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/lit/ - Literature

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10323895 No.10323895 [Reply] [Original]

What are some jobs you can do with an English major?
Who on /lit/ majored in English and what are you doing for a living?

>> No.10324021


>> No.10324122

My brother majored in English and is now a helper for the retard class at my local middle school.

>> No.10324160

I'm majoring in English and I learn how to program in my free time, so I don't die of hunger.

>> No.10324165

My sister majored in English, got hired at a government job for 50k/yr but she quit for grad school. I'm pretty sure she'll be alright lol

>> No.10324595

Sounds miserable

>> No.10324611
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Jezebels etc.

>> No.10324619

>Who on /lit/ majored in English and what are you doing for a living?
I want to ask the same but about linguistics.

>> No.10324625
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>> No.10324653

wouldnt it have been more economical to study CS and read in your free time
computational linguistics is an in-demand field

>> No.10324693

I graduated from a fairly prestigious American university in 2011 with an English degree. Not an Ivy League but in the second tier of private schools. As an undergrad I considered getting a masters and doctorate and trying to find a teaching position. Several of my professors even suggested this and told me the job market for literature professors is tough but that someone at my level (frequent contributor to journals even as a student, etc) would have no problem. I wanted to, or at least part of me did, and I spent about a year working at a literary agency in New York to make some money and think things over.

I was back in my hometown for Christmas in 2012 when I ran into a friend from high school. We hadn't kept in touch and I was surprised to see him dressed in a pretty nice suit and with a nice watch. I asked what he was doing and his answer shocked me. "Koreans, anon," he said. "I sell used books to the Koreans." It took a little more prodding, but eventually he explained how the business worked. See, South Koreans are absolutely obsessed with 19th century British literature, especially Victorian poetry. A Housman collection that you could buy for a dollar here sells for around $400, and that's just a mid range item. The bigger stuff, like Hopkins and Rossetti, can get into the thousands.

Needless to say I dropped the idea of grad school immediately. I'm now making six figures in the used book game, not just to Korea but Thailand and Laos too. It feels good, but especially since I freed up what was basically a guaranteed spot teaching in a top university for someone else. You're welcome.

>> No.10324696


Anything superior to STEM because STEMtards are retards (redundant) who can only follow instructions without innovating.

>> No.10324710

>computational linguistics is an in-demand field
Does anyone here actually work there?
On a related note, who should I consult about things like that? Just write to random students? I really don't know.

>> No.10324713

good post

>> No.10324722

I leech off of various women and tutor kids classical guitar while running from writing gigs and playing in a jazz band (trombone) in the bunt of a city.

>> No.10324740


This is true. STEM never innovates or evolves.

Posted from my iRock in my cave.

>> No.10324765

STEMfag here, to be fair most of us (me included) are genuine windowlicking retards who are looking to get a comfy job where we don't have to do much. That being said I do have a few friends who are going to make something of themselves and they're so smart it scares me sometimes.

>> No.10324767

Stem is tard, but only because its a meme to drive down already tardedly depressed wages because of Bindis. STEM if you are a third worlder without Bindi competition. Unless of course you are a Bindi.

>> No.10324909

I'm assuming no one here actually has a degree then

>> No.10324918

factory work, service industry, cleaner / street sweeper.. it's wide open.

>> No.10324920

Sounds like a hoot

>> No.10324932

To add to this I guess, anyone here have a degree in philosophy? I'm in electrical engineering and it's alright I guess, i would much rather my university education be based around reading and writing than solving equations and making circuits though. Sometimes I wish I went into liberal arts instead, even though I'm really good with math and science.

>> No.10324939

I laughed

>> No.10324951


>> No.10324992

>Does anyone here actually work there?
Computational linguistics is all fuzzy logic and questionable quasi mathematics, with no linguistic theory applied anywhere. People are developing computational methods to translate language now, without any understanding of the language they are translating.

>> No.10325028

Surprisingly original. Unless this is something I missed.

>> No.10326419

Now that’s what I call a job!

>> No.10326430

So is he like your personal assistant or something?

