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10306823 No.10306823 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10306907

Socrates shouldn't be on this list

>> No.10306913

>You'll find the reason is that he remains scrawny in order that he might touch nothing save as much as he wants of what he has no right at all to touch

I might be drunk, bt what the fuck is this man trying to say?

>> No.10306926

I believe that having a good body or at least being physically capable of being helpful to others in our daily life is what everyone should aim at (being capable of lifting a heavy box or helping someone with a wheelchair). Also, having a healthy body is just as important as taking care of your hygiene or speaking properly in this day and age, it reflects well on someone. It's almost like a requisite for being an elegant person.

I personally don't like having a massive bodybuilder type of physique though, but it's only because I don't find it aesthetically pleasing. If I could, I would have the ottermode type of body with a little more muscle, but that's just a matter of taste I suppose.

However, and I don't want to lie, I'm skinny as fuck because my metabolism is fast, so I would need to dedicate a big amount of time and money to my body and diet, resources I don't currently have in college. I do envy the people with good bodies, but it's not like living the "my body is my only redeeming quality" mentality is good either. I think one has to do as much as possible, but never lose focus of the bigger picture.

Anyways, incoming "where do you workout?" meme.

Yep, Socrates was chubby afaik.

He is weak because he fears fighting for that which he is not worthy of (i.e. a woman, power, a position of importance, etc...)
Basically, self-hate.

>> No.10306929

Physical fitness is important but lifting is the most retarded shit ever

If you want a healthy and well-proportioned body then there's cardio and calisthenics

If you want to be physically active and have fun doing it then there's sports and outdoor activities

If you want to become a freak of nature and immerse yourself in a hubristic culture that encourages drug use and poor lifestyle choices then there's bodybuilding

>> No.10306974

>lifting has been proven to provide better calorie loss than cardio
>wanting to destroy your articulations needlessly over the years
>reddit spacing
And this is supposed to be the "big brains" board.

>> No.10306980

What is this false equivalence shit? Weightlifting is not the same as bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is a niche sport that happens to use weightlifting for its purposes.

Every physically demanding sport uses some form of weightlifting for conditioning. Basketball, cycling, judo, boxing, swimming, sprinting, football, pretty sure even golfers lift. There's also completely weightlifting focused sports like olympic lifting and powerlifting that aren't bodybuilding.

Can't believe I have to explain something this basic.

If you're too pussy to lift or just don't have an interest that's perfectly fine. You don't need to come up with some rationalization about drugs and hedonism.

t. guy who lifts for health and thinks bodybuilding is retarded too.

>> No.10306986

shit, i read it differently. I see it as why should he go out of his way (as the poem sets it up to be in the beginning). Everything that involves going out of his way is out of his right because he is determined to be as he is, and that's okay, because of how good his life is.

>> No.10306996

You'll grow out of it. Believe me I was there

>> No.10307001

>Basketball, cycling, judo, boxing, swimming, sprinting
Those don't seem like very good examples. I only know boxing and Judo but in the good gyms there is an explicit anti-weight lifting mentality, it's technique and cardio heavy, and it works

>> No.10307015

I mean, I'm not a native, I understood it as that, but I might be wrong
Whatever makes more sense to a native should be the right one I think

>> No.10307105
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>calorie loss is relevant or desirable

>> No.10307112


>> No.10307126
File: 971 KB, 888x767, sammy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's extremely well read

>> No.10307178

Reddit spacing is double spacing just so you know friendo.

On reddit one has to click enter twice to make a single spaced gap.

<t. reddit user :^)

>> No.10307192
File: 14 KB, 522x282, 1510923994539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acknowledges importance of having a good body
>makes up excuses & lies to himself about why he doesn't exercise
perpetual self-loathing

>> No.10307367

All I know is that he;s read Schopenhauer and went to study film in university(which is retarded, he has no right to say college is worthless if he picked fucking film studies).

>> No.10307491

If you think Hyde is well read than you yourself are not. I'm a fan of his but whenever you tries to drop references to western civ or art he falls short, it's obvious he isn't that familiar with it. Which is fine

>> No.10307680

sneed's feed and seed

>> No.10307686
File: 71 KB, 646x584, 1490152992086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has no right
>living by rules
fucking soy fag

>> No.10307687

none of you even read... im not surprised you dont exercise either

>> No.10307731

Socrates was a fat retard and that's a fake quote and he would probably use the "Socratic method" on your little dyel arse.

>> No.10307734

Socrates was a veteran of Athenian battles. What are you on about?

>> No.10307741

Yeah, I've never seen a fat veteran before in my whole life. Once you've served in the military, your body naturally produces super-hormones that keep you fit for life.

>> No.10307758

HAHAHAHA. You. Are. Delusional. I have several friends in the military RIGHT NOW who are basically the Pillsbury dough boy. Stop smoking the alt-right narrative /k/fag.

>> No.10307768
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>> No.10307784

>memes negate reality

They don't.