms
For Whom the Bell Tolls

Hemingway knew how to write an ending

>> No.10339809

Stop posting her, she’s guaranteed to be underage

>> No.10339959

What language is that on the bulletin board? Those yellowing walls in need of a coat of paint are depressing, like being stuck in Kieslowski film.

>> No.10339964

Azeri turkic

>> No.10340069

I want to stick my dick in her butt

>> No.10340070

I'd say Turkish but since it doesn't have a fuckton of diacritics it may be something close

>> No.10340073

lol what its illegal to post photos of young girls just hanging around school now?

>> No.10340080

shut up and poast moar

>> No.10340095

She lives in a fun country

>> No.10340148

No but it's immoral.

>> No.10340166

Its immoral to want to impregnate fertile young girls?
You've been listening to too many Jews and roasties

>> No.10340174

She's incapable of pregnancy, anon. Does a flat chest and a skinny, curveless child's body scream fertility to you?

>> No.10340185

I Am Legend has got a pretty good ending

>> No.10340188

You call that ass curveless?
Anyway you're scientifically incorrect, girls are biologically fertile from around 13 years of age

>> No.10340199

the physical act of pregnancy
girls with narrow hips almost always have C sections or bad complications during childbirth

>> No.10340200

>You call that ass curveless?
Are you kidding me? That's literally a child's butt.

>girls are biologically fertile from around 13 years of age
First of all, do you know for a fact she's 13 or older? But more importantly over-arching medians vary on an individual basis, my sister is 14 and hasn't gotten her first period, others get it at 9 or 10. Whatever the case is, she doesn't look pubescent, and even if she is, she is certainly not at an appropriate age to bear children and the pregnancy would have complications. Did you know most children of teenage pregnancies are born premature? I know because I'm one and I had to spend 2 months in the hospital in an incubator before I could go home. And my mother was 15, imagine a barely pubescent child.

>> No.10340209

So do many women with wide hips. Arbitrary complication of human evolution.

She looks older to me. Regardless even accepting all you say as correct that is all simply in the purview of when are optimum and less optimal times to have children. There are plenty of issues associated with older women pregnancies too. To call it outright immoral on that basis however is ridiculous when there is nothing inherently stopping a girl like that having a healthy beautiful child after I inject her with my seed.

>> No.10340232

Invisible Cities

The inferno of the living is not something that will be; if there is one, it is what is already here, the inferno where we live every day, that we form by being together. There are two ways to escape suffering it. The first is easy for many: accept the inferno and become such a part of it that you can no longer see it. The second is risky and demands constant vigilance and apprehension: seek and learn to recognize who and what, in the midst of inferno, are not inferno, then make them endure, give them space.

>> No.10340241

>Biologic determinance
No there is a social and economic sphere that exists and will smack your bitch up if you defy it

>> No.10340271

Sure but thats their lot and this is my lot. My point is anyone with sense has to see the differene between what is immoral and what ought be illegal. There's nothing immoral in being attracted to teenage girls but I totally support a standard age of consent as a means for fathers to protect their daughters

>> No.10340283

I wouldnt say it is immoral so much as unwise. I could barely relate to teenagers when i was one and now the distance is impassable. To create a totally useless social organization based on lust (and a much higher incidence of a fatal delivery in case of pregnancy) would be foolish. We have to recognize that the law is also there to protect people from themselves.

>> No.10340291

To each their own. I personally know from teaching that I can relate to the passion and animal excitement of teenage girls better than the dower and bitter working women my age.

>> No.10340296

Essentially you have infantilized yourself to overcome angst derived from abandonment issues i would assume.

>> No.10340310

Your diagnosis is correct but your terminology is loaded. I would say I am disenfranchised from the prescribed notion of maturity in todays society.
I will be a wolf before what passes as a man today

>> No.10340325

100 years of solitude

>> No.10340339

The terms fit. You feel abandoned (disenfranchised) by society because you have projected feelings you have about your parents (likely your father but also your mother) onto authority in general. Your rationalization of this is but a symptom. You really need psychotherapy.

>> No.10340344

Dead Souls
The Castle

>> No.10340346

I smell a jew.

>> No.10340357

I've been under psychoanalytic therapy for years already. My opinion of older women has only got significantly worse not better during this time and sure why not, I see nothing in psychology to suggest why I should find the moribund resentment of women past their bright years attractive as much as they would like me to.

>> No.10340508
File: 76 KB, 538x368, haiku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop this pregnancy bullshit at once

see >>10340069
>I want to stick my dick in her butt

>I personally know from teaching that I can relate to the passion and animal excitement of teenage girls better than the dower and bitter working women my age
t. a gentleman and a scholar

>> No.10340513
File: 39 KB, 736x408, radical lolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm with you

>> No.10340524


>> No.10340534

Crime and Punishment, epilogue

>> No.10340813
File: 39 KB, 547x400, 1324768554662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
>using Lolita to support that argument
Lmaooooo what the fuck

>> No.10340819

>/lit/ is a boyish grill, but totally not effeminate or closet homo, board
lol every single time

>> No.10340846


>> No.10340996


>> No.10341068

>Dead Souls
not even ending

>> No.10341077
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kieslowski films are beautiful tho

>> No.10341080

There is a Hand to turn the time,
Though thy Glass to day be run,
Till the Light that hath brough the Towers low
Find the last poor Pret’rite one…
Till the Riders sleep by ev’ry road,
All through our crippl’d Zone,
With a face on ev’ry mountainside,
And a soul in ev’ry stone…
Now everybody-“

>> No.10341175

>Now small fowls flew screaming over the yet yawning gulf; a sullen white surf beat against its steep sides; then all collapsed, and the great shroud of sea rolled on as it rolled five thousand years ago.

>> No.10341199

That literally looks like a 15 year old version of my former co-worker who was 23 and hot as fuck. She was Romanian though, not Turkish.

>> No.10341293
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>> No.10341369

Anyone have an idea what the significance of this last song/poem is? "And a soul in ev’ry stone" always gets me.
Also I don't think "Now everybody" is part of the lyrics, rather a rejoinder for everyone to sing along with the narrator (of course right before the rocket hits the theatre and destroys everything)

>> No.10341464

stones are often associated with the concept of solipsism for which some think they are a counter argument when you kick them and feel pain (though it is not since the pain is still only in your head and the stone knows nothing about it)

>> No.10341502

No wait you fucking retard, it's simply that a solipsist views all entities as ontologically equivalent to stones not that dumb shit

>> No.10341503


>> No.10341507


>> No.10341518

you are confusing solipsism with OOO, fucktard

>> No.10341525

That's totally tangential to my point

>> No.10341692

Be a kind anon and post her

>> No.10341897

deliberate missing the point of the book to support his depravity. This is what psychopath looks like folk

>> No.10341920
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 1501190406785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nah trust me guys, he's totally meant to be the bad guy, for reals this is a lesson on what not to do

>> No.10342353

pics or it didnt happen