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/lit/ - Literature

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10291931 No.10291931 [Reply] [Original]

>Your age
>What you're reading

>> No.10291945

Great dialogues of Plato

>> No.10291949
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>> No.10291956

in-between books, but probably The Inheritors or Titus Groan next

>> No.10291959

Return of the King

>> No.10291962


>> No.10292060

18, The Bible

>> No.10292063
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>> No.10292070

The School of Public Life - Dewey

>> No.10292076

Diary of a wimpy kid

>> No.10292122

The Bible: just began reading the first book of Samuel

>> No.10292138

Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence

>> No.10292152


>> No.10292157


>> No.10292316

The Fountainhead

>> No.10292354
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Divine Comedy
Coptic 20 lessons

>> No.10292365

Gödel, Escher, Bach

>> No.10292380

Tom Jones

>> No.10292417


>> No.10292425

The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea

>> No.10292429

> 25
> Dialectic of Enlightenment, Horkheimer & Adorno


Good pick

>> No.10292498

Yo, how is that? I just picked it up in a book sale

>> No.10292503

The Sot-Weed Factor

>> No.10292506

Infinite Jest

>> No.10292535


It's better than I thought it'd be

>> No.10292538

Stephen King's works

pretty overrated i must say

>> No.10292549

Absalom, Absalom

>> No.10292553
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A KGB training manual

>> No.10292558 [DELETED] 

War and Peace

>> No.10292559

The Whistle

>> No.10292563
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>> No.10292640


A Dream of Red Mansions by Cao Xueqin

>> No.10292656

Phenomenonology of Spirit

>> No.10292660


>> No.10292677


>> No.10292700

The Iliad

>> No.10292703

The Decameron

>> No.10292707

18 ;^)
Should only have two books of the Odyssey remaining past this afternoon

>> No.10292724

What's this supposed to mean? Are you not really 18?

>> No.10292730

The Outlaws

>> No.10292735

The Prophet

>> No.10292776

Harry Potter

>> No.10292796

> 20
> ubik

>> No.10292804

The Social Contract

>> No.10292818

How is it?

The sun also rises

>> No.10292819

same bruv

>> No.10292822

the waning of the middle ages

>> No.10292865

I like Thoreau's ideas and his tone, but there is no organization. One chapter is dedicated to how little money he spent on the project, and the next one is a lamentation about how illiterate his countrymen were. Again, he's a good writer, but I had the impression going into this book that it would be like a comfy nature documentary in prose form.

>> No.10292876

Read his travel diaries they are exactly that.

>> No.10292884
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A collection of literary critique essays mostly concerned with romanticism

>> No.10292912

>The Fisherman
(And very slowly, The Count of Monte Cristo)

>> No.10292920

The rise of Theodore Roosevelt by Edmund Morris

>> No.10292922

Transformers fanfiction

>> No.10292927

7 habits by stephen covey

>> No.10292944

Cien años de soledad

I started reading it 2 years ago and dropped it halfway, it was overwhelming. Now I'm about 3/4 in, it's fantastic.
I've been putting off reading for the last 2,5 hours though, I'm such a lazy cunt

>> No.10292953

I read that recently too and I'm 26 too.

Reading Augustus now and although I do like it, it's not as fun to read as his other 2 novels, which I loved.

>> No.10292972 [DELETED] 


>> No.10292977


Sounds like some Joyce crazy shit

>> No.10292978


>> No.10292981

Worst, it's half-French.

>> No.10292990

wow wtf what a shit writer
>Usbusbhbshbh by James Joyce
holy shit wtf that's genius


Btw @thread
>Brothers Karamazov

>> No.10292997

Coleección de poemas de amor de Pablo Neruda

>> No.10293001

22, name of the rose

>> No.10293005


>> No.10293010
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>> No.10293017

A collection of speeches by Robespierre
Will probably read Growth of the soil next

>> No.10293019 [DELETED] 

Mein Kampf

>> No.10293042

Man and his symbol

>> No.10293044


>Should probably rethink my life.

>> No.10293046

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Orthodox Church
The Bible (Matthew atm)

>> No.10293050

GotS is a top tier book, Im sure you will love it.

>A collection of speeches by Robespierre
>Will probably read Growth of the soil next

GotS is an excellent book. Im sure you will love it.

>> No.10293055

I figured as much, I liked hunger and I see it being pushed here from time to time. Did you read the original or a translation?

>> No.10293063

I read the translation by the woman... Sverre? Not sure her name but you can easily find it.

I wish I could read it in the original Norwegian but too much going atm to learn a language, especially one that is just there to read Hamsuns works haha.

