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/lit/ - Literature

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10276840 No.10276840 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /lit/, what are some good fantasy novels that aren't Tolkien or CS Lewis?

>> No.10276851

>malazan book of the fallen
>wheel of time
>Stormlight archives

heard good things about The Book of the New Sun

>> No.10276855

Alright alright. I will look into all of those, wanted to get a few for Christmas to read during holiday.

>> No.10276857

His Dark Materials is solid. Havent checked out The Book of Dust yet tho.

>> No.10276862

Read The Golden Compass when I was younger, maybe I should get back on that train, remember liking it.
The movie was okay

>> No.10276869

Don't bother with malazan, it's goony and there are far to many characters. Storm light archive has decent world building and some really good parts. It's a nice read and children will enjoy it. Read gene Wolfe if you want some quality adult fantasy. Which in my opinion is an oxymoron

>> No.10276876

Has anyone read Beren and Luthin or The Name of the Wind? Was curious about those two, even if one is Tolkien

>> No.10276880

Mervyn Peake's Gormenghast Books
Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun series
Robert Holdstock's Ryhope Wood series
John Crowley's Aegypt quartet and Little, Big
Hope Mirrlees's Lud-in-the-Mist

>> No.10276883

That's a lot of recs, thanks anon

>> No.10276960

Is wheel of time actually good? I've heard mixed things about it. From what I can tell, even its biggest fans admit that the middle 4 or 5 books are kind of bad.

>> No.10276981

>Worm of Ouroboros
>Little, Big
>Gormenghast novels
>The Once and Future King
>Earthsea series
>Gene Wolfe
>George Macdonald
Those are the classics. Robert Jordan if you are up for a long series. Glen Cook is notable as well. Hyperion has may be worth your time, but only the first two.

>> No.10276984

im enjoying it, the characters are great but there's a lot of fluff and besides Ba'alzamon the forsaken are chumps

>> No.10276996

Neat, thanks anon

>> No.10277023

>CS Lewis

>> No.10277039

Wheel of Time is trash. There are about maybe 5 well-written moments scattered throughout 11 books. The only good books are the last three because they were written by Sanderson.

Every characters is infuriating, the plot is fucking inane, the world-building is good, but too much detail is given to landmarks that have no bearing on the main story. The main bad guy is a gaping anus who is defeated with the most ill-contrived plot twist I've ever read.

The best thing I can say about this series is that it made a lot of tropes mainstream for better authors to actually use in a way that builds a cohesive narrative.

I hope Robert Jordan rots in hell

>> No.10277044

Refrain from shitposting, this isn't /tv/.

>> No.10277048


Seconding this, although the third book in the Gormenghast series was edited to shit. Stick with the first two.

>> No.10277141

Beren and Luthien is great
The Name of the Wind is fucking horrific garbage. Literally the worst book I have read in my entire life. The Twilight series is unironically better.

Tell me more about Little, Big. I've always wanted some actually good fairy-lit.

>> No.10277261

while not very original in setting or concepts, The Last Wish, and The Sword of Destiny are pretty fun fantasy reads.

>> No.10277277

Oh sorry I had no idea this was a serious board it will never happen again I promise

>> No.10277594
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Everything by this boi

>> No.10278928

Cosmere seriesverse by Brandon Sanderson. Mistborn, Elantris, Warbreaker, Stormlight.

>> No.10278968

Hyperion is hardly fantasy dood. I don't think Eugenio Loboe wrote muvh fantasy either but that's just me.

>> No.10278978

Anything by Guy Gavriel Kay. Most people on this board would deride his work as genre trash because they are very easy to read, but he can write characters better than any fantasy author imo. Read Sailing to Sarantium

>> No.10279012

i actually liked name of the wind. if you like fantasy and dont care about some pretentious /lit bulshit youll love it, its not like some generics YA other people always bring up

>> No.10279035

>The Traitor Son Cycle
>Powder Mage
>The Riftwar Saga
>The Riyria Revelations/Chronicles

>> No.10279037

Obvious picks:
>Gene Wolfe
>Golden Compass
>The Golden Ass
>The Epic of Gilgamesh
More controversial modern picks:
>Mother of Learning
>Fate Stay/Night

>> No.10279549

He wasn't a Catholic and outside the Church there is no salvation.
t. Tolkien

>> No.10279668

What the hell? The Name of the Wind is a work of art. One of the most well-crafted narratives in modern literature. Kvothe telling the story of the apocalypse through his own tragedy is brilliant. The characters are vibrant, the dialogue is lively, the plot both feeds into your expectations and defies them. And holy hell Rothfuss's design of the magic system and the university are fucking awesome.

>> No.10279691

I'm going to get slammed for this I just know it, but I just cannot help myself because I am in love with THE BELGARIAD and always will be. Read those.

>inb4 haters
Shut the fuck up, his books are golden CAN'T HEAR YOU LALALALALALA

>> No.10279694

you're being very kind to the movie. books were great

>> No.10279730

>Fantasy Novel

>> No.10279738

How much of a fucking Mary Sue was peter?

>> No.10279769


They don't exist. Everyone in this thread who says otherwise is a plebeian.

>> No.10280154
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What the hell? Your mom's pussy on my dick is a work of art. One of the most well-crafted narratives in modern pornography. Your mom telling the story of my raging member through the semen dripping down her thigh is brilliant. The moans are vibrant, the thrusts are lively, the screams both feed into your expectations and defy them. And holy hell your mom's grasp of fellatio and the rusty trombone are fucking awesome.

