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File: 386 KB, 2025x1594, C6554E76-E170-4F73-9EED-AEF858613B7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10291719 No.10291719[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I live a normal life. Girlfriend. Work. Friends. Family. Apartment. All that jazz. I hide it everday, for years on end. I just want to buy some sleeping pills, a cpap mask and a helium tank and leave this place.

I’ve read and read but I cant find the answers in the books. Tried antidepressants. Tried meditation. How do I tame this deathwish?

>> No.10291726

If you have brain problems, see a brain doctor.

Also people say exercise is good. I wouldn't know, I'm naturally happy.

>> No.10291728

let us know when u find out

>> No.10291731


>> No.10291735

This. If it is serious see a doctor. Good luck.

>> No.10291751

Let me know if you find out, thanks.

>> No.10291753

if you have a girlfriend and an apartment and still want to kill yourself, than, please, fucking kill yourself

>> No.10291757
File: 152 KB, 375x500, 05.-Psilocybe-semilanceata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there, anon. Unironically, ingest psilocybe mushrooms in sufficient amounts, after an extensive preparation.

I'm not even memeing - psilocybe mushrooms have been found extensively more effective at treating depression than any other form of treatment, including therapy. (see "Psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression: fMRI-measured brain mechanisms")

I would advise you to inform yourself on this topic, and read up on how to have a psychedelic experience safely. Don't take any shortcuts, know what you're doing, be in a comfortable setting with a person you trust, and it will work.

Trying to describe how and why that works is beyond me, especially since it's so different for every individual - but the gist of it is you'll literally feel as a new man, you'll be infinitely more apprecieative of even the most trivial things (the morning after my first experience, I saw a ladybug crawling at my feet - it nearly moved to tears).

Saved my ass for sure, and I had already made an attempt.

Stay safe, anon. I wish you the best.

t. degenerate patchouli-smelling druggie

>> No.10291762

Made me laugh for some reason

>> No.10291763


>> No.10291767

There is nothing you can take, or books that you can read. Go out and face death.

>> No.10291781

Clean your room.
Anti-depression pills.
Vitamin-D and generally more nutritious diet.
Sex and cuddling.
Talking to someone about nothing.

>> No.10291782

So far:
- Psychotherapy
- Exercise
- Kill yourself
- Magic Mushrooms
- Hegesias
- Face death

>> No.10291783

Accept it as a normal feeling. What you resist shall persist. It is like people who live with blindness only not so bad. Having a gf and an apartment does not equal happiness, even diogenes knew that.

>> No.10291784

Like think no more of your thoughts than you do the clouds passing over the sky, they are just phenomena.

>> No.10291790

>Tried meditation.
You do not try meditation. you either ''meditate'' or you do not . If you do not feel joy, then you do not do things right

>Meditating everyday for 3 months now. Last month is two 50 minutes sessions of sitting meditation + some walking meditation. Currently doing Stage 5/6 practices according to "The Mind Illuminated" by Culadasa. Two weeks ago failed horribly at entering the first Jhana but nevertheless getting my body flooded with immense happiness and joy gave me a lot confidence that this path is the correct one.
>Reading about Buddhism for 10 years and finding the correct way to grasp early teachings but failing at starting meditation left me frustrated. Afted confirming that Culadasa is legit I bought his book and started serious meditaton practice vowing to reach deep meditative states and at least first stage of Enlightenment - Sotapanna.

>> No.10291844

>Thinking there are answers in books.

>> No.10291859

>How do I tame this deathwish?
be careful what you wish for, you may get it

I'll 2nd the magic mushroom suggestion

>> No.10291862

You realize that the interpretation of your perception that has led you to developing this depression is transmutable and not in anyway authoritative; that neither you nor any author you've read nor any idea you've encountered has created an exhaustive interpretation of value, meaning, or the purpose of life; and that the only thing which is making you depressed is your own incapability to live up to unrealistic expectations which you've established with absolutely no regard to reality; and then, you move on past it.

