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/lit/ - Literature

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10312526 No.10312526 [Reply] [Original]

**Not asking for graphic anal sex**

>> No.10312528

Andre Gide
my diary desu

>> No.10312529


>> No.10312530 [DELETED] 

Fuck off degenerates- This isn't plebbit or tumblr.
Fucking this

>> No.10312541
File: 463 KB, 944x1574, fritzerler00ostiuoft_0033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With overtly gay themes and not just homoeroticism I have read and can recommend Maurice, Confessions of a Mask, Forbidden Colours, Death in Venice and The Confusions of Young Törless.

>> No.10312543

I doubt your post was worth the calories you burned while creating it. Contribute or ignore the thread you FOOL.

>> No.10312544

You are mentally ill and you don't belong

>> No.10312545

Marquis de Sade - The 120 Days of Sodom

>> No.10312559

Haven't read it but I hear that "Our Lady of the Flowers" is good. I think I was recommended it some time ago.

>> No.10312587

I wish homo authors would write pure love stories instead of degenerate sexually explicit shit. Could never get into Genet for that very reason.

>> No.10312595

Naked Lunch

>> No.10312597
File: 74 KB, 555x847, Michaud-The-Subversive-Brilliance-of-A-Little-Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book has grown in my estimation since I read it 2 years ago.

I have big problems with the prose, I am not politically/culturally in line with some of its messages, and her use of some situations are clearly pure tear jerker, but insofar as pure reader emotional engagement this may be a must read, despite the fact that much of it is sentimental dreck. There is skill here, unfortunately directed at a poisonous post-structuralist crowd.

>> No.10312605
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this was pretty good OP

>> No.10312611

Love stories are harder to write. Homosexuality, has always been grounded in hedonism- it was really given choice- being the dirty taboo that it was. In theory that should have changed now, but I haven't seen any good homo love stories apart from shitty YA stuff. Then again, I haven't searched all that hard.

>> No.10312612
File: 43 KB, 334x499, 51RpT7%2Bu%2BqL._SX332_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some pretty good gay characters desu

>> No.10312614

Confessions of a Mask and >>10312597
are the only ones I can think of desu. Mebbe some socratic/plutarch stories

>> No.10312615
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The Athenaeum by Raul Pompeia

it's gay shota lit

>> No.10312618

Plato's Symposium is the first recorded fag-lit

>> No.10312626

The Counterfeiters was a pretty good young homo love story.

>> No.10312770


>> No.10312793

seconding Forbidden Colours, that book is great

>> No.10312804
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At Swim Two Boys, can't recommend this book enough, fairly hard Ulysses influence but who doesn't like Ulysses

>> No.10312824

Memoirs of Hadrian is good

>> No.10312831

I'm not gay, you fucking faggot.

Romantic love is for women.

>> No.10312857
File: 38 KB, 384x384, IMG_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh politically correct victim lifestyle

Reminder this is what the average member of the so called 'lgbtsjw community' looks like. Tell me white man, does this person look like your friend? Do you think it's possible to reach any sort of common ground with this person? The answer is NO. This person is your enemy and don't you ever forget that, white man. Nowadays, in these times of Cultural Marxism being openly and proudly straight is about the most subversive and transgressive thing one can do.

>> No.10312871

I bet if Mishima was white, you would suck his dick until your stomach exploded from the sheer amount of cum.

>> No.10312878

So, instead of making a new thread I'm just going to ask in this one.

>Works that deal with adultery of any kind? Benefits, drawbacks, effects, etc

>> No.10312880

The Iliad

>> No.10312890

Anyone else here not able to read anything with gay themes without getting extremely sad?

>> No.10312895

Please do your heterosexual rebellion where it is relevant.

I don't comment on every thread that i disagree with the topic of and neither should you. This isn't a politics board and it never will be. Also, if you could go back to /pol/ and spread the word that not every board is about your bullshit ideology that would be great. I'm tired of good porn threads being interrupted with "nigger dick isn't bigger than a white man's," and all that other insecure shit.

>> No.10312898

looking for something a bit more relevant to my life desu

>> No.10312909

It makes me feel empty, because man isn't finding compliment with woman but turning inward to himself. It's like reading about someone denying human relationships and just sitting around masturbating.

>> No.10312916

Not me, I get incredibly happy whenever I read about a man rejecting womankind in any way - be it homosexuality or celibacy - and being better off for it.

>> No.10312917

>he thinks man's love of woman isn't entirely narcissistic


>> No.10312920

This exactly. And most of the time they just end up absolutely isolated since so few people are gay. Feel sorry for the isolated bastards I really do

>> No.10312941

It isn't, because it's love of the other.

>> No.10312944

From what ive seen, especially in Latin countries, mexico, panama, etc, there is much less stigma around sexuality. Almost no one identifies as gay but many guys have fooled around with the same sex.

