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10268305 No.10268305 [Reply] [Original]

>I keep buying books that I never read
>Anyone else has this problem?

>> No.10268312

I used to have a system of only buying a book when i was finished one but that quickly fell appart when i would by 2 books for everyone i finished and then would make impulse buys as well. Now i have quite a bit and no time for them all.

>> No.10268315

My local bookstore sells damaged books. 4 for 10€, 1 for 3€.
It's a horrible addiction but I got a lot of nice books out of it.

>> No.10268316

I own lots of books I haven’t read yet I still tear through library books like it’s closing down.

>> No.10268347

I really hate book-hoarders. Do you not have public libraries in your country?

>> No.10268351


Faglet. Seeing which books you bought, you could speed read that in a month or two.

You would feel less like a faggot and finally restart a normal reading habit: one book bought/read per week.


>> No.10268355

who are you quoting?

>> No.10268407

I'll buy whatever the used store has at the time, because you never know when it will be in stock again. I'll read them eventually though.
I'd suggest buying in smaller quantities 4 U.

>> No.10268447

Can I get the pasta where the guy compulsively buys a copy of infinite jest everyday but has never read it

>> No.10268456

yeah but they are shit, with YA shit and the like.

>> No.10268473

dont buy anything until youve read most of these

>> No.10268478

i buy books because i collect them, i have a first edition of Animal Farm for example that i don't let anyone touch.

>> No.10268490
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I buy my books on my Kobo, that way I can read wherever I want, even on my phone. Hoarding digital books is not a problem, and it doesn't clog up my room.

>> No.10268491
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>buy my books on my Kobo

>> No.10268548

my problem is researching/finding books that i don't read. anyone else obsessed with the hunt?

>> No.10268625

Sort of
I keep a Talebian anti-libary as well

>> No.10268630

he's shit anyway

>> No.10268634

at least read hero with a thousand faces you fucking pseud

>> No.10268637

>one book bought/read per week.
Sound advice

>> No.10268647

>I keep a Talebian anti-libary as well

>> No.10268858

>not knowing how to use the quote

i think thats a bigger problem

>> No.10268867

yeah, I only buy used books though so it's not that expensive. the stacks of unread books do sometimes makes me feel like a poseur eventhough noone but me knows about them

>> No.10268881

post pic pls

>> No.10268889

I bought used books for like 100$ this summer (I picked up reading again this spring). Now I'm through about 1/4 of the books I bought, I've told myself that I should finish these or at least 3/4 of them before I buy anything else

>> No.10268899
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Stack of books you bought and never read thread?

I want to buy more
I will buy more

>> No.10268907
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>he thinks it is cute and funny to give publishers money to continue re-printing long-dead author's intellectual property forever and ever and ever

>> No.10268956

I made a typo but I think you'll understand

>> No.10268961

Just go to the library and buy the things that you really like and could reread.

>> No.10268972

>I keep using greentext
>Anyone else has this problem?

>> No.10268993

you are A. not funny B. an idiot

>> No.10269023

I get anxious if my book collection is more than 2/3rds read. I want the feeling of being able to read something fresh from a selection of books on a whim.

>> No.10269047


>> No.10269124 [DELETED] 

Ehh at least it shows intent. I on the other hand want to get into reading, but I see how much there is to cover and my perfectionist completionist mind nopes out, especially with all the stuff I have to cover in other mediums. I end up always without, and at best read whatever it is at hand rather than read it directly.

>> No.10269168


>> No.10269386

seconding this

>> No.10269475

I buy books so I will have a nice big bookshelf. It’s the only thing I collect or really buy besides essentials

>> No.10269514
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>> No.10269516
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>> No.10269606

that dude is seriously fucking weird. saw him on jre

>> No.10269628

neat anon.

>> No.10269636

used to buy lots. of all the books I have, I read 1/3 of it, given, I buy them all used, and the books I read and didn't want to keep I traded for more used books but still...but I am sure I will read every single one of them though, 0 regrets on the buys.

but this pretty much, stop browsing websites that sell books/going to stores and focus on reading. I used to browse a website of used books every day and every day I'd find something I'd want to buy, so I stopped luirking it

>> No.10269663
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>> No.10269733

Why do you feel the need to read through the books in their entirety? I would just pick a random book from my shelf when I'm bored and explore it. It's pretty comfy to me. No need to be stressed out.

>> No.10269747

If you're reading a book a week then you're either reading very shallow books or you're not getting as much juice out of the books you're reading as you could be.

>> No.10269759
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>Fahrenheit 451
>A Brief History of Time

>The fuckin Power of Now


>> No.10269799

Well, we do but they are really shitty and never have the books that Im interested in.
Shit I need to fucking import from a fancy book store to get some Kerouac stuff since all his translations are terrible and the English session usually only includes YA and Stephen King

I don't know if I'm much of a hoarders... I always poem books and short stories or complete works of A, B or C and read just bits of it eventually when I feel like it

>> No.10269816

Bradbury is good shit go back you your fuckin yoda hole.

>> No.10269821

I usually only buy one book at a time

>> No.10269825

>Hasn't even read the Jon Ronson books, which literally take several days to finish if you're a poor reader.

>> No.10269828

Yeah, when I see a cheap edition with a good translation that I like I just have the compulsion to get it. Also for this Christmas I'm going to ask for a coupon for my usual bookstore since I don't know what to ask for anyway.

A good excuse to tell yourself and others is that you have always several options of interesting books with varying styles once you finished what you just read. I enjoy looking around my unread books and see what peaks my interest at that particular moment or picking a book or two to take with me on vacation. Also its always good being prepared for a blackout.

Books are what we would call a Kulturgut, a cultural asset of sorts. Can't have too many of those lying around in my opinion.

>> No.10269844

why would you buy them if you're not going to use them? even whores get freaked out when you do that, why are you doing it to books?

>> No.10269871
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It would take me about twenty years to read through my current backlog.

>> No.10269896

yes but i wouldnt consider it a 'problem'. if you shop at thrift stores in that free-to-two-dollar range you're going to come back with books you had no intention of reading, so you're not going to read them right away, or maybe ever. eventually you'll read some of them. read gilgamesh and the names last week, wouldnt have had i not bought them three and six months ago. i think eco said a personal library should have a ratio of no more than 1-10 read-unread.

>> No.10269912

based absorbed senpai

>> No.10269964
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Halp pls
I keep going to secondhand bookshops
It doesn't stop
Keeps growing

>> No.10269969


>> No.10269982

haha nice image that is specifically engineered to collect Reddit upboats, thanks for the psychologically-manipulated laughs :D

>> No.10270084

just buy an e-reader

collecting physical books costs too much and takes up way too much space unless you have room for a personal library

>> No.10270143

I'll read a book in a day sometimes if I have nothing going on.

>> No.10270146

I wouldn't read any of that garbage either, anon. Get some taste.

>> No.10270150

I don't retract my previous statement.

>> No.10270194

yes but i shoplift them

>> No.10270313
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Honestly, what the fuck's wrong with eating alone?

>> No.10270336


>> No.10270345

What's wrong with finishing a book in a week? Some people have a lot of time on their hands.

>> No.10270354

this should really be a General desu. Then people could discuss and recommend what you should read next, based on your tastes or even your current place in life and shit

>> No.10270463

I only bought it cause it was 1$

>> No.10270486


Not to sound like an ass but I have two from estate sales. One with dust jacket, one without that is all scribbled on inside the cover.

>> No.10270722


Yeah dude I have like 6 stacks around the house of unread books, and about 10 more on their way in the mail.