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10303823 No.10303823 [Reply] [Original]

How do I break my internet addiction so I can actually read a fucking book all the way through?

My willpower is fucking terrible but it is impractical for me to go nuclear and get rid of my internet.

It's an actual addiction at this point, and I want to finish Tale Of Two Cities damnit

>> No.10303862

1.) No Fap
2.) Exercise
3.) Water

Why No Fap? Porn will kill your dopamine receptors and you won't be able to find joy in shit like reading because your brain will look for the quick way out.

>> No.10303870


The trick is to actually like reading books.

>> No.10303876

I do like reading books, but my devices turn me into a lazy cunt. What do

>> No.10303881

I just make myself get off the computer and read at least a couple chapters a day. I find it gets easier as long as I make it a habit.

>> No.10303897
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Sometimes I can't stop thinking about cute girls, or spiral into painful reminiscence. Is there a book for such disruptive romanticism? I couldn't bring myself to care about the same phil book I was loving yesterday because of these soft nymphs

>> No.10303898
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also contemplating nuclear. I exercise and read books, still not as efficient as I'd like.

>> No.10303905

ur just gay

try drinking

>> No.10303911

But if you want to succeed at no-fap, you need to give up having sexual thoughts as well. Basically, you have to live as though you believe in "no sex before marriage". Don't stop masturbating because it has negative consequences, stop because you just don't want to do it anymore. You won't succeed at it until you stop desiring it at all, otherwise you'll just be repressing yourself, which will be more damaging than the thing itself.

t. christian who gave up sexual thoughts and has lived a transquil life ever since

>> No.10303920

>1.) No Fap
>2.) Exercise
>3.) Water
what hedonists believe

nofap is very hard for normies and exercise is useless unless you still want to be a normie,

>> No.10303921

its hard. My internet addiction got broken pretty quick when my computer died. I had my cell phone and used it frequently. But i wasnt able to surf has efficiently which severely cut back my need for internet and information. I was still quick, but im currently using my dads laptop to make phonecalls after my cell phone broke. after months of not having a computer and a cell phone that worked half the time and is now unusable, i only have my email open, my phone app, and 2 tabs of 4chan. If i had my own laptop id probably be doing more, but i just dont feel like it.
ive been doing the exercise, healthy diet, new hobbies thing and it works pretty well.

go outside and enjoy life.

>> No.10303924

>exercise is useless unless you still want to be a normie,

t. sluggish fatass

>> No.10303975
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>> No.10304024
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>ur just gay
Unfettered romantic longing is the sign of a patrician.

>> No.10304033
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>romantic longing
>not lust

>> No.10304036

Start reading novellas

>> No.10304039

listen to audio books in bed/on commutes

>> No.10304052

Rated G:
>unplugs computer and monitor
>unplugs modem

Rated PG-13
>cancels internet
>smashes computer

Rated R:
>turn off all the switches in surge protector
>threatens to bomb ISP employees if they don't publish rant on dangers of early exposure to pornography

Rated X:
>Kill parents
>paint self portrait with blood

>> No.10304060

Find the best time that you're able to read. Doesn't matter when it is. Tell yourself you'll spend 2 minutes reading during that time. Every week, up it by 1-2 more minutes. Purposefully delay your instant gratification, just a little bit at time, with intervals so small it'd be harder NOT to do it. At first you'll be spending just 5 or so minutes reading, and it'll seem like nothing. Then weeks down the line, it'll turn into half an hour. Then an hour. Then two hours. Then you realize you won't need the internet anymore, and you'll realize that only with time and patience and intentional brute-force willpower you can carve habits for yourself.

Porn is normal in moderation, like 1-2 times a week. Every single night of porn is not healthy. If you really do need to jack off every single night, use your imagination.

>> No.10304079

Porn at any level is unhealthy. Only our modern society could think that watching a woman get brutalized by the cum of a dozen black men could be healthy.

>> No.10304088
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Ted is that you?

>> No.10304092

If you only watch porn once or twice a week at most, you shouldn't even have to reach those levels to get excited. That's my point. If you're the type of dude to fire out the tadpoles every few hours, then eventually you are going to have to resort to crazy shit like that just to get off.

