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File: 117 KB, 1600x1019, benedict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10320439 No.10320439 [Reply] [Original]

Benedict XVI is the final boss of Western thought.

>> No.10320749
File: 79 KB, 540x360, 91a45a0c7dca816ffa24cd515117df65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's his battle theme?

>> No.10320773

Dies Irae

>> No.10320776

should've included a link, huh?

>> No.10320783
File: 158 KB, 962x769, ratzinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ... I've been expecting you ... All my life, all your life, we have prepared for this moment ... This duel of fates.


>> No.10320868

The Dark Brotherhood campaign was so gay in that game

>> No.10320946

they all were

>> No.10320967

If they don't make actually good quests for TES6 I swear I'm killing Todd Howard

>> No.10320970

i was stupid enough to pay for fallout 4. never again

>> No.10320976

My headcanon is that FO4 was actually just a huge operation to get money so they could make a revolutionary TES6.
That's how desperate I am.

>> No.10320991

i started a new oblivion game this avo. Really i think its a bad game itself in most senses but it nailed the generic genre fiction style in an endearing way that compels you to go questing. Skyrim was a bore though after it i stopped caring about new games altogether until mgsv was coming out, and look how that went. TES6 will be a big spectacle for sure but theres no way its going to be good. they'll spend all there time working on auto-generated quests and strategies to market furniture dlc season passes to normals

>> No.10321377

How do you mean?

>> No.10321396

Thesis: Benedict XVI
Anthithesis: Fallout 4
Synthesis: traditionalist Catholic post-apocalyptic neo-feudalism, shifting into cyberpunk acceleration

>> No.10321404
File: 492 KB, 1680x1050, After_The_End_Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got you covered, senpai

>> No.10321408

Where's the noosphere I was promised?

>> No.10321430

Him ending the prophecy saved the world.

>> No.10321438

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10321733

What's his stance on V2?

>> No.10321739

> Benedict is final boss of western thought
> he resigns
> ???
> therefore current Pope is in service of the anti-christ, as predicted by Fatima


>> No.10322275

Please respond.

>> No.10322277


>> No.10322436
File: 381 KB, 600x400, stavrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Benedict XVI was a heretic under the second vatican council, he was deposed for not being regressive enough.

bergoglio is the anti-christ

>> No.10323147 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 685x572, IMG_20171127_182627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit.
Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills[i.e.Rome]will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.

>> No.10323158
File: 73 KB, 685x572, IMG_20171127_182627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit.
>Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills[i.e.Rome]will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.

>> No.10323326

His writings are the sum of all truth and no one need read anything else after having read them.

Pope Benedict is presently being held hostage in the Vatican by the forces of the Antichrist (possibly Bergoglio, though he may merely be a servant). My guess is that the Lord told Benedict to step aside and submit to the evil ones around him in order to begin the End Times. As the other anon has pointed out, Fatima also predicts major happenings this year.

>> No.10323340

I remember when Eco called his theology childish

>> No.10323341

i thought the final boss was wario?

>> No.10323355

Eco was a hack

>> No.10323373

Alberto called everyone names though, he was so full of himself he just sounded like an edgy teen.
>dan brown is a character in my book... get it? my brain contains his brain;)

>> No.10323592

Christianity isn't Western. It's an Asiatic, jewish desert religion.

>> No.10323647

>Western civilization is the synthesis of Greek, Roman, and Christian civilization
>Christianity isn't Western

>> No.10323665
File: 133 KB, 1246x700, wotan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what the unwise actually believe

>> No.10323705

Literally fucking this

>> No.10323718

>pagan LARPer
Germanic paganism was, of all the European pagan religion, was probably the cruelest. At least the Romans and Greeks did not perform human sacrifices. You're sick in the head or just a baby edgelord.

>> No.10323743

Interesting how there's no trace of pagan tradition in modern western society AT ALL except the dates of holidays.

>> No.10323768

Nice try, non-believers. The (ancient) Greeks and Romans were part of Classical civilisation. Western Christianity was never anything other than a misinterpretation of a Middle-Eastern creed. The nobility of the West was Germanic. The spirit of the West is far closer to the Eddas than the Middle-Eastern bible. The old gods, the Aesir, are returning. See the light or perish in the service of Loki, god of trickery and deceit.

>> No.10323794

>Romans and Greeks did not perform human sacrifices

>> No.10323859

>caring about 'the spirit of the west' and sheeit
>we wuz pagans and shieet
>not caring about the absolute truth of the LORD, of spirit and of science
Praying for you, anon.

>> No.10323865

Jewsus didn't even exist.

>> No.10323873

What you call "the west" is a product of Charlemagne. The borders of what you consider Europe are a result of the conflicts between Christians, pagans and muslims. Stop watching HBO softcore porn we wuz vikangs shit.

