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10302451 No.10302451 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else sick of leftism poisoning our sense of beauty and art by ideology? We are to call fat "beautiful" because fat people are "oppressed", and we are to gauge the merit of a book by how oppressed the author is. I am no fascist, but this is tremendously annoying

>> No.10302465

That's what you deserve for being a filthy anglophone

>> No.10302479

If you know who he is then you are among friends here. I can nor recommend his 'Beauty: A Very Short Introduction' enough. Read it and you will not only be comforted but you will know where to go next to cultivate your sense of beauty.

>> No.10302513

Literally had a conversation with a leftist recently about grandeur and majesty and I used the Pyramids as an example. Then he started attacking me for "defending the Pyramids", which said were nothing more than a symbol of oppression

>> No.10302517

More like anglos (bog kikes) tbqhwy

>> No.10302534

Thank you, I will check it out

>> No.10302553

Whose oppression?

>> No.10302572

there is a different between the Left and the mentally ill. Stop associating lefties with the tumblr kids.

>> No.10302607

The Egyptians because the Pharaoh was a "despot"

>> No.10302615
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>fugging gommies ruining muh ar-


>> No.10302617

Yes, driving out people like Otakar Kubin to France while shilling socrealist kitsch is ruining art.

>> No.10302618



You do realize that your waifu Camille Paglia considers herself to be a "true Marxist."

>> No.10302619

Literally soulless though

>> No.10302620

>we are to call corrupt tobacco shills 'traditionalist' because they LARP downton abbey

>> No.10302637

Anyone else sick of people being paid to shill for tobacco companies?

>> No.10302638

This relativism pushed by people on the left would never have been a threat to western civilization if not combined with unhindered capitalism. Together they have taken culture prison and let the lazy masses dictate what fake culture is to be produced. Culture is made into something that should be blindly consumed whitout any reflection and we are bombarded with algorithmically made movies while everywhere uninspired "music" is played as a background noise to keep us distracted. This will however not last forever. High culture will be rediscovered and usher in a new renaissance be it in 50 or 500 years.

>> No.10302640

But he never actually >>10302637
shilled for them....

>> No.10302668

>we wuz despots

>> No.10302670

Since we are having a discussion on Aesthetics. You might want to watch this from pic related.


Also, since I don't want this thread to get modded, a reading list on the topic of Beauty and Aesthetics:

Symposium - Plato [385-380 B.C]

On Beauty [First Ennead] - Plotinus [270 B.C.]

A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful - Edmund Burke [1757]

Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man - Schiller [1794]

Lectures on Aesthetics - Hegel [1835]

On the Musically Beautiful - Eduard Hanslick [1891]

The Sense of Beauty - George Santayana [1896]

>> No.10302684

that was actually true. The funny thing is that no one calls him out for that.
>the aesthetic value of smoking our brand of cigarrets. Not propaganda, I just think smoking is class, which is for conservative men; while swag is for bois.

>> No.10302690

>implying /pol/ has any claim to art or aesthetics
>implying liberalism actually measures art on a scale of "oppressiveness"
this is what happens to your brain when you let teenage frogposters brainwash you

>> No.10302700
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>> No.10302705

Well, he was ...

>> No.10302718

>Scruton was criticized in 2002 for having written articles about smoking without disclosing that he was receiving a regular fee from Japan Tobacco International (JTI) (formerly R. J. Reynolds).[65] In 1999 he and his wife—as part of their consultancy work for Horshells Farm Enterprises[58][66]—began producing a quarterly briefing paper, The Risk of Freedom Briefing (1999–2007), about the state's control of risk.[67] Distributed to journalists, the paper included discussions about drugs, alcohol and tobacco, and was sponsored by JTI.[66][68][69] Scruton wrote several articles in defence of smoking around this time, including one for The Times,[70] three for The Wall Street Journal,[71] one for City Journal,[72] and a 65-page pamphlet for the Institute of Economic Affairs, WHO, What, and Why: Trans-national Government, Legitimacy and the World Health Organisation (2000). The latter criticized the World Health Organization's campaign against smoking, arguing that transnational bodies should not seek to influence domestic legislation because they are not answerable to the electorate.[73]

