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10293252 No.10293252 [Reply] [Original]

>Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

Damn, /lit/ BTFO by Sartre over 100 years before they existed. How do you even respond to this?

>> No.10293263
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So glad to know all antisemites think the exact same way.

>> No.10293313

Post WW2 antisemitism is manufactured. The laws prohibiting Nazism in Europe are in reality fueling antisemitism for two reasons. The first one goes like this: Some people have a pathological need to turn towards rebellious and highly provocative ideals. Therefore if Nazism is culturally the embodiment of evil, these people will adhere to its ideology as an outlet for their pathologies, sucessfuly keeping Nazism alive. The second reason is a response to the first one. As Israel and the banking jewish elite grow exponentially stronger, they need to crack down on the natural rebellious impulses people will have towards hierarchy - rebellious impulses which are not antisemitic by nature. Therefore, by expanding the meaning of antisemitism (Today in Europe, the jewish elite is working on spreading the belief that antisionism is equal to antisemitism) they successfully dilute the rebelious 'antisemite' with the pathological antisemite, negating any kind of objective revolt against them.

>> No.10293335

>It is evil to go against the Jewish interests or whims.
I think we should go to an official war against Jews. Then all would be settled automatically, as all Jewish sentiments would become enemy propaganda - by definition.

>> No.10293341


>how do you even respond to this?
Did you fucking read what you posted? By ridiculous claims and general faggotry.

>Sartre was a kike
>Sartre was funded by kikes
>Sartre was a cuck and kikes fucked Beavuoir

>> No.10293348 [DELETED] 

Fuck this inferior swine. The Jews have ruined the white world, and we must reassert a white world without their subversive degeneracy and lack of virtue.
I'm proud to call myself an anti-semite

>> No.10293349

You are of course right, but would you say that pre WW2 antisemitism was not manufactured?

>> No.10293354 [DELETED] 

It was natural then and it's coming back natural now. They are a destructive force intent to breed out those that have built decency and an advanced civilization

>> No.10293359

Has anyone else read that Aryanism.net site? They're like left-wing NatSocs

It's fascinating because I agree with all the ethical stuff it espouses but it's all predicated on the idea of an incredibly implausible worldwide Jewish conspiracy

>> No.10293360

Youre a fucking brainlet soybug plebbitor.

>> No.10293368 [DELETED] 

See how the white world is crumbling under the pressure of Soros and his propped up feminism and libcuck degeneracy. See how many Jews were in the communist movement. See who runs Hollywood. Open your eyes to the truth

>> No.10293371

t. Bitter because Sartre predicted 4chan and the rise of post-ironic agitation propaganda under the mask of pseudo-sincerity decades before it developed online.
It’s incredible how fucking retarded this board becomes when the topic of Jews comes up.

>> No.10293374 [DELETED] 

Try the redpill, you brainwashed moron. Everything you think you know about the second world war is a lie. You supported the wrong side

>> No.10293377

Fuck you piece of trash

>> No.10293385

Pre WW2, violent sentiments were encouraged to bolster national pride. Antisemitism was still primarily theological and the Jewish Elite had a lot less direct influence than they have today. So in a sense, antisemitism was encouraged (like in Germany) but as a way to strengthen cultural identity. So Pre WW2 antisemitism was not manufactured, but was a natural facet of nationalism.

>> No.10293394

t. memepilled dumbass that doesn't know that Nazism was a jewish fabrication to make the white man alien to its immanent roots through negative dialectics.
I bet you believe that the fact that the National Socialist leader was a neurotic pussy who killed himself is a total coincidence as well, fucking normie.

>> No.10293396

Its still stupid to think antisemitism has got nothing to do with jewish behaviour. Also did you mean 70 years with 'over 100 years'?

>> No.10293398


Sartre also talked about white privilege before SJW's were even a thing

>> No.10293403

I'm not even an antisemite you dumbfuck.

>Sartre writes about how antisemites argue
>faggot op posts it
>faggot op asks how antisemites argue

I was pointing out your retardation.

>> No.10293405 [DELETED] 

I believe in the glory of the white man and the inferiority of blacks, jews, and women.

You sound like a women, sweety. Triggered because not everyone buy your jewish lies of subversion?

>> No.10293418

>Believes in Jewish lies
>Tells me I believe in Jewish lies
(((You))) should stop falseflagging, the tricks for your ilk are well known around here.

>> No.10293424 [DELETED] 

1) Jews hold disproportionate amount of power in western societies compared to the very tiny portion of society they comprise.
2) This can't be explained solely by talent
3) We should be worried about groups in society that are disproportionately powerful and aren't so because of their talent
4) We should be worried about jews
There, done.

>> No.10293432 [DELETED] 

Heh, trying to divide the white race again? I'm 'too' redpilled? Take your civic nationalism back to /r/thedonald, kid.
Or are you just another Jewish shill sitting in your 5000 square feet office in Israel with the other Zionist drones?
Why are you allowed to remain ethnically homogenus but our white race isn't?

