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10287654 No.10287654 [Reply] [Original]

what does enlightenment entail? how & at one point does one become enlightened

>> No.10287655

*what point

>> No.10287656

if you set your mind on achieving enlightenment, it will only be further away from you

>> No.10287661

>at what point does one become enlightened
some time in the 18th century

>> No.10287663

why tho

>> No.10287675

You got memed by ramblings of mahayanists who haven't bothered with meditation and achieving said Enlightenment

also this
be more specific OP

>> No.10287678

T B H the concept of enlightenement is a bit of a spook. Watch this video:
https://youtu.be/R37zkizucPU I think what he describes here is as much of "enlightenment" as an ego death or nirvana.

>> No.10287681

Couldn't be more wrong fool

>> No.10287684

>the Enlightenment
There is a Chomsky lecture for that. https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=13s&v=60z2zGbGbfE

>> No.10287686

because your expectations and methods of enlightenment are based on a mental objectization of enlightenment, which is in reality beyond comprehension. An object is essentially limited, so what you are trying to reach isn't enlightenment at all.

>> No.10287693

Yeah dude lets just chill at home and smoke weed instead. Literally no-one ever has achieved enlightenment by trying. Besides for that Guatama charlatan.

>> No.10287695

besides reading a shit ton what other things in life must you do/experience and who would be an example of someone you consider enlightened
how are you working towards it

>> No.10287702

then what is it

>> No.10287710

Did I tell you to smoke weed? No, I said ways to grasp enlightenment like some academic subject or five-step-plan are defeating the purpose and won't get anywhere.
It simply is

>> No.10287735

Hmmm if only their were an 5 step plan. Or maybe an 8 step plan. Hmmm I dunno maybe something noble.

>> No.10287754

>lesser vehicle brainlet thinks he can talk about enlightenment

>> No.10287793

Meditating everyday for 3 months now. Last month is two 50 minutes sessions of sitting meditation + some walking meditation. Currently doing Stage 5/6 practices according to "The Mind Illuminated" by Culadasa. Two weeks ago failed horribly at entering the first Jhana but nevertheless getting my body flooded with immense happiness and joy gave me a lot confidence that this path is the correct one.
Reading about Buddhism for 10 years and finding the correct way to grasp early teachings but failing at starting meditation left me frustrated. Afted confirming that Culadasa is legit I bought his book and started serious meditaton practice vowing to reach deep meditative states and at least first stage of Enlightenment - Sotapanna.

>> No.10287847

>immense happiness and joy gave
you were conscious of what when this happened?

>> No.10287861
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You experience enlightenment whenever you truly understand something. An example could be something within a mathematical branch you've been struggling with to understand, but one day it just clicks and you -understand- why it's like that.

Also check out Plato's allegory of the cave to understand a bit more on the subject.
Being in a constant enlightened state would suggest you truly understand the world, which I think is very very hard to accomplish.

>> No.10287866

I've never been more conscious before. My whole body was filled with awarenness, tingling of piti and happiness. I can now feel a little of that happiness everytime I relax a little and in every meditation.
It was not Concentration with Dullness described in the book. I did 5 Stage practices.

>> No.10287874

People say they feel the ball in the forehead, between the eyes, you had this?

>> No.10287890

UG Krishnamurti is all you need. Enlightenment is a myth.

>> No.10287916

Haven't experienced that, but I neglected my head during body scans so this might be the cause. Forgot to mention I experienced also partial withdrawal of the senses. High pitch in ears became much more noticeable and even sound of alarm signaling end of session haven't distracted me even thought I heard it clearly but less loud. My vision was flooded with splashes of colors that partially obstructed my normal vision (I meditate with my eyes open from the start).

>> No.10287930

Ego death through psychedelic use

>> No.10287944

>what does enlightenment entail?

There's no method.

>at one point does one become enlightened

>> No.10288112
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>> No.10288209

this is what japanese believe

>> No.10288213

read kant what is enlightenment

>> No.10290092

>what does enlightenment entail?
freedom from craving that is cause of suffering

>> No.10290121
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i accept that it is my fault for being a 22 yr old bald khv manlet NEET, totally all my own doing
wow so helpful
oh no, i still want to kill myself.
enlightenment is a meme

>> No.10290138

becoming one with everything

>> No.10290165

Imagine being 22 and still thinking like a 15 year old girl. Read a book and get a job you massive retard.

