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/lit/ - Literature

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10275371 No.10275371[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

She's finally finished Moby Dick lads

>> No.10275386

She seems nice.

>> No.10275393

she seems nice. and fun.

but her voice is annoying and her teeth are bad. my teeth are fucking garbage so its pretty shit of me to judge on that, but im livin that life

>> No.10275398
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These are her literary crushes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot8ULIKtNqc

>> No.10275403

>I read this book because of references from television
eeeeh maybe not

cute tho

>> No.10275407

>tfw perfect teet
>tfw fucked my teeth up
My irresponsibility has pained me so

>> No.10275409
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She reads Hardy too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoMDvancj4g

>> No.10275437

therein lies the fact that women understand literature fundamentally different than men. Men are by default evaluated foremost as mates by women; the truth that the vast majority of great works have been by men is not lost upon this. Through this lens true artistry is obscured, that is to say through both perspectives this is an obscuring lens. Reading Virgina Woolf there are connections women have that men do not share. That is not to say I believe women writers are as gifted as men, in only the sheer difference in amount of male works critically considered 'masterpiece' I see sufficient reason to doubt that axiom. And because of this males will continue to supercede women lierarily, as there is a bigger trough to feed from, as we reach for the stars.

>> No.10275443

The ones with view counts under 5,000 are the best because I know you guys can bully them off youtube.

>> No.10275444

The kernel of /lit/ that makes /lit/ more interesting than /r/books or any other Reddit garbage website, or even fifth-rate watered-down normie training wheels memeshit like /r/badphilosophy, is described by Paglia:

>Men's egotism, so disgusting in the talentless, is the source of their greatness as a sex. [...] Even now, with all vocations open, I marvel at the rarity of the woman driven by artistic or intellectual obsession, that self-mutilating derangement of social relationship which, in its alternate forms of crime and ideation, is the disgrace and glory of the human species.

The "egotism" of "self-mutilation" is the willingness to suffer for the sake of individuation and selectness, as Gasset said:

>The select man, the excellent man is urged, by interior necessity, to appeal from himself to some standard beyond himself, superior to himself, whose service he freely accepts. ... Nobility is synonymous with a life of effort, ever set on excelling oneself, in passing beyond what one is to what one sets up as a duty and an obligation. In this way the noble life stands opposed to the common or inert life, which reclines statically upon itself, condemned to perpetual immobility, unless an external force compels it to come out of itself.

Reddit normies don't do this, because they've been neutered into thinking they are herd animals, and that anything requiring effort or sacrifice is mean and scary, that everyone should be a winner without even trying. And women are the arch-normies of the whole normie herd. Self-worth and the feeling of being "excellent" come so easy to them, because of constant false praise from sycophantic men, and it seems to be their nature to be total dilettantes to begin with, that even when one of them accidentally and anomalously does something excellent, they get such disproportionate praise that they sell the whole farm and live off the interest of that one achievement forever.

To men who are attuned to the possibility of excellence, even if they aren't excellent yet, women are inherently disgusting. They're a waste of humanity, there's something not quite right about them, it's like a disharmony in the whole scheme of things that God would take the infinite human potential for self-cultivation and couple it with the motives and the self-satisfaction of a pig. Different men deal with this in different ways, often by unconsciously convincing themselves that women are something like domestic pets. But in an atmosphere like /lit/, you're going to get a lot of non-sublimated honesty: Women are literally disgusting in their dilettantism, their self-satisfaction, and how fucking boring and non-contributing they are.

tldr: If you're even slightly attuned to the possibility of your own excellence, people who are content to be pointless nothings start to seem like pigs.

>> No.10275450

It's endearing.

>> No.10275455

yea same. a period of bad mental health ruined them. nothing $10k can't fix though.

>> No.10275457

bad teeth can be cute if you're a girl. see the japanese "yaeba" snaggletooth trend.

>> No.10275460

Same, I like girl's teeth to be a little fucked. Not like this horse mouthed freak, but sharp canines are sexy as fuck

>> No.10275461

Which is exactly what I'm going to do

>> No.10275462

Paglia deserves statues built in her honor

>> No.10275467
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pic related

>> No.10275471
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>> No.10275492

No matter how much I read, and no matter how much my soul grows through grappling with people who were way smarter than I am, I still never get any closer to perceiving people (normies in particular) as being anything other than my equal. I'm not saying this to sound virtuous, I just don't understand people who can look at half the population and feel inherently superior to it. Even the most ignorant women can intuit certain emotional cues in ways that men don't seem capable of.