>> No.10293457

The more I debated with them the more familiar I became with their argumentative tactics. At the outset they counted upon the stupidity of their opponents, but when they got so entangled that they could not find a way out they played the trick of acting as innocent simpletons. Should they fail, in spite of their flagrant usage of fallacies of logic, they acted as if they could not understand the counter arguments and bolted away to another field of discussion. They would lay down truisms and platitudes; and, if you accepted these, then they were applied to other problems and matters of an essentially different nature from the original theme. If you faced them with this point they would escape again, and you could not bring them to make any precise statement. Whenever one tried to get a firm grip on any of these apostles, one’s hand grasped only jelly and slime which slipped through the fingers and combined again into a solid mass a moment afterwards. If your adversary felt forced to give in to your argument, on account of the observers present, and if you then thought that at last you had gained ground, a surprise was in store for you on the following day. The Jew would be utterly oblivious to what had happened the day before, and he would start once again by repeating his former absurdities, as if nothing had happened. Should you become indignant and remind him of yesterday’s defeat, he pretended astonishment and could not remember anything, except that on the previous day he had proved that his statements were correct.

>> No.10293468 [DELETED] 

Mein Kampf is a masterpiece. Only kikes think otherwise

>> No.10293475

They truly are cursed, aren't they?

>> No.10293502

>If your adversary felt forced to give in to your argument, on account of the observers present, and if you then thought that at last you had gained ground, a surprise was in store for you on the following day. The Jew would be utterly oblivious to what had happened the day before, and he would start once again by repeating his former absurdities, as if nothing had happened. Should you become indignant and remind him of yesterday’s defeat, he pretended astonishment and could not remember anything, except that on the previous day he had proved that his statements were correct.
This sounds like the average /pol/ poster.

Is /pol/ full of self-hating Jews?

>> No.10293503
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Everything correct. What are you going to do about it, shorty?

>> No.10293514

Hell is other people, except the jews, they are not people.

>> No.10293520 [DELETED] 

This is why I come to 4chan

>> No.10293521


>> No.10293529

lmao it was worth to shitpost just to read this reply

>> No.10293547

Considering debate tactics used by nazi politicians in 1933, I'd think he was right.

>> No.10293564

So how come white supremacists still use those tactics?

>> No.10293565

I wonder if Jewish dishonesty may be the result of an impaired ability to form stable representational frameworks of reality, as a result of some inherited physical factor. It would eliminate the need for the conscious malevolence and goofy conspiracy theories that always seem so forced.

>> No.10293716
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>> No.10293736
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>jews had a leg to stand on against the nazis

>> No.10293762
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>> No.10293776


Why is /pol/ so bad at spelling? The other day I saw someone spell dissenters as "decenters." No joke, check the archives if you don't believe me.

>> No.10293792

>How do you even respond to this?
by agreeing

>> No.10293793

>our white race

This poster is Jewish

>> No.10294437

So all of /pol/ is Jewish?

>> No.10294463

I don't understand how people could possible think Jewish ethnic narcissism and nepotism is a conspiracy or something, it's in your face every day. Do these people not actually know any Jews in real life? Either that or they're Jewish themselves and practicing taqqiya

>> No.10294466

Sartre should've been killed by those French nationalists.
A drug addicted enabler of the destruction of whites and Europe.

>> No.10294477

Why does the majority of arguments from the left come down to "you made a typo" or some sort of sexual ad hominem?

>> No.10294503

Yup. Maybe not all but certainly most

>> No.10294969

I love how you automatically assume I'm a leftist just because I hate /pol/. Not a single word about right or left wing in that post but your victim complex is so, so strong that in your mind everyone who opposes you is literally paid for by the DNC. Amazing.

And just for reference, I've seen so many people on /pol/ pick on typos and use "sexual ad hominems" as you call them, because /pol/ is nothing if not a bunch of projecting hypocrites. I think I'll go find some examples right now in preparation for your response where you inevitably deny it.

>> No.10294980

Your remarks are frivolous, open to challenge.

>> No.10294986

>sexual ad hominem
didn't /pol/ literally revivify the word cuck? Like no one knew what a cuck was outside of Shakespeare nerds and perverts before the alt-right sprang up.

>> No.10295008

Challenge them them. I'm a progressive, I believe we should leave racism and bigotry begind and the Jews have clearly failed to do this in their struggle with modernity and they still revel in ethnic narcissism when the more civilized Protestant world has given it up.

>> No.10295034

>try the redpill
It’s impossible to throw a stone on this website nowadays without hitting three or more “redpilled” autists and starting a squealing fit that lasts four hours or longer. It’s utterly absurd and you would have to be a literal retard or an angry teenage boy to accept anything it has to say. When someone puts a plate of shit in front of you, you aren’t supposed to eat it.

>> No.10295039

I deny it faggot

>> No.10295045

Nice ad hominem bait loser. Nothing of substance

>> No.10295068

>the moon is made of cheese!
>no it’s not

Leave the literature board and come back when you grow a brain.

>> No.10295745

>Damn, /lit/ BTFO by Sartre over 100 years before they existed. How do you even respond to this?
well that's easy, since the late great Louis-Ferdinand Celine did it for us decades ago, in a scathing little pamphlet in response to Sartre's Portrait of an Anti-Semite. Here it is in French:

>> No.10295753

>“If Celine upheld National-Socialist theses it was because he as paid to do so”. Verbatim. Hey now! That’s what that little piece of shit wrote while I was in mortal danger of being hanged in jail. Devilish little scumbag stuffed full of shit, you leave the cheeks of my arse in order to dirty me on the outside! Anus-Cain, yeah. What do you want? For me to be assassinated?… He’s barely crawled out of my shit and he’s already denouncing me!

>> No.10296231

I'm a jew and i often post on /pol/

>> No.10296267

It's an accurate word when describing politicians allowing non-whites to "ravage" their property, not at all comparable with "you must have a small penis" or "you're probably a virgin".

>> No.10296662
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what's it like being a chosen one posting there?