>> No.10326569

i majored in english

i am depressed and broke

>> No.10327426


I started out in EE because I have an autistic obsession with circuits but ultimately my autistic obsession with retarded shit like metaphysics and muh liberty took precedence

I plan on either law school or breaking into advertising. I've already got an internship lined up. There's still plenty for people with lib arts degrees to do desu senpai, our degrees are really no less in demand than a run of the mill business or marketing degree.

employers just need smart people who can use their discretion when it matters. Obviously a technical skill like coding and will put you at a premium in the market but it sounds aidsy to me to spend my life coding because its not enjoyable in the least imo

>> No.10327630

I'm majoring in English right now, and also plan to go to law school.
I have heard so many horror stories about law. It's expensive as hell, and the market isn't that great, and the hours can be long depending on what you do.
But it interests me and I think I'll enjoy it. My fear is that if for whatever reason it doesn't work out, I'm stuck with an English degree to fall back on.

>> No.10327686
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To say that the law market isn't great is to understate the problem by orders of magnitude. The market has been flooded by mom & pop style law schools who get accredited and pump out debt-laden lawyers for whom there is no space, nor will they compete with the myriad legitimate attorneys who've already established themselves.

Some people say "T20, HYS, etc. or bust." I'm not sure I follow that mantra but there is certainly truth to it. It'd be ideal to matriculate to the most "prestigious" school you can, mostly because law is full of prestige whores. Then again, not everyone wants to go straight into big law or build a career there.

Personally, I'll be happy to work for the indigent making $60k/yr insofar as my impact outweighs my salary. Maybe that's naive to say, but I've been helped pro bono by too many bleeding hearts and I myself am a giant faggot bleeding heart, so I think I'll be happy. But buyer beware on the law school thing, the jury is kind of out and it's not smart to do unless you can't imagine yourself doing anything else.

>> No.10327734

I just don't want to go 150K into debt and work for 60k a year and have to pay it off by going to a small market.
I want to get into a top 15 school or not at all. It's expensive, but they're the ones most likely to get you into the biglaw places that will help you live comfortably while paying off the debt.

I'm gonna marry my gf probably next year, so she'll be working too, but still, shit's expensive for a job in a bad market.

>> No.10328010

But it's the best bet I got, isn't it?

>> No.10328149

Just gamble with shitcoins, major in whatever you want to

>> No.10328283


2nd year rural solo practitioner here

Made 84k after business expenses last year
Made 132k so far this year

Work from 9-330 M-F with an hour lunch

I take criminal and child in need of care appointments, and do all of the estate planning work that comes in the door until my schedule is full

Law market is bad in bigger cities, good outside of them.

>> No.10328358

Has anyone here gone to HSC in Virginia by some kind of miracle? Not sure what to major in yet.

>> No.10328383

I was an English major. Now I’m a locomotive engineer.

>> No.10328431

I'm a philosophy major who spends more time studying literature than philosophy. I'm probably going to NEET after school and spend all of my time learning coding and financial mathematics so I can stay at home and make money from automated trading. I've already taken a ton of math classes but didn't major in it because I didn't want to take physics (a requirement) because I hate labs.

>> No.10328620

Linguistic theory is completely irrelevant in that field, and you will be surrounded by people who don't read anything other than newspapers.

>> No.10328712

Can you tell me more?
Where did you study if you don't mind me asking? Can you elaborate on how you got to where you are? Thanks

>> No.10328852

t. brainlet

>> No.10329090

lawfag here, this is goals

>> No.10329136

What is your situation like? I didn't know there were so many lawyers on here. I'm curious to know how their paths turned out to give me ideas of what to expect

>> No.10329145


Sure thing. I went to KU for my JD, I got into Northwestern with a small scholarship, but it was free to go there.

There's 2 different routes you can go: solo or firm/gov job. I spend the first summer at doing a Biglaw internship, and it sucked a fat nut. The people are cunts, the long hours leave no time for anything else, it was just... ugh.

A couple of my friends work at smaller 'boutique' firms in KC, and the money is decent (their salaries are 75k - 85k) and they get a higher percentage of their take once their overhead amounts are met, but it's still long hours and annoying people for a moderate amount of money.

It would be insane to go solo in a city before building up a client base through a firm job, but even then it's not great. You get to take all of fees that you bring in, but office expenses are higher in town.