Conversely, seek medical help from a licensed professional, such as a clinical psychologist with a Ph.D or a licensed, practicing psychiatrist.

>> No.10291875
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Thank you all. Very insightful replies.

>> No.10291971

Have you tried not being a godforsaken nihilist materialist sinner and instead accepting Jesus Christ as the Son of God?

>> No.10291987

No I havent. But if it will cure my suicidal depression I’ll try it.

>> No.10291989

Contemplate god
Contemplate the teleological nature of reality
Contemplate the true self and its actualisation

and(/or, if you're too much of a brainlet)

eat healthy food

>> No.10291998
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It actually will. It worked for me.

>> No.10292021

What is a life worth living? Find out the answer, and go for it.
I'd like to ask you a few questions though.
>Do you have apparent ideals, or targets of your fanaticism? [Aside from the death wish]
>You seem to be competing with suicidal feelings; why? Do not be afraid of the answers.
>Are you politically inclined? Utopian?

>> No.10292048

Not op here but do you know the risks of taking shrooms when predisposed to schizophrenia? my sister has it but nobody else in my family has it, they dont have any kinds of mental illness general actually (as far as i am aware atleast)

I have always wanted to try being a psychonaut but to scared

>> No.10292059

Psychedelics can at least temporarily trigger depersonalization/derealization in predisposed people also it is not a cure for depression. It can provide cathartic insight but that will only be temporary as well.

>> No.10292065

>It can provide cathartic insight but that will only be temporary as well.
It will permanently alter the personality, so how come the insight is merely temporal?

>> No.10292071

I have not known it to permanently affect anything. Maybe you are talking about a subjective appraisal.

>> No.10292072

Shrooms are known to be triggers for latent schizophrenia, same as most if not all psychedelics. Don't do it, and don't regret not doing it because it would be an idiotic risk.

>> No.10292078

No, I'm talking about the permanent effects of psychedelic mushrooms, namely the substance known as psilocybin (transforms into psilocin).

Here's an old link, first result in English Google search. Although this one has it as mere 'may', it has been proven to be a definite result of a heavy dosage.

>> No.10292082

Fear? The man is afraid of his own life by his own hand. Do not make him afraid of the truth. Know the risks, take them.

>> No.10292083

even godwarrior peterson memeson has used them and reluctantly accepts they are beneficial though I'm sure he'd never want any more than a trickle of people waking up or else he'd be out of a job

>Tried meditation.
how do you even fail at this? could you not sit still for 20 minutes? could you not do that once a day for a month? You must be completely unaware of what you are looking for when you sit, so take a psychedelic that way when you come back to meditation you can at least know what the point is

>> No.10292084 [DELETED] 
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Try therapy. It worked well until I realized I could just spend the money on booze and cigs and the occasional drug and finally die at a tragically young age after a few months long painful struggle with whatever organ failure I achieved

The truly faithful turned to religion after a trauma or were born into a religious family. If your upbringing wasn't particularly religious, you're a lost cause, unless you get fucked up and look for salvation in whatever bullshit you find first. That, or you're retarded.
I'm not a believer but I've worked with religious communities for a few years. You're either born into it, or you were autistically desperate at one point and lead a memelife since then. Creepy fucks, the latter group.

>work out
Good advice. Doesn't always work.

>insert philosophy here
Can't logic yourself out of depression


>just don't think about it/think happy things/your depressed thoughts are beautiful little clouds on the blue ocean of the sky, don't mind them and watch as they pass by
Unironically neck yourself. Pic related

.t depressedfag with deathwish

>> No.10292114

Idk i have taken mushrooms countless times and the effects are temporary except for latent visual distortions which are not that helpful but also not unpleasant

>> No.10292121

where can i buy mushroom ?

>> No.10292124

People at risk of schizophrenia should not take psychedelics. It's the difference between playing Russian Roulette with an empty six shooter and one with five rounds in.

