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10264817 No.10264817 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have recommendations for non-fiction writing on wilful solitude, preferably WOMEN in solitude.

I've read a handful of shitty macho books about dudes in hostile environments chopping wood bare chested and killing and skinning wild animals. Not interested.

I want to know about women in solitude, their emotional experience, relationship to their body etc. not toughguyswhophilosophise

>> No.10264871

>wanting to live in solitude

>> No.10264876

A Lady's Life in the Rockies by Isabella Bird

>> No.10264877

Can't think of any book

>> No.10264883


>> No.10264891

>wanting to live in society

>> No.10264904
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>WOMEN in solitude.
this hasn't and doesn't exist

sensitive men however...

>> No.10264919

doesn't make a whole lot of sense. if a woman isn't around other people, how will she receive attention? of whom will she be jealous? where will the drama come from that sustains her mental state?

>> No.10264921
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Hannah Arendt
Virginia Woolf

Read a book called Epicurean Simplicity by a Stephanie Mills. Lives by herself. Book isn't great, reads kind of like Thoreau but in the modern environmentalist theme.

>> No.10264930

Solitude for what purpose? Simone Weil has some great writings on solitude, but it will be wasted on someone who isn't interested in spirituality or mysticism.

>> No.10265015

i pity you

>> No.10265068

Maybe The Living Mountain by Nan Shepherd? More about nature than solitude as such but a good read in any case.

>> No.10265107

Thanks. I handn't heard of that. Sounds interesting

>> No.10265190

>I only notice attention-seeking women, therefore all women must be attention whores

>> No.10265205

What writings would you recommend? I'm not OP but I'm interested in mysticism

>> No.10265211

This was obviosuly grabbed from reddit or it simply is a great bait.

>> No.10265458

Women don't do solitude.

Even the solitary ones aren't alone by choice, which is why they harass people and meddle when possible and need a bunch of cats to feel validated in their existence.

>> No.10265502

that's such bullshit.

>> No.10265940

women generally speaking experience a much less intense version of solitude, which on paper is more like temporary bouts of loneliness.
Look into the Glass Menagerie by T.W.

Women are able to chose by their nature and at society's request, however the "solitude" if you can even call it that is either "failure to choose" or "unacceptance of decision".

i.e. A woman who in solitude has a plethora of choices in which to have company but she chooses not to, a man in solitude does not have the final say in company with no connections, therefore his "solitude" is naturally more foreboding.
The internet has practically eradicated the depths that a woman can ALLOW herself to sink into loneliness, otherwise see Woolf.

>> No.10265956


>> No.10265962
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Maybe this?

>> No.10265970

Why do you think so?

>> No.10265992

"Because I am a woman myself and at first glance and not much thought, I am affronted"

>> No.10266002
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>> No.10266036


What's the proof that it is the case though?
So far nobody has proven anything.

>> No.10266047
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Come here Anon mommy will tuck you in and feed you ice cream but not too much or else you'll get a tummy ache >:3

>> No.10266082
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I know you said nonfiction, but Wittgenstein's Mistress is a novel about a woman living in solitude. Though it is also written by a man.

>> No.10266385
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yes pls

>> No.10266536

Wittgenstein wrote novels???

>> No.10266657

You know it's true.

>> No.10266672

My emotional experience of solitude is very similar to those macho kinds of books (sans killing wild animals with my bare hands, I like animals and am vegetarian), and I'm female. Maybe the kinds of introverted people who seek out solitude are similar, regardless of gender.

Also why do you want to know about relationship to body? do you just assume we're all insecure or hyper sexual or something?

>> No.10266688

I am a misanthropic loner, and coincidentally happen to be female. I don't like attention or drama, and have no friends, men or family specifically to avoid said jealousy, drama and attention.

>> No.10266697

How long were you in solitude? 5 minutes?

>> No.10266705

I have lived alone since I moved out of home at 17 and a half, and I'm 23 now. No friends, no partners and no family I care to talk to.

>> No.10266715

What attracts you to 4chan? Everyone (including me) is just going to be rude and (rightfully) make fun of you now that you've exposed yourself as a woman.

>> No.10266721

>tfw ur my dream girl

>> No.10266735

Masochism? Nah, I just like talking about books, and since I have no friends and my family are illiterate bogans (Not sure of a non Australian equivalent here, so apologies if you don't get this) so I mostly go on /lit/ and sometimes /his/ and /mu/ (other interests of mine). Besides, I think I have quite a boyish mind, in that I certainly like mathematics, solitude, independence, reading, philosophy etc. and 4chan is generally steeped in, at the very least, pretensions to said attitudes and interests. Mostly I don't identify my gender, it just seemed appropriate here.

>> No.10266782

I'm probably not, I hate everyone.

>> No.10266789

how does it feel knowing you could slip getting out of the shower every morning, brain yourself on the sink or toilet, and no one would find you for days

even choking on food at every meal, no heimlich support

>> No.10266811

I try not to think about it. I have a high likelihood of being one of those old people that fossilises after dying in their apartment because no one ever visits. The alternative isn't much better though, putting up with some bf needing to take up significant proportions of my time, or worse, a best friend who will inevitably be boring and backstab you.

