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File: 1013 KB, 815x1079, Cultureofcritique[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10300430 No.10300430[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books that completely changed the way you see the world

>> No.10300433

inb4 shitfest

>> No.10300435


>> No.10300436

Diabetics, by L. Ron Hubbard.

>> No.10300437

That's some shallow worldview you must have had, and persist with.
Who cares what group of assholes are at the top of the nightmare machine. They're fallen.
Give attention to the way your mind acts instead.

>> No.10300439

yes, now I hate poltards even more

>> No.10300440

Overshoot, by William Catton

>> No.10300444

It's a nazbol false flagging as /pol/. You can tell by the persistence.

>> No.10300446

Here's a real answer to your meme post

The Ascent of Humanity by Charles Eisenstein

>> No.10300447

Hi OP.

>> No.10300449

The best books tell you what you know already

>> No.10300450
File: 111 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-11-22-05-21-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check my (You)s and digits.

>> No.10300451

imagine being this apathetic and self-centered
I bet you write shitty poetry about your weekly misadventures on Tinder

>> No.10300454

A Conflict of Visions - Thomas Sowell

non-meme question: did it make you hate jews? how did it change the way you see things?

>> No.10300455

You know, today i saw a /pol/poster in person walking around. He had a shirt with a sam hyde picture on it, and lets just say he wasn't an aryan ubermensch. It made me remember why internet revolutions will never happen; one look at this guy and anyone would want to dissociate themselves with whatever his beliefs were.

>> No.10300458

>unashamed phone posting
You're not alone but have some decency

>> No.10300462
File: 199 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-11-22-10-24-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how you did this!??!?

>> No.10300463

>be American
>eat McDonald's
>read MacDonald

>> No.10300476

Kevin! It's been awhile. Up to your regular schedule of shilling I see.

>> No.10300624

do you like the selfish gene?

>> No.10300643

havent read it. why?

>> No.10300712
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>> No.10300724
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>> No.10300730
File: 73 KB, 660x822, book17-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10300746

Relatable kek

>> No.10301478

This but unironically

>> No.10301536

What books like CoC help people realize is not how they should hate jews, but how much jews hate them. Jews hate all non-jews and view them as their slaves, but they are also liars who control all of our media, publishing, etc., in order to manage perceptions of them and make people believe the opposite: that *they* are really the victims and that people hate *them* for no reason. Jews are sociopaths, is basically the main conclusion the JQ leads one to.

>> No.10301540

Stop misrepresenting the book, leftypol

>> No.10302058

This book simply says that some Jewish intellectuals cared about Jewish people and that their Jewish heritage had an influence on their works. How is this controversial at all?

>> No.10302086

Are you an autismo unaware of the social implications of things? Jews have made is blasphemous to speak negatively about them.

>> No.10302105

so youve read the book, then?

>> No.10302121

Corruption of Champions has a book now?

>> No.10302122

Of course.

>> No.10302137

More like "cuck", amirite?

>> No.10302268

Has there anyone done a study on what a group of outsiders aligned on a common goal through conspiracy does to the hierarchical structure of society/institutions? Leaving Jews aside here for a moment, I personally struggle to see how a conspiracy can NOT be successful under three conditions:
1. it has a common goal
2. it is not known to non-members
3. it does not disintegrate through individual interests

It seems like given a large enough time-frame any institution or society can be invaded by a foreign group that fulfills the 3 conditions described above.

>> No.10302282

>control all of our media, publishing, etc.
shhh only jews can say that. the only time the goys can point out jewish over representation is when discussing holocaust victims.

>> No.10302327

I'll still point out--so much false-flagging liars here--that the book doesn't depict Jewish influence as any sort of conspiracy

>> No.10302556
File: 62 KB, 396x691, 1506229907184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone who has ACTUALLY read this book from start to finish tell me what the deal is? Is it good? What's good about it? Why is/isnt it worth reading?

>> No.10302611

"Conspiracy" is a word that describes a very common practice people engage in frequently. When those people are inbred cousins and as culturally tribal as jews are, they engage in that practice even more frequently. What has happened is that the meaning of the word "conspiracy" has been inverted to take the spotlight off of tribal conspirators like jews and put it on the plebs, who will like the idiots they are start implicating each other and denying their own incorrect usage of the term, while taking the focus off of the tribal conspirators and ignoring the actual definition. Jews conspire and there's nothing theoretical about it. It's pretty simple.

>> No.10302613

Just note the tumult and butthurt wafting around the book, but it actually is a fruitful analysis of, as noted, intellectual movements dominated by Jews, the people in these movements, their overt and subconscious aims, general characteristics, why these movements turned out like they did and how they reflect uniquely Jewish attributes. Definitely worth the read imo

>> No.10302614

It's an essential book that explains post-shtetl jewish tribal behavior from an evolutionary perspective. If you are white you must read it, especially if you have any interest in what's going on in your society.

>> No.10302616

forgot to add the wider implications of these movements to gentile society and the West

>> No.10302623

Sure, Jews conspire, but you see what I meant

>> No.10302689

This is what I meant. Not "conspiracy" as MSM defines it but simple conspirators (whether they are Jews or not). And the question that's been bothering me for a while is whether it's possible to stop conspirators from obtaining power in a society or an institution when the people who make up that group are far more individualistic than conspirators.

To me the fascinating thing is how tarnished the word "conspiracy" has become. Yet conspiracy as a group action seems incredibly simple and successful. In fact, I struggle to find a means of obtaining power that is as efficient and effective as a few people conspiring against a native group. The only way where this wouldn't work is IF the native group has the same intensity and cohesion in their group strategy. If not, conspiracy is simply an unstoppable force. I feel like this has been staring us in the face all this time with how simple it is. And yet the trend seems to be the exact opposite, all kinds of intellectuals and mainstream denying anything such as conspiracy even existing and now should anyone even mention it, he is looked at as an idiot who reads too many Dan Brown novels.

I don't feel like this is solely a Jewish issue either. It might be just that their group has been the most successful.

>> No.10302784

It's a mainly jewish issue. That's why you're correctly viewing the main population group as individualistic whites, and the tribal conspirators as jews -- because that's the dynamic here. Whites have a tribal instinct as well, it is just less pronounced, but whites are not tapped into it because a) they don't perceive a threat due to wall-to-wall jewish propaganda, and b) have been told also as a result of jewish propaganda that identifying with their in-group is immoral.

But as soon as whites understand the jewish problem and realize that jews are indeed conspiring against them, they become tribal real fast. And that's the solution: normalizing white identity/awareness and nationalism. Jews don't stand a chance against cohesive white people with a sense of who they are. Jews use the word "conspiracy" purely as a social shaming tool, a way to classify people who talk about the jews conspiring against them as crazy. And the best method to combat this is to simply draw attention to the actual definition and point out the common sense explanation of jews as a tribal people who obviously do conspire.

>> No.10303594

This book.

>> No.10303607

half the replies itt are from the same retard

>> No.10303627