>> No.10312952

Shut your trap, snowflake. I'm an USMC marine combat veteran and a red blooded blue collar white man. I'm a renegade honky and we have had enough of your shit. I'm sick and tired of you 'queer folks' and the ceaseless screeching of those 'marginalized voices' of youres. Take your whining elsewhere, snowflake, cause 4chan is the white man's turf. You are not welcome here.

>> No.10312961

it's not

>t. Lacan

>> No.10312965

It is.

>> No.10312966

Both cucked

I think >>10312917 is referring to psychoanalysis/lacan stuff.

I do not know if you're serious or not. If you are serious just know that i don't give a fuck, i was just giving you a chance to self crit before i start reporting.

>> No.10312976

> I was just giving you a chance to self crit before I start reporting

How Maoist of you,

>> No.10312986

I think you mean legalist but okay, twist everything to fit your preconceptions.

>> No.10313074

If homosexuality is so good, why is it that we are not allowed to criticise it? It's kinda suspicious don't you think? You have blue haired lgbtsjws coming into our schools and teaching our kids about 'fisting' and white guilt and I'm not ok with that.

>> No.10313093

Because your criticism is aimed at institutional disenfranchisement of a group of human beings. In other words, you aren't just criticizing, you are criticizing with the goal of taking the rights of others. And no one said you can't criticize homos. That's just your persecution complex.

>> No.10313097

I think the entire thing is therapeutic in nature. They know that it's wrong and it bothers them endlessly, so they feel they can make it better by forcing everyone else to think that it's right. It's not going to help, though.

>> No.10313099

>muh human rights :(

>> No.10313102

They're not 'human beings'. They're subhuman, only motivated by cocksucking and anal fisting and shit eating

>> No.10313107

You have blue haired lgbtsjws coming into our schools and teaching our kids about 'fisting' and white guilt and I'm not ok with that.

Who is 'you'? Have you actually seen any of that with your own two eyes? Holy fuck you are an internet memer baby

>> No.10313110

Humble yourself. Knowledge=/=memorizing talking points you fucking parrot.

>> No.10313119

>implying i believe in human rights
You don't have to believe in human rights to be able to make basic utilitarian calculations, given that (for the most part) all lives have equal value.
that's just, like, your incorrect opinion man.

>> No.10313123

Lol, the entire "identity" is a talking point.

>> No.10313128

>Lol, the entire "identity" is a talking point.
tf is this even supposed to mean? I'd like to hear your definition of identity.

>> No.10313129

>to be able to make basic utilitarian calculations
I reject utilitarianism, so I'll be refraining.
>(for the most part)

>> No.10313131

Throwing stones when your home is made of glass while skeletons fuck in your closet. You have a lot of nerve you judgemental prick.

>> No.10313136

I also reject utilitarianism. But that doesn't mean it isn't the most effective means of making fair political calculations.

>> No.10313138

>At Swim Two Boys, can't recommend this book enough, fairly hard Ulysses influence but who doesn't like Ulysses
You might want to read The Dalkey Archive by the guy who wrote At Swim Two Birds

>> No.10313141

I mean that creating a concept known as "sexual orientation" and using that to obviate moral choice in sexual action as well as divide people into oppressed/oppressor classes, and then taking this as one's identity is a propagandistic maneuver; it is not real.

>> No.10313148

"Fair" assumes there are two legitimate positions which need to be given equal footing. I deny.

>> No.10313155

Fact: most 'gays' are just numales doing it to virtue signal. Queer theory victim studies degrees are like post christian seminars, for a fee, white rich kids get to join America's SJW priesthood. That's just how it works.

>> No.10313161

I agree that "sexual orientation" is a stupid concept. It's like Freud said, we are all born bi.
btw, "moral choice" has very little to do with who you fuck as long as it's consensual. (Or are you a christcuck?)

Clearly you deny this. Why don't you tell me why or stfu?

me desu. Sometimes i get off to trap porn or "cocks you'd like to suck" threads. But actually kissing a dude? gross

>> No.10313163

There's more to it than that. The idea of it being an "identity" allows them to create the notion of "I was born with this set of desires, therefore I must act in accordance with them." It's a removal of morality from the issue.

>> No.10313185

>as long as it's consensual
I wonder how we'll see the definition of "consent" change in the coming decades.

>> No.10313187

Morality has nothing to do with if you aren't a bio-essentialist or jesus freak.

>> No.10313196

>Morality has nothing to do with if you aren't a bio-essentialist or jesus freak.


>> No.10313197

If the gays get their way, they'll legalize pedophelia

>> No.10313205

What, you think you are going to be persecuted for not letting someone ass fuck you?
You have no idea how the definition of consent has already changed to forbid that.


That's a fucking alt right meme

>> No.10313209

Try the redpill. It's established facts, that faggots want to fuck children

>> No.10313227

>Nowadays, in these times of Cultural Marxism being openly and proudly straight is about the most subversive and transgressive thing one can do.