>> No.10266812

Do you have a job or are you on autismbucks?

>> No.10266818

Gravity and Grace is great. Most Christians would probably consider bits and pieces of it as heretical, but that's up to you.

>> No.10266819

I have a job. I work in an old bookshop owned by a lonely old gay man. We play backgammon together. That is my only human contact (aside from the occasional customer).

>> No.10266845

I really want to have sex with you. I don't care what you look like. I just want you to whisper in my ear with your Australian accent. I don't care what you say to me.

>> No.10266857

I'm, not really sure how to respond to that.

>> No.10266910

women do not get lonely
even the ugliest, most undesirable of women have omega-beta orbiters giving them attention and awaiting their every beck and call

>> No.10266913

sounds like you should write your own novel.

actually I recall seeing some thread about a novel about some girls who live in the remote countryside or forest or something, probably by a woman , but the title eludes me. sorry. think it was a recent enough book.

>> No.10266921

OP, here you go, work done for ya, ya lazy git:


>> No.10266923
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deserving of recognition

>> No.10266926

see >>10266845

>> No.10266931

>female bernard black

Pls be my gf

>> No.10266997

I don't live in the wilderness though, the Australian bush is terrible.
Did you not read the whole "I don't want a bf who'll take up my time" thing?

>> No.10267008

nice pic, pity it's tainted by association with Sweet Baba Jay.

>> No.10267026

Mary Oliver

>> No.10267059

Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood

>> No.10267173

The author is David Markson. It's great, read it.

>> No.10267183

Sounds like you're living the dream life. Is your boss Greek? They play some mean backgammon.
Also, are you ugly? I can't believe not getting any attention from men.

>> No.10267191

Does that kind of bookstore still exist anywhere? Last one I knew in my city that was like that closed shop in 2006.

>> No.10267204

He's got some Greek in him, but also Italian and Irish. His story is really sad actually, he had one great love but he stepped on a landmine in the Vietnam War, and he's been in mourning since the early seventies. As to whether I'm ugly or not, I don't think I'm bad looking, I do a lot of running and yoga so my body isn't fat or malnourished, and my face isn't bad. But I don't get out much, and when men do pay attention to me I ignore or rebuff them. It's much more about not wanting a boyfriend or lover than not being able to find a man, somewhere who would feasibly go out with me. I value my space and men tend to expect women to be very "giving" in the emotional, self sacrificing department and I'm just not naturally like that. I'm much more self contained and I don't need a person to constantly reassure me (kind of the usual "Man" role in a relationship) so all (read: very few, mostly in high school) attempts at romance have failed abysmally.
I live in the most hipster city in Australia, there are plenty of bookstores. Mine even has a cat.

>> No.10267209


OK here's the thing. Even ugly stupid women will never be lonely, because like >>10266910 said, they have omega-beta orbiters.

Shakespeare said it best:
There’s none so foul and foolish thereunto,
But does foul pranks which fair and wise ones do.

>> No.10267216

Listen, we may not get lonely in the male sense, but having a few random nerd kids want you just because you have a vagina isn't a salve for loneliness. Having men want to have sex with you doesn't make you not lonely, it just means that you can have a physical thing with someone. Although you'll say now "but at least you have that" the thing is, men value sex much more than women. Sex is how you create intimacy, for men. But for me, and I imagine from a lot of women, it's a genuine emotional and intellectual connection I crave, and that's difficult for everybody that's not a very basic, cookie cutter human. The possibility of sex doesn't make that any better.

>> No.10267220


> doesnt like attention or drama
> tries to start shit

>> No.10267221
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>> No.10267224

Well I can only speak for myself, and assume there are similar women.

>> No.10267228

Uh, what shit have I started exactly? Relationship drama? bff back stabbing?

>> No.10267229

can you just post your dick already?

>> No.10267235


>> No.10267236

I am not a man, or a woman (man). I am female. I like literature. Why is it such a stretch I might come here, when most female dominated literature places are insufferably feminist?

>> No.10267242
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>I am not a man, or a woman
become from this earth

>> No.10267247


>> No.10267249

Your reading comprehension is this bad? Maybe you should go on a different board if you can't understand. I am a woman, biologically and mentally. i.e. a female (female).

>> No.10267253

so you're a faggot

>> No.10267254

>omg why does Chad not want to commit to me
>I just want an intellectual, emotional connection :(
>not with you though anon, you silly nerd
meanwhile most men go their entire lives without receiving the slightest bit of interest from any woman.