I read some stuff on small town work, and the work/life balance, so I started driving out to county seats in counties with a smaller population and going to lunch with a few local attorneys. They would always point me to other counties, saying to call up their lawyer friends there, so I did.

I started helping a few of them with research, writing motions and stuff like that, and figured out what practice areas I was into. After that I signed up for criminal clinic and the estate planning club/clinic, and practiced that.

It really became more of a practical application thing than resume building effort at that point. I wrote onto journal and then didn't do it: sinking time into that for a line on my resume which I didn't need at that point wouldn't have been useful to me.

Finally I picked my location and met with the older attorneys that were looking to turn it over. That's kind of how it works--you work with them, rent an office from them for cheap (with access to conference room/printer/etc.), and get tied into the community. That includes things like coffee at the bank on Tuesday morning, acting on the chamber of commerce board, and stuff like that.

I take criminal and CNC appointments in 4 different counties. The other county seats are about 45mins away, and I get paid the appointed hourly rate for that drive (around $70/hr). Most of my retained work last year was referred by the guy i'm taking over for.

I like to take all of the appointed work that's offered to me, and then fill the rest of the time with retained work. But I start referring work out if it's going to keep me at the office later than 3 or 4.

>> No.10329158


Go rural man, even 45 mins outside of the city it's like this. My situation isn't abnormal or anything, the guy I worked for 2L summer made 340k last year and leaves the office at 4pm. He's retained in a lot of pot cases, which are pretty quick and easy for 6k a pop.

>> No.10329164

You seem to know those things. Personal experience?
>Linguistic theory is completely irrelevant in that field
I know. It's a little sad, but it's where the money is, isn't it? Moreover, I could study linguistics (which I like a lot) for my bachelor degree before going into computational linguistics for my masters. I'm not from the US, so I might have confused some terms, sorry.
Or do you think it's a shitty plan? Student loans aren't an issue, by the way.
>you will be surrounded by people who don't read anything other than newspapers
Honestly, I'm fine with that.

>> No.10329166

I'm a detective.

>> No.10329179

Awesome. Thanks a lot. I'll take that into consideration when I figure out what route I want to take.
How was Northwestern? I know it's good but it's expensive too.

>> No.10329218

It was fine, but there was definitely an attitude of 'you're welcome for being allowed in our school'. It was the same at Cornell, Michigan, and Berkeley but I'm pretty conservative and I didn't even apply to any of those lol.

Take that with a mound of salt, I'm a hillbilly and it shows.

Even though you might not know what type of law you want to do (nobody really does), you can gauge how much you want to work, where you want to live, etc. It's easy to forget about those important things when people start scaring yout with with stats and stuff.

My main things were:
1. Work/life balance. I wanted to do a CSA farm, and I needed the time to do it.

2. My friends with firm jobs were always afraid they were going to get fired for something. I don't like that.

>> No.10329221

Fuck off, tel.

>> No.10329279

I'm pretty conservative too, I'm from Utah after all.

I'm just wondering if it's better to stay local and go to UofU's law school or bust my ass to get into a T15 school and work in a larger market.

>> No.10329291

lmao fucking chalkboard

>> No.10329305

I majored in English and now I drive uber. just

>> No.10329321

What is a uber and does it have something to do with Nietzsche?

>> No.10329334

English major. I was headhunted by a top 10 tech firm in my last semester of college. It helped I had half a dozen internships under my belt. Instead of reading Housman and Marvell all the time, I was sucking corporate cock throughout college.

P.S. I did not go to an Ivy League school or Oxbridge.

>> No.10329491

Diff person here

The main difference is who will respek yur degee

If you go to HSY you can get a job anywhere in the country. If you go to a T20 school, your options get much more limited; you might only be able to get a job in your region (southwest, for example). If you go to a scrub state school, you might get a job in the city of the university you studied at or in the surrounding counties.

>> No.10329509

Is it that bad? Thinking about this

>> No.10329517

Is there any way to get a job as an editor without an English degree or something similar? Serious question.

>> No.10329599

I tried it this semester. Next semester I won't be an English major.

>> No.10329604


>> No.10329632

Depends on where you drive and how smart you do, but I consistently get $15/hr before gas. It's such a boring job and I'm racking up miles and repairs. Only plus is completely flexible schedule

>> No.10329637

No, unless you have significant experience or publication history.

