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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 688 KB, 1377x1106, decline of lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10295117 No.10295117 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10295136


>> No.10295138


>> No.10295153

>Every thread in the image is either related to Traditionalism, Fascism or Religion

Back to /r/Communism you go

>> No.10295157
File: 5 KB, 247x250, 1488862375872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like the fall of this website. People blame /pol/, /pol/ says they've always been here and if you're a cuck then leave. The honest truth is that this website was absolutely fucking decimated by the 2016 election. Sure there were racists and lefties before the election but there wasn't culture of critique-posting, false flagging, soyboy calling, JQ conspiracy degeneracy. Right or left, the quality of content on this site, and board especially, has plummeted.

>> No.10295159

>"The JQ"

t. Kike

>> No.10295161
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theres an obvious bias but the point is that politics in general dont belong here. keep pol in pol and literature in lit. how fucking hard is that to handle for most people

>> No.10295165

You're that poster that always shitposts in threads about philosophers that talk about Jews, aren't you?

Fuck off, you are part of the problem.

>> No.10295167
File: 182 KB, 636x406, tdlcgxn6bxhmex1lfk92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting Philosophical Ideas

>> No.10295169 [DELETED] 

We're here to redpill sweety. We're taking the West back from your (((subversive))) claws

>> No.10295173
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>> No.10295176
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Idk what youre talking about dude. I dont give a shit about "philosophers that talk about jews", so why dont you fuck off buddy

>> No.10295180

>What are some books featuring traps?
>Joe Rogan
>How do you meet a /lit/ girl?
>What am I in for
>Human form spooks me
>Black Library
>Every thread in this meme is Traditionalism, Fascism or Religion
Also, Trump and Molyneux aren't really any of those three in any profound sense. Time to stop being offended by the fact that no one likes "muh redpill" outside of middle school or mommy's basement.

>> No.10295182

underrated post

>> No.10295185
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1471418366236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I am actually fairly right-wing/reactionary, but I look at posters like this and all I can do is despair. We're never gonna get anywhere if this is the state of the forces arrayed against Modernity.

>> No.10295192

There is nothing more cancerous than dotposts. I don't know why they aren't banned on sight.

>> No.10295198

let me redpill you on this, goy. it's not communism.

>> No.10295199

>/lit/ will deny that there are leftists here who are part of the problem by ironically or maliciously pretending to be /pol/ so as to complain about /pol/

What we really need is counter-shit posting. Pretend to be leftists with the most smug arrogant posting you can be. Really turn up the hatred and left identity politics 24/7.

>> No.10295201

If you want to make /lit/ better please reply to my post >>10295030

>> No.10295203

I'm the one you (you)'d. It had only been up for a minute, anon, calm down.

>> No.10295204 [DELETED] 

Modernity = Jew subversion. If you deny this, then you aren't right-wing at all, just another cuck against traditional white values.

>> No.10295211

i was already on the thread when u posted it dude

>> No.10295218
File: 1.09 MB, 852x1650, Subversion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decolonize your white anality

>> No.10295222

Pretending to be retarded is retarded. The answer is to ramp up right-wing posting so that, between the ironic right-wing posting, sincere right-wing posting, and exaggerated right-wing posting, the weaker-willed leftists will either conform or be driven out. When will you right-wing retards ever learn from the left?

>> No.10295226

Because they're facile threads with facile subjects. I'm conservative in my politics, and I spend a lot of my time reading about religion. I have several books from two popes on my fucking bookshelf. Even the phrase "traditionalism, fascism or religion" makes me cringe. It exudes vulgar unfamiliarity. A proud, partisan vomit.

If there's one philosophy underpinning the reason I made the pic in the OP, it's this.
>The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.

Lurk moar. Stop being so obsessed with political identity and just fucking read.

>> No.10295233

Underrated means it's been around for hours with no replies when it is deserving of it.

>> No.10295244

>Even the phrase "traditionalism, fascism or religion" makes me cringe. It exudes vulgar unfamiliarity. A proud, partisan vomit.

le don't use language


>> No.10295249

Lit has always had some sort of a political bias, it's just more divisive now. You can't even make an honest discussion thread about a left-wing or right-wing author without faggots derailing it

>> No.10295250 [DELETED] 

Stop responding to falseflagging kikes. By the way he's posting you can tell that he's a mentally ill Jew

>> No.10295258

Oh it was much before that

>> No.10295261

>Stop responding to falseflagging kikes.
Said the falseflagger. We're getting on some meta shit now.

