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/lit/ - Literature

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10293057 No.10293057 [Reply] [Original]

Why does he hate women so much? As a girl I can't stand him blaming all women for every little thing.

>> No.10293058

Women are pretty shit but so are men

>> No.10293059
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>As a girl

>> No.10293072

That's the life's greatest equation right there.

>> No.10293074
File: 73 KB, 1099x690, Libertarians2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

libertardians, more often than not, have problems with the other sex

>> No.10293088

women are just as awful as men
social barriers have collapsed in the west, particularly for women
since women are awful, many become carousels on which any dong may ride, due to how easy it is to do this
now that most people, including women, have no guiding light other than their own success or the prolific leftist movements, and now that religion and society no longer present the barriers that kept humans decent, we are entering the final age of this civilization. we may now only fall

also, if you removed "as a girl" that sentence remains the exact same. don't say that next time. it's not because of ew cooties, but because there is no reason to be offended in particular because you're a woman. it serves only as a subtext for any forthcoming conversations. women being accepted openly on 4chan, at least in parts of it where identity is irrelevant, will be the death of this place. women will gain too much power just for being women, killing discussions
if you could ever use the power of being a woman on in places where most are anonymous, you're an awful person

just lie about it in text at all times. it's the best way to go about it, I've found[/spoiler

>> No.10293090

Libertarianism is the "diaper-proud" ideology.

>> No.10293097

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.10293099 [DELETED] 

He's a fucking mess.


>> No.10293134

I think it is more a joke that dude thought he was being supportive by throwing pennies at him

you realize he is one of the most famous philosophers and writers of this era right

>> No.10293148

...yet has produced no original philosophical works of his own. /lit/ is for the discussion of philosophical works, not philosophers.

>> No.10293712

It is relevant to her point. She feels personally offended because she is a member of the group that she feels is being unfairly handled. She thereby announces her bias. That was honest.

I agree that gender should not enter the discussion in most cases; whether "women will gain too much power just for being women" depends entirely on whether there are primarily low quality men around who cannot control themselves if there is even the possibility of interaction with females. Just as there are low quality male posters, there a low quality female posters, but for the most part they should only be interacting with themselves. The attention-whores get the needy whiteknights and the people who actually have something to discuss will simply speak with those who are interested in what the topic.

Of course, this is just my opinion. Maybe most women really are trash and are simply unable to hold themselves back from being complete bitches wherever they go. In that case you'd be right.

>> No.10293723

tits or gtfo op

>> No.10293729

mommy issues

>> No.10293757

I think because women basically are to blame about almost everything at the moment. For thirty years or so we've done nothing but appease feminism and all it's done is fuck everything up. So fuck you passive aggressive bitches, just because you dont act overtly aggressive doesn't make you great people.

That said, I am annoyed by his, "All EVERY SINGLE WOMEN on the planet wants to is have babies and be a stay at home mom, and if you don't you're fucked up and wrong" philosophy too. It's kind of funny how every single women who calls in and is like, "I'm wondering about this political philosophy about-


"Well uh no...I wasn't really talking about..."


>> No.10293771

Being a meme among internet retards doesn't mean being famous and certainly doesn't mean being a philosopher.

>> No.10293775


Also having a political rhetoric show doesn't make you a philosopher either.

>> No.10293832

Anybody can be a philosopher, Moly just isn't a good philosopher.

>> No.10293847


I don't think there's ever been a good philosopher though.

He's not a philosopher in any case, he's just a political pundit.

>> No.10293859

But doesn't he have a independently successful wife and children?

>> No.10293889

The world would get a little better if people ignored what this guy says.

>> No.10293930

Someone have to be the one who critique women. Since feminist and gender-studies never does it. Example, single motherhood is nothing to celebrate.

Although, Molymeme is halv-insane.

>> No.10293939
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we need a yootoober board

>> No.10293963

Katie would be /ourqueen/

>> No.10293998

mammaries or exit

>> No.10294016

>you realize he is one of the most famous philosophers and writers of this era right
grow up faggot

>> No.10294030

I have mad respect for any woman that uses 4chan.