>> No.10329651


Darn it.

>> No.10329660

NW Law employs commie terrorist Bernadine Dorne. Harvard Law employs Adrian Vermuele, who will be the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court following the Integralist-Jacobite Restoration. Easy decision. If you can't get into Harvard then retake or go to Ave Maria.

>> No.10329702

>majoring in boring unemployable dogshit

>> No.10329710

>thinking it's boring
>majoring in boring "employable" dogshit
>ending up unemployed because it's boring
>killing yourself

>> No.10329845

I have not heard one mention of legit secondary school teaching itt.

I have a degree in english w/ a focus in secondary education and a minor in film. I teach three classes of juniors, one of honors sophomores, and one film course - which I usually just run as a language arts-style film course, where it's focused on film analysis and the use of things like lighting, editing, and blocking to create meaning.

low-paying gig (I make about 35,000 a year) but I enjoy it immensely and working with kids and seeing their knowledge base and analytical skills grow is a hoot.

>> No.10329860

also having two plan periods - both right after each other at the end of the day - is really nice because I can use that time to get work done and not have to do anything when I get off.

The hours for teaching are great too. usually 7 am-3 pm, plus you get summer break, thanksgiving break, winter break and spring break off, plus weekends. on whole, unless you sign up to teach summer school, you only teach 185 days out of the year

>> No.10329864

>Or do you think it's a shitty plan?
Try to find out what universities do research in the field you are interested in. Sometimes small less known universities do excellent research in such a specialized field, and sometimes the more prestigious universities don't do research in a given field at all, so be careful.

What program you should attend really depends on your university. I would say that whatever requires you to take the least amount of irrelevant courses is the best program. There might even be some undergraduate degree program in computational linguistics somewhere.

>> No.10329871

>majoring in a useless butt sniffing major
>angry at republicans because unemployed
>destroy all human civ out of spite
thanks guys

>> No.10329877

I'm a brainlet without imagination so I decided to study medicine.

>> No.10329899

>faggots going into debt to help terrorists kill americans and defend three time felons from justice
gee thanks. I cant imagine hat people can possibly do to thank you and your family and your defenseless children for bringing this situation to our defenseless children

>> No.10329943


You should unironically be thankful, though, you retard. Those felon defending people are the grout in the foundation of civilized society. Next time you bang Sally Rottensnatch and she accuses you of rape, thank your lucky stars there's some degenerate alcoholic lawyer willing to remind the jury that mere accusation isn't enough to send your ass to a shit-hole in Reno where you get 9 minutes of outdoors time and you answer the Bubba, the friendly prison guard who has a fetish for sheltered, bourgeois soyboys.

>> No.10329951

>muh civilizashun
Fuck off, bourgeois cunt

>> No.10329961

or, I should put a bullet in your head for tilting common la legal systems in the favor of criminals creating predatory plaintiffs, unconvicable criminals, uncontrollable prisons that are run by gang members, etc. all to satisy your stupid fucking ego

america had been fine 80 years ago before sympathy for gangsters came to be the primary demand of half the country

>> No.10330000
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>I should put a bullet in your head

reported. online threats are illegal its in the guidlines. Section 8 Paragraph 4

>> No.10330007

people like you ruined this country. don't think you'll escape justice. you threaten every single person in this country

>> No.10330038



>> No.10330083

Work at a bank. If you're good you can work your way up and you don't even need to go back and get another degree. Not many jobs are like that.

>> No.10330087

Nice digits newfriend.

>> No.10330095
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Girl is fucking disgusting and it's entirely her fault. She's got an adorable nose and face and I could work with a tongue and nose piercing but those fucking tattoos and nog earrings make me want to hurt her in a way that isn't entirely sexual

>> No.10330781


>> No.10331520

Why do you guys hate stem majors so much? Even ones that enjoy literary works, music and art? I want to be a renasaince man and my stem major actually interest me

>> No.10332019


>> No.10332028

Because they're just drones following formulas and equations.
Sure, it's hard work, but there's not much to it.

