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/lit/ - Literature

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10277272 No.10277272 [Reply] [Original]


Should Judith Butler be mandatory for university courses that do not relate to queer or feminist theory?

>> No.10277286

judith butler doesn't seem left enough for sweden.

>> No.10277290

>the horror
clearly both you and your source are impartial in this.

>> No.10277291


>> No.10277329

>A course like Erik Ringmar’s—”Modern society and its critics“—which focuses on original texts from around the turn of the last century, immediately gets into trouble since fascism in the 1930s wasn’t exactly a bastion of gender equality
Huh? So which is it, turn of the century or 1930s? And that reading list is all over the place and doesn't seem to contain much fascism anyway- no Sorel, no Mussolini, no Mazinni.

Also this is only an attack on academic freedom if the faculty never made books mandatory before, which isn't mentioned but seems unlikely tbph

>> No.10277349

In a philosophy course, for example, definitely, considering she's a pretty big contemporary philosopher wether you like it or not.

>> No.10277374

>she's a pretty big contemporary philosopher wether you like it or not.

for you

>> No.10277527

...having said that, the actual article is quite interesting although very obviously with its own big axe to grind. OP's question is really just a tiny part of it.


>> No.10277546

>sure women and fags are awesome fuck white people you gotta listen to me cuz I’m a WOMYN shitlord you better call me a philosopher or you’re an ist

Yeah, not a philosopher

>> No.10277548


>> No.10277550

Well duh

Anyways we should just write all white people out of the history books and be done with it

>> No.10277555

feminism is a philosphy thats a bit of a strech

>> No.10277562
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>Judith Butler
Actual feminists consider this woman a joke.

Dump her and pick up a real feminist, like Dworkin or Firestone.

>> No.10277605

Have you fucking read her????

>> No.10277606

Bernt I think. Norwegian lad.

>> No.10277632

I see nothing wrong with natives studying their own religion honestly.

>> No.10277645


god forbid anyone have opinions, lets all be unbiased eunuchs

>> No.10277652


Jordan Bloody Peterson, bucko.

>> No.10277683

That's not what she claims at all

I don't even get your point, she is a philosopher, that's her profession.

>> No.10277691

Then she's a shitty philosopher who doesn't write philosophy as much as she writes worthless bullshit that doesn't belong in any courses, philosophy or otherwise. Might as well just read fucking Dr.Seuss if you're going to "study" her works. At least one makes a tiny shred of sense.

>> No.10277693

Why do you think Gender Trouble is shit?

>> No.10277724

people study dr. suess though...

>> No.10277907
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Complete garbage.

>> No.10278181

is it nice to make opinions based on whatever you believe something is without ever having actually experienced it? i wish i could be so ignorant as you :( i would be so much happier

>> No.10278185
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my god

>> No.10278194

Just the thought of reading a page of that makes me want to end my life, theres something wrong with you if you read a book by someone named Judith.

>> No.10278203

Let this shitty meme stay dead.

>> No.10278230

ITT: retards who never read a page of her and wouldnt understand her if they did

>> No.10278234
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i vonder vhy

>> No.10278253

ok we get it you hate jews and degenerate feminism. go back to prison where you and your ilk thrive, neo nazi scum

>> No.10278289

>is it nice to make opinions based on whatever you believe something is without ever having actually experienced it?
>being this empiricist

>> No.10278291

I think you mean "ok we get it you have a nutsack but im a female, fuck the patriarchy and everyone i hate is a nazi"

>> No.10278294

just cause you dont watch Maury doesnt mean you dont know its not trash

>> No.10278295


if you're not a nazi, what would you do with 6 million jews?

>> No.10278299

Send them to the soviet union to become communists and die in starvation with everyone else

>> No.10278301

ship to madagascar

>> No.10278303

they should balance Butler out with some Paglia

>> No.10278378

>le ideology *sniff* xD

>> No.10278387

>literally claims biological sex is socially constructed
nice 'philosopher' we got here lmfao

>> No.10278849

thoughts on jp's chat with jonathon haidt? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IBegL_V6AA

>> No.10278870

>thought on basing your life on youtube videos?

>> No.10278880

this is a book board tard

>> No.10278903

it's related to the op you violent leftist bullies

>> No.10278918


>> No.10278932


>> No.10278985


Marx has been banished from American economics departments. Nobody makes a peep about that.

>> No.10279004

So what? Departments have reading requirements all the time. Sometimes the readings are controversial but they can be challenged. Sensationalizing routine academic practices is pretty dishonest behavior. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/jun/01/yale-english-students-call-for-end-of-focus-on-white-male-writers

>> No.10279046

No you wouldn't. You're so stupid you'd find a way to blow it.

>> No.10279076

>relevant contemporary scientific papers assigned to students studying in the field
>good, they should have a representative grounding in the kinds of study currently happening
>relevant contemporary humanities papers assigned to students studying in the field
>*autistic screeching*

>> No.10279083

Calm down there, enlightened redditor.

>> No.10279087

Holocaust. A real one this time.

>> No.10279180

You forgot to mention

>slay queen


>bash the fash
>/lit/ is a leftist board!
>no trump, no kkk, no fascist usa

>> No.10279184

Because that's good. Marx belongs to philosophy class. He's not a real economist like zappa or Dewey

>> No.10279189

Do you actually believe this? lmao

>> No.10279195

Butler is only relevant to a very small fragment of the humanities.

>> No.10279269

Can't deny she has a place in academia if Jung's highly reductionist crankery has as well.

