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File: 24 KB, 350x330, pound1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10313796 No.10313796 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about catholics or fascists autors?

I wanna some indications of writers like Ezra Pound, Georges Bernanos, Chesterton, etc.


>> No.10313828

Beau de Loménie, Maurras

>> No.10313942
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Sure, OP. Fascist here, by the way.

Wyndham Lewis
Oswald Mosley
W.B Yeats
Mussolini (not a joke)
Julius Evola
Savitri Devi
Miguel Serrano
George Lincoln Rockwell
Troy Southgate
Alfred Rosenberg

>> No.10313960

> No Guénon
> No Giovanni Gentile
Smh Anon

>> No.10313965

Pound was a homosexual Neo-Pagan, where the fuck did you get the idea he was Catholic?

>> No.10313973

I wouldn't consider Guenon Fascist, personally.

I genuinely just forgot Gentile -- my mind thought to mention him, but it was dashed away as other names came rolling in.

>> No.10313978

How do you put the two in the same box even?

>> No.10313981

>or fascist

>> No.10313988

Oh I read that as a Catholic - Fascist since that'd make more sense. Damn that is a stupid OP

>> No.10313990

Calling Pound a fascist writer is very misleading. But I recommend Aleister Crowley.

>> No.10313996

Pick one.

>> No.10313997

Anyone know some postmodern authors who are actually fascists?

>> No.10314007

David Foster Wallace

>> No.10314017

Many of the prominent and leading members of the Partito Nazionale Fascista were Catholic.

Are you retarded?

>> No.10314036

Claiming you're Catholic and actually being a Catholic in spirit are two seperate matters

>> No.10314038

>catholics or fascists
Why would you even put those two categories together? Why not protestant or neo-liberal authors? Why not black or socially isolated authors? Why not gay or straight authors?

>> No.10314056

He was a fash who wrote. He’s a fascist writer. You wouldn’t find fascism in his works though, you’re right.

>> No.10314123


>> No.10314127

Maybe fascism in the form of confuscianism

>> No.10314139

>Catholic or fascist authors
Georges Bernanos would cry at this thread

>> No.10314169
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OP here.
I'm not going to start a debate between Catholicism and fascism.
There are some intrinsic differences, mainly because fascism has a very "secular spirituality" and has the nation as its sole end, the question about education and etc.
But there're some similarities, Mussolini and Pope Pio IX have some problems but have exchange of compliments and help.

About Ezra, he defined himself as fascist, he criticized the jews, usury and etc. It's the kind of thing I wanna read.

Sorry but I have some vocabulary limitations to start a conversation about political metaphysics, I only can do that in my language.
But I appreciate the help and comments.
I really appreciate the indications.

>> No.10314177
File: 89 KB, 371x489, Codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome. What is your primary language?

I would also mention Corneliu Codreanu.

>> No.10314183

>Aleister Crowley
>known asset of Atlanticist intelligence agencies
Crowley is without a doubt alt-right tho

>> No.10314189

>What is your primary language?

>Corneliu Codreanu.
Noted. Thanks.

>> No.10314190

You specified Mussolini wasn't a joke, so Savitri was one, right?

>> No.10314201
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Why would she be?

>> No.10314211

Are you guys saying being a fascist is a sin that automatically cuts off access to salvation, or to the sacraments of the church? It's not possible to be a Catholic and a sinner if that sin is that your political preferences conflict with Catholic beliefs?

>> No.10314253

It is not possible to act in a way fascists do (in the way they want people to act anyway) and not be in a state of mortal sin, much the same as with communism because both require rejection of various premises of Catholicism. So you can be officially Catholic, but you cannot be a genuine one, as the two sets of beliefs require acting in wholely different ways.

>> No.10314260

Celine was a Nazi sympathizer. If I'm not wrong, he was expatriated from France because of his views.

>> No.10314272

So it's "acting in a way fascists do" that damns you, but not simply believing in a way that fascists do. Which acts that fascists do damn you?

>> No.10314284

Fascism glorifies the nation and many strains of it support some degree of intolerance. Christianity glorifies God and supports some degree of acceptance and humility. They may be similar in some aspects (namely glorification of a greater entity), but I don't believe they can be reconciled. I'm >>10314127 and >>10314123 btw.

>> No.10314293

I meant >>10313996 not
>>10314123, my b.

>> No.10314294

Putting the state before God.

>> No.10314339

Probably a lot of Spaniards on this list but i cant be arsed.

>> No.10314351

Christianity is very clear that all men are equal under God and compassion is the most important principle to live by. Fascism is radically opposed to these notions and hence why they end up becoming neo-pagan LARPers

>> No.10314380

Alphonse de Châteaubriant
Léon Degrelle
Adrien Arcand
Primo de Rivera
Robert Brasillach
Abel Bonnard
= catholics + fascists.

Drieu La Rochelle
= fascists

Ans finally
Broch (esp. Sleepwalkers ans The death of Virgil)
= catholics

>> No.10314388

Céline wasn't a fascist, he just found them amusing to hang out with

>> No.10314467

This. The nazis were fairly sceptical of anthing curch related since theology undermines the absolute authority of the fascist state. They did start a bit of a neo-pagan movement that was a leftover from the völkische Bewegung but it stopped being supported when it become to esoteric for Hitler, he had very little interest in any ideology that wasn't useful for obtaining or maintaining political power.

>> No.10314610

He sold out jews

>> No.10314680

He's way too jaded and spiteful towards any notion of patriotism to be a Fascist though

>> No.10314799

I came across a review of an interesting sounding novel by "a man of the Spanish right" that I'll likely never read, "The Cypresses Believe in God" by José María Gironella

>It’s through [the character] César that Gironella plays out his sharpest critique of both Left and Right: that they are both replacements for Catholic faith, replacements which turn violence outward against others rather than taking suffering on themselves.

