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/lit/ - Literature

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10337954 No.10337954 [Reply] [Original]

>so many c/lit/s working as a cashiers and fry cooks
Oh thank god, now I can dismiss these loser's opinions out of hand.

Why do failures always think different systems will give them a second lease on life?

If you're a loser cashier faggot in this system, chances are you won't be successful in another either

>> No.10337964

Dude relax, everyone here has grown out of Marx, we're all Catholic Reactionaries now. Apart from the stray /leftypol/ vagrant no one takes Communism seriously

>> No.10337966
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>marxist working the capitalist cash registers

>> No.10337970

This isn't literature. Fuck off to /pol/ or /his/ with this shit.

Both the right and left have those losers.

>> No.10337972
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>ad hominem

>> No.10337976

What's next? I wanna be ahead of the curve.

>> No.10337977

>If you're a loser cashier faggot in this system, chances are you won't be successful in another either
You never know, Hitler went from being a failed artist to a Fuhrer.

>> No.10337982

>thinking your blog is a book
no, it isn't.

>> No.10337985

Spotted asshurt failures. Daily reminder that where you rank in society is the only measure that matters

>> No.10337992
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>mfw I want to dialectically integrate conservativism and progressivism but I realize that conservative society have already died out

>> No.10337994

radical centrism

>> No.10337996

>where you rank in society is the only measure that matters
To whom?

>> No.10337998
File: 260 KB, 736x916, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more ad hominem

>> No.10338020

No argument meme is not an argument butt fag

>> No.10338025
File: 28 KB, 567x565, nonargument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one respond to non arguments with arguments? There is nothing to argue against

>> No.10338044

report non-literature threads

>> No.10338076

Full blown Nazism

>> No.10338082

Non-argument fag thoroughly blown the fuck out

>> No.10338083

>mfw I want to dialectically integrate conservativism and progressivism

That's Christianity

>> No.10338086

Kek moidered

>> No.10338095
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This board really thinks that these systems matter at all.

>> No.10338100

literally meaningless unless you define the words.

>> No.10338102


Nope. Everybody dies. Where it actually counts in the end, all are equal. The interval is noise.

>> No.10338149

Tips fedora

Black like my soul ;)

Wicked sense of humor

>> No.10338690

>He thinks being rich will make his life better
It helps to have financial security, but past that point it's all hedonic treadmill baby

>> No.10338702

You missed that by like two years.

>> No.10338713

I just want financial security.

>> No.10340462

Can we close this thread already?

>> No.10340563

Same reason people who got lucky support the status quo.

>> No.10340579

Does this look like an Ancap/libertarian board to you?

>> No.10340624

You should probably read The Rise of the Meritocracy.

>> No.10340635


Scientology is where all the cool kids are going.