>> No.10293066

I am 19
And I am reading Haruki Murakami „men without women“

>> No.10293079

I'm Norwegian, so I will read the original, I was just curious.
Also Sverre is a male name, lol

>> No.10293080
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>and going through every joyce's book. Currently on portrait. have read chamber music, dubliners and stephen hero so far

>> No.10293113

O.. My bad.

Yeah it was translated by Sverre Lyngstad. And good stuff, you probably can get a bit more out of it, since some things are lost in translation.

>> No.10293124


Heart of Darkness by Joseph “Polish Picaninny Pulverizer” Conrad

>> No.10293178


Catch 22
I don’t care if this is a meme book it’s hilarious so far and that’s enough.

>> No.10293185

that's like 4 pages

>> No.10293395

Aleph - Borges

Someone recommend a non depressive interesting book that I should read next.

>> No.10293426

>Reading Critique of Pure Reason with lectures every few days, but have read 50 pages of Odyssey yesterday, and will complete it by the end of the day. Only been held up because I'm Xmas shopping books online for pleb family members to become cultured.

>> No.10293431


>> No.10293456

Accelerated Spanish, Volume 1.

>> No.10293587

Sounds about right.

>> No.10293605


>> No.10293637
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>> No.10293639 [DELETED] 

Anthropologie structurale, Levi-Strauss.
Pedro Paramo, Juan Rulfo

>> No.10293641


>> No.10293646

Being and Time

>> No.10293649

Isn't there some pleasant nature writing at the end of the book about how he's friends with trees or some shit

>> No.10293662

always amuses me how much less pretentious picks get with age (im no exception)

Becoming God: Pure Reason in Early Greek Philosophy
Fichte's Ethical Thought
Schelling's Philosophical Investigations into the Essence of Human Freedom and his lectures on the Philosophy of Mythology

>> No.10293679

>he thinks he possesses age
god i would kill to be young again

>> No.10293695

I also started reading it sometime ago, dropped it because there was too much noise in my house. Now I'm at the end of Noticia de Un Secuestro and finding it boring as fuck.

>> No.10293702

I think I got swindled

>> No.10293724

Noticia is mediocre
If you want something similar but executed much better, read Crónica de una muerte anunciada

>> No.10293727

The Gulag Archipelago

>> No.10293731
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Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian Magic

>> No.10293739

Petrolio by Pasolini

>> No.10293743

Not him, but how old are you? Also, sometimes I wonder if I'm not wasting my youth with books when I should be out there loving and living all the pretty women while I'm still attractive, that's not gonna last forever.

>> No.10293753

You're not wasting your youth at all, my biggest regret is not reading nearly enough when I was younger and now I have a permanent inferiority complex and feel like I always have to catch up

>> No.10293765

Really, it's what you value in life now, versus what you think you'll value later on.

>> No.10293786

>Posts three philosophy classics
>Not pretentious
You're the confirmation of your own hypothesis.

>> No.10293794

Tariq Ali's biography of Lenin

>> No.10293801

all things considered, i wouldn't be in this thread if i wasn't pretentious and cared immensely how im perceived on an anonymous image board

though, i suppose claiming self-awareness isn't really an excuse in the end

>> No.10293806

The Gay Science
I read a lot of the greeks to get here. it still makes me feel retarded

>> No.10293813

>the gay science
that's gay, anon

>> No.10293816

well it did start with poetry

>> No.10293818

There's no need to choose, you can do both. Furthermore, doing the first will contribute with doing the latter.

>> No.10293831

'Salem's Lot

>> No.10293839

prometheus unbound - shelley
home - marilynne robinson
songs of a dead dreamer and grimscribe - thomas ligotti


>> No.10293853

Return of the King

>> No.10293861

how's the ride anon?
a buddy of mine got half way through and had to stop due to it being so depressing it's boring

>> No.10293862

Plato - Theaetetus - 20 pages from finish
Joyce - Ulysses - finished the Sirens chapter

>> No.10293869
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To Kill a Mockingbird

>> No.10293886

Akashic Records

>> No.10293891

>I read a lot of the greeks
Like what?

>> No.10293899

Little Red Riding Hood

>> No.10293901

>Being and Nothingness
>The Magician King
I can’t focus properly on books without a pulp book on the side to act as a palate cleanser.

>> No.10293902

I shill for Danielewski way too often, so I will recommend House of Leaves.
The Crying Lot of No. 49 is great too.
Canetti is great too.

>> No.10293905

In Search of Lost Time

>> No.10293908

At the end of Paradise Lost right now.

>> No.10293911

>i wouldn't be in this thread if i wasn't pretentious
That applies to each and every single /lit/ poster. I was just referring to the books.

The Archaeology of Knowledge, Foucault, Michel.
Constructing The Self, Constructing America: A Cultural History Of Psychotherapy, Cushman, Philip.

See, "old" and worn out, still a pretentious fuck.