>> No.10267258
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> Sex is how you create intimacy, for men

> But for me, and I imagine from a lot of women, it's a genuine emotional and intellectual connection I crave, and that's difficult for everybody that's not a very basic, cookie cutter human. The possibility of sex doesn't make that any better.
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

>> No.10267259
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OP here: the kind of solitude i'm talking about is bound up in isolation - the kind of solitude which isn't interrupted by a visit to the shop or small talk with the postman. i think in that situation, one's relationship to the body is felt deeply and the body itself and one's containment within it is thoroughly scrutinised. this is partly guesswork, informed a little by my own experience, but this why i want to read other people's accounts of their experience

>> No.10267260

>>I just want an intellectual, emotional connection :(
>not with you though anon, you silly nerd
If I could find a guy who was capable of that, along with not being like you (a.k.a. spends way too much time on /r9k/ or similar) and be in Australia I'd be ecstatic.
>meanwhile most men go their entire lives without receiving the slightest bit of interest from any woman.
That's just objectively not true. Most people end up with someone.

>> No.10267261
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I can't understand you either.

>I am not a man, or a woman (man). I am female

This statement is really confusing me.

>> No.10267264

If I lived in a different country, I would go into the wilderness and live in total isolation. However, Australia's bush is hot, uncomfortable, and full of deadly spiders.

>> No.10267266
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i have no idea what that would be like bc im a man but i imagine such a universal isolation has more to do with personal disposition rather than sex

in my (really short) periods of complete isolation i felt:
> disoriented
> ethereal
> detached
> depersonalized
> incoherent
> confused
> hazy
> dizzy
> clouded
> lost track of time
> unable to focus
> heavy
> tired
> subhuman
> soulles

>> No.10267267

Spent too much time on shittier parts of the website I guess. Woman (man) is how lesser boards (/pol9k/) refer to transgender people. A woman (woman) is a biological woman.

>> No.10267275

in case youre not just being difficult and cute,

"woman (male)" is a reference to an r9k joke about traps/transsexuals or crossdressers,

they pretend to be so fargone as to have completely lost hope in even imagining themselves getting an actual gf and as shells of humans end up thinking "tfw no gf (male)"

>> No.10267277
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Ok thanks I get it now.

>> No.10267280

>If I could find a guy who was capable of that, along with not being like you (a.k.a. spends way too much time on /r9k/ or similar) and be in Australia I'd be ecstatic.
Yeah I'm sure in a country of millions there is not a single man you could have a connection with. Go fuck yourself.
>That's just objectively not true. Most people end up with someone.
Women will settle for a provider after years of promiscuity, and many of them will be unhappy and resentful in their relationship.

>> No.10267282

>he goes to /r9k/
>he has gone, even once, to /r9k/
i'm sorry for your miserable existence

>> No.10267283

>Yeah I'm sure in a country of millions there is not a single man you could have a connection with. Go fuck yourself.
Maybe there is, but they would tend to go after less misanthropic, isolated women. Besides, Australia is very anti intellectual, and that's something I value highly.
>Women will settle for a provider after years of promiscuity, and many of them will be unhappy and resentful in their relationship.
Way too much time on /r9k/ to not get the women (male) reference.

>> No.10267285
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i appreciate the support

>> No.10267287

>WOMEN in solitude.


>> No.10267298

I spend about 40% of my year in a cottage isolated in Scotland, with a neat veggie patch etc. I've also gone mountain climbing and hiking alone for extended periods of time. I don't know about books for that experience, since I think it's more male dominated a writing field, but I imagine the experience is universal. The kinds of people who seek out total isolation are probably more similar than different, regardless of sex. I don't go bare chested though, hypothermia and all.
Bit of a left field idea, but the series by Jean M. Auel about cavemen times (although not great) does deal with female loneliness. It had a big impact on me when I was young.

>> No.10267328

do you mean that you spend 40% of the year literally without human contact? if so that's very interesting to me. you must surely experience some hefty emotional turbulence? are you a woman? please share more if you can.

>> No.10267337

>Maybe there is, but they would tend to go after less misanthropic, isolated women. Besides, Australia is very anti intellectual, and that's something I value highly.
Again, there are literally millions of people in the country, there are bound to be exceptions. Admit that you have lots of options, you just dismiss them out of hand. Your "loneliness" is entirely self-inflicted.
>Way too much time on /r9k/ to not get the women (male) reference.
Of course I get the reference, I'm not those other anons. The statement is accurate either way.

>> No.10267345

I'm not arguing with someone who's views are based entirely on belief, because nothing will sway you. It's entirely a waste of time.

>> No.10267355

> if so that's very interesting to me. you must surely experience some hefty emotional turbulence?
I actually kind of enjoy it. More time for self reflection and reading, writing and painting. I keep a goat and some chickens for milk and eggs (which are looked after in the interim by a farmer that lives semi close (i.e. quite a long way). It just feels, almost indescribable. Quiet, peaceful, somehow more intense.
> are you a woman?
Yes, I am. As to physical changes, I do find, particularly when mountaineering and hiking, that I get a lot more in tune with my body, it's rhythms and breathing and limits.

>> No.10267368

All I am saying is that you can't seriously complain about being lonely when you have a wide variety of options for relationships and people validating your existence. You don't know what it's likely to be truly unwanted. Women can not experience the kind of loneliness that many men have experienced throughout their entire lives. I don't mean to be melodramatic, it's simply the way of the world.