>> No.10332559

You get way more out of English classes though. CS and other STEM majors are essentially just teaching you a trade, whereas English courses (at a good uni of course) teach you how to be a better person

>> No.10332575

Literally all of STEM boils down to being able to plug in the proper equation/method in order to get a desired result. It might seem dense and hard because there's a lot to memorize, but beyond that there's essentially no critical thinking outside of figuring out which equation would best fit the situation.

>> No.10332632

and writing some bullshit paper on queering gender in Hamlet is somehow better?

>> No.10332830

I started uni as an English lit. major and switched out of it. I enjoyed it a lot and I was doing really well, but it's kind of a waste of time in terms of learning skills that will actually help you and it's not very rigorous.

I could have stayed in and continued to get backpats from my libfem professors every time I made a reference to lit theory concepts or name-dropped Derrida and get told that my essays are really fuckin special well written but really what the fuck is the point?

>> No.10332938
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>not just being a NEET

If you don't live in a shit country you'll be living a similar lifestyle economically to most of the shit jobs you can get away unless you fall for the career meme and are happy trading loads of time for a bit of extra cash

>> No.10332975

t. has never worked in STEM in their life

>> No.10333015

I was hoping to get some encouragement out of this thread. Instead it's mostly shitposting and a few english majors who switched out or are doing something else.

What else is there to do? I honestly don't even enjoy this major (I'm at a third rate state school so the program is shit anyways), but I'm only a year away from finishing a process that's taken WAY too long. Fucking what do

>> No.10333036

Do you have any other skills? I majored in philosophy and got a job in web development when I graduated cause I learned some basic coding. Helps that my parents paid for school so I wasn't too stressed out about getting a good job.

>> No.10333065


Mine are paying for mine almost entirely as well, so at least any debt will be minimal if not nonexistent. I really don't have any marketable skills desu. How did you learn to code? I took a class in Java once and it was alright, not sure how to go about self teaching it though.

>> No.10333073

What exactly do you want people to say? You're doing a major which is widely know to have lesser job prospects and you don't even enjoy it.

>> No.10333286

Well obviously if it's a bullshit paper it has little value.
But if it offers genuine insight into the story and the human condition, than it furthers the human race that much more. The best that can come from stem is something that makes life just a bit more convenient, only so that we can acquire more capital to purchase the next most convenient thing.

>> No.10333291

Currently CS and English double major, but yeah if that helps you sleep at night

>> No.10333313

If the only reason why you want to go to college is that you can get a high paying job, English isn't for you. In fact, there are plenty of ways to make tons of money without even getting an associates degree. I'm about to graduate with a degree in English, and really I don't regret my major at all (it does help that I nice have a job lined up after undergraduate though). I don't think I would have learned as much in any other major than English, and some of the things I've picked up at uni have completely changed the way I think about life, largely for the better. If you feel that English is truly what you want to study, by all means go for it--if you have an open mind and do all the readings than you will certainly get something out of it. Just make sure that you get some internships though before you graduate, otherwise you're probably fucked once you graduate.

>> No.10333431

CS isn't STEM.

t. engineer.

>> No.10333557


abolish all prisons open all borders

and kill yourself

>> No.10333589

majored in philosophy now im about to graduate from law school

>> No.10333619

Nobody even fucking answered honestly.

>> No.10334631

So surprise

>> No.10334803

if all prisons are abolished then YOU need to live alongside them in a country YOU cannot leave. then lets see if you're still eager to free them.

deal ith the results of your retarded opinions or go kill yourself you fag

>> No.10334878

I majored in English and Philosophy and wound up driving a forklift on a loading dock in Emeryville for years, but I wasn't really ambitious about anything except smoking pot. I'm a writer now, though; I've been in the WGA for 17 years.

>> No.10336566

You can be at an generic anonymous office job like me. One of those "must have college degrees" position, moving papers around and shit. 30k, lol. Comfy because I browse 4chan all day, mostly. I can probably transition to a government job off this with a decent reccomendation, but if I'm gonna go down the road to kill myself I want to at least give myself a shot at "making it". Rather be an office drone than a government drone, for now. In all honesty I'm a lazy fuck that hasn't really tried anything aside from the path of least resistance so that's where I am.

The question I have is... whay do you think an English lit major fuckin does? What do you expect out of it? It is what it is, academia or teaching if you strictly follow the path. And those that don't follow the path do something else. It's not hard and not worth thinking hard over.