>> No.10293921

gay asf

what are you going to read next? A New Kind of Science? lmao

>> No.10293935

Halfway through this too

>> No.10293949

Watership Down by Richard Adams (for pleasure)
My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante (for class
Death in Venice by Thomas Mann (for an essay due in about two weeks)
J R by William Gaddis (for pleasure)

>> No.10293976

20. soon to be 21 =(
I'm reading The Brothers Karamazov. it's breddu gud desu but all the shitposting aboit translations is making it a little less enjoyable. (P&V)

>> No.10293982

Anna Karenina

>> No.10293988


As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
Mere Christianity by CS Lewis

Almost done with both though.

>> No.10294071

I realize now I should not have wrote "a lot"
Nichomachean ethics - Aristotle
The republic and the trial by Plato
a bunch of myths

>> No.10294079


>> No.10294105

Very old, just finished Mailer's The Naked and the Dead. 4/5

>> No.10294130

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.10294248

¿Qué te parecen? No leo mucha poesía pero leí los 20 poemas de amor y no me convencieron mucho. No termino de entender por qué han tenido tanto éxito

>> No.10294257
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Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton

>> No.10294333

Fuck you guys are young. From the way you guys post I assumed everyone was 30+ /lit/ professors

>> No.10294340

Well the demographics of 4chan isn't exactly a normal distribution.

>> No.10294373

I'm seconding this, is he worth checking?

>> No.10294374

if you read the books /lit/ talks about you'd know that most of us are talking out our asses

>> No.10294376


>> No.10294385

A Michael Dummett collection called The seas of language.

>> No.10294397

You mean the apology?

>> No.10294398
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Player Piano

>> No.10294404

yeah the actual name escaped me atm

>> No.10294413

Les miserables

>> No.10294418

I'm 21 and I regularly shitpost about books I've never read.
Anyway I'm currently reading Crime and Punishment and that's not a shitpost.

>> No.10294441

It takes less than an hour to read. Id read that an the Pheado before the republic if I were you. Also, when you get to it in the republic, know that when Plato writes "Pastry bakers and Corinthian girls" he means cake and whores. Lowest common denominator and all that shit.

Read the first part a month ago, and then the semester hit me. Thinking about going back to it. Found it pretty good but that unabridged walk-through of the battle at Waterloo. Damn son that hit me like a wall. How are you liking it? Is it worthwhile further in if one isn't majorly into 18th-19th century French history?

>> No.10294452

I already read those. that's what I said in the first post

>> No.10294458
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>Reading : See Pic Attached

>> No.10294462

The Birth of Tragedy

>> No.10294467

25 and just finished this the other night. It's an incredible novel.

>> No.10294478

Norwegian Wood

>> No.10294482

Naked Lunch

>> No.10294491

Hamilton’s Mythology
DeLillo’s White Noise
DFW’s The Pale King

Just finished Anna Karenina so I figured it was time to hurl myself into present day. Definitely want to read The Brothers Karamazov soon. What translation do we favor, lads?

>> No.10294494

Sorry, read it as you were currently reading them.

>> No.10294496


>> No.10294506

nah. what's Phaedo? I didn't get as much out of the Republic as I wished

>> No.10294521

Make sure to read it again after you finish. You will appreciate it more. Also on the 2nd read try reading it randomly because Burroughs said you don't have to read it linearly. The stories can be read in any order. I wonder if not reading from cover to cover changes understanding.

>> No.10294527

upon seeing this photograph, i am become aroused

>> No.10294570

It's written in the same period as the republic and the apology. Basically it follows the last conversation of Socrates right up until he drinks the hemlock. Goes through some reflections on the immortality of the soul, innate ideas and what have often been tied to eternal recurrence theory (just to mention it now that you're reading Nietzsche), the mind body problem in general, and more on the ideas. It is very short and neat, and not the same bitch as the republic. It's highly recommendable.
Also, now that you've read the republic, you might find this interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjsLditCFME The big G himself. (Not that hermeneutics is my main cup of tea in any way).
Also, this is pretty neat as an introduction to most philosophy, at least I've enjoyed it both as a refresher and introduction. It's a bachelor's entrance course to the history of philosophy running over the course of a year. The guy was a christian thinker, but was famous for this course and he knew his shit. Plus he's actually very cool to listen to. So if one can live with the Christian undertones and slight lack of going in to detail due to the level of the course, it's brilliant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yat0ZKduW18&list=PL9GwT4_YRZdBf9nIUHs0zjrnUVl-KBNSM

>> No.10294599 [DELETED] 

The Count of Monte Cristo, the Robin Buss Translation

>> No.10294670

Don Juan-Lord Byron
Philosophical Essays and Correspondence-Rene Descartes
The Story of Civilization: Our Oriental Heritage-Will Durant
A History of Philosophy Volume I: Greece and Rome-Frederick Copleston