This. Given the mainstream media is saturated with homosexual ZOG-a-ganda a man needs to practice willpower in order to resist indoctrination.

>> No.10313234

>try the redpill
>after trying it you will realize that a meme invented by other redpilled "people" is actually a fact

you mean practice avoiding things that contradict your views

>> No.10313331

>ctrl f
>no giovanni's room

>> No.10313333

My go to site when I feel like them sweet gay bois. We don't agree on everything, but a good, and importantly, a big list made by someone not willing to put up with bullshit just because there are lgbt+ themes. A lot of genre fictions, but I've enjoyed a number of them anyway.

>> No.10313338

I take you only visited monterrey or cdmx.
Its a very conservative shithole

>> No.10313359
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>i am such a closet case that i will turn into a cock addict if i see two men holding hands on tv

>> No.10313418

tbf the reason i cant stand gays is because of how they seem to relish playing victim

>> No.10313435

like, real life gays, or book gays?
Honest question.

>> No.10313448

Why do you get triggered so badly by the idea that someone /may/ have it harder than you do?

>> No.10313451
File: 305 KB, 717x480, corporations-for-gay-marriage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah my lifestyle is so edgy that's why all those CORPORATIONS are interested in promoting it. I'm begining to think there is some sort of shady agenda going on here, probably marxist in nature.

>> No.10313452

I know for a fact those gays have it EASIER than me.

>> No.10313463

Because the only one who is being oppressed these days is the white heterosexual male.

>> No.10313469

I suppose the average homosexual does have better chances of getting laid than you. But i don't see how else they might be privileged.

There is no evidence for this. There are mountains of evidence to the contrary.

>> No.10313472

Moving from the position at the top to a position of equality is not oppression, it's losing your privilege. I do imagine that feels a lot like oppression to a baby though.

>> No.10313484

That's not really a fault of gays tho.
I mean, I understand completely. Think about it. Alright, so you're gay. Gay people get kicked to death and disowned for liking a little dick, and suddenly all these big corporations decide it's "good for their image" to support gays. Like you could still be fired for being gay, but these huge fuckhead corporations are marketing themselves as "pro-gay?"

Imagine if that affected you- you'd be salty as fuck too. It's not playing the victim, it's not playing along with dumb bullshit.

>> No.10313494
File: 380 KB, 566x428, Screen Shot 2017-11-25 at 1.50.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

homosexuality has replaced christianity as the state religion of the West. Like christianity, the politically correct religion of homosexuality is based on slave morality and the glorification of the Weak. The purpouse is nonetheless the same, to provide a mask of virtue for the ruling globalist elites in our governments and corporations

>> No.10313496

Its an oppression if you belong on top.

>> No.10313511
File: 9 KB, 200x200, kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did this board turn into yet another /pol/ outpost?

>> No.10313515

I can be a totally self-interested individual that doesn't believe in human rights (or race) and still speculate about how to create a world that is equally just for all.

You...do something else. Something blindly selfish and hateful and factually wrong...

Surely you can understand that this board doesn't except "race realism" as fact? It's a fringe belief with no evidence...I've looked, it isn't there.

I do not see the connection desu. There aren't nearly enough gays at the state level to even make the comparison at all. And queer theory certainly hasn't been integrated with state ideology...so you sound like an alex jones whacko to me.

>> No.10313527

>What, you think you are going to be persecuted for not letting someone ass fuck you?

leftoids already seem to think it's a hatecrime to refuse to have sex with a transgender, so it's probably gonna happen. These people are postmodernists, everything is an evil white social construct except their 'opressed' status, and i mean everything, law, morality, common sense.

>> No.10313538

go back to your faggot containment board

>> No.10313540
File: 80 KB, 778x778, 1510813372589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is evil
Yo what

>> No.10313548

there is always a way to be sexual and not rape someone.

a lot of people love dirty talk and sex if you just found them. a lot of euro sex wants you to have fun and not cause drama anyway. people can be sexually open and still be absolutely in no way approving rape to happen.

>> No.10313558

is that what the 14 yr old Tumblr leftist told you when you debated xer?

>> No.10313737

According to what data. Affirmative action is a thing you know. An oppressed gay victim can get straight into anything with a lower GPA.

>> No.10313759

A good place to start would be some of the Friend of the Court briefs for affirmative action cases you cocky ass fuck.

>> No.10313824

Colleges are run by lgbtwtf ideologues who believe every white man like myself is born with original sin. Diversity is a secular religion

>> No.10313839

What does that have to do with supreme court briefings? Or anything beyond your own warped version of reality?