>> No.10279397
File: 90 KB, 729x749, Sam+hyde+modern+nostradamus+2013_05c6d2_6301337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its another Sweden does something stupid that were supposed to be outraged over but no one is because its Sweden thread.

>> No.10279461

Judith "mutilating and deforming children is acceptable" Butler

to all those defending her itt explain why her opinions shouldn't be immediately dismissed for her disgusting approach to the treatment of Reimer

>> No.10279505



You didn't read the article did you?

>> No.10279512

the random board, newfag

>> No.10279806

But if anyone said (the horror) about your favorite author, you'd be all butthurt (I'm assuming).

>> No.10279999

To be fair, none of the /pol/lacks itt have read Butler either

>> No.10280008

>god forbid let's not explore, study, and critique works by the gays, lets all be biased /pol/sters

>> No.10280023

What wrong with being a neo-nazi?

>> No.10280025

Jordan Benis Peterson

>> No.10280071

Why is /lit/ so edgy? out of all the boards, you'd think this would be the one to shed the highschool tier interpretation of texts and Epic le Jews did this! xD memery that is so tied to /b/ and /pol/ but there is a large amount of shitposting just for the hell of it and true hatred and intolerance. I understand the left can be embarrassing and backwards at times, but that's no reason for people who read to act like fucking shitstained snotbubbled edgemasters. I havent been on /lit/ for very long, I started coming around here around '13 - '14 was it always like this?

>> No.10280072

I would have thought Butler undermines most of the tenets of modern gender theory. The idea of gender being performance surely contradicts the claims of trans weirdos and all the rest of the queer bunch that they were 'born that way'. Butler would suggest they are *choosing* to express themselves in this way, rather than it being an innate property of their being

>> No.10280088


>this is a course about x
>please add this work y to the course, that doesn't have the essential features of x
>"yikes sweeties, /polit/ hasn't read y!"

To be fair, you are a retard.

>> No.10280091

I don't hate the jews by any means, but the fact they apart of a nationalist hyper cabal is true.

>> No.10280100
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*inhales deeply*

>> No.10280104


>I understand the left can be embarrassing and backwards at times, but that's no reason for people who read to act like fucking shitstained snotbubbled edgemasters.

It's an appropriate response to people who think they are better than everyone.

>> No.10280106


No, (((Jewposting))) and shit is a recent phenomenon. Thank all the redditors from r/thedonald and all the other /nu/pol subhuman scum

Racism has always been a integral part of 4chan, this specific brand of retardation however is new and killing every fucking board

t. been here a llmost a decade

>> No.10280110

If you've been here 3 years you wouldn't make a post like that, this kind of shit has been here less than a year

>> No.10280111

>Le everything edgy is wrong opinions.

>> No.10280120

>Thank all the redditors from r/thedonald and all the other /nu/pol subhuman scum

Also thank the false flag posters pretending to be /pol/lacks. Everyone here keeps saying they don't exist, but it's obvious they do. Low effort da joooos in first posts, McDonald-posting, etc. It's overtly obvious that some leftists here are absolutely buttblasted about /pol/ to the point that they spend a lot of time pretending to be /pol/ in hit-and-run shitposts. Only a naive moron would deny this.

>> No.10280131

Butler said gender is performative, not a performance. She herself makes this point explicitly. This is why you need to read someone before you pass judgement.

>> No.10280138

Which is funny because they missed that whole "tell a lie enough times it becomes true" idea. Even if you false flag a bunch of jewish hate meant to sound dumb the ideas you're imparting will start to stick if read enough.

>> No.10280146
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>> No.10280150

I definitely agree with this except the false flagging and blantantly obvious "ironic" /pol/ posting was rampant about half a year ago, nowadays this board is overrun with real /pol/ and newfags.
I personally blame peterson for this.

Although I do think newfags who respond to bait are just as bad as the /pol/ retards who make it, they've been here for a while now whereas in the past few months the board has massively changed.

>> No.10280159

I don't know if they're leftists or just trolls. Eiyher way it's annoying.

>> No.10280160

>over an hour
I don't know, the last time you guys convinced me to watch a Memerson interview I was subjected to an elderly arts professor basically REEEing and namecalling for 40 minutes.

>> No.10280172

I would explain, but I've already dismissed your concerns for your disgusting approach to the assessment of Butler.

>> No.10280174

2007 here. I hate this shit as much as you but that's how anonymous boards work though. You can pretend to be the opposition. Unlimited trolling. It will sort itself out. Eventually it will get old. It better because you shire as hell cant do anything about it.

>> No.10280180

Benoit B Mandelbrot

>> No.10280181

Just read the fucking book first

>> No.10280185
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>the horror

>> No.10280186

>I have no proper rebuttal to your assertion

>> No.10280194
File: 190 KB, 329x286, 1422317587540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not the retards who shitpost garbage that are to blame, but the people who made fun of them in an overtly obvious way

>> No.10280202
File: 1.61 MB, 1280x960, 1483261734848[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ is invading this board!
>people who share their opinions haven't been on /lit/ since day zero, that's fake news
>trust me, I'm an oldfag

>> No.10280207

>haha why should I care about your opinions when you dismiss the opinions of someone who agreed with one of the most vile acts of modern medicine :^)

t. "free thinker"

>> No.10280210
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>rebut my unsubstantiated illogical opinion
This isn't /pol/, friendo.
>"everyone should disregard someone's ideas because I don't agree with all their personal opinions"
Go back and stay there.

>> No.10280215

>New study from the "university of israel" (lol) finds black dicks are superior
You do realise leftists hate Israel because they're more racist than you are, and black Jews are lynched there all the time. I'm sure it's just 5d chess though!!

