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10336748 No.10336748 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>read a lot of philosophy
>Nietzsche, Hume, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Yung--if you permit him.
>visit a prestigous university on the west coast
>listen to a speech on ethics made by the head of the philosophy department
>think I can refute his argument, so go to his office hours
>hes a utilitarian, thinks it is objective
>tell him utilitarianism isnt objective bc there is no objective arbiter, and it would constantly change--due to scientific revelations--over time
>Tells me office hours are over, even though he has 15 minutes left on the clock.
>As we are finishing up I ask what could be the justification for utilitarianism, regaurdless of whether or not its objective.

He says good luck with your enquiries, read Mill and Kant.


How can utilitarianism be objective? What could be its objective basis?

Am I brainlet? What sayeth the big brains?

>> No.10336778

Perhaps you.. refuted him..
I'm getting together a sort of group.. a league if you will.. of prodigies, geniuses, and dare I say madmen..
contact me with further details of your.. encounter..
I am interested in the intricacies of your intelligence..
decode this puzzle to find my email..


>> No.10336825
File: 37 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw start with nietzsche

>> No.10336826

I personally didnt start with N. I just listed it first m8. If I remember correctly it was either Hume or Kierkegaard

>> No.10336831

did he say utilitarianism ought to be objective?

>> No.10336878

He said utilitarianism is objective because the goal is to maximize well being, which he says, can be defined. I then asked a couple probing questions, later coming to, "Even if utility itself can be objective--which it cant--what is your justification for it being right?". Thats where he stopped the conversation.

>> No.10336891

Wht should I care about others getting maximized at all?

>> No.10336903

If you allow that wellness/utility/whatever is the foremost moral value, then it follows that maximizing it is a moral imperative. You need to either deny that whatever value is at stake is a moral good, or you need to refute the maximalization-principle. Attacking the assertion of objectivity is a misplay, for as soon as you grant the above two principles, the necessary conclusion of utilitarianism follows.

>> No.10336935

I didnt grant his premises though senpai

>> No.10336979

Then you're just in a deadlock. Any discussion depends on shared premises. A better angle is to attack the basis for utilitarianism: suffering is often formative, is a part of a balanced life, etc.

>> No.10336987

sorry, that was unclear. attacking the objective nature of the position is misguided. the substance isn't in the deduction, but in the premises

>> No.10337016

Why is it misguided? I am starving to here a good argument as to how utilitarianism is objective. Still starving.
I critisized his premises and justification, later in the discussion, but I suppose you are saying I should have started there?

>> No.10337043

It's objective because the conclusion follows from the premises. If you grant the premises, then utlitarianism follows. If you don't, it doesn't. The question of the objectivity isn't interesting here, what's interesting is whether we ought to accept the premises. That's the basis for all the silly thought-experiments used in moral philosophy: they're essentially reductios. The fact that the argument is valid doesn't, however, mean that it's a good argument. That's why you should attack the premises. If you accept those for the sake of argument, you end up attacking your opponent's defenses. The basis for the premises and how they crash with our intuitions in various ways is the soft underbelly of utilitarianism (in my opinion, anyway).

>> No.10337047

you just keep repeating yourself anon

>> No.10337058

probably, I'm feeling a bit scatterbrained. Long day. In my defense, there's not much more to it. It's objective because it's a valid logical deduction

>> No.10337068

>>Nietzsche, Hume, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard
All of which are garbage. Good job you soy-boy faggot.

>not sticking to Plato and Aristotle

>> No.10337083

>i can LARP and hide in ancient books from reality
ok anon have fun with your make-believe

>> No.10337087

>sticking to plato and aristotle

You are the musical equivalent of someone qho only listens to classic rock, because modern music is just so shallow and bad. GO FUCK YOURSELF!
Granted, I need to read Aristotle, but stay there, once again, GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU PRETENTIOUS FAGGOT

>> No.10337103

why are utilitarians such charlatans?

you shouldn't

>> No.10337115

I know right, what are we missing anon? This guy is the head of the philosophy department at a really good university. How does this happen?

>> No.10337130

Imagine you're one of Peter Singer's grad students and you've decided to donate one of your kidneys, because you wholeheartedly believe in his ethics. If he found out about it, I'd imagine he'd go wide-eyed, take you into his office and say something like "oh my god, you didn't actually believe any of this, did you?"

>> No.10337152

because utilitarianism is baby's first ethics

>> No.10337156

that or error theory

>> No.10337161

eh i don't mind error theory too much. however i've had to read mackie for a course before and... yikes lmao

>> No.10337166

I haven't read him

What's his deal?

>> No.10337174

Dude, I kind of got this vibe. I brought up N's objective amorality and he had a twinkle in his eye. I couldnt/cant pinpoint what he was thinking, but it felt like he was saying, "See, why are you even asking me this question?" Tripped me out desu. Like, he says hes a utilitarian just so his students dont start killing people and shit.
Of course, this is all speculation though.

>> No.10337191

he's an ethical cognitivist and anti-realist.

cognitivist= a claim about language in moral claims. moral statements are statements which attempt to make claims which are either true or false (as opposed to being merely manifestations of psychological or emotional desires)

anti-realist= moral facts, or evidence which we could use to verify moral claims, do not exist in the world.

therefore, every time we talk about morality, we are trying to say something true or false, or make a verifiable claim, but we always do so erroneously, because the facts we attempt to refer to do not exist.

his two famous meme-tier arguments are the argument from disagreement and the argument from queerness (lmao gay).

argument from disagreement = if we've always disagreed on what morality is, and different cultures have always had different conceptions of morality, how can there be moral facts? muh relativism

argument from queerness (lmao)= if moral facts did exist, they would be different than any other kind of fact because moral facts exert upon us a 'pull'... they inherently give us a reason to act in a certain way when normal scientific facts don't... and that's queer i guess?

