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/lit/ - Literature

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10295452 No.10295452 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my nightstand, /lit/

>> No.10295456

You're fat.

>> No.10295459

it's like you're trying to get laid by a 50 year old straight man who already has a 25 year old mistress and good wife.

>> No.10295468
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did you pay $1000000 for the MDE book?

>> No.10295474

>Heidegger lectute notes
>Nietzsche greek lecture notes

>> No.10295496

I bet you're insufferable.

>> No.10295500

Your bed is a chesterfield?

>> No.10295505

post on reddit if you are here for upvotes

>> No.10295509
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What'd y'all think? OP is obviously too affectatious to be trusted. Mingus is great though.

>> No.10295512

>all in English
The guy's a pleb

>> No.10295525
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thoughts on mine?

>> No.10295533
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True patrician here

>> No.10295548

You have a heroin problem?

>> No.10295556

Wearing hats constricts the bloodflow to your brain making you low IQ. So, my score for your headstand: 2 out of 10 points. +2 for having books and a lamp, -8 for the blood clots and Ezra Pound.

>> No.10295637

>In a sense he was torn between two worlds: the respectable bourgeois world, the one he was used to at home, in which everything was ordered rationally and according to clear rules; and another one, which was bizarre, inhabited by darkness, mystery, blood and undreamt-of happenings. They seemed to be mutually exclusive. The sardonic smile that he would have liked to wear permanently somewhat contradicted a shiver that ran down his spine.

>> No.10295643

>reading books for the only reason to decorate your ego and show people "look at me im reading a buk im smort"

>> No.10295645

ooh, that Whitlock tho, crucial choice OP

>> No.10295646

>not using all that time and effort to learn german and properly read all that

migh as well just buy clothes or food

>> No.10295879

Suboxene huh? Previous junk problem perhaps? Comfy as all hell though anon, tobacco pipe, bob dylan, some books too read, the prescription pills in the corner. Grade A.

>> No.10295996

Love me some Bulleit Rye.

>> No.10297048

stop listening garbage music

>> No.10297058

>no guns

>> No.10297386
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It's pretty difficult to legally acquire a gun anywhere that isn't America or Switzerland.

t. Canadian gun owner

>> No.10297390

Lmao, also, isn't swiss licensing a bit of a pain? I know it's relatively easy compared to the rest of Europe but still

>> No.10297410
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>> No.10297803
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>> No.10297814

>dylan pre street-legal

>> No.10298254
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>> No.10298281

You are 100% faggot

>> No.10298316

This is a pretty bad translation of the DAO man.

>> No.10298320
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>> No.10298322

Nothing wrong with buying in English to learn the gist, then going back after learning the language and reading for yourself, scrutinizing the translator on the way.

>> No.10298328


Clean it out...

And fucking sort yourself.

>> No.10298330
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>poetry in translation

>> No.10298331

>not Mingus Plays Piano


>> No.10298335

>t. retard
It's extremely easy in most places. Just some bureaucracy and a couple of weeks of gun safety courses.

>> No.10298342

i dig the diary desu

>> No.10298343

>America or Switzerland
>knowing about the world through /pol/

>> No.10298356
File: 62 KB, 640x736, 4601fae15612a021c28444d20591e2ef1455318499_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sam Hyde to trigger people

>> No.10298386

10/10 would become good buds with.

>> No.10298577

What's a better one?

Good thing I have a buzzcut and shave daily

>> No.10298586

I like OP's pillows. All he needs are a pair of antlers.

>> No.10298597

Yes he’s certainly wearing the horns

>> No.10298741

>ppl not recognizing r/mde shit

>> No.10298781


>why aren't you fags recognizing something from a shitty subreddit that i lurk


>> No.10298793

>having a nightstand


>> No.10298798

Fake and gay

>> No.10298805
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>> No.10298938

NRSV Bible. One of my cats knocked over my water today and it got everything soaked except that, so it's pretty nice.