>> No.10294685

this is the highest quality response to a post I've gotten out of this shit-hole website in a hot minute anon. I'm more into this for the political philosophy but this is gonna be a good help to build a foundation on

>> No.10294694

>Mythology & The Works of Plato

>> No.10294699

26, werner jaeger

>> No.10294750


>> No.10294769

Heart of Darkness

>> No.10294865

Blood meridian

>> No.10294883

Hiya friend

>> No.10294888


live and let die

>> No.10294933

I kekt

Clean your room


A Suggestive Inquiry into the Hermetic Mystery - Mary South Atwood

>> No.10295012

T b h the age thing makes a lot of sense. I was under 20 when I read a lot of classics and I couldn't understand shit, even the stuff I thought I understood went way over my head. Anyone under 24 is a genetic brainlet so it's no surprise that people on here don't understand what they read.

>> No.10295017



>> No.10295078


Cacausian Battlefields and Russian Fairy tales

>> No.10295405

This thread

>> No.10295475


Federalist papers, Lautreamont.

Lautreamont would have made a great biologist, had he lived and pursued it. His detailed knowledge of and passion for plant and animal behaviors is evident in his work, and is buttressed by an understanding of mathematics and logic.

>> No.10295484

deconstructing radical orthodoxy
logic and theism

>> No.10295486

i'll be 30 in two weeks and i am also reading return of the king.

>> No.10295491
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pic related

>> No.10295502
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>the tunnel
i am going to be fucking slain but i don't care the subject matter seemed cool and mr. gass is a smart guy i watched his readings and lectures
also i am severely overcompensating for my lack of self-worth
be honest do you think i can enjoy this book? i'm totally interested and everyone says it's sublime, but at the same time people tend to speak of it like it's illegible at parts
iunno i have some confidence

>> No.10295507

thomas the obscure

>> No.10295522

>ITT feel vindicated for posting your thing and don't talk to anyone or read anyone else's

>> No.10295532

Alibis by Aciman

>> No.10295563

Divine Comedy

>> No.10295577

I enjoy math... What's wrong with that?

>> No.10295579
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I am 28 years old. I am about a quarter of the way through A Confederacy of Dunces. I saw that Nick Offerman played Ignatius in a play based on the book. I wish I could watch it because the book has been hilarious so far and I feel like he could do a lot with that character.

>> No.10295583


Martin Jay, The Dialectical Enlightenment
Peter Brown, The Cult of the Saints
Nicholas Cook, A Guide to Musical Analysis

>> No.10295594 [DELETED] 

Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.10295596

>thomas hardy tess of the d'urbevilles

>> No.10295615

>everyone poops

>> No.10295652

>My life: volume 1 by Richard Wagner

>> No.10295657

Black Spring

>> No.10295663

Fuckoff b&

>> No.10295671


Soldier of Arete - Gene Wolfe
Laws - Plato
Basic Economics - Thomas Sowell
Nicomachean Ethics - Aristotle

I didn't start reading until a few years ago so I feel like I'm always trying to play catch up.

>> No.10295681

serbian lit — Landscape painted with tea, Milorad Pavić
poems from Borislav Radović
poems from Branko Miljković

>> No.10295682


Blood Song

>> No.10295683

>anna karenina

>> No.10295691


Choke -Palahniuk

>> No.10295703

Kek fucking continental trash

>> No.10295708
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Rimbaud's Complete Poetry
rereading King Lear
bunch of essays on King Lear
About to start The Master and Margarita

>> No.10295736

How to win friends and influence people. I fell for the meme guys but I’m actually liking this book

>> No.10295737

What essays on King Lear?

>> No.10295739

Good shit I had to read that book for a class

>> No.10295744

Are you reading all Those books at the same time?

>> No.10295747

La verdad es que pienso que lo sobrevaloro un poco porque cada vez que leo un poema pretendo leerselo a una chica de la cual estaba enamorado. De todas maneras, a pesar de que sus poemas son relativamente simples y con un lenguaje sumamente accesible, Neruda es un buen poeta, en mi opinion garcia lorca escribe mejor, pero al igual es por habito de imaginarme leyendole sus poemas a una enamorada.

>> No.10295751 [DELETED] 


>> No.10295779

23, atlas shrugged. My first time reading ayn rand, I like it so far but it seems a bit heavy handed at times.

>> No.10295796

Whatever I can find on the subject of silence, or just general interpretations of the play. For example, right now I'm reading one written by Arthur F. Kinney. At this point almost anything I read on Lear seems repetitive at times, but when an author delivers their own reading, the one I hadn't thought about before, it turns out to be illuminating. For example, in Kinney's essay he advances that Edgar as Poor Tom is an amalgamation of Cordelia (filial duty), Kent (disguise), the Fool (nonsense language) and Lear (nakedness). It seems obvious, but I hadn't seen it like that before.

