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/lit/ - Literature

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10267286 No.10267286[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

best french books?

>> No.10267288

those three.

>> No.10267290

bitches are not literature

>> No.10267291

<jezebels etc.>

>> No.10267297

i need something not too dificult, in french.

>> No.10267299

The greatest secret you'll ever learn about women is they're all meh. Every model, pornstar, celebrity, and generally gorgeous girl you see walking around is just a skinnyfat ordinary bitch underneath, always with a handful of suboptimal traits like wonky hips or some misshapen shit somewhere. There are one or two in a hundred thousand who have really really lucky genetics and like picture-perfect pornstar bodies without any wonky shit, but even they are just boring.

Once you fuck a truly beautiful woman and have that moment of "..that's it?", it's a massive deprogramming experience. You realise that you've been chasing after the status and associations of it, the assumptions you have about it based on your desires, without ever realising what it really is: mediocre.

If young men had the opportunity to fuck a thousand gorgeous women of their choosing during their 16th year of life, and then after that they had to go back to being schlubs and trying to get laid the old-fashioned way, 90% of men would become semi-asexual, hold out for a high quality woman in the personality and values department, and only have minimal standards for beauty (5-6/10 and nonfat, max). Because they'd realise it's really just not that big a deal.

I've had fuckloads of sex, both meaningful and meaningless, with all sorts of attractive women. Sexwise, I'd rather have a really fun kinky 5 or 6/10 who is really engaged, good chemistry, really grabs you by the dick and hits all the right notes in terms of your fetishes and preferences, than a dozen 10/10s. There's just nothing like finally fucking a 10/10, with a body so perfect it seems like you should care more about it than you actually do, and then losing interest ten minutes into it because she's a dead fish and they all look like the same average-ass Fatfolds McGillicuddy when they're naked anyway.

So much of beautiful women is the stage effect of makeup and clothing. ESPECIALLY if you're looking at pictures of them. Pictures are like meta-makeup, Instagram shit lets girls tweak themselves until it's an ideal angle that hides all blemishes and creases etc., before even adding filters or fucking with the lighting.

The really awesome womanizing only comes after you go through this k-hole of realizing they're shit. Womanizing is so much more fun when you see everything between a 4 and a 10 as fuckable and can just burn through them looking for particularly fun ones. You're no longer secretly pining after the hotties you're statistically unlikely to get. And with this strategy, you'll get MORE hotties because you'll be subconsciously caring less, which is attractive (because it's confusing) to them.

>> No.10267305

stop posting rosters, dear unknown friend

>> No.10267313
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>> No.10267314
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shit was this originally a post on theredpill?

i think i remember reading this specific post unironically like 4 or 5 years ago

what a trip

>> No.10267353

>best french books?
If you re him just read a translation of an easy english book. If you want a good french book it won t be easy. Otherwise three musketeers maybe. Its long but not so hard for voc and style

>> No.10267374

more softcore please

>> No.10267396

I need a name or source. Don't care if tranny

>> No.10267405
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How's the Count of Monte Cristo. I didn't like the 3 musketeers in English

>> No.10267472

pretty sure it's just a random video (though I recall the whole video being longer, so this is only the 1st part), in a train station, in australia

>> No.10267478

What the fuck am I looking at and why does this exist?

>> No.10267574

Henri Queffelec - un recteur de l'ile de sein
Was the go to text when i was a 16 yr old studying French.

>> No.10267578

Are you a dog? (White girls fuck dogs)

>> No.10267581

Post pics of white girls getting thotty for knotty

>> No.10267587

they are kinda ugly if you focus on them individually but grouped together they look hot

>> No.10268105

At least two of them have amazing tits and great bodies.

>> No.10268118

At least two of them have poor photoshop done on their tits, so pick wisely.

>> No.10268127

Madame Bovary. But I haven't read much French literature.

>> No.10268128

No they don't

>> No.10268152 [SPOILER] 
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They're Australian, they're gross by default.
Apparently they're all sisters and the one on the left is 15.

Look at this image. A cow "ironically" displaying the quality of meat on her sister cow. There's something really horrible about this.

