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1025174 No.1025174 [Reply] [Original]

I am currently reading "Do androids dream of sheep?". I like it so far. But after I finish it I am thinking about venturing into this epic series: Dune. How do you guys like it? It looks......"Epic" in the sense that it is a whole new made up sci-fi fantasy...if that makes sense.

>> No.1025178


>> No.1025179

Dune is great. Scifi fans love it. Hipsters love it. Old men love it, middle school kids love it.

Read it.

>> No.1025185

gom jabbar!

>> No.1025182

That is weak PKD, it only gets attention still because of Blade Runner
Only read Dune, or if you must read beyond that do not read past the 3rd book
And for the love of God do not under any circumstances read the shit put out by his Son & Kevin J. Anderson

>> No.1025184

it kinda reminds me of a quest in Fallout 3 called "the replicated man"

>> No.1025191


>claims to like Dune
>suggests you stop before reading God Emperor

Don't listen to this faggot.

>> No.1025197

Well I'm going to finish do androids because I am already pretty into it. What about Philip K. Dick's other books such as A scanner darkly or FLow my tears, a policeman said. Are those any good?

>> No.1025206


Don't listen to this anon. Read the entire series. Don't expect the books not written by frank to be as good as the real series.

>> No.1025207

only read The Man in the High Castle, Dick is really over-rated
more information

>> No.1025210


>do not read past the 3rd book

God Emperor of Dune is the best of the series. You know nothing.

>> No.1025213

Read it all, from start to finish.

>> No.1025215

is dune more epic than star wars as far as story goes? (Compared to the star wars movies, star wars books suck)

>> No.1025222

It is the last Space Opera but written with a distinct New Wave bent so its literary, allegorical, it is about something, the characters have a degree of depth, and so on

>> No.1025236

>It is the last Space Opera

Hm. Can you explain what you mean by this? Because I'm pretty sure that there were Space Operas written after Dune - I mean, there was a whole Space Opera renaissance. Do you mean that it was the last classical Space Opera?

Also, Dune was published in 1966, which is technically in the New Wave period, but very much at the beginning of the period before the New Wave was very well-known. And Herbert has never really been considered a writer with any particular connection to the New Wave. So I don't think he was influenced by them - he was just a really good writer in the mainstream of science fiction. It's worth pointing out that there's a tradition of literary science fiction, science fiction with allegorical themes and character depth and all that good literary stuff, published as science fiction. Think of people like Bester, Sturgeon, Knight, Budrys -writers who wrote very good, literate science fiction, and may have prefigured the New Wave, but certainly were not of it.

>> No.1025244


I guess everybody has there thing. If we were going to talk about electronic music I can go really in depth about the different genres and influences....didn't realize books had the same type of stuff..

>> No.1025243


>star wars books suck


Read The X-Wing Series, the Thrawn Trilogy, and THEN tell me that they suck.

>> No.1025246

>If we were going to talk about electronic music I can go really in depth about the different genres and influences....didn't realize books had the same type of stuff..

Jesus Christ, yes. You don't even know. This is only science fiction, which is very recent and niche... literary criticism in general, influences and waves and common themes, has a really massive scope.

>> No.1025248

>Read The X-Wing Series
Stackpole war stories blow, especially with villains that make Ming the Merciless look like a well developed character

>> No.1025252

>This is only science fiction, which is very recent and niche
>implying science fiction is not literature and of no value

>> No.1025260


i actually think he was implying that the list of influences for science fiction may be shorter than other genres due to its more recent emergence

>> No.1025263

I did not intend to imply that - I mean, I wrote that post about the New Wave in comparison to Herbert. I like science fiction. But it is extraordinarily recent in comparison even to the novel, let alone to the written word - and it is unquestionably niche, in that there is a very small amount of writing really produced.

So, whereas science fiction goes back maybe 100 years, literary criticism spans movements over thousands of years, tracking influences, changes movements. I mean, science fiction has lasted roughly as long as mainstream romanticism did, and that's only a subfield of literary criticism.

