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/lit/ - Literature

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10305406 No.10305406 [Reply] [Original]

What are some started book about Norse mythology

>> No.10305429

Poetic Edda
Prose Edda
Grettir's Saga
Egil's Saga
Njal's Saga
Sagas of Icelanders
The Vinland Sagas
Volsunga Saga/The Saga of the Volsungs
Eyrbyggija Saga
Orkneyinga Saga
Hrolf's Saga
The Mabinogion
Norse Mythology: A Guide to God's Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs by John Lindow
Gods and Myths of Northern Europe by H.R. Ellis Davidson

>> No.10306245

Den poetiska Eddan

>> No.10306357

Aren't you supposed to read Prose Edda before poetic?

>> No.10306376
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>non-mythological icelandic sagas
>norse mythology

>> No.10307061

this manga is boring af even worse when the mc becomes an extreme pacifist

>> No.10308141

if you mean "starter" then you could probably get away with neil gaiman's recent book about norse myths or east of the sun west of the moon or summat like that

i love how when someone posts something like "how do i get into..." or "what is a starter book on...." some pseud lists all the most tedious books they can find on the subject on wikipedia. that is the true spirit of /lit/
the eddas are great stories tho

>> No.10308601

Dumezil, Gods of the ancient northmen.

>> No.10308606
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Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia

>> No.10308612
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if you are gonna go the autistic route, just swallow the full autist-pill and get The Secret of the She-Bear, just now released in english, then you can share with us how autistic it really is

>> No.10309501

Im currently reading this and it is very good. Its important that most of the knowlege we havr about norse myths and european myths in general was written by christians, so its full of misinformation. Varg has done a good job on weeding out most of these things; and if you want a good understanding of european myths op should consider reading this. >>10308612 im still waiting on my copy in the mail, but marie has done some very good work, her videos are very good and offer good explanations of ancient european religion.

>> No.10309509

What the fuck was that last bit, "very good, very good, good". I must be retarded