>> No.10268166

Emile Zola is a good french writer

>> No.10268283

Actually a good post

>> No.10268379

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? My one single wish is to be left to my own asexual devices, free from the thorned grip of perverse tempation, unclouded or swayed in my noble search for intellectual playthings of the mind, yet by your hand I am endlessly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will these hands ever feel a woman's swaying weight in their open palms? Will I ever know a plump, ruby pair of lips perched betwixt my shoulder and my ear, whispering "I want you, I want you now" in that chocolatey croon I know so well from dreamtime? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole, indicating the completed unity of our unhinged sexual impulses?

Life is a constant hell. Day in and out the tired red eyes glaze in some attempt to shield me from these images. I am floating in the blistering heat of my id's vacuum, castrated and blinded by my wretched libido. No wonder I resent women so.

>> No.10268529

Yes, these breeding/prize cows are truly horrible. Post more

>> No.10268632

>why does this exist?
more like where do I get one?

>> No.10268666

Why is /lit/ regularely worse as /r9k/?

>> No.10268672

Because you're here, go back to r9k.

>> No.10268685


Les enfants terribles by Cocteau and L'étranger by Camus are pretty good, short and simple to read

>> No.10268691

That's why I say it, /lit/ as a community likes to pride itself as better as /r9k/, which is absolutely true. At the same time this place hardly has the higher moral ground and engages in similar behaviour, and at times is just as bad. Good luck with it.

>> No.10268696

I don't care about r9k. Go back and stay.

>> No.10268728

This is why boipucci is best

>> No.10268748

Stop slut-posting.

>> No.10269894
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Don't be a fag

>> No.10269931

I love going to the profiles of people who leave "u wana fuk" comments on these kind of girls' photos. it always leads you into some ridiculous Gummo-tier shit.

>> No.10269955


really? i've clicked on those a couple of times. almost exclusively blacks or arabs.

red and the black

>> No.10269977

there's definitely plenty of those as well. arabs are the best

>> No.10269987
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>the one on the left is 15
Too late, already fapped.

>> No.10269992

I was able to read Le Petit Prince and I'm not fluent yet

>> No.10270005

women who wear thong bikinis have no taste whatsoever and turn me off completely

>> No.10270010

Amerimutt detected

>> No.10270011

Lol you don't live anywhere near a beach kys

>> No.10270013
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>> No.10270025

Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.10270026

hehe, "balzac"

>> No.10270030
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>> No.10270044

let me guess you have no taste and don't enjoy being called out about it

>> No.10270058

G-strings of any ilk are transcendental. Your views on the aesthetic are odious.

>> No.10270069

They are nothing of the sort. You have no taste.
Curves are the appeal of women. To simply apply a straight line over the form is to negate that which makes them beautiful. Or it merely fetishists the anus and therefore draws attention away from the total form. I speak from experience of worshiping the female form my entire life. You speak from nothing. Go drink your budweiser and college football.

>> No.10270075
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Anything by Joseph de Maistre

>> No.10270130

Stop being promiscuous, you empty faggot, and embrace true virtue by chastity (or celibacy if yoy're brave enough).

>> No.10270144

"If your pussy was a book, I would read up on it."
*While gesturing flipping pages suggestively

>> No.10270147


>> No.10270153

> ctrl+f "sticky"
> 0 results

Fuck all of you for enabling this.

If you spent more than 5 seconds looking at the wiki you would have found your answer.

>> No.10270175

Yeah but how do you deal with the manly voice?

>> No.10270185
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back to /fit/ my dyslexic friend

>> No.10270189
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I like the Stranger

>> No.10270240

Don't you have a Harry Potter thread to be in?

>> No.10270629

Those teats most certainly produce stout milk. MAMA!

>> No.10270647

You've obviously never had your tongue down a women's body before Anon.

You read them, just in different ways.

