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/lit/ - Literature

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10299795 No.10299795 [Reply] [Original]

How was she such a good writer for her age?

>> No.10299813
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>> No.10299817

there were no video games back then

>> No.10299824


Jewish people are actually very intelligent, there is a reason why they are so good at grabbing power and maintaining it for long amounts of time.

>> No.10299827

Work of fiction anon. Writer was a failed art student from Vienna that just wanted to make the most beautiful buildings.

>> No.10299831

There are theories that she didn't write it at all

>> No.10299834

Because her dad wrote it.

>inb4 mods ban me for having an opinion

>> No.10299852

It's a combination of the older style of writing, being a translation, and just that from what I understand she was a pretty smart girl who read a lot.

>> No.10299858

This goy gets it.

>> No.10299995

This. She was Ashknazi (maybe).

>> No.10300000

if digits I get a qt jewish gf

>> No.10300004
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Anyone see the drama of Ann Frank (facebook one) who was sexually assaulted by some pedo. I think the trial was a week ago or something.

>> No.10300005

Did she have Khazan milkers?

>> No.10300007

Lol, jews have never maintained power for any extended period of time. In fact, the only time they've had power prior to now was after the bolshevik revolution, and they murdered millions of Russians and still couldn't hold onto power for more than a couple decades.

>> No.10300020

Lol, what about the protocols?
Nah, I'm just kidding ;)

>> No.10300021

Came here to post this.

The books a fake.

>> No.10300030
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>> No.10300031


>> No.10300039

Jews are obsessed with and constantly plot to obtain power, or remove others from power, but they are absolutely terrible at maintaining it or ruling in general because a at their core they are vagabond con men from the middle east. They've never run anything.

>> No.10300043
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Enjoy your big nosed queen you magnificent bastard

>> No.10300047

Why do brainlets hate jews so much?

>> No.10300051

Anne Frank's "diary"was typed with Microsoft Word 97

>> No.10300054


>> No.10300055

Holy shit

>> No.10300062


i'm sorry? what ethnicity are most russian billionaires? what ethnicity was the mother of the current prime minister? who runs the black markets in russia? the power has been in the same place since the revolution (and in less direct ways, probably before it)

>> No.10300063

I blame South Park for making Jew-hating cool for shit-eating, fat untermenschen. There really is no subtlety or critical eye in that show, it was just babby's first edgy, contrarian shitshow. You only needed to make enough Jew jokes in high school, and then see an infograph at 16 or so, to actually start believing it.

>> No.10300069
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>Putin has any power whatsoever
It's even in your constitution that the PM doesn't actually get to do anything. Hope you're Nazbol too.

>> No.10300076

What? Jews were purged under Stalin and lost most of their power, though not all. Post-cold war jewish oligarchs were largely purged under Putin which is why jews in the US are frothing at the mouth for Putin's head.

>> No.10300088


look at you clowns. putin has no power, putin has purged the country of jews. you're a fucking joke.

not only do i not know what nazbol means, i've never even seen the word

>> No.10300092

Haциoнaл-бoльшeвиcтcкaя пapтия, HБП

>> No.10300096

Putin did purge Russia of jewish oligarchs, as I said.

>> No.10300099

What a waste.

Should have asked for an aryan looking negress.

>> No.10300102


>> No.10300108

>be Ashkenazi
>be turned into ashes by nazis
too bad they didn't burn the book too

>> No.10300478


>> No.10300483
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godspeed anon

>> No.10300485

>implying she wrote anything

>> No.10300498

honestly, the diary is the most boring trite book i've ever had to read for school
i'm dutch so you're required to, in nearly every school, to read that damned diary

>> No.10300500
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>> No.10300561

thomas fucking mahoney

>> No.10300569
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>> No.10300572

I wish I had made this post

>> No.10300583

Who's to say that you didn't?

>> No.10300584

Brb, getting an AI gf.

>> No.10300590

"I want a funky little jewish princess
A grinder; a bumper, with a pre-moistened dumper"
Hope someone sends you a princess that bites.

>> No.10300610
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>> No.10300654

let's just say she had a ghostwriter

>> No.10300659

I bet none of you faggots even read it in dutch.

>> No.10300665

I heard she also invented ballpoint pens.