>> No.10323912
File: 109 KB, 728x546, 1476910826583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Benedict XVI wouldn't acknowledge himself as anything like that. I don't see what's so 'final boss' about him. Perhaps a humble prefiguration, a fellow traveler in speculation, a watchman in the night...

Anyway, on the topic of Popes, has anyone read JPII's Love and Responsibility? Looks interesting, though imposing.

>> No.10323929
File: 318 KB, 496x559, 1501458889751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We want the Destiny audience

>> No.10323933

>we wuz kikes

>> No.10323940

Back to the kiddy corner snownigger

>> No.10323947

lmao get out of here with your skyrim anthropology you amerimutt 16 year old

ebin troll :^)

>> No.10323949

Gotta reform the reform.

>> No.10323952

West - Rome and Jerusalem.

>> No.10323959

>The coastal part of the Levant
>A desert
Plus that whole area spoke Greek as the lingua franca during the time, and huge numbers of ethnic Greeks migrated there after Alexander's conquests.

>> No.10323966

Meanwhile Germans couldn't read and fucked up Rome every chance

>> No.10324002

you may not like it, but this is what peak NRx looks like

>> No.10324004

>we get ruled over by Chads who slowly degenerate into inbred swine fags again

>> No.10324048


>> No.10324065
File: 70 KB, 575x269, 1881schalljesus_00000001116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to read Benedict's "Jesus of Nazareth" book series. It's great.

>> No.10324114

>everyone on the internet is a mestizo in the united states
go to bed, achmed. you're tired

>> No.10324118
File: 170 KB, 1280x891, 912045623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't studied jewish history, and how it parallels that of the muslims and other middle-easterners
Turkey is even closer. Let's invite all the roaches over for a party.

>> No.10324186

No doubt. However, the actual Romans and the Byzantine "Romans" have to take their own responsibility for losing. Let's not forget that Christianity and other new Middle-Eastern cults effectively killed off traditional Classical culture. And that of the Egyptians. And that of the Mesopotamians.

>> No.10324204
File: 99 KB, 386x600, pid_28174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tackle this bad boy yet? The latest from Agamben, partially about Benedict's resignation and end times prophecies.

I haven't read any of his stuff on Christianity.

>> No.10324213
File: 323 KB, 466x575, 1506564120215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading anything written by a representative of the antichrist

Who else here, ich bin en hussite?

>> No.10324250
File: 1.56 MB, 4800x3203, crossin the med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. actual nigger
Not so good at shipbuilding or sailing, huh?

>> No.10324256

>Let's not forget that Christianity and other new Middle-Eastern cults effectively killed off traditional Classical culture.

No I'm pretty sure that was the snowniggers fucking the empire up for their gibsmedats
You're right that Rome needs to take responsibility for its own decline but the rise of Christianity was a response to that cultural degeneracy not the cause

>> No.10324262


>> No.10324295
File: 217 KB, 1600x1062, Transfiguration-of-Jesus-greek-icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it just examine the prophecies, or does it actually make a prediction about the end times? I generally tend to discount prophecies of the end times. It seems counter to Jesus saying that we won't know the day or the hour. I figure the Second Coming will be at some point that literally nobody suspects.

>> No.10324310


Dies Irae by Verdi is way better

>> No.10324313

At this point, the burden of proof is on you, fedora.

>> No.10324324

That sculpture is an abomination.

>> No.10324413

Brethren. Also look at the relationship between the Jews and the Persian Zoroastrians. Or look at how much Islamic expression was shaped by the pre-Islamic Persians and the Orthodox Byzantines.

>> No.10324477

What are they about?

>> No.10324567
File: 138 KB, 1030x850, the-crucifixion-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think, Anon?

>> No.10324582

>teleports behind you
>covers up large-scale pedo ring
>pssh, nothing personell my son

>> No.10324620

There can be only one.

>> No.10324690

Just read it. Worth a read, only takes like an hour.

>> No.10324855

Hahaha is that a shop? Kushner looks like the guy with hurt feet in the corner of that party meme

>> No.10326752

Here's a fantastic book commentary on the Apocalypse, despite having a cheesy title.


>> No.10326995

Eco never had an original thought in his life. His book on Aquinas is the only book on philosophy I ever read completely destitute of any insight.

>> No.10327301

how can i get into these? got any names for me?

>> No.10327334
File: 278 KB, 1442x1080, 0cc0385ab1a79d83cb5431b7f22dc167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah it looks quite apocalyptic desu. Very Roman and very postmodern.

>> No.10327342

What game is this?