>> No.10270661
File: 48 KB, 333x388, gicrywoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be 19 and in france again
>ywn meet her again
>ywn get published like you two used to laugh about
>ywn move her to America and open up a bookstore like you two used to laugh about
>she stopped thinking about you a year ago

>> No.10270681
File: 40 KB, 482x427, 1496107366518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You've obviously never had your tongue down a women's body before Anon.
no... no i have not

>> No.10270766


>> No.10270770

Hi Paddy. How's the view from the Reeks?

>> No.10270775

His son Yann's novels are also bretty gud; especially The Wedding/Les Noces Barbares
>autistic rapebaby gets the hots for maman
>tragedy ensues

>> No.10271436

>move her to America
thy mistake

>> No.10271902

L'Ane Trotro
Les Barbapapa

>> No.10271913

that awful manly smell tho

>> No.10271925


t. married a tiny 6/10 and never looked back
i'd die for her

>> No.10271943

shit i cant find it

>> No.10271953


>> No.10271960

what about Le Salaire De La Peur?
Fantomas? Arsene Lupin?

>> No.10272109

Nice rationalization for ugly wife.

>> No.10272158

so what?
i love her
come at me fag
i'll crush you

>> No.10272421

use soap

>> No.10272423

I am sick and tired of this. Every day I come to /lit/, and every day there is at least one thread up with an OP image of an attractive woman dressed scantily and posing seductively. It's probably the same one or two people who do it honestly. Let me tell you something, you faggot pieces of shit who are doing this: you are the poster child for everything that is wrong in literature, art, and society as a whole today. You are incapable of coming up with anything creative, thought provoking, or of substance, and you lack even the smallest modicum of intelligence, so you use "style" and "flash" and pizazz in place of it and to draw attention to yourself, because that's the only way your SHIT "creation" and ideas would ever get seen by anyone. And before you say anything, this has NOTHING to do with the fact that I don't have a girlfriend. Anyway, I will be petitioning the owner of this website to ban your asses, so enjoy being able to post here while it lasts, because it's not going to last long, just like you that one time you convinced an obese girl to let you fuck her.

>> No.10272429

Are you a dog? (White girls fuck dogs)

>> No.10272534

Yes, I am indeed.
Are you a white girl?

>> No.10273402
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>this thread
>this pasta
>my sides

>> No.10273599

Maldoror by Lautréamont
Voyage au Bout de la Nuit by Céline
L'Étranger and Le Mythe de Sysiphe by Camus

>> No.10273675

all trash

>> No.10273677
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>> No.10273714
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this but also not this.

Don't treat a 4 as you would treat a 10. Your philosophy on women being trash is true. I've had experience with the "thick latina insta model" absolute 10/10 gorgeous. But contrary they aren't just dead fish type personalities, they're just so vacant. Anything they talk about is fake, it's fabricated. This same instagram model will talk to you about zodiac signs, and she'll quote passages from her favorite poetry book but yet it's all fake. She reads it just to be different. She reads it so nobody calls her out on having a dead fish personality.

I think the whole 'pretty = no brains' thing has died out since the pretty ones are in a way FAKING their brains which is fucking worse. 10's shouldn't be treaded and looked at as 4's BUT yet every woman should be ... i don't know. It's hard to explain. Just know that a 4 and a 10 are gonna have the same ideology, the same tendancies. The same detatchment from reality that comes with soc media and being a girl living in 2017. So if you're going to woo a girl you might as well go for the 10's and 9's while ignoring anything lower.

All girls. The thick latina models on insta, the thinspo queens on twitter, the make up goddesses they're all the same.

The ultimate philo is noticing this and then NOT chasing girls in general, or on the other spectrum is noticing this and then not fucking with any broad who isn't a 10. They're all trash so at least pick the good looking trash. Every girl nowadays likes overwatch, and youtubers, and they like the same shows you like, they might even like clothing as much as you, they share the same interests in literature and music as you do now. They have adapted to what they think we'll like, as if they're some sort of alien lifeform. They now like sports, and football, and i've met some that relate to classical rock and shit. Point being:

girls are garbage so fuck/marry/befriend the cute ones because the cute ones and the ugly ones are the same shit except well one is ugly and one is cute so why not.

>> No.10273738
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>they share the same interests in literature and music as you do now