If you want to read other good general interpretations of the play, the best I've read so far have been those by Bloom and Goddard. Good stuff all around, even if you don't agree with their readings.

>> No.10295807


What happened - Hillary Clinton

>> No.10295817

Mein Kampf

>> No.10295828

rude awakening coming soon, cringe as fock

>> No.10295829

Doting from Henry Green

>> No.10295835

lmao cringey af
(what's cringey btw ?)

>> No.10295854

How is it? unironically? does she write well or is it exactly what you'd expect. or is u trollin?

>> No.10295868
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You must change your life

>> No.10295895

Dead Souls
Whipping Girl

>> No.10295896

How is it?

>> No.10295904

I absolutely loved Watership Down. Thoughts on it so far?

>> No.10295908

Less Than Nothing

>> No.10295917

Lee el rayo que no cesa de Miguel Hernandez.

Eso si que hara el chocho pepsi a una mujer con buen gusto portico.

>> No.10295932

wheel of time

>> No.10295943

Dense, but he's a genius so it's worth the work. Sometimes he can be very, very, funny. Unreservedly recommend if you don't mind reading slow and having to look up words, ideas, and authors all the time to figure out what he's on about.

>> No.10295962

I liked the book. Maybe its not for the average 4chan trump supporter.

>> No.10295969

Thanks, I've had Critique of Cynical Reason by him on my reading list for a long time. I'm eager to finally dive into his works. I've heard that despite the density of his books they can often be light-hearted and humorous.

>> No.10296009

Noted, thanks!

>> No.10296019

I managed to struggle my way through his 'Spheres' trilogy over the last few years, heavy going but it totally rewrote the way I think about so many things it's hard to remember how I thought before I read him, incredibly perceptive and despite his, at times discursive style, utterly analytical, and informed by an immense understanding of history and literature. Intimidating even. 'Rules for the Human Zoo' is next on my 'to read' list.

>> No.10296029

26 Thomas Bernhard - Frost (I feel old)

>> No.10296059


I'm 25 too and I just finished Stoner a few days ago. Left me with an strange yet calm feeling.

I'm reading Galveston now.

>> No.10296250

Only intelligent answer?
Wich book are you currently working yourself trough?
In my opinion, Rodrick's King made the biggest philosophical statement.

>> No.10296361


The Great Gatsby
I have to for school...

>> No.10296390

Hegels history of philosophy and Heraclitus mostly
Life is good

>> No.10296392

The Devil in the White City
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The Big Sheep

>> No.10296395
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The Meme Itself

>> No.10296405

What do you think of it?

>> No.10296437


The Holy bible

Never read it, thought I should give it a try. Beautiful book so far

>> No.10296450
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I'm halfway and so far I'm not sure what to make of it. The fact that I'm still reading is a positive sign, but I'm in the middle of one of those archaically-written historical sections and I'm struggling to see how it all ties in. Maybe it will make sense later.

It has made me read up on some philosophy and "made me think" a bit, so that's also good.

Also, my only exposure to Adam Roberts prior to this novel was his introduction to the SF Masterworks edition of Fifth Head of Cerberus by Gene Wolfe, where (in my opinion) while summarising the plot without spoiler warnings he gets some stuff wrong and that confused and annoyed me.

So I came into this already disliking the author but willing to give him a chance.

>> No.10296504 [DELETED] 

The Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.10296534

It's entertaining. I like how Adams portrays rabbits as realistically as possible. While they're anthropomorphic in the sense that they're characters and can talk, they really aren't at all. I'm only about halfway through but have been neglecting it recently. But I will pick it back up soon. It also makes me feel kind of shit for being a human living in an urban area. What creatures have I killed and displaced because I, the human race, has decided to "improve" on what nature has given us?

>> No.10296544

Took me two attempts to read that book. Definitely McCarthy's hardest read.

>> No.10296548

To be fair the OP never said discuss. But you probably posted some "look at me flexing my brain power" novel and were egotistically defeated when no one responded to your obvious intellect praising you for your brilliance.

>> No.10296557

23 and I'd be reading Woolf's The Waves if my copy hadn't gone missing the fucking second my sister came to visit

>> No.10296579

Alchemical texts
Tales from Atlantis
The Culture of Critique

>> No.10296589

>Wizard and Glass (Dark Tower)
>Born Standing Up
At the very end of bluebeard and BSU

>> No.10296600

The Alchemist

>> No.10296689

same breh

>> No.10296787

>Confederacy of Dunces
>War and War

>> No.10296803

Teatro Grottesco

>> No.10296867

Buen gusto, amigo. Es mi poemario favorito.