>> No.10294036
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>one of the most famous philosophers and writers of this era

>> No.10294047

His mom spanked him with a wire coat hanger when he was a boy

>> No.10294049

oh look, no arguments to be seen

>> No.10294055

>because she is a member of the group that she feels is being unfairly handled
As a white man, I agree with this point

>> No.10294092

>I don't think there's ever been a good philosopher
what a monumentally stupid claim

>> No.10294101

unironically yes but it would need to have other boards. something like a /lit/ general

>> No.10294106

Why has lit been infected with so many retards.
I could get over threads about Peterson, but this goes too far, whats next philosophy by Steven Crowder ?

>> No.10294107

how do you argue a claim with no proof

>> No.10294110

I'll let this one slide

>> No.10294120

how do you argue a retard
best to move on

>> No.10294145

>tfw YouTubers got me into reading the greeks
I'm being a newfag and you can't stop me

>> No.10294147

you're cute

>> No.10294152

That's a no from me

>> No.10294157

not him but that's also a no from me

>> No.10294159

not very many people on /lit/ actually read that much anymore. Also the mods don't enforce the rules.

>> No.10294220


>> No.10294221
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh internet dad is the smartest
>no, he's not
If you really want to know, just enroll in your local university and take a few philosophy classes. I'm not going to sit here and explain to you what philosophy is and why this cuckchad isn't doing it.

>> No.10294251




>> No.10294272

I don't have any friends and am extremely susceptible to getting attached to narcissists who make pov style youtube videos. Its like you're engaged in a conversation irl. I also watch mukbang videos whilst I'm eating alone.
I didn't know my daddy. I was raised by women.

>> No.10294547

Welcome to most people

>> No.10294554

Molyjew is not a libertarian

>> No.10294558

What happened to your dad?

>> No.10294576

he left my mom to make youtube videos

>> No.10294584

I was generalising

>> No.10294587

There's only one path for you: start reading philosophy. In five years you'll be able to form your own opinion and you'll be free of the influence of sophists and charlatans.

>> No.10294589


>> No.10294590

This guy is right. Books don't matter anymore, Youtubers are vastly more influential and relevant than writers.

>> No.10294600

>you realize he is one of the most famous philosophers and writers of this era right
>stefan molymeme

>> No.10294924

Obvious bait, but he's just a low-key white nationalist.
>inb4 muh argument

>> No.10295025

No. Relatively obscure people who think and write influence the youtubers with bigger audiences. Youtuber intellectuals are reactive low or middlebrow types (with one or two exceptions, and molyneux isn't one of them) who take their signals from the broader culture and shape their content to suit it. Molymeme is a good example, he's very different from what he was like years ago. E-celebs are just the most visible manifestations of the broader process.

>> No.10295234

>no original philosophical works
*no philosophical works

>> No.10295239

meant for >>10293148

>> No.10296290
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>> No.10296296
File: 126 KB, 413x461, 1503359114169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's such a fucking alarmist edgelord. I'm pretty damn right wing but I can't stand this guy. He seems extremely disagreeable, immature and unhinged.

>> No.10296308

His ex-wife fucked him up and now he bitches about women all the time. Even his own daughter thinks he's creepy.

>> No.10296314


He's a retard pandering to other retards for money. He'll talk about anything negatively as long as it makes him cash.

I hate capitalism.

>> No.10296404

>criticising women mean you hate them
why are womeme and minorities are so eager to pull the "hate" card?

>> No.10296431

>criticising an entire gender
who would be so dumb

>> No.10296438

most feminists do it unironically
the #notallmen hashtag is a source of amusement to them

>> No.10296466

it is ironic you dumbass, the point of notallmen is that every time women bring up issues they have with some men, retards get mad as if criticising some individuals isn't allowed because not every man on the planet is a rapist.

>> No.10296476

no it isn't. they unironically generalize men and get offended when you say not all men are like that