>> No.10313905

Switch out " homos" for "white people" and there you go, now you are a tenured queer theory professor with a FFEDGOV subsidized salary

>> No.10313959

Fuck this guy and his trendy shit

>> No.10313972

Mishima was impotent, though I actually love him. I'd be his lil white bitch boi and let him finger fuck my ladpussi

>> No.10313994

No one is trying to steal your rights, see this post:

>> No.10314000

No ficcion
Hopefully it's been translated
Also Sudor

>> No.10314002

Are you saying that cheating won't start a war for you?

>> No.10314029

According to your ideological slave morality narrative that is. I feel like you victims are dragging down humanity as a WHOLE. Gays are basic bitch consumer slave moralist conformists, lapdogs for managerial gynocracy.

>> No.10314046

What about children's rights?
Before you can screech : how DARE you imply there's anything creepy going on twitter in here! I'm just telling you this video is from Brazil and the Ukrainian child was actually and literally getting pimped out by his gay " parents"

>> No.10314057

It would for her, not me. I don't get jealous.

Seriously? I don't subscribe to slave morality. I just apply it to others, because that is the moral code our society is based on. And it's a fairly decent one, if you stop to consider that under a master mentality anarcho-capitalist union of edgy egoists you would probably be someone's butt slut.

Gays are conformists? What does consumerism have to do with it? actually your whole post after the first sentence was Alex Jones trash.

>> No.10314068

I see a happy child performing skillfully at a joyous public event...i don't see anything more twisted than what occurs at child beauty pageants.
And what about twitter and pimps? You sound crazy.

>> No.10314069

Managerial shitlibs want a totalitarian system based on mass indoctrination, and holy shit I'm not even being edgy. Homosexuals are nothing but hall monitors, low level ZOG police agents. Seriously, I want to suck dick as much as the next guy, but you are giving me no choice in here. Myremnant sense of dignity and independent thought forces me to resign myself to pussy, cause that's how we counterculture 21st century AD. Smash the dildocracy

>> No.10314084

I mean an actual war, a spat between two modern fagboys wouldn't be a war

>> No.10314094
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>> No.10314119

is it true that this book was written on rags then hidden in a prison cell and somehow recovered years later

>> No.10314131

>a few overzealous individuals invalidates an entire movement
Ah, yes. I understand.

>> No.10314138

Yeah, nothing like this ever happens anywhere else. Just an isolated incident, right? Go try to fool someone else.

>> No.10314148


Don't you get tired of posting in only one way all the time?

>> No.10314161

you're a moron

>> No.10314173

Is it surprising that a movement based on fucking makes disgusting public sexual displays?

>> No.10314178


I don't know your cool buzzwords, but i do know that i, one of the main SJWs commenting on this thread, am an anarchist so..

They are being taught the superficiality sex and gender norms. It's weird, sure. But i get it.

It almost seems like they are the same person. But really they all just spit the same talking points like good buzzy bees.

>> No.10314181

There's literally nothing I could possibly say to you, to convince you to have a reasonable opinion, if you honestly think that a fanatic minority represents an entire group of people.

>> No.10314184

"boohoo, public sexuality hurts my special snowflake feels"
Read some fucking freud.

>> No.10314188

If no one wants to be misrepresented then perhaps this behavior should be disallowed at public events. I won't hold my breath.

>> No.10314198

>They are being taught the superficiality sex and gender norms. It's weird, sure. But i get it.

you mean they are being indoctrinated with politically correct gender ideology, probably during school hours. This is where your taxpayer dollars are going, Kameraden.

>> No.10314202

By that same logic then the entirety of right wing politics should disown more extreme right wing views like Fascism ust so they aren't misrepresented, wouldn't you agree?

>> No.10314215

Mmm, yes. Because if you don't want to see a small number of people being stupid, we should make sweeping laws refusing people their rights.

Do you have any idea what you're saying? You dumb shit.

For hundreds, if not thousands of years, homosexuality was considered a crime. In some countries, it's STILL a crime punishable by death. So now there's marches for homosexuals and because a minority is overzealous, you want to make restrictive laws again?

You fucking pussy. You're the same kind of short sighted idiot all fucking idiots are.

>> No.10314221

You have no problem with children being exposed to that type of display?

I am not whatever you think it is I am, politically, but as far as I can tell mainstream conservatives already do disown that sort of thing.

>> No.10314223
File: 47 KB, 500x416, c47ed1b9de676948f6de8541a0323ddb--stupid-liberals-liberal-logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are being taught the superficiality sex and gender norms. It's weird, sure. But i get it.

seriously. you people are just as foreign to normal western human morality as radical islamists. I just find your values completely incomprehensible. tell me, in your opinion, is every instance of deviant sex inherently good and worthy and worth 'teaching' to grade school children?

>> No.10314226

They are being taught that gender ROLES are fluid. Because they are, as you can clearly see in the above image.

>> No.10314231

>we should make sweeping laws
Who said anything about laws? Event organizers should be more selective about what they allow.
>refusing people their rights.
What rights? Lol.