>> No.10327347

I think he examines the nature of the prophecies and the concept of Katechon (he who restrains the coming of the lawless one and anti-christ) and the significance of Benedict's resignation. I read in a review that he hints that Benedict resigned because of "corruption" and not general fatigue.

this man knows and James Joyce agrees

Got an e-book? Would you say Agamben is still closeted-Catholic-atheist tier much like Zizek?

>> No.10327363

Holy shit, that's like the depiction of Evil

>> No.10327447

>Let's not forget that Christianity and other new Middle-Eastern cults effectively killed off traditional Classical culture. And that of the Egyptians.

False. Egyptian culture had been killed off by Hellenism and Romans. Which is why Egyptians were so eager to convert to Christianity, what with the resurrection and all it seemed closer to their native believes. European pagans had supressed their own (pagan) religion and forced them to burn alms for the colonizers.

It's just a little thing neo-pagan armchair historians like to gloss over while they blame everything on le foreign monotheism.

>> No.10327604
File: 9 KB, 250x250, dHb4CO7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is /lit/ as fuck

>> No.10327744
File: 6 KB, 230x220, download (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No I'm pretty sure that was the snowniggers fucking the empire up for their gibsmedats
Made me spew my soymilk

>> No.10327802

Kek. What? Greco-Roman culture was extraordinarily tolerant of foreign practices for the most part. They even tried to give the rabble rousing Jews a chance. Native Egyptian practices continued under the Greek Ptolemaic dynasty and the still-Classical Romans. The Isis cult even became popular in Hellenised form outside of Egypt. Also, the Osirian resurrection was nothing like that of Jesus.

>Meanwhile,Christianity spread across Egypt, and in the third and fourth centuries AD, edicts by Christian emperors andiconoclasmby local Christians eroded traditional beliefs. While it persisted among the populace for some time, Egyptian religion slowly faded away.

>Grindle, Gilbert (1892)The Destruction of Paganism in the Roman Empire, pp.29–30. Quote summary: For example, Theodosius ordered Cynegius (Zosimus 4.37), the praetorian prefect of the East, to permanently close down the temples and forbade the worship of the deities throughout Egypt and the East. Most of the destruction in the East was perpetrated by Christian monks and bishops.

>> No.10327804
File: 2.44 MB, 640x360, stop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch it kid

>> No.10327822
File: 26 KB, 307x429, Joseph Ratzinger in his Hitler Youth uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drop em on london

>> No.10327830


>> No.10327832

But wasn't he part of V2? Or was he like the other anon said, on the conservative side of V2, supporting it more out of politeness and a desire to maintain unity?

>> No.10327865

i was making a nazi rocket joke anone

>> No.10327925

muh dick

t. pynchon

>> No.10328000

>absolute truth of the lord
Nice nonexistent meme
And the other two exist and work with paganism

>> No.10328018
File: 190 KB, 510x346, 1508634549999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>closeted Catholic atheist tier much like zizek
>much like zizek

>> No.10329065

That's a lot of landlockedness.

>> No.10329096
File: 42 KB, 580x488, wind-blown-pontiff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dvorak's Dies Irae is objectively superior

>> No.10329222

Does that pic represent you or I? Because Lacanians are a deeply closeted Catholic people. They've told themselves Catholicism isn't true but then replace it with a system that mirrors Catholicism in many ways but adamantly refuses to cure them of their "I'm pathetic and will be alone forever" autism.

>> No.10330118

>Got an e-book? Would you say Agamben is still closeted-Catholic-atheist tier much like Zizek?
I bought it off Amazon. I would upload it but I have no idea how to get files off of the Kindle. It's hard to discern how religious he is from what I read. He definitely has a strong concern for the current state of the Church, which indicates that he cares about religion itself.

>> No.10331298


>> No.10331363

Woah! This this a mod or an expansion to CKII? What's its name?

>> No.10331374

>Love and Responsibility
A friend of mine had read it recently. He enjoyed it thoroughly. If he likes it, I can whole heartedly say read it.

>> No.10331459

Nothing wrong with that if you cite sources like the guy did. I hope you're not a nigger LARPing as Egyptian.

>> No.10331516

They're both awful. Too bombastic for a requiem mass.

>> No.10331622

Mass is a genre of music for Verdi and Mozart, it's performed, but not used much or at all in liturgy. MacIntyre had some interesting writings on this.

>> No.10331660

in the news they said he's against aids in africa and his policies are unscientifically. is this true?

>> No.10331806

Learn to write a coherent sentence please.

>> No.10331832

Sadly most people aren't aware Benedict will go down in history for being the most educated Pope ever.

>> No.10331848

Where do I start with Ratzinger?

>> No.10331881


>> No.10331988

I think Pius X and XII were comparative in this regard and had a better eye for the tides of history. Benedict was too soft gloved in many regards, but indeed his writings are excellent.

>> No.10332074

you are faggot