>> No.10300669

They both look like they smell

>> No.10300672

no shit sherlock they both have noses

>> No.10300693
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hory sheit quints on [s4s] THIS IS A MIRACLUL

>> No.10300715
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You got to realize that the Holohoax was a joke

>> No.10300716

Imagine pounding that puss

>> No.10300718

I was phenomenally impressed by Anne Frank's literary achievement. She wrote with a depth of feeling and cognizance of life that far surpassed that of a little girl. She clearly possessed the inner world of someone twice, perhaps even thrice her age. An old soul indeed! And her style! Every so often you meet a "little professor" who uses language far in advance of her developmental age, using antiquated terms and expressions not popular since her own parents were children, and complex jargon you'd think only an adult would know. Anne Frank is the ultimate example of this archetype. If you removed all reference to her age from the text, I would have assumed that the narrator is in her 40s, or perhaps even 50s. And she was no girly girl, either. the masculinity of her prose, the maleness of her thought patterns! If someone told me it was rather the Diary of a Young Boy, or even more fittingly, the Diary of a Middle Aged Man, the style would not be so striking. Also the lurid descriptions of her sexual discoveries edited out of the published volumes are on the face of them the product of a highly perverted male psyche, yet here this little girl undoubtedly wrote them. What a genius! Truly remarkable. Thank you, providence of history, for preserving this miraculous text that explodes my preconceptions of how little girls think and feel.

>> No.10300744

I don’t want to sound racist but ashkenazi Jews tend to have extraordinarily high verbal IQs

>> No.10300750

Yeah, almost as high as white Catholics or Anglicans, and higher than atheists.

>> No.10300753

Redpill me on the veracity of her diary.

>> No.10300756

That's because she never wrote it

>> No.10300758

But where's the proof of that? Claiming something is not the same thing as proving it. And I also read once that the Netherlands government made an analysis comparing the handwriting and other things and concluded that it was true.

>> No.10300760
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Well, it's a hoax

>> No.10300769

Again, you're only claiming things without proving them...

>> No.10300787

Its real

>> No.10300790

How tight do you think her puss was?

>> No.10300794

Can you prove it? You're falling for the same mistakes that the guy calling it a hoax is making.

>> No.10300816
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Good Lord it's right in your face

>> No.10300834

Anne Frank’s diary was co-authored by her father and thus the credibility of the book finally comes to an end.The Basel, Switzerland, Anne Frank Fonds (Anne Frank Fund), which controls the copyright to the Diary of Anne Frank, has admitted that the book was in fact at least co-authored by Otto Frank, Anne’s father, after the war.The admission proves that the book, which is still heavily promoted as a “holocaust memoir”, is in fact largely a postwar fabrication which contained parts of the young Anne’s diary with extensive additions added by her father. This is obvious from even a cursory look at the actual diary.

>> No.10300835

Reported for illegal activity. Enjoy your v&

>> No.10300846

Posting reports is bannable, newfag.


>> No.10300852

What's illegal about speculating about Anne Frank's vagina?

>> No.10300869

Shut up Kyle!

>> No.10300886

I had a friend as a kid and I would call him fat and he would call me a Jew. All in good fun

>> No.10300889

Fake news, the diary is 100% legit they are just arguing that arranging it consitutes a co-authorship

>Six years ago, the foundation asked legal experts in various countries for advice on its copyright, according to Yves Kugelmann, a member of the foundation’s board. They concluded, he said, that Otto “created a new work” because of his role of editing, merging and trimming entries from her diary and notebooks and reshaping them into “kind of a collage” meriting its own copyright.

>> No.10300906

Of course it would be considered legit. It's used to justify the Holocaust, which never happened to begin with, so we have a motive.

>> No.10301048
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>> No.10301055

I always had a "hate the game, not the player" mindset about the whole thing.

>> No.10301335

Please tell me one single word used in the diary that Anne Frank should not have known and make sure to cite the original Dutch.

>> No.10301360

Time to come clean, I wrote it.

>> No.10301390

>designed to accommodate one body
So in other words, you just had to stuff it to get to 7-9. Mixing in kids helps too.

>> No.10301392

one time i realized that all women i have been extremely attracted to looked similiar to anne frank. creeped me out a bit desu

>> No.10301399

>tfw my qt oneitis started dating a wealthy Ashkenazi Jew
>tfw his parents are worth several millions
>tfw he was educated at the top schools in my country
>tfw he earns 4 times as much as me and is the same age
>tfw I'm an autist poorfag with anger issues raised by a single mom
>tfw I never had a chance with her

>> No.10301402

Hey Jeff Mangum.

>> No.10301414

Wasn't it written in german?

>> No.10301422

don't ever envy a jew, especially the males trust me.

>> No.10301544

No, it was written in Dutch. The Frank's moved to Amsterdam when Anne was only 4.

>> No.10301549

Literal same for me man, I blame the school system for introducing me to such a qt (to a 12 year-old) at such a crucial time in my development

>> No.10301581

Mazel tov

>> No.10301595


even her hooked nose and thin degenerate lips?

>> No.10301599

I laughed loudly in the barber shop reading this. Theyre giving me shit for the way I laugh.

>> No.10302515

is it a black barbershop?

>> No.10302518

Fuck me in my eruvillian ass you lucky hyhuian bastard !

