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/lit/ - Literature

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10321043 No.10321043 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have any suggestions on sci-fi/fantasy books which break away from the hero's journey? I mainly just want an idea of what works and what doesn't. I know a lot of Lovecraftian stuff does. Just spent most of my life playing games, reading comics or reading books which are really popular(LotR, H. P., GoT, Horus Heresy, Dune, etc.) and I just want to break away from all that stuff. A friend suggested the Foundation Trilogy to me(which I'm still reading), and I'm currently looking up Phillip K. Dick books.

>help me find fictional books which break away from the norm
>the darker the better

>> No.10321075

I'm trying to think of the title of a particular work. Its cover is a kind of head with a pavillon or horn as the ear, or something. It's something to do with sanity.

>> No.10321081

I'll give you tree fiddy

>> No.10321385

Read I Am Legend

>> No.10321541
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Just read Sanderson's cosmere, start with the Way of Kings. But if you're really looking for something different, take the black pill and read berserk

>> No.10322128

check out /sffg/ here on /lit/. This thread doesn't seem like it's going very good.

>> No.10322576

what was the place that women (or, at least, the Bene Gesserit) feared to go?

>> No.10322710

spice heh

>> No.10322729


>> No.10322756

I always here good things about Berserk but it always just seems edgy to me.

>> No.10322889
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Believe me, its edgy as fuck, but at the same time it's amazing

>> No.10322920

The Heros Journey is sci fi

>> No.10323072


Eon and Eternity by Greg Bear. Two of my fav sci-fi


>> No.10323114

it's pretty stupid. the art is the best part of it, but it's a lot of dumb shit surrounding some cool moments.