>> No.10298957 [DELETED] 

So lame, atleast you got a good translation from what I remember

>> No.10299035
File: 293 KB, 800x1422, IMG_20171122_023327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i work out

>> No.10299045

kek saved

>> No.10299072


Great Mingus album. I would probably silently judge you the entire time I was around you, though

>> No.10299977

I live in yukon pal how are things in alaska? Met a dingus from Mayo at the bar tonight said it was -36 up where he is. poor fuck

>> No.10299988

this is bait, it was bait before i even clicked on it

>> No.10299990

>no other sizes of this image found

>> No.10300022

not everyone feels the need to define themselves by firearm ownership. Also that shit should be kept in a safe

>> No.10300113

Why is this book so expensive? The German version is like $300

>> No.10300125
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>> No.10300227


>> No.10300233

Red Pine.not for poorfags or librarylets.

>> No.10300235

my hero

>> No.10301084

>conveniently laid out so you can see each title
>bob dylan

kys u cringe

>> No.10301162

Under rated post.

>> No.10301367



>> No.10301395

Trying way too fucking hard. You should just take a picture of your nightstand, not orient everything specifically for a photo op.

>> No.10301745

nice pound there

i want to read The Sea also

10/10 would be friends with

>> No.10301774
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>> No.10302194

money well spent

>> No.10302227

>minimal, but also no attempt at aesthetic
Living the /lit/ lifestyle

>Milk and Honey

Absolute madman

>> No.10302269

Depends on the gun, I got a shotgun when I was 16 with relative ease, and I live in Norway. I had to pay the police ~120$ though.

>> No.10302352

What's it even about?

>> No.10302377

This is ugliness unfolds itself

>buy new charger you cheap monʞey
>ugly wall paint
>stolen pencil
>cheap pen! u you know Parker?
>cheap nightstand not real wood
>I don't even want to mention kupi shakur

Pretentiousness at its worst slmlh tlblqlh flalmlLlalm

>> No.10302407

wew lad

>> No.10302487
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rate me

>> No.10302587
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>> No.10302594

is that ur fapmop?

>> No.10302695


>> No.10302763
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did you hide the suppositories?

>> No.10303025

Dude, I hate Plumcake so much. Smoked it twice and each time my throat swelled up. I think I'm allergic to something in it. Not to mention the aroma is sickening.

Also, you are way too obsessed with appearances. Just the fact that you thought "oh my nightstand looks so cool, better post it on /lit/ for approval" shows that you have a shallow appreciation of literature more concerned with aesthetics than content. I get it though, I'm mostly the same.

>> No.10303034

cool except for the Dylan cd

>> No.10303060


>> No.10303239
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I like you guys. I really do.

>> No.10303333
File: 121 KB, 576x768, YBncoMh-5vrBh6dBAwPSx_Ak-CM7yxrhRWkde-AC80k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me your 2$

>> No.10303346


Is that the confusions of young torless under the wallet? Nice. I like your quilt, too

>> No.10303348

What's wrong with Bob Dylan?

>> No.10303355

You are trying to pull some mid-century aesthetic here, I see, but you fail miserably because the books are all ugly and don't even match with the table! The ugliest nightstand I have ever seen in my life

>> No.10303366
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Hey guys :3

>> No.10303381

>farewell to arms and a thong
this is the best one of these threads we've had in a long time

>> No.10303463
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>> No.10303467

lube and mints aren't food, cockgobbler

>> No.10303511

is that a picture of your boyfriend, faggot?

>> No.10303519
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anon wat is this

>> No.10303521

the book i mean. looks mysterious

>> No.10303537

almost all of these are contrived and pretentious as hell

>> No.10303552

the only two who belong

>> No.10303578

what is this from?

>> No.10303580
File: 57 KB, 444x599, monsieur_bauldelaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Picture of Baudelaire on nightstand
Jesus, what a double-edged blade. Whoever recognizes him will obviously have some degree of literary pedigree, but will also probably have enough sense to stay as far away from you as possible

>> No.10303585

The Million Dollar Extreme book is so terrible (as comedy, as politics, as satire, as anything) that it nullifies all the other good taste on your nightstand. Sam Hyde is what you get when a relatively smart dude decides to dedicate himself to razzling and dazzling: "Hey look at me! Look at me again! Don't I keep you guessing? HEuh heuh! Look!"

I am sorry my friend but your score is 0/10, the same score as someone with an empty nightstand.

>> No.10303624

>an empty nightstand is a 0/10
hello, reddit

>> No.10303777

The only people that ever come into my room are hookers anyways

>> No.10303930
File: 1.95 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor collegefag reporting in

>> No.10303941

>poorly constructed boat model

i feel like you designed this nightstand to be seen by artsy quiet girls. do you think that roleplaying as an old man is cool?