>> No.10267372
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do you also feel anxious, paranoid, depressed? at other times euphoric and completely content? other times, numb, bored, lifeless?

do you get sudden waves of sexual excitement? do you masturbate outdoors in nature, or indoors, enclosed somewhere despite the expanse and isolation? do you free bleed when you menstruate?

do your emotions change at the rate the weather in scotland does? i.e all seasons in a single day

these are the things i'm interested in...please tell all that you feel comfortable sharing.

also how old are you?

>> No.10267376

you're full of shit, your sweeping statements are not even worth challenging, and your argument is boring.

>> No.10267380

I never denied that men and women feel loneliness differently. But men cannot experience the loneliness of being wanted only for the hole between your legs, or the lumps of fat on your chest. That's not intimacy, or closeness. It's totally alienating. Men are very sex driven, and will never attain the kind of closeness I crave. It will always, on a base level, be about men wanting women and women getting to choose based off of want, and want alone. The closest to what I crave, I imagine, is a best female friend or a lesbian lover.

>> No.10267391

>do you also feel anxious, paranoid, depressed?
Sometimes anxious, and I feel depressed all the time.
>do you get sudden waves of sexual excitement?
Not really?
>do you masturbate outdoors in nature, or indoors, enclosed somewhere despite the expanse and isolation?
No, I just curl up with Anais Nin.
> do you free bleed when you menstruate?
I got an IUD to cope with heavy bleeding and haven't had a period in 2 years.
>do your emotions change at the rate the weather in scotland does? i
No, my mood is pretty static in it's bleak, slightly melancholy outlook.
>also how old are you?

>> No.10267421


what do you do for the other 60% of the year? sounds like isolation isn't doing you much good. i understand melancholy, and anxiety/depression - in some cases i think they are somewhat healthy dispositions of intelligent and sensitive people, but only if they're cushioned by feelings of contentment and calm, happiness even. do you not also feel these things when you're there in scotland? do your surroundings not impress you?

>> No.10267432

>what do you do for the other 60% of the year?
I work and study in England.
>do you not also feel these things when you're there in scotland?
I do, in lesser doses.
>do your surroundings not impress you?
Of course they do, but nothing like the Andes or Kilimanjaro. That is true happiness.

>> No.10267444

I give up. This is why I prefer escorts, they understand men better than regular women ever could.

>> No.10267447

Bear by Marian Engle

>> No.10267452

I understand the /r9k/. mindset very well. Obviously, I can't understand men totally since I'm not one, but by that same token you will never understand what I'm talking about either.
You're just ridiculously belief driven and thus there is no possible way to argue with you because you hold this belief so closely to your heart you're willing to forgo actual debate for name-calling. I genuinely hope you find happiness.

>> No.10267466

I really have no business saying this but not having a period for that amount of time is telling of some potentially serious health issues. Are you eating right anon?

>> No.10267471

I went to the doctor about it, it's just a potential side effect of a hormonal IUD. I do eat.

>> No.10267480

To be honest I would rather be taken advantage of for my obviously rockin body than for the potential advantages my job or social status offer
or you know, because I can move furniture and do menial physical tasks

>> No.10267487

And I'd rather do the later. At least then it's something I actually do, rather than a random passive attribute. Grass is greener on the other side. I'd much rather be judged on my own merits, be seen as a whole person, and not get harassed for the most base of human desires.

>> No.10267503

>I genuinely hope you find happiness
Thanks, that means a lot to me.

>> No.10267530

What you actually do is care for yourself and your development and it shows physically. If you really want to has it out it's mind>body>>>>>>>social status>>>>>>>material goods
I would rather people want to be around me because I know a lot about books or because I look like I take care of my body than because I can get into a few clubs for free or because I have an expensive car. If you disagree that's cool, you do you, but you're the type of person I think needs to sort their priorities out

>> No.10267690
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I think the yearning for a deeper connection is mirrored between the sexes. There are men that only value physical looks and sex, just as there are woman that only value social standing and power. It's hard for all of us, it's just part of the human condition. It's terrifying being vulnerable in front of another person, regardless of gender.

I get the introversion thing though, most girls are clingy as fuck and can't understand that need to be alone. I'm sure a lot of men are similar.

I dunno, I'm from Australia's hipster capital too, and it's just as hard to meet genuine, thoughtful and intelligent girls.

>> No.10267760

And thus an idyll is born. On 4chan. I hope at least one of you it's a serial killer playing the other one, because this is sickening.

>> No.10267778

/r/incel is that way >>>

>> No.10267780
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Not the same poster you were talking to previously, just someone in the same situation, albeit from the other side.


Might be interesting at least.

>> No.10267888
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D8 me I'm cool

>> No.10267906

*tasty drink

>> No.10267907

>I'm a girl xD
Prove it

>> No.10267956

> Did you not read the whole "I don't want a bf who'll take up my time" thing?
Yes, I feel the same way about relationships. Perfect.

>> No.10268094

Did you write any poetry during that time?

>> No.10268175

Out of interest, OP, who are some of your favourite writers? We have slightly similar lives so I'm curious to know what books you gravitate towards.