>The Guardian reported in 2002 that Scruton had been writing about these issues while failing to disclose that he was receiving £54,000 a year from JTI.[65] The payments came to light when a September 2001 email from the Scrutons to JTI was leaked to The Guardian. Signed by Scruton's wife, it asked the company to increase their £4,500 monthly fee to £5,500, in exchange for which Scruton would "aim to place an article every two months" in The Wall Street Journal, Times, Telegraph, Spectator, Financial Times, Economist, Independent or New Statesman.[74][75][65] Scruton, who said the email had been stolen, replied that he had never concealed his connection with JTI.[66] In response to The Guardian article, The Financial Times ended his contract as a columnist,[76] The Wall Street Journal suspended his contributions,[77] and the Institute for Economic Affairs said it would introduce an author-declaration policy.[78] Chatto & Windus withdrew from negotiations for a book, and Birkbeck removed his visiting-professor privileges.[68]

>> No.10302730


I respect leftist economics but honestly this really pisses me off about them. Sometimes I get the sense that leftists just hate anything that is beautiful, powerful, slick or the result of high achievement. It's why so much of their art is subversive. I think there's something freakish about it.

>> No.10302731

admiring what is oppressed is purely christian, what are you even on about?

>> No.10302733

Really makes you think...

>Scruton was born in Buslingthorpe, Lincolnshire[8] to John "Jack" Scruton, a teacher from Manchester, and his wife, Beryl Claris Scruton (née Haynes), and was raised with his two sisters in Marlow and High Wycombe.[9] The Scruton surname had been acquired relatively recently. Jack's father's birth certificate showed him as Matthew Lowe, after Matthew's mother, Margaret Lowe (Scruton's great grandmother); the document made no mention of a father. But Margaret had decided, for reasons unknown, to raise her son as Matthew Scruton instead. Scruton wondered whether she had been employed at the former Scruton Hall in Scruton, Yorkshire, and whether that was where her child had been conceived.[10]

Do you think he has a perhaps..."Jewish" origin that he's covering up?

>> No.10302737

you lads are confusing progressive liberals for leftists.

>> No.10302741
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You have to go back /pol/, goblino.

>> No.10302757

You people say this shit all the time

"Its not leftists who subvert art, its liberals"
"Its not leftists who want mass immigration, its liberals"
"It's not leftists who are rabid with identity politics, it's liberals"

But we all know this isn't true. Modern progressivism and the shitty effect it has on culture and discourse is what leftism actually looks like.

>> No.10302758

They're probably American, America only deals in left/right.

>> No.10302766

>"It's not leftists who are rabid with identity politics, it's liberals"

This one has entirely been liberals to be fair.

The other two leftists do, leftists want open borders for christs sake.

>> No.10302767
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>LOWE (1) Jewish
>Germanized variant of LEVI.

Really makes you think.

>> No.10302774


No, this applies anywhere. Progressive liberalism is the very step to leftism. The goal is to first attack institutions like art to create the culture destruction required for leftist economics.

>> No.10302775

Academia has become bored, and their obsession with marginalized voices stems from a passing fetishization of oppressed peoples in the past. They wish to have some grand battle to fight, some great war to win. So they come up with a phantom enemy to fight (the patriarchy, white supremacy, the jews, etc) and draw swords to win moral victories against nothing. Art and literature will be fine as creative vessels of the human soul. Eventually this whole thing will either blow over or warp into something palatable as long as you don't fall for it.

>> No.10302779

>leftists want open borders for christs sake.

I don't get this. Isn't democratic control of the means of production virtually impossible with open borders? Not to mention, the more different cultures you have in your society, the less people will agree upon and just view things upon more tribal lines.

>> No.10302780

Liberals like capitalism though. Look at the liberals in America, they hated Bernie and he ran as a lukewarm social democrat.

>> No.10302785

>He says while speaking an anglo tongue.

>> No.10302790

M8, that's like saying that all conservatives are nazis. It's a gross oversemplification, not to mention an insult to nazis.
Reddit antifa self proclaimed communists are deep into idpol

>> No.10302791

>you people

I'm not a leftie mate, I'm just not confusing 'the proletariat must seize the means of production' and 'brown people and solar panels deserve a round of applause as we enjoy this global capitalism'.