>> No.10280228

>share their opinions
It's not about having different opinions, it's about being able to communicate sanely and have constructive conversations. Most of the t_d crowd and 14 year olds like you can only post edgy contrarian memetext with ebyn funny pictures. Which is why /pol/ itself has degraded from being a vile, yet intrinsically coherent thematic board to an r/4chan and /b/ hybrid full of literal imbeciles.

>> No.10280235

>my [...] opinion
Do you understand how an anonymous imageboard works?
(two posts aren't necessarily made by the same poster even if they support each other)
Lurk a few more years before posting again

>> No.10280246

the jewposter is unironically one of the best anons here
not one person to this day has been able to "debunk" the culture of critique posters
keep beating that strawman tho. I literally haven't browsed /pol/ for more than a few minutes since the election

>> No.10280258

P-Peterson is that you?

>> No.10280259

His posts aren't substantial enough to "debunk". They amount to nothing more than shitty slogans.

>> No.10280267

He the one who tried to tell me psychiatry was a Jewish creation when he was talking about Freud (who was psychoanalysis, not psychiatry). Then the dude who made psychiatry was an Aryan.

>> No.10280280

>ugh, do I REALLY need to address your shitty slogans? open a book!

nobody will fall for this, kid
just face it: the days of undisputed leftist circlejerk on /lit/ are over
you either change your hopeless strategy of tangential argumentation and irony overload or you'll get even more destroyed in this cultural war
are you ready for /lit/ to become Stormfront 2.0?

>> No.10280295

>culture war
Is this what it's like to be a NEET?

>> No.10280296

wtf I love Judith Butler now!

>> No.10280302

>dividing works by "the gays" and normal people
>not studying and judging by works alone
baka senpai

>> No.10280400

the point is these autists like Peterson want to exclude them BECAUSE they are from gay tri/cuadrangular/kingendered weirdos, not because they are being "forced". why doesnt he protest the current curriculum? Wether these people are "right" "sane" or not is up for debate, but not if we dont study their philosophy.

>> No.10280577

Gender Trouble is a pretty incredible work. Lotta edge itt from people who've never even picked it up.

>> No.10280600

>she's a shitty philosopher who doesn't write philosophy as much as she writes worthless bullshit
Read this outloud to yourself. Better yet, read it in front of a mirror. You sound like you are in junior high.

>> No.10280660

lolololol rekt holy shit

>> No.10280706

>Peterson will still claim he isn't a homophobe

>> No.10280976

the go back

>> No.10280989

kill whitey

>> No.10281001

Does anyone know if Gender Trouble requires much in the way of prior readings in feminism?

>> No.10281009

drumpf btfo

>> No.10281057


it requires knowledge of foucault, derrida, marx, freud, nietszche, some feminists in the continental tradition like kristeva and irigaray and beauviour soooo yeah

>> No.10281068

>implying queer theory grasps even half the concepts Nietzsche put forward

Just start with the early gender "philosophers", most of their ideas have become the norm for our society anyway so it won't be as challenging as philosophy from another era

>> No.10281092


it seems they do. if living authentically means living the gender you know yourself to be rather than the one imposed on you by society, transpeople are much closer to being what nietzsche considered overman, ironically

>> No.10281169
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>adopting a role society gives to someone else because you're convinced that's who you are
I somehow don't find this convincing

>> No.10281171


>> No.10281180

Hey yeah dude great idea let’s throw objectivity to the wind and jerk out collective dicks to works which serve only to reinforce our niche worldview heheheheheh fuck challenging yourself and broadening your horizons that’s for FAGS

>> No.10281186

most trannies do it for the attention the very opposite of indivdualism

>> No.10281255

i didnt know you were so heavily involved in the trans community that you know exactly why they would risk murder and ridicule and violence to be their authentic selves, something nietzsche would, if he weren't such a homophobe, admire


so you intend to dictate what role everyone in society should perform? you want to be the God who decides for others what they are? or maybe we should let society decide? or maybe we should just ignore gender roles entirely, and just be who we want to be, since you're right, we shouldn't adopt any gender roles, quite frankly. but we have the feminine and the masculine, and we don't have a third option. maybe we should invent that... oh wait we already did. gender non-binary. genderqueer. they/them/their pronouns, or the new ones that seem to be invented everyday. seems like they are forging ahead into a new society, ones they are making themselves, and enraging the old guards of male-female duality, such as yourself. anon, are you the last man? hah.

>> No.10281272
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>going to uni

>she's a pretty big contemporary philosopher wether you like it or not
With the same logic as you're the most important person in a room if you whip out a gun or your dick and start waving it.

>writes for shit
>cuckquean for Failistine
Gee, didn't see that coming.

Yeah, she's a real 2nd wave misandrist-feminist. "Rape is literally everywhere." "It's falling dicks from the skies." No wonder Peter Sotos fapped to her.

>Angela Davis
>literally a gommunist

>muh sexuality muh struggle

>> No.10281288

Joke's on you, my favorite author is Conrad so it would be funny

>> No.10281352

If you weren't retarded you'd understand they want the murder and the ridicule, they want to be "so themselves" they are oppressed. It's the glorification of the victim, it's why the modern liberal brainlets loves blacks and women and especially black women and so forth, the more outside the mainstream they are the more valuable and "authentic" their lives, it's the height of retardation, gratification from perceived oppression. If no-one cared about trannies there wouldn't be 1/10th as many trannies.