>> No.10303949

Why is your thong so big? Dont tell me you re a big girl

>> No.10303965
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>> No.10304071

What could you possibly do with a vinyl in bed?
Reading Finnegan's Wake in bed is a clear sign you aren't reading it correctly.
That's a cool looking boat.

>> No.10304111

it's literally just a coffee table book

>> No.10305329

lmao this shit is mad gay

>> No.10305683


>> No.10305740

it starts strong with mingus and then plummets. If I went to someones house and saw this I'd leave immediately. I wouldn't even come up with an excuse I'd just tell them their a freak and peel outta there.

>> No.10305759

I got the paper back of that edition of laozi on my nightstand too, but also an unopened bar of soap, the wrapper of a bar of soap, an empty bottle of lavander oil, two conkers, some satsuma peel, an old tea bag, a feast for crows, infinite jest, some old papers about how to light a scene, a 20p piece, some vaseline, a cord for tying up a tent, an old straw, deoderant, a rubber, a key ring, some pocket mirrors, a cup of tea, an alarm clock and lorry themed top trumps you're like me if I had my life together

>> No.10306650
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>> No.10307208
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Confusions of Young Törless

>> No.10307254


>> No.10307326
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>> No.10307398

that's not a nightstand dumbass

>> No.10307505
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, gg_aku_no_hana_-_03_1591d8ce-mkv_snapshot_10-35_2013-04-24_22-05-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're pic related, congrats.I really like the manga desu wish the author would stop with his new switched bodies project and work on something decent

>> No.10307584
File: 3.33 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_0301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10307592


>> No.10307665

That was the entire point of having the Baudelaire photo there. I knew someone would catch it. Aku no Hana is one of the best manga I've ever read. Probably because I did steal a girl's gym clothes in high school.

>> No.10307815

I like you, anon.
The main character was annoyingly relatable, yes. I also really liked the hopeful tone of the ending. Did you get caught by an insane but ultimately endearing nerd?

>> No.10307818

tryhard to the 57th power

>> No.10307839
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judge not lest ye be judged

>> No.10307926
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>tfw 3am and can’t sleep

>> No.10307962

Overrated schlock which is very well written but musically extremely stale. It is made for people with bad taste in music who want to listen to some cheap verse chorus verse poetry wrapped up in a shitty pop song. He is just as horrible as Springsteen.

>> No.10307965

For you

>> No.10307974

>a vinyl
For someone on a literature board you sure know how to butcher the English language.

>> No.10308059

Narziss and Goldmund is great, really underrated imo.

>> No.10308316


>> No.10308323

you're living the literary lifestyle m8, the numale reddit gear is almost a display of confidence juxtaposed with the baudelaire and whores

>> No.10308324
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>that fucking setup

>> No.10308328

tommy is that you?
are you London philosophy uni fag?

>> No.10308330

moments like this are why i browse

>> No.10308332
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>> No.10308367

making me crane my head / 10

>> No.10308602

you're trying too hard man

>> No.10308638

>not everyone feels the need to define themselves by firearm ownership
Defines himself by book ownership

>> No.10308662
File: 125 KB, 627x811, 1507939602712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pile of rope on floor. Tell us more friendo.......

>> No.10308665

You should put less effort into the arrangement of goods on your nightstand.

>> No.10308713

>he's a globalist

>> No.10308718
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>> No.10308732


>> No.10308734
File: 19 KB, 208x258, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Christ clean up your rooms you filthy savages. No wonder this board is such a mess when you have posters that can't even keep their own bedstand organized.

>> No.10308746

Goddamn it, the Peterson needs to die.

>> No.10308758

Fucking LOL'd

>> No.10308763
File: 267 KB, 856x642, Ernst_Jünger_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother, you sound like one of those housewives who consider it the greatest pleasure in life to wipe surfaces until they can see their own perfectly caked up reflection in it as they eat their salad off the fucking floor.

>> No.10308778
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>> No.10308994

No, I didn't get caught, I don't think the girl even reported her gym clothes as stolen.

>> No.10309007

Nice dildo

>> No.10309702

please for the love of god buy a book stand. Leaning a book against a wall is so white trash it's unbelievable.

nice selection tho bud

>> No.10309791

Thank you.