>> No.10290168

if you're looking for the enlightenment, you're basically on the first level of [censored]

the majority don't even make it as far as you are

>> No.10290190
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>just get a job
been applying continually
just recently got rejected by Target for a position as a SEASONAL TEMPORARY wageslave, not even a full position :)
>hurr just get a job lazy faggot you gotta apply :^)

>> No.10290198

it doesn't mean anything. the religion itself is a dead end -budhism-.

>> No.10290206

read some NEETCHA and these pleb comments will wash over you like rain water

>> No.10290210

Accepting your situation isn't the same as taking responsibility for it. I wish you all the best anon.

>> No.10290216
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All I can tell you that I was interested in the Self Realization of Yogananda, the Lotus Sutra, Nagarjuna and Zen. Then I read pic related and it induced a deep 'enlightening' feeling in me. I dropped eastern thought after that and moved onto continetal philosophy. Years later it's still a book that resonates with me.

>> No.10290275

Of course, first of all, "enlightenment" is just a word. We have no way of telling where you've read it and what made you raise your question, so each one of us will project their own interpretation of that word.

If you are talking about the enlightenment from buddhism and hinduism, perhaps you're talking of "nirvana" or "moksha". Nirvana literally means to blow out, it is a relief in the sense of getting rid of a burden. This weight that you give out is nothing but your illusions. In buddhism and other philosophies of ancient india our world is itself illusory, because we get involved in it, sometimes we get attached to it, clinging to things, states of mind, people, images of ourselves, etc. In reality, all of that eventually blows away, but we like to pretend they don't when we try to get a hold of everything that crosses our path. Buddha, "the man who woke up", literally discovered that everything was impermanent and that even the self does not really exist if not for the same illusion of clinging to it, that accompany us through our lives. But then, it is not just a settled question, because no matter if you're thinking hard about the cosmology of it, or if you agree completely in your head, the illusion prevails in the very same way. That's why meditation, in many of its forms, is something to do that is not the same as the usual flows of things in life to which we immediately cling, so to actually live within that impermanence, to accept things as they are as opposed to engendering new illusions. The person who meditates not only exercises in not getting attached to what may come nor desperately react and judge anything that happens to them, but they do so also while they are not sitting down and doing any other at all, because it is a function of their attention. Enlightenment is a threshold of that experience, from which you stop seeking for that clinging reaction and naturally accept things to be as they are, with no rush to change them. "Samsara" is the name of the world of desire and suffering, recognized as the real world, our ordinary lives, with good and bad moments till we move on to the next whatever. It is a turning wheel that makes us flow up and down through suffering and joy but always frustrated. Nirvana opposes samsara as a way to remove yourself from that wheel. According to buddhism, everyone will eventually reach enlightenment, if not today, then a billion lives later, because it is the real thing. One day you'll get tired of Samsara and leave. And to a buddhist, there is no hurry, their work in passing down the truths of Buddha is a different kind of task.


>> No.10290289

>>10290275 cont
The moment you say "I am enlightened", you are attached to yourself and attached to your own image, to the status you project onto that message and thus you are not enlightened. If you desire to be enlightened, you are ignoring who you are for what you are right now, you feel there is something missing to life, and if you feel there is something missing, you have forgotten that there is no difference between self and non-self thus there can't be anything missing, so you won't ever be enlightened that way. If you think someone is enlightnened, you are also falling to an illusion. That why there is the saying "if you meet Buddha on the road, kill it". It doesn't matter the slightest what this word means, or what others can say about enlightened, if that's to make you daydream about achieving it. All of the content in the word "enlightenment" is illusory itself, it serves as a way to point to something, but it is not it. Forget about it (if you can, because that's hard, you're always thinking of improving from what is) and perhaps you get it. But don't worry, you will.

>> No.10290452

>what does enlightenment entail?
No what.

No how.

>& at one point
No point.

>does one become
No become.


>> No.10290502

You can adopt a paradigm. Enlightement is knowing that it's a paradigm and it's therefore simple. You can switch a paradigm ad nauseam.