>> No.10296888

>L'Œuvre by Zola
>Storm of Steel by Ernst Jünger

>> No.10296904

Osamu Dazai

>> No.10296915

A Confederacy of Dunces


>> No.10296931


>> No.10296948

What do you think of the book so far?
I think the prose and especially the dialogue are incredible, but I can totally understand why it was rejected by so many publishers. There seems to be no overarching plot.

>> No.10296992

>Mein Kampf

not edgy, just always wanted to read his book.

>> No.10297029

>Catch-22 & Citizens

>> No.10297046

There is. It just doesn't come out until the end. The plot basically revolves around the effect Ignatius has on the lives of people around him. Like how what he does seems disastrous and ruinous but ends up working out for the best in the long run. And yes the dialogue is hilarious and it's very well written in the way it mocks Ignatius and his ego.

>> No.10297051

>J R by William Gaddis (500 pages in)
love it most of the time, only the school board parts are a bit dry at times

>> No.10297077


"The Brothers Karamazov" - Dostoevsky (underlining favorite passages | I can relate with Ivan, but I'd rather be more like Alyosha)

Original Drafts/Typewritten Facsimile of Eliot's "The Wasteland" w/ notes by Ezra Pound (old edition found in the collectors section of my local bookstore for $18.00--so worth)

>> No.10297078

Have you given Recognitions a chance? I tried reading last year, but couldn't summon the patience to get past the boat scene in the opening

>> No.10297079

No Longer Human

>> No.10297112

The school board parts are great. Everyone is so inept at their job. Nothing ever gets done. There's so much miscommunication and misunderstanding. Everyone is always pushing their own agenda but no one is ever listening to anything anyone says.

>> No.10297132

Yes, 1 or 2 months ago. Didn't get much further than you. I think I'll try again when I'm through with the rest of Gaddis (J R will be the first one I've finished).

Have you read J R? It's much easier than The Recognitions and not boring or dry or tortuous as I expected. On the contrary, it's pretty funny and you really care about the important characters.

Parts of it are funny but at times it gets a little nagging. Still good but my least favorite section of the book.

>> No.10297136


>> No.10297139

The Republic

>> No.10297179

SlaugherHouse-Five (rereading)

Storm of Steel

>> No.10297193

The Lacanian Subject

>> No.10297235

I read it earlier this year and I ended up liking it very much. A few parts didn't do it for me but overall it was surprisingly fun.
It's quite unique and way smarter than I expected it to be.

>> No.10297525

War and peace

>> No.10297565

"genetic brainlet"? You sure you picked the right word there?

>> No.10297566

The Cases that Haunt Us

>> No.10297578

Same age and I started to read this and it's just so depressing I don't think I can go on.

>> No.10297589
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You will get it when you finish the book.

>> No.10297594

Chesterton's Heretics

>> No.10297631

Complete works of Edgar Allen Poe

>> No.10297642
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Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Decline of the Roman Empire Vol. 2

>> No.10297675

The Hero with a Thousand Faces

>> No.10297907

Fundamentals of exercise science for a fitness professional
ACE personal trainer manual

Getting my shit together, anons.

>> No.10297931

Wheel of Time

>> No.10297975

>The Mars Trilogy by Burroughs

>> No.10297996


crime and punishment.

i feel like everyone on this board is reading c&p

>> No.10298005
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>Formal and Transcendental Logic by Husserl/The Collected Poems of Yeats

>> No.10298043

I saw this for sale at my local used shop for 5$ and came back the next day and it was gone. I was hesitant because I thought it was some lame self-help nonsense

>> No.10298068
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>and quiet flows the don by sholokov, dart by alice oswald, an episode in the life of a landscape painter by cesar aira

>> No.10298177
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guys, shit. im outgrowing 4chan. kms i have to find a new website to waste my life on.

> mean age is 23.4
>> 95% mean confidence interval = [22.62, 24.43]
> median is 22
>> 95% median confidence interval = [21,22]

> data up through >>10298068 as a csv:
> c(19, 20, 23, 31, 24, 25, 26, 32, 22, 21, 19, 20, 21, 18, 18, 20, 33, 26, 25, 18, 19, 20, 21, 34, 18, 23, 19, 22, 18, 21, 18, 21, 22, 24, 21, 42, 20, 23, 23, 27, 18, 18, 33, 24, 22, 41, 21, 26, 20, 27, 18, 22, 33, 19, 18, 21, 22, 22, 21, 18, 30, 27, 31, 18, 22, 21, 21, 25, 29, 23, 21, 22, 22, 26, 27, 18, 26, 23, 24, 24, 20, 19, 27, 19, 21, 20, 25, 26, 19, 19, 24, 23, 21, 34, 25, 20, 21, 24, 31, 19, 22, 23, 22, 23, 31, 25, 23, 33, 22, 18, 26, 20, 18, 22, 25, 48, 20, 23, 31, 18, 22, 23, 25, 23, 20, 23, 18, 21, 38, 18, 25, 18, 18, 20, 22, 29, 18, 13, 53, 21, 18, 19, 21, 21, 37, 19, 19, 22, 19, 18, 20, 27, 18, 22, 18, 18, 26, 37, 24, 30, 24, 27, 18, 32, 22, 18, 37)