>> No.10281358

>something nietzsche would, if he weren't such a homophobe, admire
Nietzsche didn't admire adversity for its own sake. I'm sure it's extremely painful to bang your head repeatedly against the wall, but it doesn't make you novel or meaningfully different from anyone else.

>> No.10281381

>they want to be murdered and ridiculed
>im the retard

its amazing. you're saying blacks and fags and women want more blacks and fags and women murdered just to maintain their victim status, right? so, and im just brainstorming here, what if we made it more and more socially unacceptable to commit violent acts on them? like, stop murdering them and so forth? then they wouldn't be victims anymore, right? just an idea.

>> No.10281389 [DELETED] 

>all trannies are blacks and fags and women
Pretty retarded, you can't even follow a logical equivalency. Do you even have object permanence yet?

>> No.10281404

Explain what your opinion is then, dickhead. (not the guy you're replying to, btw)

>> No.10281411

The overwhelming majority of hate crimes are faked by the "victim". Look it up, it's a statistical fact.

>> No.10281418 [DELETED] 


hah. i'm not the one with reading comprehension problems. dude was posting about how blacks AND women AND fags all want to push this narrative of victimization, so you might want to reread that again, unless they havent gone over conjunctions yet in school. you see, AND is a conjunction that combines two objects together to make a statement that applies to both.

you, too, with the nice quote that leaves out the part where i say "authentically" which is a word that means sincerity, closer to the real of something. learn to read better. adversity that is faced because you are living authentically, and instead of caving you push forward with your true self, that's pretty nietzschean

>> No.10281426

>hah. i'm not the one with reading comprehension problems. dude was posting about how blacks AND women AND fags all want to push this narrative of victimization
That is not what that post is saying. You're deeply stupid. I'm sorry.

>> No.10281431

If you look it up you'll find that the group that's victim of the most hate crimes by far are Jews, but no-one cares or goes around virtue signalling about anti-antisemitism...funny how that works?

>> No.10281432

STEMlord here

I'm laughing at all you clowns

>> No.10281453

>Also thank the false flag posters pretending to be /pol/lacks. Everyone here keeps saying they don't exist, but it's obvious they do. Low effort da joooos in first posts, McDonald-posting, etc. It's overtly obvious that some leftists here are absolutely buttblasted about /pol/ to the point that they spend a lot of time pretending to be /pol/ in hit-and-run shitposts. Only a naive moron would deny this.
>literally the 4chan equivalent of falsifying hate crimes
top lel

>> No.10281532


Did you heard, you problematic shitlords? STAY THERE!
Lit is place for enlightened LGBTQA+ POC only!

>> No.10281542

If you start from thinking that it's vile (lmao) then why should I care about you opinion? You don't care if they're coherent or not, you don't care if they resemble /b/ or not (is there a lot of porn on /pol/?) you just want o shit of them becuase they're muh nazis

>> No.10281563

So, it's better to study straight white males who happened to be the most imporant, gretest minds of their specific field, or it's better to make up space for less insightful people only becuase they were gay/black/both?

>> No.10281579

Correct. More viewpoints is better.

>> No.10281581

Jesus fucking Christ, you're really think the evil whitey is killing them? God damn, go back to faggit, please, of your and my own sake

>> No.10281604

So it's better to cut a pillar of a particular field to make room for a nobody who happens to be a fag?

Why am I even wasting my time? You're gonna give me a half jokingly inclusive one liner and you'll even think you're smart for doing so

>> No.10281768

But there's a limited amount of time and material that can be covered, so forgetting quality for quantity is actually HARMFUL, not better.

>> No.10281819

Why are you paying 10,000$ a semester to go to a university then? Why not take classes from the schizophrenic crack addict behind McDonalds? I'm sure his viewpoint is an underrepresented and valuable one, no doubt he has much to say that can abet you in law school.

>> No.10281828


killing fags, niggers, kikes, and sluts? are we not doing that? i thought that's what you guys want. a pure monoracial, heterosexual, hypermasculine america. is that not what this whole trump thing is about? how do you expect to do that without murdering some people?

>> No.10281831

Violence against anyone is bad though. And statistically speaking heteronormative white people are the least violent people on the planet. Really makes you think.

>> No.10281838


are straight dudes going to write about queer theory? are white people going to attack racism? are men going to write about feminism?

>> No.10281843


yeah but white people dont care as long as its not violence against them. so when anyone else speaks out against violence against them, white people be like "all lives matter" etc

>> No.10281847

Why are you talking to white people about violence when they're not the problem? Statistically, they commit the least violent acts out of anyone. Talk to someone else instead of trying to scapegoat a completely unrelated group.

>> No.10281851

>scapegoat a completely unrelated group.
Hitler did the same thing, just saying.

>> No.10281855


cause white people are in power and have the means to legislate. they have population (voters) and racism on their side as well. so while minorities can complain and complain, they can't do shit about it.

>> No.10281856

Violence is already illegal though.

>> No.10281861

legislate some kind of meta-law, if you break the law you also break the meta-law and so you go to meta-jail as well

that will make those criminals think twice before they break the meta-law

>> No.10281879


oh ok. you win then.

>> No.10281884

if the problem is racial as you suggest why don't black people just go somewhere like Zimbabwe where overwhelmingly black people have the lower to legislate

I'm sure that will reduce violence against them

>> No.10281886


>> No.10281891

it's over dude. you won. go home

>> No.10281914

>can't argue his position at all
>feels the need to keep posting and sulk
you're the one who should leave...

>> No.10281915

When leftists get all hysterical and say things like this it does kind of make me want to burn some crosses desu.

You fags are just too easy to bully.