>> No.10292126

Depends on where you live.

>> No.10292130

> than, please

>> No.10292132


>> No.10292135

Kicking the chair might work.

>> No.10292136

Music festivals where they play electronic music is a good place to try. Also you can find cubensis mushrooms in the wild. Or simply grow them yourself.

>> No.10292137

I have some magic sauce that cures all ailments, but you gotta come take it in my bedroom

>> No.10292159

I'm in the same situation really, although I don't own an apartment, have no girlfriend, or friends, and don't talk to my family. It is perhaps more frustrating for me to identify myself as being depressed considering the conspicuous lack of otherwise fulfilling things in my life (love, companionship, financial wealth etc) that OP has, but still I have felt for quite some time now that I'm simply "putting off" my suicide. I have a theory (probably articulated elsewhere already) that if the conscious brain presents an "End" or ambition to the unconscious brain, the latter works behind-the-scenes so to speak towards it in a way that gradually reduces conscious feelings of frustration, futility etc. An example may be a film director failing to think of an ending to a movie, then waking up having dreamt of what the ending should be. In my case, I feel as though I have presented suicide as an "end" some time ago and that since then the ideological blockades preventing me from travelling down that path. A year or so ago I felt very bad about harming my mother for example, but now that instinctive guilt has all but gone. Other things like a fear of death have been replaced by a genuine feeling of relief whenever I consider the prospect of dying. I think to reverse this process would require a complete overhaul of my ideological perspective, and also intervention perhaps by someone I can get to know on an intimate level. Occasionally, rather embarrassingly I suppose, I become extremely energetic and "invested" in things like nationalism, the "defence of europe", or more practically in the idea of learning new marketable skills and pursuing the masculine ideal represented by working long hours in a nice suit to earn good money and attract a high-quality wife to have handsome children with and guide them in a way that will make them happy and socio-economically successful etc. But these things never last and I always return to this longing to just be done with it all.

>> No.10292175

the only absolute cure to suicidal depression is suicide

>> No.10292181

Suicide is the cure for everything tbf

>> No.10292182

I smoke crack until my ears bleed

>> No.10292185


how would having depression increase your risk of developing sczichophrenia? they're completely different mental disorders

>> No.10292192

Depression can be a symptom of schizophrenia

>> No.10292193

Like your theory on suicide as a fixed ending which is prolonged by the fact that you get there, complete something in order to check out. Just like three act movie structure.

Like someone suggested earlier. Why is your deathwish there lingering? Ever found the root?

>> No.10292195

>I think to reverse this process would require a complete overhaul of my ideological perspective
take LSD

>> No.10292201

This. Try finding a therapist that you get along with (don't settle for one you don't feel comfortable with after 5 sessions). If cognitive behaviour therapy isn't up your alley, try psychodynamic therapy (no, it's not the Freud stuff about wanting to fuck your mother these days). PDT usually takes a little longer to be effective, at least 20 sessions are usually recommended.

Medication can be effective together with therapy, and it's not certain that you got the meds that were right for you the first time around.

Also, try picking up cardio exercise if you're able to. The best thing is running for 30 mins per session, 3 days a week but if you're unable to get in that much due to feeling like shit, do as much as you can. If you can't run, try walking. The key thing here is something called BDNF, which is thought to be linked to depression. It usually takes about three months to get an effect, but if you stay consistent this could have an impact on your situation. Read up on BDNF if you're interested, it's some pretty cool shit.

Good luck OP, I believe in you. There is a way out of this, and you won't be feeling like this forever. Keep asking for help if you feel lost.

>> No.10292206

Thank you anon! God bless. -OP

>> No.10292216

>Why is your deathwish there lingering? Ever found the root?