>> No.10298294


Paradise Lost

Far more entertaining than I expected. I just wanted to get the cultural references but it's pretty enjoyable so far. Still don't understand where the "Satan is the good guy" meme comes from though.

>> No.10298325

>Finishing the Witcher series
>The Once and Future King
im a brainlet who reads for fun

>> No.10298347



>> No.10298350

kek I have the same edition
good boys adelphi

>> No.10298354
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21, Basketball (and other things) by Shea Serano. Would recommend any basketball fan to read this. The art in it is fantastic btw.

>> No.10298366

Is it better than Chaucer? I only remember reading some in world lit.

>> No.10298377
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good job, Anon.

>also kek mfw i am exactley 23 years and 4 months old

>> No.10298424

beyond good and evil

>> No.10298703
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Don Quixote

>> No.10298731

The World of Odysseus and The Light of Day

>> No.10298773

how'd u find it so far?
which part r u at friend?

>> No.10298843

What'll the essay be about, specifically?

>> No.10298869

Lots of anime subtitles

>> No.10298889

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

>> No.10298951
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This the way to the museyroom. Mind your hats goan in! Now yiz are in the Willingdone Museyroom. This is a Prooshi-ous gunn. This is a ffrinch. Tip. This is the flag of the Prooshi — ous, the Cap and Soracer. This is the bullet that byng the flag of the Prooshious. This is the ffrinch that fire on the Bull that bang the flag of the Prooshious. Saloos the Crossgunn! Up with your pike and fork! Tip. (Bullsfoot! Fine!) This is the triplewon hat of Lipoleum. Tip. Lipoleumhat. This is the Willingdone on his same white harse, the Cokenhape. This is the big Sraughter Wil-lingdone, grand and magentic in his goldtin spurs and his ironed dux and his quarterbrass woodyshoes and his magnate’s gharters and his bangkok’s best and goliar’s goloshes and his pullupon-easyan wartrews. This is his big wide harse. Tip. This is the three lipoleum boyne grouching down in the living detch. This is an inimyskilling inglis, this is a scotcher grey, this is a davy, stooping. This is the bog lipoleum mordering the lipoleum beg. A Gallawghurs argaumunt. This is the petty lipoleum boy that was nayther bag nor bug. Assaye, assaye! Touchole Fitz Tuo-mush. Dirty MacDyke. And Hairy O’Hurry. All of them arminus-varminus. This is Delian alps. This is Mont Tivel, this is Mont Tipsey, this is the Grand Mons Injun. This is the crimealine of the alps hooping to sheltershock the three lipoleums. This is the jinnies with their legahorns feinting to read in their handmade’s book of stralegy while making their war undisides the Willingdone. The jinnies is a cooin her hand and the jinnies is a ravin her hair and the Willingdone git the band up. This is big Willingdone mormorial tallowscoop Wounderworker obscides on the flanks of the jinnies. Sexcaliber hrosspower. Tip. This is me Belchum sneaking his phillippy out of his most Awful Grimmest Sunshat Cromwelly. Looted. This is the jinnies’ hast-ings dispatch for to irrigate the Willingdone. Dispatch in thin red lines cross the shortfront of me Belchum. Yaw, yaw, yaw! Leaper Orthor. Fear siecken! Fieldgaze thy tiny frow. Hugacting. Nap. That was the tictacs of the jinnies for to fontannoy the Willingdone. Shee, shee, shee! The jinnies is jillous agincourting all the lipoleums. And the lipoleums is gonn boycottoncrezy onto the one Willingdone. And the Willingdone git the band up. This is bode Belchum, bonnet to busby, breaking his secred word with a ball up his ear to the Willingdone. This is the Willingdone’s hur-old dispitchback. Dispitch desployed on the regions rare of me Belchum.

>> No.10298961

That book reads like a fucking homework assignment (Show your Steps!)

>> No.10299019

22, Le rouge e le noir Stendhal

>> No.10299133

Last book I read was Fathers and Sons

now finally reading Infinite Jest because I've had it lying around for over a year and I don't want to be one of those people who owns a xopy of Infinite Jest but hasn't read it.