>> No.10295279

>The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.
i agree with you about this. there have been things that I thought were true that I would still believe if not for open debate. echo chambers are dangerous. but let's be honest, debate is an art now (maybe it always was, I don't know). but today, you need to have better theatrics than arguments. that's anti-enlightenment, anti-western, or whatever label you want to put on it. i don't think diversity and tolerance should be used as an excuse for "decolonizing" or "deconstructing" logic and reason with mumbo-jumbo that a computer could generate.

>> No.10295289

okay there is no qtddot so let me post this here, I am ESL and I am trying to use a semicolon without looking like a buffoon

It's a scientific fact that Native Americans emigrated to the Americas from Asia 20 thousand years ago through Beringia and told a lot of stories about things that didn't want them there; which isn't to say there aren't serious issues stemming from colonial era European emigration, but it's only a vague precedent and really doesn't have anything to do with special protections for a natural disaster that happened almost 10 years ago.

>> No.10295335


Give me fucking break. I've been browsing /lit nearly daily for 5 years at least and for the first 2 or 3 there were daily Marx threads like we have fantasy generals and sci-fi generals

>> No.10295361

>I've been browsing /lit nearly daily for 5 years
Jesus fucking Christ, please don't let me turn up like you.

>> No.10295373

I've been using 4chan for 11.
It's already too late for you, friend.

>> No.10295931

>being spooked by Kirika, the perfect animal
This board is beyond help.

>> No.10295981
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I went to a Q&A last night on the topic of post-truth and two classically-beta looking guys asked about how young conservatives should survive in a world that is hostile to their views. There's just something really awkward about people like that espousing such hard-headed views. It's like seeing a member of the army reserve pontificating about the hardships of war. It just shows a complete disconnect from reality. And I guarantee you, every single post on this board about fascism, traditionalism, and to an extent religion as well, are made by people just like that---finding security in beliefs completely out of step with their actual lives.

>> No.10295986

>I went to a Q&A last night on the topic of post-truth

>> No.10295988

>This tastes like shit
And to think this was supposed to be the "big brains" board.

>> No.10296001

>"traditionalism, fascism or religion" makes me cringe. It exudes vulgar unfamiliarity. A proud, partisan vomit.
/lit/s lack of self awareness is probably worse than /pol/s

>> No.10296104

you can tell that this image was made by a marxist because it uncritically and subtly presents marxism as something that is not to be critiqued or made fun of

>> No.10296110

Wow, modern day Adorno right here. Hey, can you tell us about the psychology of everyone right of center? As a trade off, you have to tell us in complete honesty how often you look at hardcore pornography and what your fetishes are, because frankly, I've seen a lot of modern day Frankfurt Schoolboys who are into some real fucked shit.

>> No.10296116
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What exactly is so "hard-headed" about conservatism? You didn't just tacitly admit that leftism is a soft, feminine ideology, did you?

I mean women are more likely to espouse leftist views than men, that fact alone should tell you something.

>> No.10296120

Give /pol/ an inch, they'll take a league.

>> No.10296121

Ive also noticed this trend. More often than not, the most well-adapted people in society dont have any views at all, while the weirdos and outcasts have elaborate views.

Perhaps since thought and imagination always were compensation mechanisms for reality.

>> No.10296130

>I mean women are more likely to espouse leftist views than men,
Women brought the National Socialists into power, whereas men mostly voted left-wing.

>left-wing is a soft, feminine ideology
It’s not left-wingers that sentimentally cling to age-old Jewish mythology and imagery of national greatness.

>> No.10296135

You're right. It's left-wingers that sentimentally cling to outdated ideologies, overly long tomes that no one reads, and failed states.

>> No.10296138

wtf I hate books now

>> No.10296141

Oh you cling to equally sentimental concepts, like "human rights", multiculturalism, feminism, environmentalism, prison reform etc, etc. These are religious views whether you know it or not.

My history is a little hazy, but I think Hindenburg had a bit more to do with Hilter's rise to power than women, especially because the nazis never even won a majority in the German parliament.

>> No.10296143

working my way through le kapital... i will finish it someday!!!!

>> No.10296145

holy... literature is FINISHED

>> No.10296147
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>> No.10296160

is this the left-wing equivalent of ((())) or calling someone a shill? only time will tell

>> No.10296164

No arguments detected whatsoever, just a shitty mspaint image. Sad!