>> No.10290507


What will I get out of enlightenment?

>> No.10290937

i like this video. but the end raises some questions. liberation is great, but he says “free from suffering”. why would you want to be completely free from all suffering? is suffering necessary at certain points, to some degrees in life, to feel ultimate happiness at other times? is life not a cycle of ups and downs? couldn’t we seek liberation, but still have challenges and adversity in life? we just may have a better, healthy strategy to overcome them. in them we find where we can learn, not just revel in our unhappiness. what do you think?

>> No.10290943

can you elaborate

>> No.10290966


>> No.10291118
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Free from suffering with Tolle typically means free from mind generated suffering: ego, story making, and thought forms. You still say, "Ouch," when you stub your toe. The dualistic nature of the universe still exists, but for the enlightened it is no longer problematic. There is no longer the calling it good or bad, it just is.

Yes, Tolle teaches that for most suffering is their greatest teacher.

Yes, he specifically uses your word challenges. The event does not cause suffering, rather it is your reaction to events that causes suffering (mind generated, thoughts or emotions)

>> No.10291130

knowledge is dangerous

>> No.10291176
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The mind and it's thoughts become a useful tool when you are present. When you are unconscious you believe you are the thoughts since there is no separation between consciousness (that which observes thought) and the thought or emotion itself.

>> No.10291346

How the fuck are you on stage 5/6 in 3 months I've been struggling with stage 2 for longer than that

I-I mean good on you anon haha

>> No.10291353

by not giving a fuck about anything.
it includes not getting butt mad about people telling you otherwize

>> No.10291360

ok mark manson

>> No.10291364
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It's like someone wrote an entire essay on it.

>> No.10291374

>getting my body flooded with immense happiness and joy
Where in the body did it begins?

>> No.10291386
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>> No.10291405

Not who you replied to but I like Mark Manson.
Though I've only read Models.
Anyways my hands smell like shrimp.

>> No.10291528

>acceptance is taking responsibility

Lol no. The point is to realize no matter how great of an injustice you think your life is, it's still completely your responsibility to change it.
Why? Simply because there is nobody else. Everybody else is worrying about their own injustice.

For example

Instead of whining about people not giving you a job, you should take responsibility and understand how the free market works.
People don't give you a job because they like you, they give you a job because you have the skills necessary and they have a need for those skills.
So get some skills you lazy bum.

>inb4 more whining
Think about being that employer at Target. Would you hire yourself?
Keep in mind you have 200 applicants.

>> No.10291633
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I know from your post that you are very close to being brain dead but I'm pretty bored right now so i'll break things down for you

>Lol no. The point is to realize no matter how great of an injustice you think your life is, it's still completely your responsibility to change it
yes, that is what the 'acceptance' was. What did you think I was accepting? jesus fucking christ are you really trying to argue semantics because I didn't use the specific word you wanted?

>Instead of whining about people not giving you a job, you should take responsibility and understand how the free market works
I wasn't whining I was stating that anon's """"""""advice"""""""" is not a viable solution. how are you not keeping up?

>People don't give you a job because they like you, they give you a job because you have the skills necessary and they have a need for those skills.
I'm more than qualified to work a cash register at Target for a few weeks and wear a plastic name tag. this is Boomer tier advising impotence

>>inb4 more whining
>Think about being that employer at Target. Would you hire yourself?
also, very stupid question that has the appearance of offering advice but, just like everything else in your post, is entirely vapid

I am not upset at not having a job. I understand (clearly better than you) how things work and that no one is under any obligation to employ me.
What makes me rage is the morons like you who cannot offer any reasonable advise, who don't understand what living in this situation is like at all, but who feel the need to tell me and people in my situation how we are doing it all wrong.
it's the equivalent of playing a game of chess and then some retard walks up and goes "Hur why not just move your queen to h5 and checkmate him??"
because, dumbass, that would be an illegal move. your """"advice""""" doesn't deal with the reality at hand. if you weren't retarded you would understand that
people like you need to understand: some people fail and nothing you suggest can help and it was pure fucking luck that you are not in that situation yourself

