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/lit/ - Literature

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10298185 No.10298185 [Reply] [Original]

Can we update this chart with 20th century political philosophy/economics?

>> No.10298196

There's already 20th century stuff on there.

>> No.10298199
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>> No.10298202

It has plenty of 20th century philosophy though?

The Schmitt selection is a bit odd though if you ask me, "The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy" and "Theory of the Partisan" are both significantly more relevant to the resolution of modernity and the move towards post-modernity.

>> No.10299553


There's Weber, Schmitt, Arendt and Rawls.

Rawls is worthless though, so there could be a better replacement for him

>> No.10299571
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>Read Marx
>Don't read Mein Kampf

Go back to /pol/

>> No.10299883

Forget the 20th, if you don't have fucking Progress and Poverty by Henry Gorge on there, you fucked the 19th.

>> No.10299885

George, not Gorge. I can't fucking spell

>> No.10299904
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>> No.10299906

Kind of this.

I'm not sure if Mein Kampf if the best read, but at the very least Mussolini's or Mosley's writings on Fascism should be on there. I mean, that is if we are going to also include Marx.

>> No.10299915

It needs Evola, not Mein Kampf

>> No.10299923

Evola or Guénon would be a good substitute for actual Fascism books, I agree.

>> No.10299985
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>> No.10300008


I mean, it's not politics and in a lot of cases they actually advise not to get into politics but I (personally) don't think it's a bad set of authors to look into for traditionalist thinking which is a set (not full on traditionalism but a lot lot of inspiration) in fascism and older more conservative politics such as monarchy.

>> No.10300032

Both The Wealth of Nations and Capital are economics books.

The list has Schmitt, a nazi political theorist that actually did more in his works than sperg like an autist. You have to be impressively retarded to think Capital and Mein Kampf are equivalent in any way.