I frankly don't believe that extensive self-analysis of my mental situation will yield any answers to that. I'll probably just be tempted into applying Freud's Deathwish theory or perhaps several accurate-seeming theories and end up even more fucked up. I think it's basically a mixture of environmental experiences along with perhaps a disposition which makes me "more sensitive" (neither good nor bad, though probably moreso the latter) than is conducive to maintaining a consistently world-affirming ideology or whatever. I trust in my instincts a great deal and without attention-whoring even more I feel the greater store of my Will, or whatever, guiding me towards the exit at the moment. It feels very much like the mental equivalent to being physically trapped someplace with death being one of the very few remaining means of escape.

>> No.10292226

>How does one cure suicidal depression?

>> No.10292245

Forgot to mention that there are other kinds of therapy too, main point about therapy is to try som stuff out until you find what you're comfortable with. I have a couple of friends (studying to be a psychologist, we have to do therapy as a part of the program) who can vouch for Action Commitment Therapy, aswell as Compassion Focused Therapy.

>> No.10292248

Ok I see. You remain almost certain, I feel, that suicide is going to be your ticket out of here. Feel like giving it one last shot before checking out? Seeing yourself ever reach the age of say 75?

>> No.10292249


>> No.10292276

I appreciate the curiosity and I don't mean to be rude, but I think words don't really mean much here. Words rarely lead to action, and I'd hate to waste your time.

>> No.10292290

I didn't say it did. I was referring to
>taking shrooms when predisposed to schizophrenia? my sister has it
I don't know if he's depressed or not but he's predisposed to schizophrenia and should absolutely not take psychedelics.

>> No.10292296

Trust me. You are not wasting my time.

>> No.10292376

Don't argue with the other guy. He's baiting or a retard.

>> No.10292473

By ethnically cleansing until a pure nation state arises

>> No.10292483

what the fuck are you doing dude

>> No.10292492

this, same thing happened for me.

>> No.10292515

if you're serious about killing yourself, then i'd seriously consider looking into a small dose of mushrooms (psilocybin - there are different strengths to choose from as well as the amount you choose to ingest) if nothing else is working. really not sure how legal or illegal these are these days, despite being used by humans for millennia, so you obviously have to study the law as it pertains to you. READ a tonne of stuff first though. i believe there have been interesting early stage studies with positive results. i tried them once ages ago completely legally and cheaply (not for depression) and the experience was positive and has stayed with me.

>> No.10292565

>needing drugs to make you not want to die


>> No.10292574
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Most people don’t want to die, it’s just that they don’t want to live their lif. Take a vacation

>> No.10292603

>this disgusting normie life
>'feeling so good'

>> No.10292605

Yeah, honestly cognitive therapy has cured my own depression and has helped me deal with my anxiety. Particularly Mindfulness Based Therapy. But I've also looked into Action Commitment Therapy and Biofeedback.

>> No.10292613

>only thing which is making you depressed is your own incapability to live up to unrealistic expectations which you've established with absolutely no regard to reality;
B-but i dont want much. A gf a job and one or two real friends. Is it really too much to ask?

>> No.10292637
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There is a high chance it can work. The whole corpus of religion has been perfected through thousand of years to alleviate deep existential anxiety.
Even the music taps in just the right spots

>> No.10292639

They are happy though

>> No.10292645
File: 28 KB, 601x508, 154135746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Jesus

>> No.10292648

Atheists can be happy you know
> t.agnostic/atheist

>> No.10292669

They can be materially content, but they won't comprehend real happiness or purpose until they accept the Lord.
>t. no longer angsty teen

>> No.10292679

I just accept there may be nothing after death, I won’t fear it cause I won’t feel it
You can believe in god and I’m not going to fight against you on it but I’m just going to make the most of life now

>> No.10292695

Maybe you just want to transcend. You can achieve this in this world too

>> No.10292717

>I live a normal life. Girlfriend. Work. Friends. Family. Apartment.

then what the fuck are you complaining about? a coworker of mine has been on his own since 15, moved to a new state, worked and lived on his own, some days barely having anything to eat. get a fucking grip already