>> No.10314232


Pronouns: Dog/Dogs/Dogself

>> No.10314236

>If something is abnormal then the normal ceases to exist.
Imagine being this deluded.

>> No.10314238

it's a dialectic, you nonce

>> No.10314275
File: 397 KB, 548x430, Screen Shot 2017-08-18 at 10.37.26 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh there's nothing wrong with indoctrinating children because muh dialectic

>The next day Elliott asked for magazines to make a collage about things people should know more about, adding glitter and photos of Beyonce and trans actress Laverne Cox next to words like bodies, consent, racism, gender, and decolonization -- which they asked for help writing.
>All the pop-ups will have a kid or young adult paired with a “grown-up” to talk about topics they’re experts in, Kym said, with opening remarks followed by activities and relevant book-reading while the parents and caregivers can network and talk about their experiences and challenges raising gender-nonconforming or LGBTQ kids.
>Elliott said some of the activities will include kids writing about their own gender and stapling pages together into a book, as well as lying down on big sheets of paper to draw an outline of their body, to then draw and colour inside about gender as well.

seriously, you think children come up with shit like this on their own? You seem to have some sort of absolute religious faith in your own sex ideology, maybe you are so deep in you don't realise it, but you definitely look like a crazed religious fanatic to normal people. When the backlash comes (and it's coming) you people aren't going to know what hit you.


>> No.10314285

>Being gay = Being ok with batshit crazy politics
Wow, i guess I don't like men anymore.

>> No.10314298
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>> No.10314313

Should've never added the "T" into the acronym.

>> No.10314333
File: 41 KB, 379x298, 1509744189075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who care about those useless fucks

>> No.10314340

Leftists apparently, given their ardor for indoctrinating them.

>> No.10314355

Would you kill me for your strongly held belief in the propriety of panting leather daddies strutting down Main Street with a bunch of kids? Because honestly I'd kill you to prevent that from happening.

>> No.10314370
File: 32 KB, 321x499, another-country.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is really good. It's not just gay themes, too, it goes deep into several kinds of love.

>> No.10314376

I will kill your for a dollar
t. Immigrant

>> No.10314397

Forgetting Elena
Our Lady of the Flowers
Confessions of a Mask

>> No.10314474

Fact: you're a scumfuck idiot

>> No.10314497

nice virtue signal, numale

>> No.10314499


>> No.10314550

I'm just going to address the image you posted since I was watching the Iron Bowl when the thread picked back up. War eagle.

To address the image:
The academic left doesn't really believe in "normal" because postmodernism.
An artificial social construct is a complete fucking redundancy. All social constructs are necessarily "artificial," or man made.

There is no such thing as a natural attraction to women. It is learned in infancy through observation of parental figures and redirection of sexual energies.

>> No.10314573

Never heard that one before. But hey keep assuming I blindly accept all leftist rhetoric as god's law.

Imagine thinking that is what i said.
Terf spotted

Perhaps he's just pissed because you shit on his taste in sexuality? Not everything is a virtue signal.

>> No.10314580

> It is learned in infancy through observation of parental figures and redirection of sexual energies.

hence, we should expose children to bizarre and depraved homosexual acts as early and as often as possible. because umm... diversity?

>> No.10314599

well, yeah.

>> No.10314631
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I'm regretting having voted for gay marriage back in the day, guess the christians were right about slippery slopes...

>> No.10314641

Lgbtsjw queer theory types really just want to replace the family with an intrusive totalitarian state. makes you think, doesn't it?

>> No.10314679
File: 32 KB, 567x567, let me take a selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't click one single thread on any board without at least one /pol/ piece of shit ruining the conversation

Anyway, I'll second Maurice. Pretty comfy but sombre coming of age story. He wrote it at a time when it would have been illegal to publish if I recall correctly, even though there's absolutely no explicit (or even implied, really) sex.

>> No.10314720

What percentage of "Queers(tm)" are just LARPing for social capital and sweet victim points? I'd put the number over 40% at least, maybe even more than half.

>> No.10314722
File: 2 KB, 60x95, liberals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how long these hot little theories will last.

>> No.10314725
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>>Can't click one single thread on any board without at least one /pol/ piece of shit ruining the conversation

/pol/ are hapless retards but your milquetoast reddit ass needs to get the fuck off this site immediately.
>durr some pol dork said something politically incorrect, now the whole conversation is "ruined"
your type is even more detrimental to this site than they are and i sincerely mean that.

>> No.10314729

isherwood - a single man

>> No.10314748

I bet you get your ideology from Bill Nye like a good soyboy


>> No.10314769

If it was just one or two posts in the thread I wouldn't have felt the need to write that, but when every other post in every other thread on every other board is inflammatory nonsense and circular reasoning that barely relates to the subject of the thread, it gets annoying fast. But hey, at least you can feel superior over both sides.

>> No.10314802

>This Dance Troupe Performs with Lasers in Their Butts

>Young Boy Dancing Group's co-founder on challenging gender and sexuality with a laser in your anal sphincter.