>> No.10337204

I know about error theory and that he came up with it, but I was just wondering what made you say "yikes"

>argument from disagreement = if we've always disagreed on what morality is, and different cultures have always had different conceptions of morality, how can there be moral facts? muh relativism
desu this line of "reasoning" works more against relativism and anti-realism but whatever floats his boat I guess

>argument from queerness (lmao)= if moral facts did exist, they would be different than any other kind of fact because moral facts exert upon us a 'pull'... they inherently give us a reason to act in a certain way when normal scientific facts
"moral facts are weird natural facts" who the fuck argues this

>> No.10337205

>utilitarians still exist

>> No.10337212

>who the fuck argues this
i know right?? my prof fucking loved the guy for some reason. had to write a paper on him and had a question on the final about him- i guess that's where my yikes originates from

>> No.10337220

It seems like he's setting up and knocking down a strawman

none of those arguments can even touch Aristotelian or Kantian ethics

>> No.10337233

yeah it seems like just a really weak and bad version of the is-ought problem

is this all it takes to become a famous philosopher

>> No.10337237

>"moral facts are weird natural facts"
Thomists, but within a specific framework where everything is tied to being and essence. It's of course not as stupid as Mackie makes it seem.
It can justify anything and is now an industry, this is a short, but insightful interview on the subject https://www.bioedge.org/bioethics/interview-david-s.-oderberg/11695

>> No.10337294

What's the university?

>> No.10337331

Wouldnt it be in bad taste to say which one?

>> No.10337337

no, nothing is in bad taste if its done in earnest and without regard for the consequences but only for the virtue of the act itself. you pleb

>> No.10337341

University of Arizona

>> No.10337345

>hes a utilitarian

>> No.10337347

In b4 american southwest, not west coast

>> No.10337367

The professor is actually a Kantian, however, when I was talking to him, he was arguing for Kants ethical position. Didnt have a chance to get to Kant

>> No.10337370

He was arguin for *utilitarianism. My bad guys

>> No.10337372

im so sorry you live in Arizona

>> No.10337375

moral "philosophy" is a shitshow

>> No.10337378

You should probably delete this post

>> No.10337388

Isnt the presumtion of there being no objectivity a claim based in the belief of objectivity? Isnt your behivoiur dogmatic?

>> No.10337487

>be me
>studied philosophy for years at a prestigious university
>finally after years of hard studies I get employment at said
>slowly over the years I make a name of myself through hard work and research untill I become head of the philosophy department
>one day I hold a speech about ethics
>a little after the speech as I sit in my office writing on my magnus opus I'm interrupted by a knock on my door
>a greasy autodidact enters and starts an autistic rant about things he clearly don't understand
>I try to explain my point but he just repeats his primitive positions
>I have better thing to do so I give him some reading advise but he starts to autistically screech that he won the "debate"
>have to threaten him with calling security to get him to leave

Why does autodidacts do this? Do they also think that it is proper to harass a physics professor with their "discovery" that Newtons laws are incorrect after watching some Khan acdemy videos on youtube?

>> No.10337509

Oh, hey Mollymeme. Nice to see you here

>> No.10337517

I was saying you cant prove an objective moral code. The burden of proof is on him

>> No.10337541

So many wrong assumptions, lol. Never repeated myself, never said I "won", no threats. FUCK OFF

>> No.10337548

did that hit a little too close to home

>> No.10337557

No it didnt. Your tone is just gross. Your assumptions are absolutely baseless. Whatever zane, talk to you later

>> No.10337578

Kill yourself

>> No.10337586
File: 627 KB, 1116x880, frege.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>study everything ever written about philosophy, logic, and mathematics
>finally gain employment as a professor
>completely reinvent the entire field of logic
>create an entire new branch of philosophy
>do ground-breaking work on the foundations of mathematics
>one day I try to take another crack at Russell's paradox
>a greasy autodidact randomly shows up at my house and starts an autistic rant about things he clearly doesn't understand
>he tries to give some of his fucking papers
>read them
>I try to carefully explain where he went wrong, but he just repeats his primitive positions
>I have better things to do so I just give him some reading advice
>He keeps showing up at my place
>Give him a letter of recommendation to my collegue so he'll go off and bother him instead
>9 years later
>He refutes my entire life's work

>> No.10337590

different anon at the end of an equally long day — if i construct an objectively valid argument for anti-utilitarianisn, then both are equally valid. the objectivity i think OP is searching for is the soundness of one argument against another.

>> No.10338881
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Ha! I keked. Nice anon

>> No.10339150

Maybe he's not interested in yet another basic philo argument with some random. Read his works if you want to hear what he has to say.

>> No.10339157

I listened to him speak for two hours bruh. I was addressing the points from his speech. I know you think you are being reasonable, and you think I think Im smarter than a professor at a prestigious university--which I dont necessarily think, but please, take this opportunity to try and suck your own dick

>> No.10339470

impressive. very nice

>> No.10339487

Happiness while contained in the subject and the reasons thereof being subjective is still objective. It still exists.
Whether this solves the ought/is problem(which it doesn't, because logic and God do) is another question.

>> No.10339494

.oO(...and these guys wonder why people call them pretentious retards...)