>> No.10292722

it is probably those things that are making him depressed, normie life is not very fulfilling

>> No.10292879
File: 114 KB, 720x683, 84B680B7-1668-4EC0-9092-0151E3D54667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face life

>> No.10292889

>Then what the fuck are you complaining about?

worst thing you can say to a depressed man is that he is a special snowflake with no real reason to be depressed, this will only make him guilty of his own depression and will make him feel worse

>> No.10292898

Second this - I have taken mushrooms a few times and regret it - caused me a lot of trouble with my memory

>> No.10292900

Hmm if only there was some kind of professional that dealt with mental illness...

>> No.10293025


why do you retarded fucks come to the /lit/ board when you're clearly illiterate? He said he tried antidepressants. Do you think he just walked into Wal-mart and bought some? He's obviously already gone to a therapist and been prescribed medication and it didn't work.

>> No.10293033

This is a legitimate path if you are out of ideas and want to focus on introspective thought.

>> No.10293105

It's an incredible risk and not worth it if you're predisposed to schizophrenia

>> No.10293218

just out of interest, what drugs have you tried?

>> No.10293225

relax you bitter piece of shit

>> No.10293256

Once you visit the abyss of depression, all of the things in that picture don't mean anything to you anymore.

>> No.10293272

you know there is something called psychiatrist who is not guaranteed to be a therapist, right?

>> No.10293425

Steppenwolf really helped me I didn't finish the book though

>> No.10293430

Then you’re feeling shitty over nothing
Write down your problems and realize what a little bitch you’re being

>> No.10293483

U need vitamin D, sunlight and exercise. Also you need to kill an Arab

>> No.10293663

newflash fucktard, antidepressants aren't going to cure the root cause.

>> No.10293774
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>> No.10293894
File: 70 KB, 401x349, 1510391905277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is too much normalfaggotry in this thread. I shouldnt really expect much from a website filled with college kiddos but oh well. Seeing as OP is a normalfag himself who is starting to realize how monotonous and repetitive life is, I say maybe this state of depression might be some sort of enlightenment to him.

>> No.10293946

At least your capable of living a normal life, man. Fuck. I just rot in my room all day and the latest dawning realization that's hit me is that that's all I've been doing my entire life.

>> No.10293953

particularly bad mood today

>> No.10294068

how the fuck is this related to /liT/ you fucking degenerate. take this shit to r9k. where are the mods?

>> No.10294176

1. there are numerous kinds of antidepressants which work using a number of different mechanisms, it's not a one size fits all
2. psychotherapy =/= antidepressants (jesus christ)
3. be a lot more humble about shit you obviously know absolutely nothing about

this is probably the dumbest post I've seen in a month, go sit in the corner

>> No.10294183

>high schooler tries to grasp mental illness

>> No.10294186

>anon says he's suicidal
>people try to help him
>"omg u guys this isnt our usual edgy tree house talk, get out!!!"

are you listening to yourself?

>> No.10294191
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>relax you bitter piece of shit
this should be added to the /lit/ sticky

>> No.10294734

>Giving him the same advice that everyone says and repeat

This is /lit/ and not /adv/, /pol/, or /fit/. Recommendations such as taking antidepressants, going to see a psych doctor, or going outside is not going to help him. Just look around you on this entire website and beyond. Tons of people have done that but to no avail. They either feel the same way or become even more messed up from the drugs messing up their brain.

>> No.10294753


What is this meme? Are you deluded?

>> No.10294804

weaboos are the stupidest fucking people alive, if a post has an anime picture attached feel free to disregard is completely because it has zero value whatsoever

>> No.10294840

If what you lack is meaning, a purpose, be they ephemeral, and indeed if your symptoms originate from a sense of existential vacuum which impedes your psychological and maybe even neurological functioning, then you should try logotherapy

>> No.10295106

If the human mind could believe anything it wanted, depressive behavior would be easy to fix. Unfortunately major perspective shifts are extremely difficult, and indoctrinating yourself into an entire mindset of mysticism isn’t a quick and easy fix. If I could believe in magic I would, but the fact remains that magic either doesn’t exist or eludes human attempts to harness and identify it.

