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/lit/ - Literature

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10306941 No.10306941 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I have surpassed this board

I easily see that philosophical axioms are arbitrarily chosen. I see that the idea of "objective literary quality" is promoted to have a common set of canon books and criteria to facilitate in group status signalling through praise and "criticism" of these books. Publishers also have financial incentives to promote this.

I easily see that there are infinitely many interpretations of art. I easily see that some of these interpretations are promoted for the above social signalling reasons and fuel for citation circle jerks. I easily see that enjoyment of art was an important criteria in all early forms of art but is now discouraged due to its uselessness as a concept in academia.

I easily see that modern pseudo intellectuals venerate Ancient Greece and Rome in order to signal intelligence while ironically they are too unintelligent and lazy to understand modern advances in science and mathematics (which they dismiss as unimportant while using these as their intellectual launching pads).

I easily see that all successful art forms start as derided hobbyist and experimental activities among males for enjoyment, become more popular with the mainstream of society while new peaks of expertise are reached, before losing popularity as commercial interests, academia, and female attention whoring eliminate organically accepted standards and impose their own.

I see that literature is in the stagnant female m and academic dominated phase. Poetry is even further gone. I easily see that any attempt to deny this by appealing to "our dumbed down society" is clearly false because of the incredible progress and interest in hard sciences and mathematics (through actual research, not pop sci). These activities require skills while people, consciously or not, realise literature has descended in to a signalling game.

I easily see that the discussions around Hegelian philosophy or Marxism or any philosophy represent trivial symbolic manipulations and deductions with zero predictive value.

>> No.10306951

>stemfags trying to justify how their entire field isn't just elaborate theoretical rubiks cubes of pure autism and zero applicability
gee string theory sure is helpful!

>> No.10306964

>surpassed this board but still arrogant
you have learned nothing

>> No.10307023

>it's all "signalling"
>signals superiority (off the rip too)
Mein gott it's pure projection

>> No.10307098

>STEM is a field
>a fringe theory that no one cares about in a subsubfield of a field is relevant to STEM

>> No.10307101

heh same bruh

>> No.10307108

fags the lot of you
my intelligence is of such a quantity that i could easily win any debate on any topic you brainlets could choose. just try to debate me
go on, try

>> No.10307125

>I easily see that philosophical axioms are arbitrarily chosen
Came out the gate and immediately discredited yourself, welcome to sophmore year

>> No.10307154

>lol what has science ever done for us? Fucking dorks
I think op is retarded, but you are significantly more retarded

>> No.10307173

You are still inferior. You've recognized the joke, which much of /lit/ hasn't, but you've let it fill you with despair rather than challenge you to transcend. You've come so far but it's been worth nothing. You're a failure.

>> No.10307205
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>Says he is superior
>Comes here to brag about it
>Still browses /lit/
You have only fooled yourself

>> No.10307209

>purely theoretical science and mathematics never becomes applicable after its development

>> No.10307211

this is 100% no-bullshit accuracy
you little shits could learn a thing or two, but alas the chan is full of 20-something pseuds

>> No.10307222

And you are one of them

>> No.10307225

I know

>> No.10307235

What for? You're right, congratulations and welcome to the club. Now you've got to think what to do about it.

>> No.10307243
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>I see
>I see
>I see

Is this an objective seeing based on a priori axioms embedded in human nature by the grace of God or is this just a relativist "seeing" aka garbage aka just your opinion man?

>> No.10307245

>I easily see that philosophical axioms are arbitrarily chosen. I see that the idea of "objective literary quality" is promoted to have a common set of canon books and criteria to facilitate in group status signalling through praise and "criticism" of these books. Publishers also have financial incentives to promote this.
Yes taste is subjective and is dependent on axioms.

>enjoyment of art was an important criteria in all early forms of art but is now discouraged due to its uselessness as a concept in academia.

>I easily see that all successful art forms start as derided hobbyist and experimental activities among males for enjoyment, become more popular with the mainstream of society while new peaks of expertise are reached, before losing popularity as commercial interests

Uh this can only mildly apply to films (sort of). Video games are still nowhere near accepted as a valid art form.

Music and Literature(vernacular stories) are as old as the hills.

>> No.10307247

>surpassed a board that is more about collecting books for shelf threads than reading them
Such a milestone achieved by no mere mortal. We award op the Order of the Trilby and all the privileges therein. May your light shine upon us all.

>> No.10307274

you forgot a priori axioms based on previous observation with an application of bayes theorem

>> No.10307280
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forgot epic meme image

>> No.10307283

shit isn't even a fucking fact it's just an asserted proposition

what an absolute madman

>> No.10307286
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Call the ambulance!!!!
This man is having a seizure!
This man needs CARE!

>> No.10307288

He's obviously baiting, sperg.

>> No.10307306

what axioms

>> No.10307317

>what i say isn't true, im just writing sentences to write sentences
oh I see, stream of consciousness nonsense.

>> No.10307321

OP exists
therefore OP is a fag

>> No.10307322

I like you, man

>> No.10307323

haha this thread rocks

>> No.10308246


There is no inherent objective value in art and the enjoyment received is different depending on the individual.
Shocking revelations OP. You are truly transcendental and everyone is enlightened by your intelligence

>> No.10308265

t. someone using the internet to complain about technology unironically

Honestly anon I'm fucking impressed by this level of cognitive dissonance. I hope you get the recognition you deserve.

>> No.10308279
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>> No.10308284

lmao, i'm imagining a local Goldman the Merchant going down to the slums and he shouts to the bystander peasants "cucks, youre all cucks!"

>> No.10308297
File: 426 KB, 858x557, 1497976897236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the bait was how obvious but irrelevant this is, why are you faggots actually responding
>venerate Ancient Greece and Rome in order to signal intelligence while ironically they are too unintelligent and lazy to understand modern advances in science and mathematics
Do you think people start with Greeks for science and math? Who's shilling Euclid on /lit/

>> No.10308300

You should read Jung, Kierkegaard, Heidegger and Spengler.

>> No.10308302

>a priori axioms based on previous
What did he mean by this?

>> No.10308319


Lurk more

>> No.10308342

>Be NewFriend
>Wonder if Op has a bug on his shirt.
>Wonder if truth and evidence are useful indicators of a given philosophical book.
>Read Crisis on Infinite Earths. Easily see that some alternate Earths are promoted for publishing simplification reasons. See that the reprinting of Infinite Earths has made this series redundant.
>Wonder if OldFigs really start with the Geeks, maybe because they knew how to debate.
>Wonder why they can't understand Tolle when he just restates earlier philosophies.
>Wonder if anything above the Hunter/Gatherer level results in humanity's enslavement.
>Wonder why BookTube is largely female and gay.
>Wonder if the whole shitting match isn't swirling the drain.

Did I win ten internets?