>One Saturday evening last October, I made my way to Bloc nightclub in east London's Hackney Wick, an area home to factories, artist's studios, the 2012 Olympic Stadium, and grotty warehouse raves. The occasion was Chapter 10, a recurring gay night that champions techno, house, and disco where Honey Dijon was set to headline. However, many people, myself included, had arrived early to catch a performance by Young Boy Dancing Group—a collective of contemporary dancers from across Europe whose performances are a mishmash of queerness and techno-futurism that could only exist in our digital age.

such a vibrant culture. If you are British, your taxes are most likely subsidizing this ghoulish display of 'diversity'


>> No.10314807

Is this a book?

>> No.10314886

and you will never really be loved by a woman they just use you for security and money, male male love is as the Greeks said the purest and most ethical form of love

>> No.10314936

>He don't like lasers
what a fag

>> No.10315027

tfw i even had a couple of gay friends in highschool, but now i'm an unironic convinced homophobe who obsesses about lgbt people raping children and debasing society, or i don't even know anymore, I spend too much time online and feel severely alienated from society. i am surrounded by enemies hahhaha

>> No.10315108
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>but when every other post in every other thread on every other board is inflammatory nonsense and circular reasoning that barely relates to the subject of the thread

Maybe you don't belong here.

>> No.10315127

definitely this guys diary

>> No.10316518

hey, fuck you!

>> No.10316643

Epic of Gilgamesh is the first.

>> No.10316824

Hard Rain Falling - Don Carpenter. Underrated.

>> No.10316854

Same question, but only regarding girl on girl romanticism please.

>> No.10316929

10 years ago, most of the pictures posted on this thread would have been unthinkable, today they are taken for granted as vibrant displays of diversity an protected from criticism. I don't want to imagine what may happen in the next ten years if things keep going the way they are. Maybe it's time to look back into the origins of the so called LGBT movement in groups like NAMBLA and ideologies like Butler's Quuer theory and John Money's experiments.

> a climate in whic even pedophilia was considered progressive

>> No.10317018

“El beso de la mujer araña” by Puig. During a military dictatorship, a terrorist gets caught and shares a cell with a faggot, who was there for a minor crime which I cant remember. Its a pretty good read.>>10312529

>> No.10317085

surprised no one mentioned this but yanagihara's a little life was pretty good imo

>> No.10317184

I love this novel.

Flann was just shitposting, he loved Joyce really.

>> No.10317247

Fuck off faggots, what books let me read about two cute girls doing sexual things to each other?

>> No.10317329

Hey freind have u heard of this thing called "anime"?

>> No.10317346

Yep. It's pretty boring, too. I can count on one hand the number of anime shows I've enjoyed.

>> No.10317357

Right, because living in a slum in alabama or a deindustrialized wasteland like Michigan is a position of great and august power if you have the right skin color and sex preference. Gay hedgefund inheritors, yale grads, and new york artistics are so so disenfranchised, oppressed, and bullied by a straight kid working retail and living well under the poverty line in bumfuck nowhere. Obviously all he needs to do is ask and a golden tiled road to Washington will materialize in front of him.

When the hell did the left go from "people are individuals" to "blanket generalizations about groups of people"

>> No.10317725

Why are /pol/tards so stupid?

>> No.10317941

>homosexuality = pedophilia
have a real fucking argument, instead of some inane false equivalent.

>> No.10317960


>> No.10318040

Real fucking good book didn't half make me cry like a bitch at the end though

>> No.10318059

it's tru tho. leftoids have always wanted to normalise pedophilia. and were do you draw the line then? you are apparently ok with having public schools teach children about every imaginable sexual perversion, IDK but i think you freaks really want some 'hands on' learning time or at least that's where we are heading from, you may not agree with it now, but the multimillion dollar gay oppression propaganda industry's got to keep chasing new targets.

>> No.10318066

äldreomsorgen i övre kågedalen aka Assisted Living

>> No.10318091

>where do you draw the line
Mandatory iq test requirement to post on this board when.

>> No.10318157

>Perhaps he's just pissed because you shit on his taste in sexuality?
oh please, we all know you people don't *actually* enjoy getting fucked in the ass. you just put up with it in order to gain access to the SJW priesthood.

>> No.10318226

Wasn't IQ a fake measure made up by heterosexuals and white racists?

>> No.10318319

Beautiful Losers

>> No.10318345

There's nothing wrong with liking men, just don't be a degenerate faggot.

>> No.10318591


>> No.10319634

So...How is this any different than the straight parent's who doll their five year old daughters up and let them strut across the stage and dance and twerk on tv? If you want to point out 'degeneracy', you really need to not cherry pick.

>> No.10319651

>oh please, we all know you people don't *actually* enjoy fucking women. you just put up with it in order to claim to be a victim of society.