>> No.10303630


>> No.10303651

jews have exceptional communication ability, both verbal and nonverbal. But that's about all. They're definitely not above average in terms of mathematical or scientific performance, and the only reason you hear of mediocre jewish scientists like Einstein is because they are extremely good at self promotion.

>> No.10303657

No video games.
No facebook.
No twitter.
No instagram.
No /lit/
No eBooks.
No television.
No YouTube.
No pornhub.
No email.
No iPhone.
No wikipedia.
No internet.

But, no, I can't think of any reason why young people then were more literate than young people now.

>> No.10303694

Do you honestly think she was a good representation of children of her era with respect to literary talent?

>> No.10303713

Her reference to "das Pokemon" in chapter 7 seemed a little anachronistic.

>> No.10303803

Enjoy those khazar milkers anon

>> No.10303903


>> No.10303926

>No eBooks.
since when do eBooks hurt literacy among kids?

>> No.10303983

Perhaps not, she was certainly a bright young girl. There are likely thousands of diaries of young jewish girls whose lives were extinguished by Nazi Germany. Is it unreasonable to believe that Anne's persevered in part due to her talent?

>> No.10303997

She didn't write it, bro. Read the thread and learn how jews roll like a wandering agitptop mafia.

>> No.10304008

Ashkenazi god tier genetics goyim are you even fucking trying

>> No.10304031

There has been no evidence whatsoever to point to that conclusion. Furthermore, I'd like to ask if you've ever read the diary or any other book for that matter.

>> No.10304058

Get with the program, guy. No sense in being this out of touch with the JQ in 2017.

>> No.10304073

yeah, weird how it reads like a fictional novel written by an adult male

>> No.10304085

Jews are the master race and have superior intelligence.

>> No.10304094
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>> No.10304105

>reading books
fucking lol. the white race is out here being destroyed by the second and you worthless cucks are spending your youth poring over volumes instead of getting out there and fighting the good fight against the villains of humanity. pathetic! no i have not read a book and i never will because i'm going to make a difference in this world and birth lots of healthy, upstanding white children while you waste your time defending this stupid kike harlot retarded degenerate and her bloodthirsty cabal. MAGA

>> No.10304143

Someone post the pregnant Anne pics

>> No.10304146

Completely false, Jews dominate all those fields and Einstein was by far the eminent scientist of the past 150 years.

>> No.10304163

Go back to your containment board /his/

>> No.10304166


>> No.10304167

Einstein was a plagarist who was considered stupid until after his stint in a Swiss patent office.

>> No.10304200

Reading on a screen is hyper-reading and it's bad

>> No.10304317
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>> No.10304533

And to think that Lonoff rejected her even when she threw herself at him

>> No.10304651

I think the biggest irony is that the dudes who talk the most about propagating the white race are very much not contributing to that effort.

>> No.10304656

>They're definitely not above average in terms of mathematical or scientific performance

Lol he's serious.

>> No.10304735

> Is it unreasonable
The unreasonableness comes from acting as though children in the 40s were someone great literary minds compared to modern ones.

>> No.10304764

shouldn't this be /x/?
Is /x/ still alive?
Is /x/ now /pol/?
Is /xpol/ trying to amalgam itself and become RoboJewHitler?

>> No.10304773
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t. pedo

>> No.10304780
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>> No.10304784

>Jews have never had any power
>but they were also expelled from nations hundreds of times for having too much power

>> No.10304793

Uh... Are you doubting the great sources that are National Vanguard and the writer of the Turner Diaries?

>> No.10304794

Don't think that's typically why they were expelled fyi. More for doing things like selling Christians into slavery.

>> No.10304804

Young people are actually FAR more literate now than then actually.

>> No.10304814

Wouldn't selling Christians into slavery require power?

>> No.10304837

Jews never had control over the actual state. Whatever power they had was however much was given to them by the elites they were able to bribe.

>> No.10304862

>70 years is "nearly one century"
this is the intelligence of the average holohoaxer

>> No.10304870

if they were so powerful how did anyone manage to expel them?
why didn't they just use their jew magic to eliminate their enemies?
if they're so powerful now why don't they just use their jew space lasers to zap every one of their enemies? why does palestine even exist now if jews are so powerful?

>> No.10304927
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there's no hope for some

>> No.10304933

>thinking anyone on this meme website actually knows anything

most people here read more text in infographics than in books, anon, it's a sad state

>> No.10305028

Well, my ex girlfriend told me that Anne Frank didn’t really exist and the book was a jewish conspiracy. So that’s one theory. Bear in mind though, she had made me watch an adaptation of the diary with her and shs cried a lot before she had the breakdown that broke us up.

I think she lives in a compound now. She tries to contact me every few months but I ignore her. It’s a surreal feeling.

Serious answer though? I think that she didn’t have much else to do during the hiding in an attic days.