>> No.10296168

I am well aware that almost all Western thought is intertwined in religion. What I meant is that sentimentality is neither a left-wing, nor a right-wing phenomenon, but a characteristic of all political imagery. There’s little more sentimental as the conservative family ideal, or glorification of the past, for example.

Your notion that women lean towards the left is debatable, given the prominent role of women in the NatSoc electorate and the European New Right — that is what I meant. In France, we had a right-wing female candidate running against a left-wing male candidate.

>> No.10296169
File: 334 KB, 509x566, epic_style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you are right

>> No.10296181

can't meme

>> No.10296185

look, redditors

>> No.10296191
File: 409 KB, 944x4013, the best board on 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10296199

The absolute state of the alt-lite

>> No.10296205

>modern day Adorno right here

Damn straight :^) As for my fetish, I only watch videos made by blacked

Exactly. Most well-adjusted people know how to suspend judgement, as oppossed to the wierdos, who are suspended by their judgements.

>> No.10296212
File: 12 KB, 342x379, proofs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your notion that women lean towards the left is debatable

Is it though? In most recent elections women tended to vote for the more liberal candidate. I honestly have no idea why women liked the NDSAP, maybe they liked Hitler's progressive social policies. There's nothing sentimental about the family ideal either, families are more responsible (read: conservative) because they have more at stake. That's literally why we support the family, it's the basic building block of the state. Plus, we want a healthy birthrate amongst our own people so we don't have to rely on immigration for population growth.

Is it irrational to want neighbors who share your culture and values?

>> No.10296218
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it was fun while it lasted


>> No.10296234
File: 356 KB, 572x380, 1511188791884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP points out the amount of irrelevant politics discussion
>the thread is literally nothing but autistic poltardian bickering complete with infographics and pointless polemics

>> No.10296253

How and why is political discussion per se irrelevant? While it certainly has been polluted by the /pol/-tards, politics has always been an important topic in literature

In fact, there is nothing apolitical

>> No.10296324

>ACKSHUALLY you can find literature about everything out there
>so discussion on any topic whatsoever belongs on /lit/
Fuck off, retarded nigger. It would be marvelous if people actually discussed Hobbes and Rousseau's works or Communist Memefestos and Mein Kampfs or even fucking Culture of Critique. But they don't, it's just a giant dump of autistic edgy /pol/ manure in almost every thread no matter if pertains to politics at all. Less than a year ago there were still unironical commies analysing and dissecting their Gramsci and actual fashies that managed to produce coherent worthy discussions on Evola or Spergler. Fuck me, even Kermit threads managed to generate some actual philosophical discussion. Now it's only retarded memetexting /the_pol/ embryos hiding under 50 layers of irony and "le falseflagging", rambling about /lit/ being a leftist board even though all the actual leftists that used to populate 3-4 threads back in the day have left and shitting up everything with their edgy preteen lingo. The problem is not with too much political discussion, the problem is that it's not political discussion - it's ebyn maymaying by underage cretins.

>> No.10296326

You basically paraphrased what I was saying

Political discussion still belongs on /lit/ in principle, even if the nature of the discussion degraded due to /pol/s influence

>> No.10296334

Discussion of political literature belongs here. Discussion of politics in general does not.

>> No.10296335

>woah I was a semantics wizard all along
Your kind is another problem too. Neck yourself.

>> No.10296338

/pol/ did to 4chan in 2016 what /v/ did in GG and /b/ did in chanology, bringing in a tide of newfags that assumed all of 4chan is /pol/ or /v/ or /b/

>> No.10296341


>> No.10296565
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>> No.10296580
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I found my thread in this picture ... and so?

>> No.10296585

read a book you retarded faggot

>> No.10296611


>> No.10297062

>getting this triggered
If you can't take the bantz maybe Plebbit would be more your speed, sweetie.

>> No.10297073

>preteen embryo ebyn baiting
Please fuck off my website, shartstain.

>> No.10297234

Do we even have mods? Do they even read?

>> No.10297261
File: 87 KB, 1214x403, 1510403714916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ should really be nuked

>> No.10297268

>he doesn't agree with my diarrhea of meaningless buzzwords
>"MY website"
how conceited.

>> No.10297284
File: 902 KB, 1280x1669, 1511263073558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How disgusting

>> No.10297316

>left wing
Also, you can make rational arguments for conservatism, but that doesn't mean sentimentality isn't a big part of it (it is a big part of all politics).