>> No.1025280


>Michael 'Fucking Epic' Stackpole

While I respect your opinion, I just do not even understand how you could dislike him so much. Dude's no Dostoevsky, I'll readily admit that, but his stories are hell of engaging.

>> No.1025285

Arc, you know I got mad respect for you, bruv, don't do this, stackpole's books are def in the entertaining but mindless category

>> No.1025290


Well, of course. I don't crack open his books expecting mad wisdom, but they're hella entertaining. I've got to give him props for keeping me amused to the max.

>> No.1025292

okay bruv, we cool, we cool

>> No.1025581


Listen to this man, for he is wise. Anyone who likes Dune reads the books by Frank Herbert -- all of them -- and nothing more. Everyone else is either a fan of Dune the Book or a FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT PREQUELITE WHO SUCKS KJA'S DICK.

>> No.1025749

Fucken this! Whoever said the movies were better than the books was a raging faggot. NJO is god tier.

>> No.1025777

I read the whole series way back when (before his kid followed Tolkien's kid, Jim Henson's kid, and many others onto the "let's ruin our famous father's beloved franchise" train.)

Gotta say, for me they really start to lose appeal as the series progresses. Nobody stays dead, literally every last character is part of some generations-spanning plot to one end or another, and disbelief just gets damn hard to suspend.

Still, Dune is excellent and the other books are all worth a read. But I've only read the first one more than once.

>> No.1025786

The Lynch movie was better.

>> No.1026686

I'm a huge fan of David Lynch and even I think that movie really sucked.

>> No.1026721


Whoa wait, no reason to lump Christopher Tolkien in there. He's done invaluable work for literary studies of Tolkien and has never done glorified fanfic like Brian Herbert.

>> No.1027816
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I fucken love the Dune series.

My favorite was Heretics of Dune.

>> No.1027830

It is actually called "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep". Also, DO read Dune and those of its sequels that were actually written by Frank Herbert. DO NOT read the ones that were written by other people after he died.

>> No.1027843


As soon as you use the word 'franchise', you're disrespecting the work more than the sons have done. The Middle-Earth legendarium is not a fucking franchise.

>> No.1027899

Read the series several times over the years. I loved it, but then Herbert's son had to make those god awful sequels.

>> No.1027910

prequels and sequel I mean
I couldn't finish the last one.

>> No.1027999
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DO NOT listen to the people who like Dune.

It's like listening to people who's favorite TV show is Lost.

They are crazy. They are almost as bad as people who like Ender's Game.

I was told to read Dune many times, and tried many times, and NEVER enjoyed it. It's long, overly complicated, awkwardly written, and stupidly pretentious.

If you want epic science fiction read Hyperion by Dan Simmons or The Mote in God's Eye by Niven & Pournelle.

Like, fuck!

>> No.1028011

> Hyperion
Only Sol's story was good

the rest was shit

>> No.1028016
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I will fight you.

>> No.1028177

I just finished Dune today. It is as good as everyone said it is.

>> No.1028191



>> No.1028195

you are gonna be surprised by how much the rest of the series SUCKS

>> No.1028634


I already know that, so I only plan on reading Dune Messiah and maybe Children of Dune.

>> No.1028658

Dune is my favorite book of all time

I liked it more than 1984

>> No.1028680

I like the books his son and his friend put out but they are nothing compared to Frank's novels. Who controls the spice controls the universe.

>> No.1030182

I only read the first Dune and it was great
also: Phillip K Dick & Stanislaw Lem

>> No.1030199 [DELETED] 
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Wait Dune is a series? I was planning to read this. Based mostly on my sheepish and conforming and tendencies combined with the constant chatter about it on here. But I can't waste my time reading a whole series of fantasy books.

>> No.1030204
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Wait Dune is a series? I was planning to read this. Based mostly on my sheepish and conforming tendencies combined with the constant chatter about it on here. But I can't waste my time reading a whole series of fantasy books.

>> No.1030213

You don't have to. Most people just read the first book.

>> No.1030222

A lot of people just read the first book. That one book is really worth reading.

>> No.1030330

Read them all. They're all great.

>> No.1030337


I'm gonna jump on the "just read the first one" bandwagon.