>> No.10268213

The yearning for a deeper connection is an infantile fantasy. Relationships are about two people having values (namely not fucking eahother over) and being tolerant enough to the other person that you can live with their shit parts that you hate. That's all there is to it. The feeling good part comes from doing good to eachother despite the fact that you actually to a certain small extent hate eachother. The yearning for deeper connection part...is fleeting, and similar to drug addiction. You'll hear all about it from people who will ditch the relationship when the fleeting feeling of *deep connection* goes away (it always does).

Your life will improve tenfold when you don't look for personal fulfillment in having a *deep connection* with a man or a woman, because no human can be expected to fulfill such a lofty goal.

>> No.10268404

I'm genuinely interested in what you described yourself to be.
I know i'll get a bann for this, but if you wanna you can send me a message on kik at fallenhsb. Just wanna talk.

>> No.10268432

>not even online is she free from needy lads


>> No.10268441

>WOMEN in solitude.

Closest thins to ftm there is.

>> No.10268501
File: 28 KB, 195x300, Colorless_Tsukuru_Tazaki_and_His_Years_of_Pilgrimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one: Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage

Protagonist is not a woman

>> No.10268532

I once was in love with a girl like you. She even worked at a book store and everything. She had never had a boyfriend before and we would talk on the phone night after night, for hours and hours, often until the sun came up. We talked about everything there was to talk about, knew each other's beliefs about everything we thought important. Family, religion, philosophy, music, books, where we wanted to go, what we wanted to do. We had a connection, purely emotional, I know it, it felt like what I had been waiting for my whole life, it felt like love. I remember one night trying to express this to her, and I remember over the phone hearing her choke up, hearing her cry, not out of sadness, and hearing her tell me the same. We went to different universities and only got to see each other a few times, but every time my heart wanted to jump out of my throat and into her's. We only kissed once, on an empty street at night in the middle of town, Christmas lights all around giving her the glow of an angel, and it was the greatest kiss of my life.

A few weeks later she fucked some random guy who lived in her hall.

You're likely not as different from other women as you think.

>> No.10268555

Damn, sorry to hear that anon.
Not all girls are that way, don't give up.

>> No.10268678

This sounds like the outline for a modern romantic novel - it's poetic and interesting, but aren't you worried about missing anything, any adventure or experience? The whole argument that sure, people are awful, but you need to experience the bad in order to get those unparalleled, sublime moments of life and connection?

>> No.10268704

the r9k tier stuff in this thread is pathetic.
>hurrrr only manly men men like me can feel real emotions women are invalid ps pls msg me on kik

>> No.10268706

And yet here you are, interacting with people of your own free will.

>> No.10268739

I haven't really given anything away about my life, have I? Other than this particular interest.

I have enjoyed books recently by Chris Kraus, David Foster Wallace, Dostoyevksy, Henry Miller, Werner Herzog, Maggie Nelson, Paul Beattie and Hermann Hesse.

How about you? What makes you think we have similar lives?

>> No.10268766


>> No.10268779

Ahh, I've gotten you mixed up with the other women in the thread haha. Nevermind. Your recent reading list is pretty male-dominated, so I recommend that you try out Shōnagon's Pillow Book if you haven't already. It's got an intensely personal and solitary air about it, and was originally written as a strictly private journal-type work.

>> No.10268787

Chris Kraus is a woman, if you didn't already know, but point taken, knowingly. Will check out your recommendation, thanks.

>> No.10268791

open bobs

>> No.10268800

The Life of St Mary of Egypt

>> No.10268805

I do know a bit of Kraus' work, the name didn't fool me.

"Women without prospect, who lead dull earnest lives and rejoice in their petty little pseudo-pleasures, I find quite depressing and despicable."
- Shōnagon. She's perfect /lit/ material, I hope you enjoy her work.

>> No.10268808

>The same generic "not all women..." response that's always given to every story like this

>> No.10268811

Emotionally Weird starts off with a woman and her mother sitting in a shack on a deserted island, but that's just story breaks. Other than that, I'd have to think about it. You might want to check out Kate Atkinson anyway. She writes some weird books, sometimes. There might be something there.

>> No.10268818

>Omega-beta orbiters
>actual people
look buddy, I want someone who isn't a retard and doesn't look like he's been run over by a tractor.

>> No.10268823 [DELETED] 

Also Blessed Xenia of St Petersburg

>> No.10268824

she's right tho.

>> No.10268834

>Sex is how you create intimacy, for men.
>But for me, and I imagine from a lot of women, it's a genuine emotional and intellectual connection I crave,
In my experience it's actually the opposite.

>> No.10268848

>WOMEN in solitude.
My diary
hahaha, but seriously. There are a few, but they're mostly YA.
Clan of the Cave Bear, for a little bit, at least.
Mostly Julie of the Wolves if it's the right book. I'm not sure.

