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10335967 No.10335967 [Reply] [Original]

“Every single human feeling, thought, or action at any level of experience or awareness can be categorized
under two equally valid but opposite reactions to the absurdity of the universe. Rejection and destruction or
acceptance and building.”

“Fundamental individual destructive tendencies given our free will in a meaningless existence are a lack of
self-control, cowardice, a lack of wonder, and a lack of sense of humor. Without courage, self-control,
wonder and/or humor the individual and society disintegrates. A lack of those four things leads people to
wrath, depression, madness, hedonism, and ignorance. These five major ways that destructiveness occurs
greatly diminish the quality of someone’s life and eventually lead to the cessation of life for the individual
and humanity.”


Existing produces mental and physical suffering. Other people or society as a whole can exacerbate
suffering produced by existing. The source of this mental and physical suffering is powerlessness. An
individual that feels powerless may reject the conditions that produce the powerlessness and retaliate
through wrath as an attempt to gain power. The attempt to gain power through wrath is either the attempt to
supersede the powerlessness by trying to obtain all the power one can get (which indirectly creates
destructiveness in the individual and society), or the direct destruction of anything that creates

Wrath is destruction and destruction is power.
Wrath is extreme power and extreme power is destruction.”

“Society has created beings that are different and more than just animals, but we still retain an underlying animalistic nature.

Society is full of individuals that interact with one another. Each of these individuals must have a degree of autonomy and individual power in order to be on the path of building, but as one individual gains more power, others may lose it, and can fall into destructiveness through wrath and especially despair. Society provides guidelines for social interactions and the allocation of power.

Considering these two important components of human nature (Underlying Animal/ Underlying Power) in relation to society:

1. A strong society is based in balancing the pursuance of our biological nature completely and the rejection of our biological nature.
2. A strong society is based in balancing the desire to obtain all power and the desire to relinquish all power from ourselves.

These are the Biological-Artificial Spectrum and the Power Spectrum.”

>> No.10335970

“Complete animalistic sexual behavior in men is characterized by the pursuance of having sex with many women with disregard for choosing a single mate to create a family with.

Complete animalistic sexual behavior in women is characterized by the pursuance of a man or many men for only their high sexual prowess with disregard for the creation of a strong family due to:
A. The woman’s direct desire to put off raising a family in this pursuit, which also contributes to a long-term negative effect in the creation of a family in section C.
B. The unlikelihood that a man with high sexual prowess will settle down and raise a child with the particular woman given the fact that he has many other options and may be animalistic himself.
C. The elimination of the possibility of raising a strong family with a man who has less sexual prowess than any man the woman has had sex with before. The reason for this is that a woman will only remain submissive and desire to be with the man who is the top alpha male in her sexual past. The alpha male creates in the woman feelings and pleasure that is unmatched by others, and is the only man that can truly command respect from the woman in a relationship. A man who remains in a relationship with a woman in which he has no possibility for becoming the top alpha male in her sexual history is a beta and therefore weaker and inferior to the actual alpha male from the perspective of the woman and her feelings. If the woman disregards her sexual hierarchy and starts a family with a beta male, the partnership is doomed to be weak and they will fail in remaining together and fail to create strong offspring. The woman may have chosen the beta for his provider status because of her inability to hold down an alpha male. The beta is a provider of both monetary and emotional support for the woman. The woman is the dominant person in the relationship with the beta male because she holds the locus of power in the relationship- her sexual feelings and needs that are not being met.”

“The worst thing that comes with the rejection of animalistic behavior and power-seeking is sexual degeneration. In a strong society there is a strong polarity between the sexes with men being dominant and masculine, and women being submissive and feminine. But of course with free will, and a society that allows for complete freedom, anything is acceptable. But why should our polar animalistic nature be retained? Proponents of unrestricted free will ask why is it desired for men to remain men and women to remain women when these creations can be dismantled and replaced with something else? Why not continue with our society in which more and more men become feminine and more women become masculine? Why not take it to its conclusion with a new humanity where all women are the masculine beings and all men are the feminine, or a new humanity comprised of androgynous things?

Our base polar nature should be retained because it is a base guideline to

>> No.10335974

work off of and use as a mental and social anchor, because it is practical, and most importantly because it is necessary.”


An economic system that aligns with and harnesses the core nature of human existence and rejects destructiveness is needed for humanity to be on the path of building.

This system would recognize the need for each individual to obtain power and would harness the individual will to obtain power, but it would involve rejecting excessiveness in extortion and hoarding. To combat excessive power seeking through hoarding, people in power must allow for the offloading of power in money and ownership to others that deserve it, along with consumers rejecting businesses run by excessive power-seekers. Power cannot be offloaded to those who do not deserve the power though. These are people who will relinquish all responsibility from themselves and will not work hard or work at all.

All of this achieves a balance in the power spectrum, the key to building.