>> No.10281932

yeah dude lets do it! hang a black doll in front of a niggers house too! and paint a swastika on a jewish grave!

>> No.10281936

>killing fags, niggers, kikes, and sluts? are we not doing that? i thought that's what you guys want. a pure monoracial, heterosexual, hypermasculine america. is that not what this whole trump thing is about? how do you expect to do that without murdering some people?
>hurr durr if you disagree you're a Trump supporter and want to murder minorities
so this is the power of egalitarian rhetoric
it's come a long way since Rawls

>> No.10281938

no but seriously how are we gonna get rid of all the niggers and spics. chemical castration?

>> No.10281945

I assume that not by being edgy on a internet squid collecting emporioum.
Ah right! you are just a little bitch that talks big but never do anything!

>> No.10281946

watch the news tomorrow then

>> No.10281955

We? Speak for yourself, I and all like minded people don't want to get rid of anyone. But we're ruled by things like logic and reason...not emotion and ideology. Another anon called you hysterical, and frankly he hit the nail right on the head, I hate to be that guy but...what you're saying...it's not an argument.

>> No.10281960

He's obviously a /pol/ troll trying to make lefties look ridiculous. At least I hope he is.

>> No.10282237
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>> No.10282322

>transpeople are much closer to being what nietzsche considered overman, ironically
t. doesn't understand what the meaning of ubermensch

trans/lgbt folk are some of the most resented people out there; identity politics is THE current phenomenon that most abruptly antagonizes everything the ubermensch stands for

>> No.10282334

Where did this meme that communism is anti-individualism come from? I thought the whole point was "from each according to his ability"

>> No.10282343
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>collectivism is not anti-individualist

>> No.10282347

Ability, not preference. You might be very able to spend your life as a miner even if you don't want to do so.

>> No.10282349

Collectivism only means every individual has a chance to live how they want rather than a few lucky rich individuals.

>> No.10282352

It prevents people from working jobs they don't want to, not the other way around

>> No.10282356

>Collectivism only means every individual has a chance to live how they want

>> No.10282365

Yes? Not everyone can work under the capital they want with capitalism. Thats pretty anti-individualistic sounding to me.

>> No.10282377

found the brainwashed commie. fuck off loser.

>> No.10282385

We all know what (((post-modernists))) refers to. It'd save everyone a lot of time if he were just upfront about it.

>> No.10282447
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"This constant emphasis on the mass—mass congresses, mass holidays—this dissolution of the individual in the mass produced something which [Stalin] prized above all else: a collective conscience. Personal responsibility died; there was only collective responsibility: “the Party has ordered it,” “the country has ordered it.” This collective conscience enabled people to enjoy life unconcernedly when the Terror was at its most cruel. Woe to anyone troubled by a conscience of his own."
-the Biography of Stalin

>> No.10282449

>respecting the academy at all
Wew lad

>> No.10282453

>staged Der Stormer photo, 1935 (colourised)

>> No.10282454

wtf is wrong with sweden

>> No.10282456

>even having a strong political view
Lad I’m here to learn

>> No.10282464

So I can just be a NEET under communism and have other people take care of my needs?


>> No.10282463

>implying critiques of white violence are substantive calls for autonomy not moral leverage for blackmail
Lad, there is no attempt to break away from Whyte peepo. It is all integration into the empire. Pan-Arabism and ISIS were semi-sincere attempts. Warlords exist outside control. Everything else is various shades of hypocritical factually-dubious whining to extract resources from the WASP/white core (and you know it)

>> No.10282466

It has a super isolated political ruling class who have one of the highest standards of living in the world.

>> No.10282468

It’s also full of Swedes

>> No.10282475

>when white people go to prison it’s because they’re bad
>when black people go to prison that statistic is probably fake racist

>> No.10282480


>> No.10282491

The funny part is he isn't kidding. I've seen the left attack Judith Butler for not being inclusive towards trans in her early work. i.e. people today are reading her work from decades ago and complaining it doesn't align with the trans movement of today. She started out being accused of being far left now she is being accused of being too moderate.

>> No.10282529

this kind of thing doesn't happen at STEM universities.

>> No.10282553

The revolution always devours its own children.

>> No.10282616

whoa bro are you telling me... that societies change over time? that's seriously... that's mind blowing man

>> No.10282640

why are lefties so cannibalistic?

inb4 famine jokes

>> No.10282645


because when you're comprised mostly of the poors you never have enough to eat

>> No.10282781

>influenced by derrida and foucault

>> No.10282832

As someone who likes Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze and the gang, I actually think that Butler is a hack. Derrida and Foucault always acknowledged the influence of biology in power dynamics, while Butler only studies behavior through a sociological lens.

>> No.10282858

Oh look, another Judith Butler full of /pol/tards sperging out.

>> No.10282862

Striving to always make the world better, without a clear idea of what better means aside from all people having access to basic needs
It's a bit easier to look at the past or a holy book and say 'this was good' than asking each generation to write their own

>> No.10282865

not true. https://wiseplumpost.wordpress.com/2012/02/01/biology-binaries-and-judith-butler/

"Butler’s text does not argue that biology doesn’t matter. It does. What we need to understand is who/what determines how biology matters. Since the body itself can’t speak, it relies on human methods of producing knowledge–physiology, endocrinology, and in the case of gender-testing with the IAAF, psychology–to decide through what categories it can make sense (i.e. have meaning) in a social world. These categories emerge from a host of ideologies and assumptions about the purposes of human existence; here we see an aperture for naturalistic discourse to rear its deceptively objective head. That naturalistic discourse might argue something like: “As biological creatures, we need to survive and reproduce; reproduction requires heterosexual pairings and parts. The purpose of human parts, then, should be categorized, names, and diagnosed according to these purposes.” And why not? We have a few reasons why any purpose or ultimate cause behind the human body should be scrutinized before warranting any investment as non-negotiable truth."