>> No.10268908

What do you want them to say? That's really the only response that can be made to an accusation like that. If a person refuses to see past their own limited experiences and biases, what good will arguing do? Nothing. If you want to believe all women are awful then you will believe it and come up with whatever excuse you need to dismiss any evidence of the contrary.

>> No.10268915

Sure I worry about it sometimes, but what can I do otherwise, without sacrificing something?

>> No.10268917

I'm generally here to talk about books. On the internet. There's a distance that I find refreshing.

>> No.10268922

I am sorry that that happened to you. I assure you, I have my own ethical compass and wouldn't cheat on someone, which seems awful. I also didn't say I'm different from other women.

>> No.10268927

Maybe you've never been on the recieving end of male desire then. It's very dehumanising. Or maybe you're the exception, or I am. Who knows, none of us can talk for the entirety of our half of the species.

>> No.10268933

I don't have kik or any social media really. No need for it.

>> No.10268947

I'd rather that too, but I'd prefer to be wanted for my achievements than for simply having a vagina and breasts. It's not even about taking care of your body, which I would respect more. It's any woman fat or thin. Obviously intellect and interests are the best thing, but I've yet to meet a man who actually values those things MORE than the physical side of things.

>> No.10268951

every time

>> No.10268965

travel light by naomi mitchison

a girl is raised by dragons and shes a badass. she's mostly alone through the whole book, but she has dragon friends, eventually meets All Father, then she fights the pope. it's pretty good i fucking loved it, it's not exactly women in nature, alone, but maybe you can find a story about a witch told from her perspective? generally our mythologies of a woman alone are defined by the image of the witch

>> No.10268973

you should ban yourself. i can smell your inherent frog from here

>> No.10268987

jesus, kill yourself you fucking frogposter. you ever think that the problem isn't society, it's you? no one wants to hang out with a guy whose sole occupation is wondering why people don't talk to him. at this point you're just jerking off to your own solitude in a really fucked up masochistic way

>> No.10269073

>any evidence of the contrary.
Which is what?

>> No.10269203

I had a neighbour when I was little. She was short and chubby and with a very wide face, probably in her 40s, living alone. I would hear her crying in the evenings (her apartment and my room shared a wall) and I, being a 10 years old retard, didn't really make the connection to realize how miserable she must have been. I sometimes was annoyed by it and sometimes I took it for granted. I remember one time in winter I encountered her when coming back from school and she joked about telling my mom that I didn't have my beanie on and I just noded with a weirded out smile and hurried home. Later my dad started blaming her for the kitchen roaches we had. One time he said to her that he was cursing her every time he saw one in the morning and I could hear her weeping from my room. I just didn't understand why he would be so mean to her. One Saturday I woke up and found the doors to our apartment and her apartment open and my dad and other neighbours strolling in and out. Apparently her place was monstruously disgusting: pizza boxes everywhere, mouldy food and walls, chicken bones under the bed, soiled clothes etc. The smell persisted on our floor of the building for a few weeks, my mom took care not to let it inside our apartment. I don't remember what they did to that place that day but I do recall a neighbour saying that she might die if they let her sleep in there that night and "we'll all go to prison for that". I think they told her to sleep on the stairs outside. She moved out of there soon after, way before anyone took the apartment. Two different persons tried to do that but they both couldn't last there too long because of the smell.
This is what loneliness does to you kids. It's not romantic and it's not dignified. You don't want to end up like that.

>> No.10269336

Not agreeing with the frogposter but the notion that society is okay is a bit silly.

>> No.10269339

I can't know what your life is like, but there's a good chance that if you spent a bit more time getting to know some guys, at least one of them would be attracted not ONLY to your body. What difference is there between women who think men will only ever like them because they think they're pretty (is flattering yourself really worth the isolation of telling yourself this?) and guys who declare all women to be thots?

>> No.10269359

No pain no gain, homebody.

>> No.10269417

I don't think I'm pretty, I think most men will screw anything. The difference is, one is a moral judgement (i.e. all women are whores) while the other is just base biology. Men describe a woman's appearance first, whereas women describe a man's abilities and qualities first.

>> No.10269418

Pretty nice short story

>> No.10269439

But will it be a gain? Really? A man who'll probably end up hating me as we get older, screwing his secretary etc. etc.?

>> No.10269451

He left messages in the street

>> No.10269464

Is there a reason you assume that's how it will end? I hope you're young enough to reconsider. I'm not hitting on you, that'd be stupid. I'm just saying that makes me a little sad to hear. Don't you have any examples of it working out in the end in couples you know or knew of?

>> No.10269467

That's just the idea: maybe there should be sacrifice.
I can say from my own experiences that life... really sucks, in many ways. It's confusing, one can feel adrift and alone, muddling their way through social and professional situations that just don't feel tethered to anything - entirely subjective and ephemeral and stressful. Friends and family aren't set in stone, people you get close to you eventually start to depend on, and when they're gone you're left permanently without... something. That support, that person, that habit you've lived with as an ineveitibility, now you see them and they look at you as if you were a stranger.