>> No.10304115

Blake says the road of excess leads to the Palace of Wisdom, or something like that.
I read alot then cut back severely over about a 10 mos. internet binge. One day I just got sick of it and now I read alot again. Early on I became aware of the almost total arrogance of porn (for instance) by focusing on the stupid, lifeless faces of the majority of its perpetrators- whereas I once felt like it was a sirroco withering up what I felt was best about myself, it's now almost a complete turn-off. Because I don't even desire to go online so much anymore, I don't. (I still like this place though, but am probably on here only ca. 2hrs/wk.) Primarily I use this thing now (this computer) as a dictionary and a reference vehicle and i must say, feels good. I'm not actively aware of having instituted some program to reach this point, however. Either I just got lucky or re-discovered that I like reading more. At any rate, good luck wrangling with this beast, anon. To quote e.e. cummings 'it can kill a man.'

>> No.10304117

What does that meme mean? I don’t get it

>> No.10304126

That assumes that there is a minimum in porn that is indistinct from normal vanilla sex. Even the most tame pornography is way beyond what any normal person actually participates in, partly because real participation is not voyeuristic.

>> No.10304153

Romantic lust is to much, they're to similar, and lust is a lot different than longing

>> No.10304396

You'll grow out of it. It'll take time but eventually you'll be able to think about them without getting caught into a sad melancholy. It's just matter of time.

>> No.10304404 [DELETED] 

Is that actually a good thing though?

>> No.10304407

>You'll grow out of it.
Is that even a good thing though?

>> No.10304419

OP, in my experience, you have to REALLY understand that you will not find the "grand answer" to life on the internet, or the "missing piece" of your puzzle that connects your self into a whole. It doesn't exist. So all you can do as another dying human being on this dying world is manage your own time, which comes down to common sense micro-decisions. Would you rather read a chapter of a great novel or some autistic meme bullshit article about nothing that's literally designed to fart up your mind with addictive "information"? It's really up to you. Fuck nofap and other "willpower" bullshit , IT DOES NOT WORK NOR DOES IT MATTER.

>> No.10304476

Unironically this

>> No.10304503

only different

>> No.10304788


Is about 20 TB of pornography over course of 10 years a lot?

>> No.10304999

There is no such thing as a deity.

>> No.10305006

Isn't she?



>> No.10306040

Try to read, really. Like right now I really don't have any motivation to read but I know that once I open the book I will enjoy it. I just don't like the idea of starting it. But maybe that's just me because I have the same problem with movies sometimes.

>> No.10306056


Disconnect your internet at the mains at 10pm. Is it going to kill you to try? It might but life without suffering has no meaning.

>> No.10306230

Simplest solution: intrinsically enjoy reading books more than browsing the internet.

Harder solution: make yourself enjoy reading books more than browsing the internet. This involves making the internet worse for yourself (reasonably easy) and making the experience of reading better (somewhat more difficult).

You can start small. Read for 5-10 minutes and ask yourself, "What can I do to make this more enjoyable, so that I seek this out?" Changing your position, adding more ambiance, keeping a dictionary close by, etc. might be some ideas. Maybe you'd want a beverage of some sort (alcohol, water, coffee, tee) nearby; maybe you'd want to listen to the book as you read it. Lots of possibilities.

>> No.10306960

She's just another thot that cakes on makeup, goes clubbing, has casual sex, rejects gender roles and complains about why she's so sad


>> No.10306976

That made me feel weird

>> No.10307199

novellas and essays

>> No.10307641

no fap is not enough

you need to reprogram your fapping routine and its going to be hard

this is what i do:
find porn, go until you're about there, then just stop and go do the thing you wish you would do more.

it really works. in just a couple days you will feel results. but you have to abstain from finishing.

>> No.10307652

this made me feel angry. this makes me feel like going to WAR.

what an empty vessel with garbage inside

>> No.10307656

Think of it like this: If you had your own chef from paris or something and he was one of the best, and he worked for free and cooked every meal, you would get fat real quick.

>> No.10308979
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>be me
>decide to read a book
>sit in my comfy armchair without phone/laptop
>cat fall asleep on my lap for 3 hours
>read for 3 hours straight

>> No.10309107

I guess i could work for some people but honestly i just think most literature is boring, i spent most of my time playing vidya and masturbating yet i find time to read game of thrones and enjoy it, if you can't finish a book it's just a boring book.

>> No.10309120

>Porn is normal in moderation

>> No.10309135

Good post. My cat is the only reason I still study and read. She's a traumatised weirdo so you have to sit really still or she leaves and is upset for the rest of the day.

>> No.10309140

t. lowtest soyboy that jacks off thrice every couple days

>> No.10309162
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>There is no such thing as a deity.
"For you".