>> No.10282870
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Betergoy seems to be gaining traction in the normie masses. He's supported by OBJECTIVE SCIENCE.

>> No.10282908

she literally claims biological sex is a social construct

>> No.10282918

well, he usually is more of an empiricist/scientist than his opponents

>> No.10282919

Literally no one argues physiology is socially constructed. It's just the meaning and practices we surround those parts with that is socially constructed. Do you know what biological sex means?

>> No.10282923

Maps of Meaning is trash that wont hold up empirically. Nearly all psychology is pseudoscience.

>> No.10282924


you dont know maybe hes acquiring knowledge of biological sex a priori science? some of these autists are savants

>> No.10282925

i've read gender trouble and a few butler's articles for college
she LITERALLY claims biological sex is a social construct: this is made evident on her writing by itself. I was so appaled when I read that I had to directly ask my lecturer if I was misinterpreting it
yes, I do know what biological sex means...

>> No.10282930

Link. Maybe she's a skeptic... Hume would probably believe in social constructs today...

>> No.10282932

>Butler makes two different claims in the passage cited: that sex is a social construction, and that sex is gender

>> No.10282941

I don't exactly see how that refutes my claim. She's still mostly studying power dynamics through purely sociological lenses, while defining behavior and power dynamics purely through that. Again, that's something that not even Derrida and Foucault, the psoter boys for po-mo, did.

She's not ignoring the influence biology has on behavior -- she's simply shrugging it off. And that's exactly why I think she's an overrated hack.

>> No.10282943

Yes, and in rainbow fairy commie land everyone can be anything and everyone can have Lamborghinis and everyone can be beautiful and everyone can be smart and everything will be free and work will be fun and everyone can have everything and no one will want anything other than what their government chooses to give them!

>> No.10282946

you fucked up at the end, communism is stateless. No gubermand

>> No.10282952


from that link

Prima facie, this implausibly implies that female and male bodies do not have independent existence and that if gendering activities ceased, so would physical bodies. This is not Butler's claim; rather, her position is that bodies viewed as the material foundations on which gender is constructed, are themselves constructed as if they provide such material foundations (Butler 1993). Cultural conceptions about gender figure in “the very apparatus of production whereby sexes themselves are established” (Butler 1999, 11).

in other words, we can't talk about bodies without the assumption that they are gendered as such, so that before even biology can be talked about by humans its already being thought through gender. we know this because the study of human bodies only came after we had already thought of humans as being gendered. so to extract biological sex as an objective fact when it was ALREADY TAINTED BY THE GENDER DIMORPHISM which has divided humans up long before the advent of biology is impossible

>> No.10282956

ie. she literally believes sex is socially constructed

>> No.10282957

>extract biological sex as an objective fact from bodies*

>> No.10282964

I can't say I necessarily agree with that, but it is a n interesting argument.

>> No.10282989

Look at this /lit/

Read very carefully. You think that is the faggot who post "culture of critique" threads the problem on this board?

>> No.10282990

Under appreciated

>> No.10283398

That baby butcher bitch got what she deserve coming to the HUE land.


>> No.10283401


>> No.10283415
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>mfw she was supposed to do a presentation in my university
>mfw the students and professors had a complete meltdown after she got pathblocked

>> No.10283418
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Who would've guessed? baka

>> No.10283581

pretty funny for a board that thinks nietzche advocated for master morality and that people should be forced not to read ya trash

>> No.10283585

>you fags are just too easy to bully
>"i can't believe they're making me read butler!"

>> No.10283634

More like
>FUCKING COMMIES *autistic screeching*

>> No.10284251


>jews are deploying feminism against the white man to feminize him
>feminism being used to take down the jewish hollywood elite

hurr durr this jewish conspiracy sure is real

>> No.10284358

Please continue to enlighten me...

>> No.10284409

Jordan BenitoMussolini Peterson

>> No.10284537

The institutionalization of harmful thinkers is a perfectly legitimate concern.

>> No.10284547

I prefer my own brand of Onanism to this one.

>> No.10284550

>i dont understand it, must not make sense to anyone else either

anon maybe you should go to college

>> No.10284581

My boy, most everyone here has been a uni boy at one point or another.

>> No.10284597

Derrida and his followers are popular because they're nonsensical and devoid of meaning. They can be used to bolster almost any position.

>> No.10284598

It doesn’t exactly help that some people on this board seem to be competing with each other to see who can sound like the smuggest asshole possible

>> No.10284614


its funny cause you write these things that dont reference the content of what butler actually says. you just say its nonsense even tho its been explained pretty clearly. i'm not gonna argue about the merits of derrida, who i think is kind of shallow anyway, but regarding all his work as nonsense because you can't make sense of it is pretty revealing about you and your willful ignorance

>> No.10284626

I would go so far as to say that Derrida and anyone even remotely influenced by him has never made never issued a coherent statement in the entirety of their bodies of work. I'm citing everything they've ever said; absolutely none of it makes any sense whatsoever.

>> No.10284630

Third-wave feminism is objectively superior to second-wave feminism you redditor

>> No.10284650
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>> No.10284653

Derridians are as reddit as it gets. The popularity of their work amounts to nothing more than the upvotes of world's most banal individuals.