The economic system I have created that strives for complete building is called Conscious Capitalism. It is beyond capitalism, and it is beyond any economic system ever devised in the history of mankind. It is beyond any system because it supersedes rigid structure and is based in personal choice, cooperation, and nuance. This economic system is individualism and collectivism intertwined in their strongest forms.”

“I envision society being comprised of agrarian communities that are created and maintained by a close-knit group of people competent in many areas working for one another in mutual benefit, rather than isolated people pushing off tasks to unknown specialists in an industrialized wasteland.

There needs to be a growing respect and support of the masculine worker and builder. Craftsmanship needs to be brought back and supported. A craftsman self-actualizes and is fulfilled by his work. The same goes for women that practice a craft. There is a sense of power and accomplishment in this kind of work. There must be a societal push on all fronts in bringing back small-scale craftsmanship, one area being that consumers must seek it out.

Our technological corporate economic structure leads to the breakdown of the polar nature in man and woman. Our economic structure feminizes men and masculinizes women. An agrarian-like limited technological economic structure allows for women to work in feminine areas of home-work and land-work (homekeeping) and craftsmanship, and allows for men to work in masculine areas of home-work and land-work (husbandry) and craftsmanship.”

>> No.10335980

“We shape the environment and our environment shapes us. The environment contributes to the aesthetic of physical existence, which influences our aesthetic perception, and mind. Some aesthetics are better than others. Human beings create the aesthetic of cities, buildings, land, and existence. The aesthetic must be created with intelligence and planning. Its construction must get rid of artificiality and distraction. The distraction is a distraction from the fact that we live in a universe in which we do not know everything and are not in absolute control. Artificiality creates this distraction. The environment should not convey that humanity has taken over Earth, but is rather a part of Earth.

The ideal creation of an environment and infrastructure is one in which our entire concrete/asphalt jungle we call civilization is undone. How this environment will play out and function in the whole of society can be found in the sections on economics and technology. Technology has completely and seemingly irreversibly changed the infrastructure, aesthetic, and existence of the environment and community. It has completely and seemingly irreversibly annihilated a natural and wonder inspiring environment and life. The industrialization of our world must be undone. Cities must be recreated to be small, functional, conducive to community, and intertwined with nature, with structures made of “natural materials” that create an aesthetic that invokes naturalness. Our current environment evokes constriction, isolation, a separation from nature, a separation from one another, excessive industriousness, an acceleration of day-to-day life, confusion, artificiality, and powerlessness. What we physically create and see as our environment reflects our internal selves as a society. The environment doesn’t mean just outside either. What we see and use within our homes and workplaces must also be an aesthetic free from excessive artificiality and should be “of nature”, meaning we should strive to purchase things of nature that are made in a “natural way” (tying this in with the economics section: made from self-actualizing craftsmen who use scaled down production with natural raw materials).”

>> No.10335987

“Regarding the disintegration of community, in which technology has contributed in many ways, there are no communal venues for social interaction and we have very little and stunted interaction between people even if they are in close proximity. There is a lack of beneficial relationships in the community and this plays out in the formation of relations between man and woman. A man and woman could meet anywhere under any circumstances and form a relationship, just as any two people can meet and form a friendship, but our society is now designed against the facilitation of forming strong relationships.

To begin with, everyone is inside their houses. With the internet, TVs, online shopping, and more, people don't need to leave their houses for anything. All needs are satisfied at the click of a button.

Outside of the home, people isolate themselves in their cars and drive to designated places to get something done and get out, usually a large corporation in which humanity has been stripped- starting with a lack of ownership interested in community, trickling down into the workers disinterested in their job, employer, and people who they interact with, trickling down into the consumers who have no interest in interacting with each other. Our society now values efficiency, competition, isolation and individuality, me against you, me separate from you, me don’t know you, me don’t care about you, me don’t want to talk to
you. There is no conduciveness to social interaction and formation of relationships and COMMUNITY.”

“The Foundation is a foundation for the exploration of our existence in a holistic sense and also in a physical sense. The foundation for exploration is a foundation for the physical exploration of our universe. The physical exploration of the universe is a component of the holistic exploration of our existence in searching the unknown and providing structure to continue searching the unknown. Part of the purpose of all the foundations in building and preventing destruction is to provide a base framework for the continuing exploration of existence.”

>> No.10335989

Tl;Dr simplify in your own words

>> No.10335994

Buy a banner Sean for fuck's sake. Nobody is interested in your autismal shitfest of a book.

>> No.10336026

Fuck off shillerino.

>> No.10336045

With free will we can choose either life (along with deep contentment with existence) or destruction. In order to reject destruction and forge a deep contentment with existence, people must have self-control, courage, wonder, humor, and balance the pursuance of their animalistic nature completely with rejecting their animalistic nature completely. Society is created by people, and creates people, and must be created in a way that brings power to every person rather than inflicting powerlessness. A society comprised of promiscuous men and women is not conducive to creating families, the bedrock of power and happiness and creating strong, happy people. People must work together economically speaking instead of trying to extort and out-compete one another. We must create an environmental aesthetic and society that is infused with nature, as nature connects the individual with the universe and creates a deep contentment with existence in the individual. The creation of strong well-connected communities is vital to individual happiness. We must explore the universe.