>> No.10306129

Thank you based Jeff

>> No.10306145
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>It's used to justify the Holocaust

>> No.10306196

I was just thinkingabout how many different meanings the post you replied to has, when i read this. I laughed. Thanks, anon

>> No.10306210

I heard it was her uncle who wrote it

>> No.10306220

Holy fuck you're stupid

>> No.10306241

it's /mu/

>> No.10307215
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>> No.10307220

what about sephardic ones?

>> No.10307251

Because she didn't wrote anything.

>> No.10308676

What are you talking about?

>> No.10308706

The only reason that it's edgy to hate Jews is because antisemitism has undeservedly become one of the greatest sins against social justice. I say undeservedly because Jews are now very privileged, yet are still guarded by the career-ending crime of disliking Jews. Although I do basically agree with you.

>> No.10308712

I believe it had something to do with a ball point pen

>> No.10308733

There's nothing edgy about it. White people who are smarter and more sociopolitically aware than you have simply realized that it's jews who hate them and are trying to bolshevik them and the nation their ancestors built. I'd be a little more hesitant to air out your ignorance on the JQ in the future. If you're white, under 30, have access to the internet, and still don't understand what's going on, that's on you 100%. Some people are lazy and not very smart or have their head in the clouds, sure, but there are no excuses for the above mentioned cohort not getting the picture these days.

>> No.10309052

i really wonder what you are 'at your core'

>> No.10309076

>he doesn't know why dfw killed himself

>> No.10309092

that jon snow guy really took some weight desu

>> No.10309096


>> No.10309127

>that pic
/pol/ can't photoshop to save its life desu

>> No.10309137

just wait a bit, he's still new to image editing

>> No.10309156

your mom has a toothbrush moustache
prove me wrong

>> No.10309166

All those moments will be lost in time...

>> No.10309217


>> No.10309226

Stop being anti-semitic goy.

>> No.10309233

wtf i love /lit/ now

>> No.10309237


>> No.10309239

>he doesn't know about reptilians

>> No.10309252

I heard it was Raptor Jesus

>> No.10309267

>ball point pen
The only things written in ballpoint pen ink are two loose notes written by someone else and put with the papers later and some page numbers written on the sheets during the compilation process.
2/10 made me reply

>> No.10309283

>tfw I'm an autist poorfag with anger issues raised by a single mom

That hit close to home, do you ever feel like you are to smart to be such a genetic waste?

>> No.10309292


>> No.10309342

It was edited and compiled by his father. He removed parts Anne wrote about sexuality, for example.

>> No.10310187
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>> No.10310220

>fine Jews can be smart by they're definitely not smart in the areas I value!!!!!
Haha I love this goycope

>> No.10310250

Will there be a screencap?

>> No.10310282

these are trannies right? getting a queasy feeling lookin at these two.

>> No.10310359

those are women
you are a homosexual

>> No.10311728

>decide to read the diary of anne frank
>get depressed literally ten pages in because of her descriptions of being young
why am i this way?

>> No.10311755

>'at your core'

confused leftist detected

>> No.10311763

A White Man and awake

>> No.10312186
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>> No.10312321
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>national vanguard

>> No.10312390

they went to ottoman empire from spain and later managed to get the empire into ww1 and make israel lands available for jews to settle.

>> No.10312865

>not above average in terms of mathematical or scientific performance

utterly wrong. source: phd in math

>> No.10312940
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>be me
>grow up near Henrico County, Virginia
>Be Sons of Confederate Veteransfag
>used to attend reenactments all over the state when I lived there
>realize the Diary of Anne Frank was published on the exact same day the Seven Days Battles (mainly took place in and around Henrico County just outside Richmond) with began in 1862
>Robert E. Lee successfully repulsed McClellan's advance on Richmond and gave chase, but was stopped at Glendale and Malvern Hill and thus were unable to prevent the Army of Potomac from retreating back across the James River
>one of several missed opportunities for Lee to destroy the Union Army in open battle and win the war
>Union victory in the American Civil War marked the beginning of increasingly aggressive U.S. expansionism that ultimately culminated in the World Wars and the rise of the Superpowers
>rise of the Soviet Union, the Nazis, and the human tragedy that followed is in part the blowback of American meddling in the First World War
>if the Army of Northern Virginia had broken through at Malvern Hill and destroyed McClellan's forces while they were still trapped on the banks of the James, Lee would've been free to move against Washington and could've forced Lincoln to sue for peace
>realize the entire tragic chain of events over the course of 83 years that led to the World Wars, the rise of the Nazis, the Holocaust, and Anne Frank's death could've been prevented at least partially or in their entirety
>Anne could've been a happy housewife and mother, enjoying a peaceful life in Amsterdam, if only Lee's plans had been properly coordinated and executed in the last days of June, 1862
>My God... We failed her.