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/lit/ - Literature

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10296802 No.10296802[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>minding my own business with both hands on my face
>Normie girl comes by and jokingly tells me not to cry
>mfw that genuinely made me laugh
>mfw I'm soon killing myself and I don't want this shit to happen

What are some books about Lonliness?

>> No.10296806

Please go to r9k instead

>> No.10296810


I want an intellectual feels thread. Also a books recommendation.

>> No.10296823

>tips fedora
>adjusts noose

>> No.10296831


These threads are one of the few things i have left, Why are you being so mean ?

>> No.10296859

Cause this place is for books, not whining.
You can't disguise your thread by throwing in a line at the end about "books for x feel?"

Plus, books with themes of loneliness are ubiquitous, they shouldn't be hard to find.

>> No.10296963


I'm not whining, I'm feeling. Learn the culture or leave this board and stop shitposting on a shitpost.

>> No.10296977

Go and fuck yourself.

>> No.10296982


>You can't disguise your thread by throwing in a line at the end about "books for x feel?"

He totally did do that though, if you actually read the last line. Your crit might be more appropriate if you knew how to read.

>> No.10296990

What? I said you can't, implying this feels thread didn't pass check as a thread about books. Learn to comprehend, bro.

>> No.10296993

Someone will recommend Notes from Underground which is fantastic. I just want to append to his/her recommendation the following:

The underground man is angry and bitter. If you are lonely but happy, you will probably not relate as much

>> No.10297007
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>he wants to read books about loneliness
Try becoming a schizo instead

>> No.10297010

None of these are even cool. If you're gonna read about schizophrenia, at least it should be cool and interesting.

>> No.10297015
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>> No.10297026

PKD, Kavan, the list can go on and on and on and on...