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File: 511 KB, 800x417, baby-lamb-in-biobag-800x417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10310223 No.10310223 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10310246
File: 24 KB, 540x384, 1511556694259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know

>> No.10310270

Is that's true, this will be a huge blow to christianity...

>> No.10310277


>> No.10310278

What. Why

>> No.10310290

It doesn't affect Christianity in any way.

>> No.10310292

it would be a big blow against pro-abortion but not against Christianity my dude

>> No.10310295

Well, life is the God's biggest creation, therefore, one would assume that creating life without the need of sexual relations is something that only God could do, but if humans can indeed create life artificially by themselves, then God's biggest creation would be the same as nothing. A lamb might not make a huge blow, but by the time we start to create artificial human lives it might affect the entire religion.

>> No.10310298

yeah, but why?

(BNW is very overrated btw)

>> No.10310309

Did you even watch the video? They were using lambs that were born prematurely, placing them into an artificial womb to see if they would continue to develop. They weren't cloning lambs.

>> No.10310310

I somewhat understand. Although this lamb is not artificial only its womb is and even then I believe it was first fertilized and grown to a certain developmental stage in its mothers actual womb

We're nowhere close to Bladerunner yet though it will not surprise me when the day comes. Regardless I don't think Christianity is predicated on the absence of biotechnology existing

>> No.10310315

We've already cloned sheep for fuck's sake. Have you lived under a rock, all of you?

>> No.10310316

>it becomes possible to fully grow an egg from inception
>roasties have to have kids if they're impregnated

The dream is coming soon

>> No.10310321

That's just what globalists want you to believe

>> No.10310335

I think society will eventually reach a point at which Christians will simply have to withdraw and cease to participate. Hopefully I'm wrong.

>> No.10310345

Without Christianity there soon won't be a society to withdraw from

>> No.10310352
File: 11 KB, 300x300, democritus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There was no society before desert Jews killed one of their hippies

>> No.10310361

The Christian position is that every life that exists exists because God wills it. So cloned organisms and organisms in artificial wombs ultimately only live because God wants them to live. There's no conflict with Christianity.

You can use the same approach to artificial intelligence. If an AI becomes truly sapient, then one can say it has been "ensouled" by God.

>> No.10310362

Its dialectical, there's no moving backwards. Only forwards into oblivion

>> No.10310365

This is stupid. Humans have free will that can be enacted contrary to the will of God

>> No.10310396

>You haven't negated the dialectic yet to create time travel
I feel bad for you, son.

>> No.10310417

are benzos soma?

>> No.10310428

It contradicts. Humans inherit their fallen nature through ordinary generation. Jesus for instance was not born though ordinary generation since Mary was a virgin. A clone would not be created through ordinary generation, depending on how it was created. Is it actually human? Does it have a soul? What if it mates with a normal human? What of their children? Etc.

>> No.10310484
File: 93 KB, 320x400, 45345346364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw synthwombs and sexbots hit the market at the same time

>> No.10311274

Just note that this only works for premature, full development is far beyond it.