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10277896 No.10277896[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10277898

Totally BTFO xD
Epic win!
So BTFO, my sides
Praise kek

>> No.10277900

ROFL my fellow kekistani brother! Top kek!

>> No.10277909


>> No.10277911

can a fat nibba fuck?

>> No.10277915

>" A

>> No.10277916

It's fine because I read it in Norm Macdonald's voice.

>> No.10277934
File: 18 KB, 588x254, Screenshot-2017-11-17 Norm Macdonald ( normmacdonald) on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should really stop looking at the Twitters of people I admire.

>> No.10277941


>> No.10277964

>hunting should be illegal but he eats dachau tier kfc chicken by the bucket

>> No.10277971
File: 22 KB, 326x324, 1508985915635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10277972


>Not understanding extremist satire.

>> No.10277983

Pointless without original context. Can't you say this shit over there on Twitter or whatever the fuck?

>> No.10277991


I understand it just fine, but Norm switches between reality and satire too freely, plus hes ranting about it on Twitter not just that one tweet.

>> No.10277996


the context is in the image you fool

>> No.10277997

>using Twitter
>admiring Norm MacDonald
aww it's retarded

>> No.10278005


Define "using"

>> No.10278008
File: 11 KB, 429x410, 1288342840815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Browsing Twitter

>> No.10278039

lmao libcucks are so scared now they've completely immersed themselves in irony

>> No.10278046

cucks BTFO
more like Stephen KEK
Epic win, libcucks buttblasted
praise kek (give me doubles my deity btfo)

>> No.10278074
File: 47 KB, 1274x1000, DF778D89-E073-4A3B-A0FB-499A5395A537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s the right way to do it Amerifaggot.

>> No.10278086

This makes me admire Norm even more. Hunting animals for sport is cruel.

>> No.10278094

Why is it that people so often make grammar/spelling errors when calling out other people on bad grammar/spelling?

>> No.10278099


For some animals sport is the only way they will survive.

>> No.10278101

>muh grammar
2007 called, they want their nazis back

>> No.10278116

well what if im taking a stroll through the woods when a antlered beast threatens my existence?
I have every right to defend myself as it tries to flank away from me

>> No.10278130

You sure do. I'm not against killing animals in self-defense or hunting out of necessity. But the suburbanites who go out hunting for fun sicken me.

>> No.10278131

1995 called, they want their joke about older time periods calling and asking for an object back