>> No.10319688

>So...How is this any different than the straight parent's who doll their five year old daughters up and let them strut across the stage and dance and twerk on tv?

It's not, he probably hates that too. You have to admit that our culture is pretty fucked up, even if you don't advocate the genocide of large numbers of people as a solution.

>> No.10319714

Why is it that you all are so convinced that all homosexuals are pedophiles because some pedophiles go after little boys, but neglect the fact that many pedophiles are men who fuck their underage daughters and nieces, etc.?

>> No.10319737

Oh, no, I 100% agree. I just don't appreciate the bias being put forth when rages about homosexuals sexualizing children and neglects to mention the fact that straight people do that too. It's disingenuous and unfair.

>> No.10319738

maybe not all gays go after little boys but 'queers' and all the other new letters in the LGBTUWVXYZ alphabet soup are definitely just degenerates who want to indoctrinate children and force everyone to engage in bizarre sex acts with them.

>> No.10319920

Do you have any proof?

>> No.10320193
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>mfw gay parade

>> No.10320200

Well that's all the proof I need

>> No.10320225

Look guys, propaganda. Ain't she a beaut?

>> No.10320267

Any Hemingway book.

>> No.10321142

>not asking for graphic anal sex
that's what he said

>> No.10321147

post diary or gtfo

>> No.10321158

>Take your whining elsewhere
The irony

>> No.10321161


>> No.10321172
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>blue haired lgbtsjws coming into our schools and teaching our kids about 'fisting'

>> No.10321174

>muh muh

>> No.10321180

>that's what he said

>> No.10321191

If pedos get their way, they'll gas the nazis!

>> No.10321194

It's also established fact that a faggot is you

>> No.10321217

>boo fucking hoo nobody loves meeeee
grow a fucking spine for god's sake
you're a fucking disgrace

>> No.10321227

yeah, but the white heterosexual male is so awesome that he doesn't even care
unlike you, fucked-up slob

>> No.10321238

last thursday

>> No.10321251

you don't have some niggers to hang and crosses to burn?

>> No.10321271

nice whatevever the fuck you're doing

>> No.10321275

>we should expose children to manly things and GUNZ!

>> No.10321277

ask your mom

>> No.10321283

you are a close contender desu

>> No.10321286

I'm with you.
Also, thinking about becoming gay just to piss /pol/ off desu.

>> No.10321296

all the ugly pictures are from /pol/ desu
at least pedos have the decency to like cute things

>> No.10321297

Also some pretty graphic anal sex tho.

>> No.10321308

what's so wrong about sexual 'perversion'?
is it better to hate niggers, jews, spics, gooks, women, animals and everything under the sun?

>> No.10321611

I refuse to keep paying homage to the screeching victim class, from now on it's all out war against the freaks who are destroying America.

It doesn't matter if homosexuals are actually raping children. The righteousness of the homosexual victim is the key dogma of the progressive faith, by discrediting it, you discredit the whole structure of slave morality used by the globalist to keep the white man down

>> No.10321779

>muh keeping the white man down lol
Nice slave morality

>> No.10321812

Demian. Also Steppenwolf to some degree.

Was Hesse a fag?

>> No.10321822

>tfw you constantly hear how gay guys apparently give better head than women

Should I try it out? Would it be gay yo get your dick sucked by a guy? Desu I'm curious

>> No.10321827

Cant believe that no one has mentioned Queer by William S. Burroughs

>> No.10321837
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/lit/ has come under heavy fire recently.

Reminder that nu/pol/ is the cancer killing 4chan

>> No.10321853

No, they don't.

A hundred and twenty years since Freud put it out there, so...
But I do live in an Alabama "slum."
Do you actually believe this?

>> No.10322215

Yes it would. But who cares? Stop worrying so much about social stigma and what other people think. It isn't harming anyone for you to get your dick sucked.

>> No.10322224

Do it, dick and man ass are pretty nice.

>> No.10322251

>giving in to politically correct propaganda

>> No.10322278
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Pic related

>> No.10322285
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will always be relevent

>> No.10322298

>No, they don't.
dude, I've read the source material and they definitely do. Entry level blue hair tumblr greaseblobs like you aren't told straight away but it's true

>> No.10322314
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Ops diary.

>> No.10322648

Oh boy. Eat a dick you repressed faggot. You got your "source material" from some cherry picked /pol/ conspiracy theorist. My advisor's main focus was queer theory and she was as anti-state as they come. And so am I.
I've literally got a hard copy of tertiary queer theory source material right beside me.

>> No.10322658

But please, give me a link and I'll explain step by step why you are retarded.

>> No.10322689

>My advisor's main focus was queer theory

was xe jewish?

>> No.10322702

Ex-catholic creole. Stupid bullshit /pol/tards, "muh joos rulin teh world!1!1!"