>> No.10284713

Cool meta-metaphor. Mind if I save it? What's your least favourite Derrida book? I'm sure you've read all of them with a critical INTJ eye.

>> No.10284740

I've read four of them (Of Grammatology, Writing and Difference, Margins of Philosophy, and Specters of Marx), an while it's difficult to say that one incoherent tome is worse than another, I guess I;ll give it to Grammatology because it's the longest.

Also, I've never taken those tests very seriously, but the on one time I was required to take it, I got INFP.

>> No.10284747

Not really the point I'm trying to make. Just find it funny that the left turned on Butler when it's her shoulder they stand on as they move forward. I kinda wish we as a society learned how to appreciate the contributions of people from the past without requiring they completely conform to modern sentiments. It's not a problem that is exclusive to the left by any means.

>> No.10284788

I was under the impression sticking a giant black dildo up your ass was a mandatory credit

>> No.10284840


? so if someone, say, made the contribution that phrenology was wrong, yet 20 years later was aghast that blacks were calling for desegregation, that we should, for some reason, be ok with that?

>> No.10284941

You can appreciate his contributions and be against his opinions on race.

>> No.10285263


>> No.10285363


>> No.10285370
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there's bound to be some friendly fire.

>> No.10285917


>> No.10286027

Not particularly relevant, but I took Professor Butler's class on Kafka and it was easily the greatest class I ever took in undergrad.

>> No.10286069

The ones mandating instruction in certain belief systems are the ones throwing objectivity to the wind, surely? And people like you, it seems, who prize objectivity, accept it happily, so the only people to staunchly tackle it are people who are emotionally invested. Try not to be such a hypocrite, ok, sweetie?

>> No.10286536

How will Judy ever recover?

>> No.10288135
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When the perpetrator is jewish they actually blame the Shiksa women just like they blamed the children in Rotherham for being slags and seducing the pakis.

>> No.10288350

>Queer Studies
Literally what is the point of this field?

It sounds like an exercise in reading too deep into things.

And yes, academia is immensely biased in Sweden. I had a drink with a Swedish girl a few weeks ago, and she told me that you automatically fail assignments if you criticise democracy. The worst part was how she thought nothing of this.

>> No.10288434

What's the point of studying gay shit? I guess cause gay people exist and do things.
>It sounds like an exercise in reading too deep into things.
I'm sure some people think that about all non-STEM studies.

>> No.10288486

No, but STEM students should have to take a separate queer theory course or an ethics course incorporating queer/feminist theory.

>> No.10288510


Of course people virtue-signal anti-antisemitism, as much as they virtue-signal antiracism, etc.
What is the "punch a nazi" meme if not virtue signaling anti-antisemitism?

>> No.10288574

Daily reminder that this is the endgame of philosophy and if you support philosophy as a discipline you also support this

>> No.10288642

Queer studies is retarded and makes all gay people look bad. This postmodern bullshit is cancer to the gay rights movement.

It's the reason why LGBTQIIAWTF is a thing and why other every normal straight person feels justified in calling themselves ~queer~ because they like BDSM or identify as sparklegender

>> No.10288653
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Performativity was a very valuable concept for ideas I've always had - although entirely unrelated to gender, more for semantics of the spoken word as such.
As such, I like her.
But I didn't like her clip in the second Zizek movie.

>> No.10288664

? perverts guide to ideology?


queer studies got em marriage

why do you think this gay explosion happened? because people learned what being gay meant in college

>> No.10288694


Do actually anybody read and believe this bullshit? Well, 'muricans I guess.

>> No.10288695

my bad, I think it was

>> No.10288915

>no one knew about fags until college

Uh no

>> No.10288928


is that what i said? am i retarded and thought that no one knew about fags until college? or was i saying that no one knew what issues they faced until fags started recruiting with queer studies?

>> No.10288931

i think y'all are too dumb to understand jb's actual positions

she is, quite expressly, very critical of the feminist movement

>> No.10288936


of *second wave* feminism which was mostly about getting rights for white straight women (getting into the workplace, sexual liberation, abortion)

but she helped bring in third wave and intersectionality

>> No.10288940

Are there petersonfags in this thread? Can anyone tell me if he ever adressed René Girard's works? I've seen many instances of people asking him questions about girard but it seems he either laugh it off or avoid the question entirely

>> No.10289150

Queer theory has displaced christianity as the state religion of the west. Instead of christ in the cross, we are forced to pay homage to a screeching blue haired queer(tm) victimblob. I used to be pro gay and pro trans, but it's gotten to a point were you are either with the neon haired dildo wielding gender goblins who go after children or against them. As a heterosexual white man, I have no choice but to embrace fascism.

>> No.10289165
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>because people learned what being gay meant in college
>learned gay in college
by this point it's obvious the so called politically correct lgbtbbqsjwwtf community is a gigantic conspiracy bent on subverting society thru child indoctrination and normalisation.

>> No.10289178


i dont deny that. it's a survival mechanism. they need normalization so that people would stop killing them and beating the shit out of them. "subverting society" you mean the narrative that says fags are immoral abominations that should be stoned to death? maybe we should subvert this brutal aspect of society that is a holdover from fundamentalist religions that are pushed by both radical muslims and christians alike?

>> No.10289182
File: 70 KB, 720x540, faggots-at-pride-parade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah these politically correct lgbtbbqwtf sjw victims are so noble and wise! I want them to move in, enrich my community and teach their noble BDSM dogman ways to my children! so diverse. and. progressive.

Seriously, these freaks believe they are more virtuous and more progressive than you just because THEY GET FUCKED IN THE ASS.