>> No.10280188

Gonna throw another rec towards Book of the New Sun. I read it my junior year of high school, and I have never read a pop-fiction (Salvatore, Rowling, etc.) author since.

>> No.10280197

Howard's stuff, Conan is great
Princess of Mars

>> No.10280216

It's fun during the first books but even teenager me saw through the late bullshit

>> No.10280274

Narnia is for small children, complaining about it as a grown-ass man is like complaining that Barney the Dinosaur doesn't appeal to you, it's not supposed to and if it did there would be something very wrong with you mentally.
I've heard his adult-oriented material is good, but I've never read it.

>> No.10280548
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Quality response anon. Now kindly fuck off back to /b/

>> No.10280568

Moorcock's Eternal Champion stuff is good if you like weirder fantasy with a tragic bent.

Elric is probably the best place the start, its the most consistent and might be his best, though I prefer Corum's second trilogy.

>> No.10280584

Elris is fanfic tier. I read some story a few days ago and I was really surprised by the mediocrity of the writing.
Worldbuilding is fun and cheesy though.

>> No.10280607

>implying the original post was any higher quality than my response
Faggots who jerk off to Rothfuss deserve retarded responses.

>> No.10280624

Yeah, in certain regards Moorcock's fantasy isnt the best. He wrote most of his genre stuff very quickly for the cash, which he admits. I dont think he ever gets downright bad, however. At its worst it can just be very pulpy, but still fun. I like the energy of his prose and the strength of his ideas and themes, even if they can be a bit surface level at times.

His later writing is much stronger though, and its interesting reading the Elric saga in order because chunks were written at different periods of his life, so you get to see how different he is now from when he started.

>> No.10280674

He was very clear about the quality of this period's writings in his introduction so yeah I shouldn't be an asshole about it. I'll try his later works.

>> No.10281238

What bullshit was that?

>> No.10281283

>The King of Elfland's Daughter

One of the best

>> No.10281406


>not a faggot

>> No.10281407

>The Name of the Wind
the first book is honestly going to remain on my favourite book list for a very long time due to excellent writing, however it tends to have some very polarised reviews and even as someone that loved the book I can absolutely understand the criticisms and dislike of the book completely
the second book took a hit in writing quality and has some questionable plots but I'm still excited for the third book

>> No.10281417

Deathgate cycle by weis and Hickman.
Dawn of wonder by johnatahn renshaw
Faraeer books by robin hobb
The licanius trilogy by James islington
Travelers gate trilogy by will wight
The Fate by John ko
Chronicle of the unhewn thrones by Brian staveley
The curse of chalion by Louis mcmaster bujold

>> No.10281457

>it's not supposed to and if it did there would be something very wrong with you mentally.
Good children's literature can be appreciated by adults.

>> No.10281496

I read one that was kinda cool a few years ago, I can't remember the name but one of the main characters had no teeth and tortured people, it was a bit like game of Thrones

>> No.10281928

Well it's not good children's literature. There's no real difference between Narnia and Harry Potter other than that one draws heavily from Christianity and the other draws heavily from leftist ideology.

>> No.10282030

>There's no difference if you discount this massive difference

>> No.10282063

>Stormlight archives
Interesting but welcome taste

>> No.10282264
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>Guy Gavriel Kay
Seconding this. Tigana and The Lions of al-Rassan are both pretty great.

>> No.10283207
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>>Worm of Ouroboros

Jack Vance's Dying Earth books, especially the Cugel stories

Jack Vance's Lyonnesse trilogy

lighter reads: Michael Moorcock's Eternal Champion books. there's a lot of them, so perhaps just focus on Elric, Corum, Hawkmoon, and, if you're feeling nostalgic for the sixties, the Jerry Cornelius books.

>> No.10283213

>though I prefer Corum's second trilogy.

really? i preferred the first three books, when things were full-on weird and he wasn't just riffing on Welsh mythology. Corum was a great guy who came to a shitty end; shittier even than Elric.

>> No.10283246

>leftist ideology
>Harry Potter
Care to explain? I guess it says 'racism is bad', but that's been generally agreed by the left, moderates and the non-extreme right since at least the mid 20th century and is hardly a sign of being 'leftist'.

>> No.10283251

(It's also vastly more conservative than, say, His Dark Materials, although whether even that's specifically left-wing as opposed to liberal is another matter)

>> No.10283265

The Castle Trilogy by Steph Swainton.
The Voorh by Brian Catling

dont read much of it (fantasy) anymore as I am way past it now but these 2 stood out.

>> No.10283298

are Conan the Barbarian stories as BASED as the old movie?

>> No.10283315

>Calling blairites left wing
lmao rowling is literally a tory in red

>> No.10283340

even moreso, lad

>> No.10283356

Do you not recognize a difference between economic and social politics or something?

>> No.10283363

the left/right wing axis is an economic one, Rowling is socially liberal, not left wing

>> No.10283878

A Spell for Chameleon by Piers Anthony
The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks

>> No.10284473

Mainly I just felt that the general writing was stronger in the second trilogy. And yeah, the ending still packs a punch.

Also, more Gaynor the Damned is always good.

>> No.10284865
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If you like gritty and character focus, try out Joe Abercrombie's "The First Law" trilogy. Bretty good.

Then he wrote some standalone novels in the same universe, that are actually on level with the trilogy.

The first law is the one m80

>> No.10285191
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>> No.10285222

Yeah, that's the one I was talking about