>> No.10322719

>Have gay friend
>He's pretty cool, keeps his stuff to himself, is in a stable relationship and uses faggot like most people do: a vague insult.
>People now throw shit to white gay people because supporting them is not "progressive enough" anymore
>Society pools him with the rest of the black-muslim-queer-nigerian-helicopter-vegetarian-tigers

He didn't ask for this.

>> No.10322720

if there's no state, who's gonna shut down wrongthink, enforce privilege checking sessions and take care of the indoctrination of children?

>> No.10322768


What was that book that was recently adapted into a movie one? Call me by your name? Heard that was good

>> No.10322809

Maurice, by E.M. Forster

>> No.10322813

the hair and the smell reallly put me off desu

>> No.10322818

you're mom

>> No.10322826

It's not even like they smell of shit or sweat it's just the general, normal man smell is a turnoff.

>> No.10322853

But, like, dude, what if, like, all that shit you think social justice means...isn't what it means?
Imagine thinking teenage "Marxists" accurately represent Marxism, as in the writings of Marx.
Imagine thinking tween tumblr feminists represent academic feminism.

IMAGINE (literally), just imagine, that all those heavily moderated leftist forums you got your opinions of leftism from...imagine that they were run by moralizing children with a vapid understanding of academic social justice and ten times more passion then brains.
Imagine that last one and you'll be close to the truth.

>> No.10322862

City of Night by John Rechy

>> No.10322887


>> No.10322993

I feel like academic social justice is the fountain from which all the filth I see everyday springs.

>> No.10323922

someone's probably already said it, but death in venice, by thomas mann, is very good.

>> No.10325389

im pretty sure thats less fags fault more moronic parents that bring children to a gay pride parade's fault

>> No.10325954

that screenshot gave me AIDS, not this thread about gay literature

>> No.10325966

>**Not asking for graphic anal sex**
I've never let that stop me.

>> No.10325985
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>> No.10326011

It's appalling. You wouldn't bring your kids to a strip club or a fetish dungeon.

>> No.10326140
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>> No.10326221

There is NOTHING gay about this.

>> No.10326530

Despite how grim and AIDS inducing this looks on a surface level it will, hopefully, bring to life a counter culture of libshits that would make fun of unironic hillbillies that in turn would be trolled by an already existing shitposters, thus closing the cycle. And as the cycles go the anger from boiling with hate millennials would inspire normalfags to imitate the illusive art of post-modern banter unintentionally breeding a parody of it. Rence and repeat until it explodes in and of itself.

>> No.10326583

You'd think those guys in the s&m costumes are anti-gay or they're trying to make everyone else look bad. If this isn't their motive they are really retarded.

>> No.10326613

Any good books with lesbians?
I'm interested in the subject.

>> No.10326618


>> No.10326651

The thief's Journal by Jean Genet

This is the gayest most degenerate shit I ever read. (it's actually really good)

You're welcome faggot.

>> No.10326672

From Wikipedia
>The Thief's Journal (Journal du voleur) is a novel by Jean Genet. It is a part-fact, part-fiction autobiography that charts the author's progress through Europe in a depoliticized 1930s, wearing nothing but rags and enduring hunger, contempt, fatigue and vice. The main character encounters bars, dives, flop-houses, robbery, prison and expulsion in Spain, Italy, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Nazi Germany, Belgium.

The novel is structured around a series of homosexual love affairs and male prostitution between the author/anti-hero and various criminals, con artists, pimps, and a detective.

A common theme is the inversion of ideals: betrayal is the ultimate form of devotion, petty delinquency is brazen heroism, and confinement is freedom.

Under the inspiration of Being and Nothingness, the novel is dedicated to Jean-Paul Sartre and "Castor", i.e. Simone de Beauvoir. Sartre wrote his essay "Saint Genet", influenced by this work, in 1952.

Genet appropriates Christian language and concepts to pursue an alternative form of "sainthood" with its own trinity of "virtues" - homosexuality, theft, and betrayal.

>> No.10327122

You should try Hogg.

>> No.10327174

Where should I start and why?

>> No.10327372

sorry about the graphic anal sex

>> No.10327538


This is satanism. I'm speechless

>> No.10327576

Hogg and the narrator meet the other men—Nigg, Wop, and Denny—at the Piewacket bar. Nigg turns out to be the black man who the narrator first encountered at the beginning of the story. Wop is a violent Italian-American workman. Denny is a rather shy teenage boy, older than the narrator but quite a bit younger than the other men. The quintet of rapists set out to complete their jobs, which grow in succession from a single woman, a woman and her wheelchair-bound daughter, and a nuclear family—mother, father and son. Each successive job increases in violence, and the victims' young children (male and female) are also descended on by the pack. During the third rape scene, Denny absconds to the family's kitchen where he decides to pierce his own penis using a nail. Soon Denny's penis begins to bleed, swell and pus, seemingly infected. At this point he begins repeating the phrase "it's all right."