>> No.10291681
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Maybe you are too hard on yourself and should move to Stage 3 practices? I don't know. It's not like I started TMI completely unprepared because I did mindfulness-like practices and observed my mind until I knew what is what. Also I made meditation and achieving Enlightenment priority in my life.
Motivate yourself! Read/listen to the accounts of other people.
I started TMI because of this vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtf50B0e2N4
some random weeb teaching other weebs japanese seemed trustworthy enough for me
Maybe hear about what Enlightenment entails, how Enlightened person behaves and other interesting stuff? Check this series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJ02xiHY1KI

Whole experience started from shivers on my neck and back which subsided and reappeared in cyclical fashion stronger every time, until some kind of threshold was broken and my whole body was encompassed by them and happiness came along which was centered roughly in my chest

>> No.10291700
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>the job hunting process
you are only looking for one yes, also read What Color is Your Parachute and do the exercises especially the ones centered around value

>> No.10291702

When You Learn That Homonym's Are A Thing, e.g. Authority, I (Eye) : Color.


>> No.10291712

what a fucking loser

>> No.10291744

i've heard enlightenment is an ongoing process that one can never reach, but gets closer and closer to like dividing a half of a half to reach zero.

>> No.10292218

>is life not a cycle of ups and downs?
You can't derive ought from is
>couldn’t we seek liberation, but still have challenges and adversity in life?
Why would you want to suffer? Enlightened person still has challenges in life, but being perfectly content with himself he does things to others out of compassion

>> No.10292516


>> No.10292734

t. to smart for nirvana

>> No.10292786

I think it is normally quite automatic. After samādhi, if your mind inclines to the recollecting of past lives, it will tend to go there. It all unfolds quite naturally and there is not much you have to do. Whether your mind inclines there or not will in turn depend on your conditioning, such as how important you think it is. The standard passage in the suttas on the recollection of past lives, found e.g. at MN 4, is as follows:

>When my concentrated mind was thus purified, bright, unblemished, rid of imperfection, malleable, wieldy, steady, and attained to imperturbability, I directed it to knowledge of the recollection of past lives. I recollected my manifold past lives, that is, one birth, two births, three births, four births, five births, ten births, twenty births, thirty births, forty births, fifty births, a hundred births, a thousand births, a hundred thousand births, many aeons of world-contraction, many aeons of world-expansion, many aeons of world-contraction and expansion: ‘There I was so named, of such a clan, with such an appearance, such was my nutriment, such my experience of pleasure and pain, such my life-term; and passing away from there, I reappeared elsewhere; and there too I was so named, of such a clan, with such an appearance, such was my nutriment, such my experience of pleasure and pain, such my life-term; and passing away from there, I reappeared here.’ Thus with their aspects and particulars I recollected my manifold past lives.

>> No.10293227

Do not think about becoming enlightened. While I do not consider myself "enlightened", my most enlightening moments have come from my daily experiences.

My entire idea of beauty changed as I was driving on one Autumn's evening. I was returning home about one hour later than usual, just as the sun was setting. Since I live in the rural South, the longest segment of my routine drive was on a road in between a cotton field and a wheat field. As I turned onto that road, I was greeted by the most vibrantly colored sunset I had ever seen; all the pinks, oranges, yellows, and blues blended so perfectly together. I nearly ran off the road because I was so distracted.

That experience made me rethink what beauty is. I used to think beauty just meant "pretty things", but now I see it as something that I would be instinctually drawn to make sacrifices for. I (briefly) sacrificed my safety to view that sunset. I sacrifice my time for doing things that I enjoy. I sacrifice my time, money, etc to have a family. Do I need to do any of these to survive? I do not. Despite not needing any of these things, I still have a drive to make sacrifices for them. That is my personal definition of beauty. I acknowledge that few people here would agree with me, but that's the entire point that I'm attempting to make. There is no arbitrary point of "enlightenment" that you can reach by forcing yourself. I believe that you must forge your own "enlightenment" out of your own feelings and experiences, not by the number of books that you've read.

I'm not saying that reading won't help you reach "enlightenment", because that would be a total lie. I'm just saying that if you expect "enlightenment" in something, you will not be able to be taken by surprise, which is where genuine enlightenment comes from, at least in my opinion.