>> No.10336053
File: 41 KB, 225x195, sadfrogSmugHappyDancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to post this.
>a holistic sense and also in a physical sense
Made me smile and also in a physical sense.

>> No.10336059

can someone hit me up with an epub or pdf of this?

>> No.10336066


>> No.10336067

Mr. Goonan, i'm not buying your book until you release it in an e-book format.

>> No.10336076

>We must explore the universe.
Beyond scientific knowledge, how does exploring the universe bring people back to nature?

Oh you, by the poster count, it must be a double (You)

>> No.10336084

>and must be created
another spooked man

>> No.10336098

Go to bead Sean

>> No.10336118

Exploring the universe saves us from cosmic and earthly extinction events, solves the overpopulation problem, forces our species to become the best of ourselves in terms of self-control, courage, wonder (pursuing the path of building), helps men achieve the ideal state of masculinity and happiness due to this, provides us with a struggle to overcome, connects us with nature (nature is not just plants, one way to define it is all of what is outside of our artificial creation), and provides sustenance for our sense of wonder.

It is explained why it "must" be created in certain ways. You are the spook.

>> No.10336265
File: 89 KB, 500x455, allesGute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apart from the Star Trek thesis, come on:
>helps men achieve the ideal state of masculinity and happiness due to this
Being fat/unfitt and getting your love from prostitutes is the 'tech'/'engineering' industry standard. You need a couple of hundred of those for one astronaut that fucks its body up by only being in space.
>nature is not just plants, one way to define it is all of what is outside of our artificial creation
But all of the "space"-things we do is artificial. There is not a natural way to do anything in space.
>provides sustenance for our sense of wonder.
Yeah like : "How to make a profit from this old cash cow... I know! It's a colored woman with a mans name and a redhead semen-demon as roommate"

>also pic related

>> No.10336315

Space exploration as in the large scale mobilization of people to colonize other worlds. Life will be very harsh on new worlds in the beginning, it takes ideal men with strong masculine character to build new civilizations.

It is not unnatural for our species to explore the universe. It is ingrained into our being to search, explore, and understand our universe. The cosmos are a part of nature, it is not enough to connect with nature by looking at the stars just as it is not enough to look at a painting of a forest. We have to go out and get in the thicket of it. And as pointed out above, we have to get off this rock or else we go extinct.

>> No.10336323

Fuck off Sean.

>> No.10336362
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fuck off

>> No.10336972

Interesting stuff. Can you explain the economics part? How does it work and why is it better than any other ideology? Why hasn't it been thought of before? Is it feasible?

>> No.10337092

The entire modern economic era after Adam Smith and the Industrial Revolution has been characterized by nothing else but the pursuance of rigid efficiency, profit maximization, depersonalization, short-term self-interest, and competition.

Conscious Capitalism is economics in a personal and holistic viewpoint. It is very simple. Businesses should be created and operated in a way that takes into consideration every way that it effects every individual and society. These businesses should support the self-actualization of the owner and any workers, and should not operate to extort the consumer, but instead create good and services to provide a modest profit to the owner. The owners of businesses should not expand the business beyond the basic needs of their family, and if they do expand, the offloading of power and ownership should be transferred to another man who will be able to support his own family. These businesses must be created to be in the best interest for the community and environment. Consumers must make the conscious decision to support the businesses that are the greatest overall for everyone involved. This means that the consumer must choose to pay a higher price for the goods rather than selecting to buy the cheaper goods from a destructive large-scale corporation. Inflation is eliminated, most income inequality is eliminated, the welfare state is eliminated, there is self-actualizing masculine work for men and self-actualizing feminine work for women (rather than the feminization of men and masculinization of women in the current system), all destructiveness is eliminated and this permeates through all aspects of society and life, everyone has power and happiness.

>> No.10337096

Goonan. Stop. Literally fuck off with your bitchass shilling you giant fucking twerp.

>> No.10337230

If there is no efficiency or competition, won't there be a waste of resources and how can someone distinguish between a good business and a bad one?

>> No.10337574

>won't there be a waste of resources
There would still be enough efficiency, and unnecessary consumption would go down anyway. I don't think there would be a resource problem at all, it will be solved as resources are used sustainably and correctly.

>how can someone distinguish between a good business and a bad one?
This system is all about nuance. It is about people being connected with the local businesses, understanding their practices, and choosing the businesses they want to support accordingly.

>> No.10338863

fuck off goonan

>> No.10338882
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One would think getting T O L D this much would start to make one think.

Go to fucking bed Sean