I do agree with Paglia that genius is male, but genius isn't the only valuable status people are capable of obtaining.

>> No.10275496

>t. brainlet

>> No.10275498

is her name Jerome or does her black boyfriend upload the videos.

>> No.10275501

probably because you still subconsciously believe in blank slatism

>> No.10275504

nvm she says its not her real name at 2:30

>> No.10275507

because no girl will go out with me and the herd masses watch tv and drink soda and I read and drink wine

>> No.10275509
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The nerd girls are always the sluttiest because when they get some attention from Chad the pusy instantly becomes wet and they jump on the dick. Stop worshipping book roasties and stop shitting down the board.

>> No.10275514

This girl is so pure, she's like the prototypical Jane Austen fan from 1990s middle school got transplanted into 2017.

>> No.10275517

Sure, but in a society where success is really the only benchmark and traditional roles for women are shunned... is it any surprise that women are highly resented and devalued by men?

The things that most women can be great at, and respected for, are no longer being taken upon by women.

Also when did this turn into a battle of the sexes thread.

>> No.10275518

It's the opposite. It's the fact that i'm not a blank slatist that keeps me from judging the ignorant masses. Once you realize that IQ is mostly genetic, and that taste is often the result of circumstances beyond one's direct control, judging proles for being proles is like making fun of a kid for being born retarded.

>> No.10275525

I know a 1990s highschool jane austen fan that was a turbo-whore from 18 to 35

>> No.10275530

No, it's like thinking you're better than a retard because you are. Stop with this pretending to be humble you trip faggot.

>> No.10275534

>The things that most women can be great at, and respected for, are no longer being taken upon by women.
They are, but while also being exploited for profit. The jobs disproportionately taken up by women (like nursing, teaching, hosting, etc.) all take advantage of the feminine instinct for service and nurture. We have women taking care of our children and our elderly, and that in itself deserves a modicum of respect.

>> No.10275543

They do that when they turn 30+ and are washed up from riding 100 dicks, probably a kid or two, and have nothing better to do since they wasted the first half of their life in hedonism and "liberation" and now only have emotional baggage to offer.

>> No.10275551
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>This girl is so pure
No she isn't. Didn't you read my post?

This guy knows.

>> No.10275553

What's your favorite pirate book /lit/? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjKOFaY609M&feature=youtu.be

>> No.10275558

See, look at the description, that's the first time in her life she's wearing eyeliner. She's graduated from college but I doubt she's even had a boyfriend before.

>> No.10275560

Effort and intent are heavily connected to greatness in my mind. Being born superior in a particular attribute isn't being great per se, it's being lucky. If you want to be great you need to exploit your natural gifts to will something valuable into existence. So all of the people in this thread who think that they're better than all women really need produce something that confirms their claim, otherwise they just sound like weak betas who developed a superiority complex in order to cope.

>> No.10275565

>She's graduated from college but I doubt she's even had a boyfriend before.

>> No.10275575

People who are given the opportunity to be hedonistic usually take it. The difference is that most men aren't born rich or attractive enough be as desired as the average woman is, so they have to develop in other ways. This is just the unfortunate state of affairs now that all of the barriers to casual sex have been destroyed by technology (particularly contraception and antibiotics).

My chad brother's a good example of this. He has a high IQ but hasn't done shit with his life because he was born attractive enough to fuck practically half of the girls in the college town he lives in. That's what being a 7/10+ woman is like now, and none of them are strong enough to resist it.

>> No.10275579

even seriously ill girls are approached by betas eager to serve them

>> No.10275597
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oh no no nono
dis nigga look like john green

>> No.10275625 [DELETED] 
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Lol no. 100% a giant whore.

>> No.10275720

Jerome has not been corrupted

>> No.10275721

She is genius

>> No.10275943
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>> No.10275951

She doesn't wear makeup!

>> No.10276127

You people are no less smarter than Chads. You both make lots of conclusions from basic looks.

Collective masturbation is fun, though, so I'll join in. Do you think she uses the carefree bean pinching trick to boost her reading perception?

>> No.10276139

>I finally read the book!
>Here's the cover and the pages and the pictures! xD xD : D

>> No.10276164

She looks slightly angrier on the right.

>> No.10276173

I will never forget carlie

>> No.10276193
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>Even slightly attuned to the possibility of your own excellence
>Posts long rants about muh wemen on 4chan

>> No.10276208

It's amazing how they can make book discussion no different from makeup haul videos.