>> No.10336590

Yes, it's very simple, that's why companies pay €100k a year for a good engineer.

>> No.10336597

I majored in German lit in an elite American university and I'm pretty motivated. Graduated 18 months ago. Now I make content for education apps and whore myself out to educational start-ups and what not.

the plus sides
-go all over the world
-get to talk to pretty girls
-make lots of money

the down sides
-my self-published novel isn't as successful as the rest of my career
-only tangentially use the knowledge I have that i'm passionate about
-the last downside is for (You): it's impossible to get into this industry with an application. you just have to know people and be socially clever, which I imagine most other literature majors are not.

>> No.10336600

Kinda conservative progaganda. Unless you really want to go into some specific industry a liberal arts degree from an ELITE institution is a ticket to socio-economic advancement. Big employers just want to know you can think at an academic level. Of course at some regional shit show college an engineering degree will get you a job, and Eng Lit degree won't.

>> No.10336614

>lived experience is conservative propaganda
what did (((he))) mean by this?

>> No.10336618

I was an English major. Now I'm a technical writer for a large health insurance company.

>> No.10336648

Strong breitbart knowledge of what academia actually is

>> No.10337920

you're saying only people already rich are benefited by a lib arts major. that is to say, it has NO educational benefit

>> No.10337933

I majored in English and now I work as a fry cook at McDonald's. Why did I listen to you dumb fucks. I want to die every day

>> No.10337950

you did it because you are not capable of more. its your fault

>> No.10337973

Oh you know what, FUCK YOU! You know as well as I know the world is biased for STEM.

Have they read Hegel? Have they wrested with some of life's deepest questions? No they just memorized some fucking equations.

Fuck this capitalist system

>> No.10337984

you serious mate?

you understand most stem people in grad programs actually have better verbal scores than lib arts programs, right?

p.s. hegel is outdated. you are using an intellectual flintlock

>> No.10337991

Citation needed asshole.

I don't deserve to work this shitty job. I worked just as hard as STEM fags

>> No.10338000

Jesus. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.10338005

If you were actually a CS major you would know there are hardly any "equations" to memorize. It's almost entirely critical thinking

>> No.10338014

>just memorized some fucking equations
Once again, someone who has no idea what engineering is about.

>> No.10338027

Asshurt stemfag detected. Any more can be an engineer. Just look at the swarms of swarthy pajeets at Microsoft

>> No.10338028
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this is applicants. don't feel like finding admittance

50 point gap vs 250 point gap. kek

no, you didn't do any labor anyone'll pay you for, so unless you steal it, you're not getting it. go fuck yourself brainlet

>> No.10338035

FUCK YOU asshole!!! I don't deserve this fucking job

>> No.10338041

You're being kind of rude desu

>> No.10338052

I think he is a troll at this point, but he is demanding revolution, death, and destruction because he didn't do great on the tests

nothing rude

I told him he gets paid if someone pays him, he doesnt get to steal or kill


>> No.10338058

>hegel is outdated
kek do you think anyone reads Hegel to become a Hegelian you oaf the great thing about him is the historical and human analysis. The phenomenology is cool to, and the verbal wizardry

>> No.10338116

Why do people act surprised that they can't get a job when they get less than a 2.1 and end up having went to a shit uni?

>> No.10338123

How's law school?

>> No.10338590

muh jerbs

>> No.10338593

t. brainlet STEMsperg

There's a reason why its so popular: its fucking simple
Not an argument.
t. STEMsperg

>> No.10338599

muh gaymer code is not critical thinking. Furthermore, critical thinking is for idiots.
Meaningless STEMsperg devised nonsense.

>> No.10338609

>critical thinking is for idiots

too many interns at the bait factory these days

>> No.10338620


>> No.10338762

Honours English major with philosophy minor.
Degree is irrelevant because it's the only thing on my resume.
In the two years since graduating I've been a miserable NEET living in poverty off of loans and browsing the internet all day, which I also was in undergrad.

>> No.10338775

damn dog, rekt

go out and volunteer or something

>> No.10338823

Am probably just unfit for society.
When I read Notes from Underground I thought my life will likely turn out like this I should do something before that happens. It did and I didn't.