>> No.10295123

If you're thinking rehab, forget it. Those places suck my giant hairy ballsack. Do wilderness therapy instead. Like Outward Bound, NOLS, etc. But you need a reason to do it. So hit up a psychologist that preferably studied anthropology or at least entertains himself with hermeneutics or something and start digging into yourself. It worked really well for me, coming back from the thought that I believed suicide was inevitable.

>> No.10295125

Go to counseling, do what they, say stick to it, it works. I've been that hole too!

>> No.10295132

When someone asks for help on the literature board, and literally mentions trying prescription meds that require mental healthcare to obtain, it means he’s probably looking for more unorthodox advice to change his perspective. Constantly bombarding him with “therapy!” and “meds!” is exactly what those useless hotlines do while they dial up law enforcement to Baker Act you.

>> No.10295133

Fuck christianity, the doctrine of original sin is bullshit. literally any other notable religion that isn't abrahamic will benefit you more

>> No.10295144

This. The Buddhists and the pagans will be far more helpful than the Abrahamic faiths and their brutal, absolute approach to delicate matters.

>> No.10295183

maybe try a psychoanalyst?

>> No.10295506

every1 in this thread is wrong

its ur diet

the bacteria in your body is making your mood bad

>> No.10295531

>not having good reading comprehension
i suppose literate can be used to mean able to read, but as we know, the majority of illiterate people these days can all read and write.
OP suicidal depression isn't something you cure. It is treatable sometimes but if it's untreatable then it just has to be endured.
When something can't be endured, of course, you have to embrace it.

>> No.10295534

Tap into your pent up animosity and go rampage. It's what animals are meant to do. People may act horrified at the end result but they have no idea how liberating it is.

>> No.10295547
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>> No.10295687

Tell me more!

>> No.10295735

Your soul will burn in hell, and you will meet eternal torment for disagreeing with me and my beliefs!

>> No.10295878

Anyone that suggested psychedelics in this thread needs to be lined up against the wall and shot.

>> No.10296074

he didn't even mention he had seen a therapist, and you have no idea of how antidepressants work if you think that you know what they're all about if you've tried one. People struggling to cope with mental illness isn't a sign of that treatments are worthless, it's a sign of that they are challenging conditions which can't be cured with a single visit at the doctor's
Sure, he has to go through mental healthcare to obtain antidepressants but that doesn't mean he has found the right treatment. As I've already said, anon doesn't mention therapy (which can be ridicculously effective if you find your kind of therapy) and there are a number of ways to deal with the problem from a biochemical point of view. One hasn't depleted every option avaliable if one has tried one kind of antidepressant - there are literally tens of different brands working in somewhat different ways under each strain of meds, each strain working by an entirely different mechanism from the last.

Treatments based on decades of research are usually more effective than recommending him to read something uplifting. Depression causes chemical imbalances in the brain, Steppenwolf won't fix that

>> No.10296085

who hurt you

>> No.10296107

Honestly, delusions of grandeur.

>> No.10296819

If you have latent schizophrenia you have schizophrenia, it's not just waiting behind a screen to be triggered by eating a plant, you're entirely wrong you fucking moron.

>> No.10296824


>> No.10296833

yes it is, have you heard of epigenetics

stop being arrogant when you nothing about a subject you fucking moron

>> No.10296840

You must go on a spirit quest. I spent a month tramping through the wyoming wind river wilderness which seemed to do the trick. You need to find what youre made of. Ideally bring limited food supplies and don't tell anyone where you're going. Maybe bring a meaningful text along as well.

>> No.10297477

could you tell us about your own experiences using psychedelics? did you try psilocybin several times or just once?