It's so random.
But, why stick around only to live in fear of the bad, letting it control you? So the bad stuff is inevitible, but there's breaks in it; breaks that for a spectacular moment of time you feel connection, excitement, adventure, love, ambition - the ambiguity that usually subdues you transforms into a challenge you're happy to face, the prospect of not knowing suddenly making you feel in control, optimistic for something interesting on the horizon, some further experience that you'll always smile thinking back on.

Why deny yourself that?
Maybe I'm wrong, and solitude definitely has its benefits, however I've always thought of it as moment of recuperation, where you collect and sort through your thoughts, eventually to face everything with a new wisdom.
At least that's what I tell myself.

>> No.10269485

>Is there a reason you assume that's how it will end?
Men and women tend to get bored of each other, and all the couples I know are experiencing problems or divorced. The only relationships I've seen that are loyal and long term are a lesbian couple and a gay couple. I also think that men and women fundamentally don't understand each other, and thus are doomed to unhappiness.
But men just seem to take, take and take emotionally from women, and what they offer in return (financially security etc.) I don't need.

>> No.10269517

It's not exclusive to either men or women; humanity tends to be unviersally awful to each other. A perpetuating cycle of women who feel neglected by men, reacting in some way men interpret as callous and cold causing their own reaction - it's associated with gender because that's a difference we've subjectively as a culture singled out for our problems. If it's not gender or race, it'd nationality, hair colour, STEM vs. Artists, etc; we are all confused, constantly fucking up, and neglectful of others.
Gay relationship or not, long relationship or not, thought, they do work. For some amount of time you're a powerful force; a power couple that discovers and shares experiences together, builds a life and memories, enjoys each other's comapany.

I'm slightly nihilistic beneath this all, I'll admit: ultimately I don't think we attempt relationships to reproduce and have families (at least not only). It's because we're fundamentally lonely, we're looking for a companion to get through all this garbage, support us, care about us, even if only for a time.
You can make the argument that someone is more independent when they're indecent of this, when they can be a loner or even isolate themselves and still find happiness. But... one does miss a lot.
There's pain involved, but at least you have company.

>> No.10269527

Misery loves company?

>> No.10269530

>You can make the argument that someone is stronger because they're indipendant of this
Disregard the egregious typos.

>> No.10269550

That's a shame, well may we stay strangers and meet in another thread.

>> No.10269553

"I've learned, anyway, that love is... not about passion and romance necessarily. It's also about companionship and... it's like a buffer against loneliness, I think. That stuff is important. Somebody to grow old with.
What kills most people is unreal expectations."
- Husbands and Wives, 1992

>> No.10269809

Yeah I know, there's billions of 'em out there.

>> No.10269835

Hey I'm a different guy, I'm going to fly to Australia and go to every book store in the country until I find you. Then I'll say hi and hope that there's a spark between us. So just look out for a painfully average looking early 20s man with an American accent.

>> No.10269976

Uh, there are a lot of bookshops here you know.

>> No.10270061

You think I'm not determined?

>> No.10270139

how many can there be in uncultured Ozland?

seriously, this has got to be easier than that film with John Cusack in it, where he buys all the copies of 100 Years of Solitude he can find...

>> No.10270351


do you expect this geriatric homosexual to tithe you his shop and fortune when he expires or does he have actual issue?

>> No.10270356

Annie Dillard's Pilgrim At Tinker Creek. Literally exactly what you're asking for. The book itself is fantastic.

>> No.10270471

In Melbourne alone there are tonnes. We're a very hipster country in some ways.

>> No.10270598

I can empathize with your fears (you may say insights) about relationships, but mostly because it reminds me of fears and insecurities I used to have, before I had any close male friends. Men and women are not identical, but we're more similar than different. Most men do not see their girlfriends (or women in general) as aesthetic lumps of flesh around a few warm holes. Men can be attracted to your body without dehumanizing you or looking down on you. Your body is a part of who you are. Sex doesn't have to be predatory and transactional. It can can be affirming, fun, and at its best even a transcendental experience. The vast majority of men and women alike would love to find someone with whom they can build a genuine connection and feel a sense of belonging, at least in Western societies.

Saying that all men will get bored and cheat on you with their younger sexy secretary is equivalent to guys saying that women only care about money and will leave them for the mythical Chad at the earliest opportunity, or see them as a safe/boring option to settle down with after having fun in their youth. Rhetoric you see on internet communities like 4chan can make you believe that men disdain you and in turn are deserving of your disdain. It's a genuinely unhealthy place to spend time if you don't have a way to remind yourself that the opinions you see espoused here aren't representative of reality or the way most people think.

I get the sense that you see misanthropy as a part of your personal identity. It's pretty natural to feel this way when it gives meaning to your isolation and is romanticized in the public imagination (see all the anons in this thread who now believe you're their anti-Stacy dream girl). Conveniently, the isolation prescribed by misanthropy shields you from experiences that may challenge your beliefs.

