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/lit/ - Literature

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10292949 No.10292949 [Reply] [Original]

Could someone please recommend me a good e-reader? A big screen and an option to take notes in it are highly preferable.

>> No.10292957

How much are you willing to spend

>> No.10293012

>taking notes in an e-reader

>> No.10293026

Good luck. Anyway Kindle Paperwhite is the best all-around e-reader.

>> No.10293027

Around 125$

>> No.10293032


>> No.10293037

He can get quite a decent ereader for that price, I'm not sure what you're being so elitist about. Let me guess, you use the latest iphone too?

>> No.10293040

Taking notes is possible, but rather painful on ereaders. If you annotate heavily and use pdfs a lot a tablet will be undoubtedly better. As for readers - used Paperwhite is best value for money; new Oasis is best if money's no object.

>> No.10293149

You can buy a regular Kindle with no frontlight for like $70. I think a Paperwhite will cost you $120-150. And you're gonna want a case.

>> No.10293391

kindle paperwhite.
backlight and touchscreen, 120

>> No.10293412

These three items should cost you about 25$. Picnic table not included.

>> No.10293419
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>> No.10293444

amazing contribution you fucking cocksucker.
Yeah, let's just bring a dictionary, writing utensil and notebook around with you everywhere and take 10 minutes writing your asinine commentary instead of the objectively quicker and more convenient option, because you're a smug prick.

>> No.10293446

a KA1 has a healthy screen size (especially when compared to Kindle) and is still lightweight. i would not recommend getting an ereader other than Kindle or Kobo. a KA1 is my personal choice over the similarly priced Kindle Voyage. a premium ereader is a great investment, especially if you read a lot of literature and philosophy — it's well worth going over your budget.

it looks like Amazon just released a bigger version of the Kindle Oasis, with which i have no experience. however, i found Kobo to have better customer service (new, useful features coming frequently, a quicker response to bugs). Kindle has a much, much better dictionary/translator. caveat emptor for both.

you might as well give up on taking notes. you can highlight passages easily on both Kindle and Kobo, and you can annotate passages well on Kobo, but you're much better served using pen and paper. also, PDFs are a meme on any ereader — if you want a lot of science textbooks for free, get an iPad or whatever chinkshit /g/ recommends.
>t. the eternal Kobo shill

>> No.10293556

like 80% of what I read are math/science textbooks in pdf format, and I'm satisfied with a kobo aura h2o with koreader
koreader really is necessary

I would never go to a tablet now, because eink is just great

>> No.10293617

Don't fall for the Kobo meme, anon, just get a Kindle. Even the Aura One sucks with PDFFs. Kindles handle them fine by comparison. You can always install Koreader on a Kindle anyway. I haven't found it quite useful, however.

>> No.10293619

thank you amazon sales representative!

>> No.10293623

No, just a former Kindle user who fell for the Kobo shills and then went back to what actually works.

>> No.10293633

Why not just get a book from the library? Genuinely wondering.

>> No.10293648

That's clearly a moleskine-esque notebook which will run you 25$ alone, plus a half decent dictionary will be more than that. Get off your high horse, pleb.

>> No.10293652

woah there calm down fag

>> No.10293659

Well consider that last night I had a bug in my head and went into libgen and downloaded several books I'd been interested in because of /lit and was buck-ass naked while doing so. Can't do that at the library.

>> No.10293675

Heads up I had a Kindle Fire for however many years and went through five(?) of them because there were so many issues that happened within warrenry. As far as an ereader goes, it’s not worth it IMO.
Of course this was all a couple of years ago, but it certainly decries their concerns for quality.

>> No.10293689


>> No.10293691

>Kindle Fire
buddy, have I got news for you.

>> No.10293696
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>Kindle Fire
that is a tablet, mate.

>> No.10293733

Kindle fire is a tablet, bro.

>> No.10293796

I have a kindle fire too. (no complaints)
somebody tell me the difference between an e-reader and a tablet.

>> No.10293802


>> No.10293874

lmao at 125usd.

buy a used kindle dx on ebay, put the hacked rom on it with the good pdf viewer. take notes using a plain old actual notebook.

the tech for notetaking isn't there. eink and even normal lcd screens are hard to take notes on because latency needs to be minuscule in order for it to be a decent experience. there's a reason you don't see people doing it every day

>> No.10293907

>kindle dx
Obsolete garbage technology.
>low res low contrast screen
>no light
>cheapest plastic case

>> No.10293912

you get what you pay for

>> No.10293919

That piece of crap costs more than a Paperwhite.

>> No.10293922

>why buy something decent for $100 lamo
>just buy a piece of shit and get what you pay for
Brilliant plan.

>> No.10294698

I will say, it feels like the battery in the new Oasis wears out a.lot faster than my old Paperwhite, even when I turn wifi off.
Maybe it's just because the indicator shows more stages of depletion, maybe it's all mental, but I swear I had way more charge in it when I used it last night.