>> No.10297402

It is true that women are more left wing than men now, but at least here in Norway, that is a relatively recent development. Post-WW2 the Norwegian Labour Party was put in government multiple times, mostly by men. The left-wing/liberal bias of contemporary women are not inherent to women but is subject to cultural trends.

>> No.10297617

They are barely people at all. They live however their environment dictates it to them.
They hold no strong views because they never in their entire lives have thought about any meaningful question. They have whatever religious views their neighbors or peers have, they follow the ideology that everybody else in their circle is espousing. Do you think that even half of these kids making "Late Stage Capitalism" memes have ever read a book on economics? Do you think that the average /pol/tard has actually read a book on fascism? They just find themselves for some reason drawn to a crowd and follow their superficial believes to be part of a group. It's even worse for the "well-adjusted" boomers that listen to some radio or TV program so they know what to believe and it just so happens to be the same (or a very similar) program to the one all their friends are listening to.
If these kind of "people" would have lived in 1930s Germany they would have joined the Nazi party or in Soviet Russia would have gladly sent their neighbors to the Gulag. Not even because they actually reasoned about any of it and came to the conclusion that it's the right thing to do, but because everybody else around them is doing it and says it's okay.

While it's certainly true that some weirdos and outcasts latch onto believes that are way outside the norm, I think it's just as likely that if you start thinking yourself you will end up as the weirdo. It's a sort of "egg or hen" type question.

>> No.10297645


>> No.10297655

what does ladypede mean?

>> No.10297656

not that i defend the view of /pol/tards, but i do get the impression that many of them are asking themselves meaningful questions. because, ultimately, the state of the western world today is the result of multiple ages of discource and every political debate, no matte how banal, is existential.

yr average boomer, on the other hand, has no political views at all, only vague sympathies. he has no need for views, since his life has been relatively effortless.

>> No.10297670

>le inferior masses
>if you start thinking yourself you will end up as the weirdo.
Did you also study the blade while they were busy actually living their lives?

>> No.10297702

Agreed, /pol/tards drag politics into every fucking board and weirdly take themselves too seriously

>> No.10297721

/pol/ shouldn't be removed, we have that containment board so those retards don't spill over to other boards. However I think there is a brilliant solution to the problem of /pol/ crossposters and that is to ban everyone who post on /pol/ from all other boards.

>> No.10297740

>to ban everyone who post on /pol/ from all other boards.

>> No.10297761

Did you just posit that the opposite of "hard-headed" is"feminine"?
You are beyond help if your interaction with the political is divorced by so many layers of folk-psychology memes.

>> No.10297785

>busy actually living their lives
Try again, sweetcheeks.

>> No.10298220
File: 124 KB, 1024x1364, _48843048_sackofrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made the thread with the Mussolini picture. I'm proud to be one of the barbarians tearing down this snooty leftist echo chamber

>> No.10299009
File: 26 KB, 335x478, what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was expecting just another "people on reddit know about 4chan! Shut it down!" post, but this is bizarre. To think there are people in their 40s, 50s, even their 70s, people with kids and grandkids, meming like teenagers on this site.

>> No.10299024
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>> No.10299027

>women are more likely to espouse leftist views than men,
t. American

>> No.10299074

You are severely delusional if you think that the main source of political derailments don’t come from /leftypol/ and Reddit.

>> No.10299104

I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.10299123

If you were familiar with Spengler you would hesitate to categorise him as a fascist, especially in a list of "core thinkers"

>> No.10299161

congrats on being retarded

>> No.10299189

>name of the rose

>> No.10299463

>the family, it's the basic building block of the state
What's it like being deadass wrong?

>> No.10299522


>> No.10299605

Post the real pic you nigger faggot

>> No.10299612
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>> No.10299615

I don't care if I'm not supposed to like this, the idea that I could be playing Chicago Police scanner bingo with old ladies online is amazing

>> No.10299623

holy crap, it's weird

>> No.10299638


>> No.10299682

i want to make left wing peole sad and kill themselves

>> No.10299686

Containment is an awful meme. /a/ is the only major board left that hasn't been contaminated by /pol/tards.