>> No.10338838

man i'm unfit for society too, that's why i've made myself rich so i can comfortably withdraw from it. the biggest secret in life is that rich people acquire wealth so they can look normal while acting asocially.

>> No.10338872
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I make about $60k as an analyst in an IT department for a bank. This is in a US state where my salary is roughly twice the median household income.

I don't do any actual IT work. I basically use Microsoft Office and write emails all day and get paid this much because most people can't write for shit. When you have an English degree, they assume that's why you can write well, as though they could do the same given the same kind of education. And maybe most of them could, I dunno.

Just write well, speak well, have charisma. You don't even have to be punctual. I go into work between 9:30 and 10:00 most days. Not kidding.

>> No.10339378

Pure sophistry

>> No.10339395

Am I the only one here who wants to be a high school teacher?

>Get your own room, can hang art on the wall and make your space your own
>Depending on state/district get to choose what books you want to teach (from a general list it would seem but still)
>Have to deal with shitheads, yes, but also get to help mold bright young minds
>Summers off and minimal workload if you are quick at editing

Honestly. I come from a poor family and teaching sounds like the dream to me. It's sustained employment working with ideas I find interesting and helping people. I would rather be a teacher that lives modestly (or marries rich, which I might do since my man is studying to be a dentist) and writes and lives in a world of words and ideas than being broke, struggling to work in IT consultancy or digital marketing or whatever the fuck, peddling my shitty unfinished Chapter 1's on /lit/.

>> No.10339629

wat kinda job u going to do?

>> No.10340856

I'm working on a philosophy undergrad. I initially planned to go into law, but I'm being really being turned off by all this shit. I really like philosophy, would it be retarded to go into Academia? Aim toward post-grad. Am I retarded? I just want to have a comfy philosophy life.

>> No.10341242

Breaking into academia without the connections is next to impossible, unless you have a novel idea. Switch majors and learn the rest of philosophy on your own. It's not worth it when you struggle to pay 850$ a month in loans with a 12.50 minimum wage job

>> No.10341251

I just hate the idea of abandoning my passions for security.

>> No.10341278

I finished a "rewarding" (for le personal development) study which I'm proud of, but now I'm working a mundane low skilled work as I kind of expected. I'm in my late 20s, life goes on. Time to learn new things and use the experience of accomplishment and personal excellence I acquired to move forward. Thank God I have other interests

>> No.10341279

This is life. Philosophy in academia is a tight circle, tighter than a constipated asshole. You can't break through the circle. If you don't trust me, read Leiter Reports and check it for yourself.

>> No.10341286

Well, thanks for the advice. I'll check it out and do some reading.

>> No.10341746

Welcome to being an adult. Life sucks, then you die and that's just how it goes.

>> No.10341828

Learn how to edit footage on Premier, you'd be shocked to find out how underrepresented film editors are in the market. Plus you can pick it up on the side while you finish school.

>> No.10341848
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You can have any job in the world with an English major, as long as you have the other necessary credentials and maybe don't mention the English degree on your resume.

>> No.10341857

>What are some jobs you can do with an English major?

>> No.10342181

Might as well study philosophy while you're at it.

>> No.10342355
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>> No.10342590

Anybody here go in for Library Sciences?
I've no idea what to do with my English undergrad so I'm thinking of taking that path as far as Master's are concerned.

>> No.10342699

Do people actually believe this? You must be butt hurt about making C's in your academic math class.

>> No.10342792


It doesn't have to be that way, though. Wait until the revolution, comrade.

>> No.10343090


>> No.10343136

I work as a unionized electrician. Mostly run rigid pipe and work on PLCs, temp. control, and fire alarm.

Been in steel plants, food plants, water treatment facilities, schools, universities, hospitals, and switch yards.

I make around 55k a year with benefits, pension, and annuity. I could make a lot more if I signed the linemen's book and worked on Irma relief but fuck that.

Graduated in 2012 with a 3.02 GPA. Haven't read any poetry or prose since then. Last book I read was Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship but I don't remember dick from it.

I check /lit/ once in a blue moon because it produces funny content.

>> No.10343200

/lit/ is for high iq individuals only we don't need you and your laughable GPA

>> No.10344625

Thanks brother this is exactly what I come here for