>> No.10299205
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>beware of pity and lanark

>> No.10299215

so good anon

>> No.10299242

Is it good?

>> No.10299274

25, moby dick

i've read a lot of james joyce but this high school required reading book is hard for me to get through. impossibly uninteresting

>> No.10299290


Man and his Symbols

Pretty noice for a broad but basic understanding of Jung's ideas.

>> No.10299341

Me as well! How far into it are you?

>> No.10299374

storm and steel -
ernst junger

>> No.10299381

>Swann's Way.

A lot easier than everyone says. I love how aesthetic the prose is.

>> No.10299396

The Lost World

>> No.10299407

I loved that. Very enjoyable and relaxing reading.

>> No.10299412

Which edition? Only one I can reccomend is the Ford translation.

>> No.10299424
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It's been disturbing at times but also inspiring for me as a writer. I would recommend it to anyone

>> No.10299432

Not him, but I'm reading the Manheim translation. If I had held off a while longer, I'd have bought the Stalag edition. I still might.

>> No.10299433

Just finished Blood Meridian earlier today, probably start Pale Fire tonight. Just saw that Blade Runner movie and have had Pale Fire for a while so figured why not?

>> No.10299443

The Complete Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft

>> No.10299458

Also I was about 1/4-1/3 of the way through Demons/The Possessed but I'm in the process of moving and I forgot to put the book in my "don't pack this shit" stack. So I might try to find a digital version or just start over in about two years. All that stuff is going into long term storage, so those are actually the choices.

How are you liking it so far? I just finished today and thought it was a good read, there were a couple small things at the end that we kinda weird. Other than that, the only thing I didn't like was every now and then he would write a long ass line where he just kept describing things and using the word and to go onto the next then and then continuing and so on and so forth and then he would keep going and going and going.

>> No.10299460

He purposefully mistranslated large segments of Mein Kampf which is why you will hear many modern readers of it refer to it as "nonsensical". Because his failure to accurately translate it from German to English, it will obvious look and sound ridiculous.

It's okay and on par with the Ford translation in some regards. I think Ford is the best because it seems the most true to the concept of fair translation.

>> No.10299464

Blood Meridian

also a bit more than halfway through Rilke's notebooks of MLB

though desu im usually too busy or tired or lazy to read. kind of hate myself for it

>> No.10299489


Does the Ford have many footnotes, or a slanderous forward?

>> No.10299508

The Sound and the Fury

>> No.10299516

The book is fucking brilliant and the ending is one of the best in the world.

>> No.10299517

I can't recall there being many footnotes except to elaborate on a specific historical reference, character, individual, etc. I never read the forward, I usually skip that for most books anyways.

I do not believe the translator had any real agenda except to provide a fair translation of the book. I've read it twice now and do not think it was purposefully mistranslated the way Manheim underhandedly did it (and to nobodys surprise is the "official" translation used by most college univerisites despite it being notoriously flawed and fradulent).

That being said MK is a very dense book. It is one mans entire political philosophy and autobiography combined into one of the most influential books on the modern world. Don't expect it to be easy reading.

>> No.10299531
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pic rel

>> No.10299554

Do you have sources on Manhein's being false? Back when I was looking, Manheim was the only copy at the local bookstore, and when looking at his biography I thought it would be okay. The only thing was the the forward written by (((Abraham Foxman))) which Manheim couldn't control. However I have read of a few mistakes in translation, it doesn't seem to be anything malicious.

>> No.10299671

An easy mistake to make given the title but still a shame, it's a quote from a Rilke poem.

>> No.10299723


Pestana’s Surgery Notes,

My Surgery final is in a few days and the only thing I’ve deeply read in the last 3 years are medical texts because medical school has taken all the joys from life and replaced it with encyclopedic and dry medical knowledge. Truly this is suffering. I long for the day I can leisurely read books again.

>> No.10299743

>Mandragola, Niccolo Machiavelli
I think I'll have to read it a time or two to really absorb it, I have very little knowledge of Machiavelli's other works, life, or historical context. Interesting so far but not "jaw breakingly funny."

>> No.10299803
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>Dhalgren by Samuel R. Delany

>> No.10299862

Stoner is a great book to read under 30

To me Stoner was about applying love to your life, and being conscientious about where your love goes

Incredible book hope to reread it many times

>> No.10299897
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gravity's rainbow. last 140 pages.
door stoppers FML

>> No.10300146

18, Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld

>> No.10300243
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Finnegans Wake

Jung's "Liber Novus"

The Bible

Eliade's Shamanism

The Children of Hurin

Paradise Lost

>> No.10300245

>do androids dream of dick
that's hilarious

>> No.10300340

This spoke Zarathustra

>> No.10300341

Phoneposter fag here

>> No.10300727

Maps of Meaning