>> No.10299694

i would struggle to barely survive in the world i think is the best to create

>> No.10299705

fucking kill yourself dude

>> No.10299714
File: 58 KB, 332x375, hulk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so fucking sick of people whining on every board about /pol/ infecting other boards in a thinly veiled attempt to complain about politics they don't agree with. Everything can be political, so don't piss your pants when someone objects to the political shit you post with a different sort of politics. I know it has a way of worming into every discussion and I know not all politics belong on lit but holy moly

>> No.10299737
File: 128 KB, 357x344, 1511235207250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being this mentally challenged

>> No.10299738

There is a difference between serious political discussion and jewposting.

>> No.10299753

Look at the OP. The Nietzsche libruls thread, the "Fashcore" shit. This is not political discussion. It's blogging. It's attention seeking. I love /lit/'s comparative lack of the sort of blind political prejudice everyone is raving mad with. You tards, a guy complaining about muh Christians, muh evil right-wing intellectuals is in the picture. You need to die.

>> No.10299757

It's not about politics you idiot. That would be annoying as well but nothing near the /pol/ cancer, and I'm right wing. This isn't about politics, atleast not in a conventional sense. It also brought a lot of r/donald and le kekistan youtube kids who lower the discourse enormously

>> No.10299761

Bitch please, having Peterson and Molymeme threads in /lit/ is already proof of /pol/ seeping into everywhere. Goddamnit, I unironically miss the time where Randfaggotry was all we had to deal with

>> No.10299792

>how DARE people discuss influential political literature on the literature board!

Peak redditor.

>> No.10299802

what you really need to do is go outside

>> No.10299811

this tbqh

t. Right leaning centrist

>> No.10299820

Feels fine.

>> No.10299839

This is factually wrong, in most democracies women are overwhelmingly conservative. Its changed somewhat in the last 10-20 years as more women work, but lower-middle-class women kept Thatcher/Regan and their international analogues in office for years. The polsci reasoning was that because women didnt work most of their info about life was from the media - the idea that Labor Unions were holding business to ransom makes sense if you've never had a job. The men who were working back-breaking 12 hour shifts obviously had a different perspective. WFT am I doing, I'm on 4chan, left means trannies and conservative means 1930's style conspiracy theories:)

>> No.10299874

>my jewbaiting threads keep getting called out
A tragedy I'm sure.

Yes, everything was better when Deep and Edgy was here jerking himself off with the other trippers in threads that went on for several days. This is 4chan, on the internet in the present time. This is the best you get. It's what you and the rest of us deserve.

>> No.10299926
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>so much salt in this thread
4chan is ours now lads its time to pack it up and ship off somewhere else. I dunno maybe r/books will be a better place for you lot

>> No.10299932

But what's the difference between Peterson/Moly and another figure you want to talk about? You might not like them (I don't) or the people talking about them but the discussion obviously belongs on the board you must admit.
All I'm saying is if you make a thread saying "le holohoax didnt happen lole" then yes, it should be banned, but if you make a thread asking why so many Jews have Pulitzer prizes that's fine. Personally I don't care why, so I wouldn't make or post in such a thread.

>> No.10300052
File: 229 KB, 627x720, 1495979614083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.10300221

I will say, slightly unrelated and as a different poster, that I was hesitant about reading Evola because I assumed his work would be propaganda level. But it’s actually interesting even when I disagree with his work. One day I’d like to truly discuss it here, because there’s no way in hell it’ll ever get a decent thread on /pol/

>> No.10300242

So make those quality posts yourself you cowards. We still have the occasional philosophy post and people know what they're talking about.

>> No.10300246

There is a difference between political discourse and "YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID BECAUSE THE AUTHOR OF THAT BOOK IS A JOOO"

>> No.10300248

These threads never achieve anything.

>> No.10300256

I'd agree to an extent but fact of the matter is that there's literal threads on /pol/ about colonizing this place but eh it's not like leftypol is innocent in the matter. Guess it's just an inevitable struggle till the end

>> No.10300342

>Peterson/Moly and another figure you want to talk about?
They are fucking youtubers not authors. Hell Katie is more revelant to /lit/ than these two morons

>> No.10300358

kys cuck

>> No.10300373
File: 177 KB, 1120x1120, 1488822144927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter how much you try to convince me JP sucks, I will still like him.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with him.

>> No.10300381

lmao cuck

>> No.10300387
File: 661 KB, 640x1136, LiberalMen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you're bothered with a decline in quality on /lit/, and not the fact that the tight ideological grip leftists/marxist had on this board is gone

>> No.10300395


>> No.10300424