>> No.10302800

>Reddit antifa self proclaimed communists are deep into idpol

Are they? What do they do? The whole we want 50/50 in boardrooms and more people of colour in powerful jobs is neoliberal idpol.

>> No.10302815

>54k a year for some shitty article every 2 months

i'd do it tbqh

>> No.10302824

To be frank I don't really get why it would upset you, it's reaaaally difficult to poison somebody else' perception of esthetics. You still enjoy Monet (the good one) and Notre-Dame de Paris, right? That's like complaining that lefties are corrupting your morals.

And probably to them beauty is wholly another category, there's just confusion with names. I'd wager they collapsed all the aspects of the idea of value into one, so the fat woman doesn't bring them esthetical pleasure, but rather general pleasure from witnessing power. I kinda get it, not with fat women I mean, but like with reading the Tunnel (the good one) - it's ugly and miserable and disgusting and yet you feel force emanating from within the pages

>> No.10302856

What I have seen:
>A shitty comic about some LGBT antifa dressed persons doing a revolution
>Another shitty comic about a black guy sucking off a white guy during a university lesson to fight racism or something.
>A shitty article about how Capitalism is the root of all racism and if we didn't have capitalism there would be no economic inequality and racism would go away
To be desu reading some of the communists subreddits makes me reconsider my opinion of poltards.

>> No.10302861

>Monet (the good one)
But Anon, there's no bad Monet.

>> No.10302870

The better one, ok, but different strokes different folks.
Technically Claude had a step-daughter who was meh at painting, so at least "not the worst one".

>> No.10302875

What a shitty philosopher, wow.

>> No.10302881
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Haha, no, admiring publicans is what is Christian. Being oppressed is only beautiful if your response is LOVE and HUMILITY rather than self-righteous indignation

>> No.10302887

libs and socs are enemies in europe.

>> No.10302958

why does it all have to be so sad

>> No.10302967

Because we live in a vale of tears.

>> No.10302978

social justice shit is just secularised christianity

>> No.10302980

It's secularized Puritanism.

>> No.10302994

How long is it? I don't care how long it is because I'll probably still read it but was just wondering.

>> No.10302997

It is very short.

>> No.10303000

Scruton also made a documentary called Why Beauty Matters, which is very good. I think it's on Youtube.

>> No.10303011


You mean commercialism?

>> No.10303079

Because people like Nietzsche actually think ressentiment is Christian

>> No.10303286

At some point conservative critics realized that arguing around leftism is much easier than arguing against leftism. To argue against it, one would have to take it seriously as a political project, look at its aims and goals, and pick them apart one by one. Arguing around it merely means painting it as a historical spectre from which various forms of cultural malaise emanate. Not only is this much easier to do, it has a higher chance of appealing to a strong majority of people who see various important aspects of their lives relativized. Therefore, the very universalists who would like to rid this relativization are seen as the source of it

>> No.10303294

Leftists haven't been remotely acceptable since the 1970's. Now it's all about muh diversity muh sexuality

>> No.10303312

t. burger

>> No.10303314


They do that in order to make leftism acceptable. All the stuff about muh diversity, muh sexuality is so they can take the "roundabout approach" to establish their economic goals of equality. Simply arguing for communism won't work so they have to create the social conditions necessary for it to become acceptable.

>> No.10303321

what sort of self-respecting marxist would give a shit about "democratic control of the means of production" or democracy?

>> No.10303326
File: 189 KB, 1024x896, evola on marxism .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it was a mistake. Seriously. Corporations have fucked you in the arse and as a result your movement will never progress to anything more

>> No.10303653

Socialist Realism is not art.

>> No.10303899

Meaningless words. It's full of character.

>> No.10303932

>hurr durr leftists

You are mentally ill. Do you complain about leftists when the Oreo breaks in your glass of milk too and you have to scoop it out with a spoon?

>> No.10303937


i havent noticed any influence on my sense

>> No.10303958

I disagree with him on music. My impression was that he cannot comprehend that people may actually find dissonance pleasing without a hint of irony or intellectualizing. I love dissonance in music. Perhaps I misunderstood him but he seemed flat out wrong on that issue.

>> No.10304070

he just needs to listen to sister ray a few times