>> No.10276520

>perfect teet
what did he mean by this?

>> No.10276542

How come most of these /lit/ youtubers are women? Not complaining, just curious as to why there's so few dudes. Maybe I missed them.

>> No.10276546

Her ugly features make her cuter desu. Way to old though

>> No.10276550

Booktubers are explicitly for sexual fantasies, not for reflection or profound literary discussion. I only subscribe to booktube since I need to something to wank to in that boring period between books!
Only people who come here are trans lesbians, tbqh desu, so cis men disgust us.

>> No.10276551
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>why there's so few dudes.
Because who gives a fuck? The whole point is that it's a girl who reads

>> No.10276568

she's ugly so /lit/ won't scare her off unlike Katie, Carli Claire and Ontologicool.

>> No.10276571

I wouldn't hate you if you didn't use a name to post, but every thread I've seen you in, you always find a way to sperg about IQ or biological determinism. I don't think I've ever seen you discuss literature.

>> No.10276588

Epic rebuttal, friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10276654

> dat feel that crotch gives

>> No.10276673

Very facesitty demeanor.

>> No.10276685
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>> No.10277092

>She didn't like the middle third
>She thinks calling a whale a fish is "hilariously outdated by our standards"
>She was drawn in by the "colourful characters"

>> No.10277119



>> No.10277154


pfft get on my bookfu level

>> No.10277166
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>> No.10277173
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fake bubbly le so nerdy slut

american girls are the worst

>> No.10277175



She's perfect, give her 5 years and she might start reading adult books.

>> No.10277177

she went from wholesome farmer's daughter to middle aged coal burner in six months since /lit/ pounced on her

>> No.10277179

She seems genuine, I knew girls like this in highschool.

>> No.10277185

>push record
>now i'm going to begin with clapping and squealing

You're so naive, anon.

>> No.10277191

ugly and annoying

>> No.10277194


No she didn't what do you mean?

>> No.10277210
File: 325 KB, 1471x498, Ontologicool & Michelle Forbes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ontologicool is smart!

>> No.10277221

It's neo-sincerity

>> No.10277224

>I do agree with Paglia that genius is male
What a stupendously retarded idea.

>> No.10277267


Can someone give me the basic gestalt on this cumslut?

>> No.10277292

Why is this thread allowed when I made a thread a while ago about Katie it got deleted.


>> No.10277332
File: 232 KB, 2880x1800, Claire (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-any news of her?

>> No.10277343



>> No.10277359

Because Katie is a washed-up whore now

>> No.10277368

Oh no don't go ruining another one, /lit/

>> No.10277400

There's never been a female genius before so it makes sense. It's like the extreme male brain theory of autism.

>> No.10277411

>Claire (8).jpg
C. Claire

>> No.10277416
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Yeah I'll find her really fast by searching on youtube for "Claire"

>> No.10277421

You wont find her anyway because someone sent messages with sexual content to her katholic mum and now Claire is banned from the internet.

>> No.10277422

Your chad brother is doing nothing wrong. He is doing everything right.

>> No.10277424
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Yes. Really fast.

>> No.10277428
File: 560 KB, 465x637, darling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dialectic between the defining aspects of Carli (innocent purity) and Onto (edgy interest) would create perfection that could not be bound by limitations of form, and must exist in Idealist aether

>> No.10277469

I would date her.

Unfortunately you'll make her delete the channel soon.

>> No.10277554


What makes you say that?

>> No.10277563

it's not even irony, it's just old school fakeness

>> No.10277571

You don't think so? I'm not the only one that has noticed a transformation >>10277177

>> No.10277579

she looks kinda pure and wholesome

>> No.10277582

Why do even the good boards have to be so stalkershit?

>> No.10277601

i don't understand people who can look at half the population and NOT feel superior to it

>> No.10277620


What did the messages say? Did they refer to her DSL's?

>> No.10277622

Her feet

>> No.10277651

Post some more decent girls.

>> No.10277717

>way more makeup trashily applied
>trashier outfits
>cheap stereotypical red die job
>voice getting haggier
>dead eyes

looks like she has to choose between a pack of kool's and formula for her second fatherless mulatto child at the end of the month

>> No.10277757


Hair is same, voice is same, eyes same.

>> No.10277872
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dumb newfag

>> No.10277917

Toss her in the trash.

Bet she's a single mom now.