>> No.10314814

This has been obvious for some time. As Nietzsche himself wrote about. Secularism is a failed project

>> No.10314870
File: 269 KB, 753x755, Austrofaschistische Aktion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Austrofascism was very catholic and very fascist, they're not mutually exclusive.

>> No.10315002

hating jews is a trait shared by most civilizations in world history; it's not uniquely fascist

>> No.10315202

What the book where Nietzsche condenm the secularism?

>> No.10315233

Austrofascism was the conservatives larping as fascists though so Uncle Adolf wouldn't annex them outright

>> No.10315247
File: 174 KB, 409x480, Falanga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good falangist writing out there in English?

>> No.10315445

certainly not a catholic or a fascist

>> No.10315467

>certainly not a catholic or a fascist
>or a fascist

>> No.10315935
File: 123 KB, 1200x1200, buddy-holly-9342186-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theread to discuss Catholic writers
>no mention yet of Evelyn Waugh or Flannery O'Connor
How /lit/ has fallen

>> No.10315952


>> No.10316057

>Christianity is very clear that all men are equal under God
This is incorrect, as shown by the parables of the talents. Responsibility, duty, social standing, talent and all other things set us on different scales. God will judge justly and all baptized people are his children, but they aren't equal before him.
>and compassion is the most important principle to live by.
The most important principle is total devotion to God and absolute love for him and ordaining your life and how you act towards others in accordance with that finality. Compassion is a rather arbitrary term these days.

>> No.10316061

modern catholic writer would be Christopher Ferrara

try "Liberty the God that Failed"

>> No.10316064

Stop posturing. Every one and their mother knows Evelyn Waugh and Flannery O'Connor. And why the fuck? It's not a Catholic thread. It's a """catholic and fascist""" thread
Dumb cultural Christian. Dumb Catholic chauvinist. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

>> No.10316082

Hi The Remnant Newspaper shill

>> No.10316440
File: 55 KB, 850x400, quote-violence-is-not-necessary-to-destroy-a-civilization-each-civilization-dies-from-indifference-nicolas-gomez-davila-80-7-0745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pound wasn't gay. He married and had a daughter who spoke German and Italian. He was sort of a Confucius larper but he said some positive things about Catholicism but only to appease the Italians, and he praised Catholicism because he saw it as more pagan. T.S. Eliot thought this was kind of stupid.

Well, he literally shilled for Mussolini. That IS fascism. He was more into fascism than National Socialism. Aleister Crowley is garbage. I don't know or care if he's a fascist though.

This. Based Bernanos.

He left France during WWII, went to Germany, then Denmark. They let him come back and his trial didn't go so bad. He also claimed that all of his problems came from publishing Journey to the end of the night. Why? Because he wrote a great novel that made leftists think he was one of them, only for them to later realize he was blaming everything on Jews and despised these leftists (Sartre is the big one). I guess he thought he was being persecuted for having managed to get a right-wing novel in the western canon.

He very clearly shills for fascism in his pamphlets. There's a funny diary entry from Ernst Junger when he met Celine in Paris. He describes him as being obsessed with death, and that he would talk about it like it were a little poodle dog sitting next to him on a chair. Junger thought Celine was meme tier IRL.
> He's way too jaded and spiteful towards any notion of patriotism to be a Fascist though

He advocated white nationalism though and that France and Germany should always be friends. He disliked nationalism because it lead to white people fighting each other.

Nice find!

Anglos need to stay the fuck out of politics and philosophy. Don't even get me started on their novels.

I think what you meant to say is Catholic or reactionary authors. Fascism implies modernism and secularism (to a degree). Catholicism, at least traditional Catholicism, is much less modern than fascism but perhaps as reactionary in the eyes of a liberal. Check out Nicola Gomez Davila. He only wrote aphorisms. They're all here.

>> No.10316458

OP said Catholic or Fascists

Learn to read

>> No.10316473
File: 74 KB, 1024x897, 1511697511553m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pound was actually forced to advocate mussolini.

>> No.10316502

>willing becoming consumed by ideology, especially a dead ideology
I think this is why I hate you /pol/ crossposters the most. You are so absolutely and utterly misguided, and you think you are headed down the right path.

>> No.10317236

>It is not possible to act in a way fascists do (in the way they want people to act anyway) and not be in a state of mortal sin
Load of shit when talking about Italian Fascism, true for National Socialism (alone for the neo-paganism).

Mussolini came a true believer (for God) towards the end: you only need to read the articles written during RSI, when he longer needed (or could for that matter, being a German puppet) to worry about the state.
Large amount of those articles can be found in English in the 'My rise and fall' release, which has the autobiography (dictated by him, not written) and the 'My fall', which was released after WW2 and which is essentially collection of articles written by Mussolini during the Salo republic.

There is much speculation about the fact that did Mussolini sincerely accept 'spiritual leadership' of Pope following the Lateran accords (or lol, kiss his feet). He probably did, but could not be too honest about it since fascists and especially active squadristi's were very much in spirit against Vatican and religion altogether, like large majority of Italians following the unification.

>> No.10317283

>Pound wasn't gay. He married and had a daughter

Oscar Wilde had a wife and three kids

>> No.10317294

>he fell for the anti-ideology ideology

>> No.10317406

>pound was a homosexual neo-pagan who was forced to advocate mussolini
Nice revisionism ITT.

>> No.10317419

But that is legitimately what happened

>> No.10318401

give me a bibliography about that

>> No.10318408

I've read David Moody's 3 volume Pound biography and I can 100% confirm this is utter nonsense

>> No.10318527
File: 201 KB, 682x1023, 1348605889648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I read pseud writing about a pseud so trust me