I'm only 23. Neither you nor I have the world figured out, and we probably never will. Be careful not to lull yourself into complacency with comforting narratives about who you are. I hope you find a way to fully enjoy being alive, whatever that means for you.

t. another femanon who appreciates solitude

>> No.10270602

oops, meant for >>10269976

>> No.10270653

Emily Dickinson spent most of her life in solitude

>> No.10271024

this, but unironically

>> No.10271041

OP here. That's a beautiful post.

I hope she reads it.

>> No.10271100

marry me, femanon. let's spend time alone, together.

>> No.10271211

Good post.

>> No.10271243
File: 43 KB, 750x738, 23BF2850-9BCD-44F4-9018-E2DE0A24A8ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this. When you surround yourself with opinions of people on 4chan your world view can become very lopsided.

I dip my toes into the different boards here from time to time and it almost seems like a parody to me because the things people here have said were so extreme and polarised.

>> No.10271251

It’s good to have both though, normies buy into their narratives with the same blind intensity most of the time and live their lives by nonsensical memes as well.

>> No.10271266

it is important to remind ourselves continually that 4chan is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.10271277


>> No.10271282

Yeah, you should read it.

>> No.10271307


yes you were her best friend, confident and not her lover

the best part is that you still want to be acknowledged by a woman and you will never ever learn.

>> No.10271330

reminder that nobody cares about your feeling and that
-men love to overestimate their performance in bed
-men love to be praised by any woman
-men love to underestimate the lust of women
-men love to underestimate the boredom of women
-there is nothing more boring to a woman than to be fucked over and over by only one man
-men love to think that women love men like women love children
-men love women
-men love to service women
-women love children
-women do not love men
-women are in heat all year long
-women see no reward for faithfulness
-women see the reward for sleeping around
-women see no reward for their virginity
-women do not desire to have only one provider for sex
-women do not desire to stay virgin
-women do not know how to stay virgin
-women do not desire to be prude
-women despise nonguly asexual men
-women fear of being asexual

-the only gift a man possesses by his sheer existence is to be left alone if he wants it, but ofc very few men want this since very few men kill their infatuation with their spook of ''society'' and women.

>> No.10271334

-frogposters need to stay on r9k

>> No.10271339

Women today need a rolled up newspaper across the snout, a swift kick to break their delicate tailbones, or a good tailoring kit and a Bowie knife to sew up their overused snatch and to cut their fluffy heads off with.

>> No.10271340

How does this overlap? Is a frogposter as far away from being what it used to be as the cuck?

>> No.10271344

You don't understand that the people most resentful of and deluded about women are also the thirstiest?

>> No.10271353

Q : Why has this thread been derailed?
A: Women.

Btw Woolf - To the Lighthouse comes to mind. It's not strictly solitude but close to what you're seeking i hope.

>> No.10271388

women are more social than men by their nature. A woman needs the acceptance of the group to survive but a man who takes risks may become the alpha. Its no surprise that 90% of philosophers and other clever nutters are men. Its also easier for a woman to achieve social acceptance because she can still have children whereas the bad man still needs a woman to do so (in a polygamous society bad men are worthless). Consider waifuism: its almost a uniquely masculine phenomenon.
>i happen to be female. I don't like attention
Then you wouldve never mentioned that youre a woman. Perhaps you are an exception but exceptions are not the rule and the fact you are an exception proves women are this way (you know, because youre exceptional) at least moreso than men since again youre the exception here and anywhere else in a circle of autistic men. All you say to me is that youre either an unsuccessful woman and so pretend (and have perhaps convinced yourself) that you dislike other people, youre mad (entirely possible) and genuinely dont like being part of a group essentially making you a defective woman, you claim to not like groups in order to fit in to this group >>10266721 being an illustration of how that works and most likely beccause this group is easier for a woman or, and this is probably the truth, youre a man shitposting because what you wrote is guaranteed (you)s

>> No.10271408

>Thread about women's perspectives
jesus christ.

t. not a woman

>> No.10271450

Sorry, was to occupied with myself to see that connection. You are right.

>> No.10271579

why else would you mention it? I explained why you shouldnt have already: it doesnt help your point.

I dont need to tell you i smoked to explain why you shouldnt smoke and i dont need to tell you tell you i have been an urbanite to explain why urban living is bad. My personal experience has nothing to do with logical argument. If you gave some great reason why women can experience solitude in the same way as men or why women might seek it out then your argument would stand on its own merit. Instead you said
>Im a girl
>im not like the other girls
which tells us nothing about the female psyche. If robinson crusoe was replaced with a woman and nothing else changed then it wouldnt make sense because the character is not a woman; just because you are a woman does not mean a story about a woman in solitude would be realistic or even relevant to women. So, instead of groaning, sighing and making the typical arguments your sex is derided for tell us how women can experience solitude in their unique way because it will exist just not in the typical way which is masculine.

>> No.10271601

Found the roastie

>> No.10271621

you're a moron.

>> No.10271645

>groaning, sighing and making the typical arguments your sex is derided for

>> No.10271756

I'm a guy and you really are a moron.

>> No.10271786


>> No.10271790

Frankenstein has themes of solitude in it and was also written by a woman

>> No.10271945


>> No.10271959

>t. not a woman
you moron