>tfw went from ironic homophobia to unironic homophobia in the course of a week

>> No.10289195

yeah we should fucking stone them to death like it says here in the bible that'll show them to push their agenda

>unwittingly fueling the fire

>> No.10289222

>fags started recruiting with queer studies
most queers(tm) are just blue haired upper middle class kids who 'learned gay in college' in order to gain access to the politically correct victim priesthood that presides over our secular theocracy.

>> No.10289233


right. they joined the power struggle through queer studies. so either queer studies is a useless class or its having a political effect. one or the other.

>> No.10289237
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I'm an atheist, but hey, I've come to think maybe those fundies were right about something. What's up with that story about Sodom and Gomorrah, hmm? maybe it was meant to warn us about something.

>> No.10289250

So children can't learn about BDSM?

>> No.10289280
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tell me why should children learn about BDSM? why is that even necessary? Instead of learning to read and write, they are getting a primer on victimhood studies and 'fisting'. It's funny how you people seem to believe depraved sex acts are inherently virtuous and good. Hey children are sexual beings duude! if you aren't queering their gender binaries and shoving cultural marxism down their throats from the moment they are born, then you are a bigot. It's like an inverted version of christianity, or rather a way of preserving christian form while rejecting christian content.

>> No.10289283

Back to YouTube and Reddit with ye.

>> No.10289289
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>this thread

This thread only solidified my ambitions to delve deeper into escapism and live the rest of my days as a monk.

>> No.10289306

wew lad I never said that children should learn BDSM, but asked why can't they learn BDSM as your pic and post implied. Learn to fucking read, you are in a literature board

>> No.10289308

i fucking hate SJWs and /pol/-tards, I want to just round them up and put them in a chamber where they can have the BDSM sex they secretly want to have with each other for the rest of eternity. No, I'm not some "le horseshoe don't be too extreme on either side or you get le retarded!" or edgy centrist. No, I'm saying being a fucking faggot retard is the issue. If you sincerely believe in a Jewish conspiracy taking over the world or that white males should be guilty just for their very existence no matter what they've done, I would respect you if you at least don't put it like a faggot retard.

>> No.10289312
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The rulers of our world(governments and multinational corporations) wrap themselves in the Holy Rainbow flag in order to get legitimacy, just like the feudal order of old was justified by the church. Those queers genderblobs, trained and accredited in collegiate butlerian seminaries, are actually the priests of a nihilistic anti religion that manages nonetheless to be even more shrill, self righteous and moralistic than the church of old. There's no redemption for the sodomite faithful, only a Boschian parade of ever fouler degeneracy.

>> No.10289325

You should look up the word "analogy". It might really help you out.

>> No.10289328

woah. nice slippery moral relativist deflection tactics. if a properly accredited gender expert told you to sacrifice your children to the gender god, you would probably do it, all in the name of diversity and progress, because, hey, the experts know best and you don't want people to call you a bigot, don't you?

>> No.10289335

You should look up the word "cliche," it really might help you out.

>> No.10289337

Why are you so mad that you can't answer a simple question?

>> No.10289345

>"Judith Butler, you're not welcome here"
>her immediate response is "Fuck you!"
she doesn't seem very sympathetic

>> No.10289347

answer me: why should children learn about BDSM?

I used to think homosexuals were normal people, just like me and you, but now I see them as aliens bent on forcibly imposing their incomprehensible code of 'morality' on our children and our society. Of course people aren't going to be on board with this, no matter how much you screech and play victim.

>> No.10289380

dude, you are for sexually assaulting children, the burden of proof is on you.
>reminder this happened before, even if in a much smaller scale
>this is what the supporters of 'queer theory' are for

>Germany's left has its own tales of abuse. One of the goals of the German 1968 movement was the sexual liberation of children. For some, this meant overcoming all sexual inhibitions, creating a climate in which even pedophilia was considered progressive.


>> No.10289451
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>the taboo on raping children is totes an oppressive heterosexist white social construct!

t. everything is relative maaaan, that is, except my sense of righteous victimhood

>> No.10289453

Why are you demanding me to answer a question
I never asked nor implied that I approved of?

Again I have only asked why can't children learn about BDSM. Also BDSM is not about sexual assault or even sexual per se.

>> No.10289464

Refer to >>10289306 and stop strawmanning me this hard

>> No.10289492

Hey, you haven't told me what you believe about children learning BDSM either. Why do you insist in using whatabouttery to avoid discussing your true opinions on the subject? Are you for children learning BDSM? and if yes, why?

isn't it obvious Xe is being sneaky about something?

>> No.10289504

>Also BDSM is not about sexual assault or even sexual per se.

>or even sexual per se.

you are right, gay 'sex' is technically not even sex, but a politically correct display of diversity and progress. Vibrant state mandated FUN for all the family.

>> No.10289521

>Hey, you haven't told me what you believe about children learning BDSM either.
Because you haven't even answered my question first and expected me to answer your question.

>Why do you insist in using whatabouttery to avoid discussing your true opinions on the subject?
That is what you are literally doing right now, asking me about my opinions but refusing to give me yours.

>Are you for children learning BDSM? and if yes, why?
Neither for or against. Children learn what they want anyway. Google will give way hardcore BDSM than that lame as fuck petplay in gay parade

>> No.10289550

I believe it's political and it's always been political. Dude i've read the original 'queer theory' texts in the 60s and it's all in there, destroying the family, abolishing the age of consent, this filth is being taught as unquestionable religious dogma in colleges across america

>> No.10289575

NA rangeban when?

>> No.10289593

muh censor people who correctly call me out on being a pedo