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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 230x346, The New Tsar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10261770 No.10261770 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been getting into reading histories and biographies about political topics recently. Just read The New Tsar (pic-related) about Putin.
>The book isn't propaganda beyond the title so I'd recommend it if you're interested in knowing more about the guy.

Was looking for /lit/ to post their own recommended political/biographical/historical books!

Please share!

>> No.10261775

Mein Kampf
On The Jews and Their Lies
Culture of Critique Series
Gulag Archepelago
On Women by Schopenhauer (yes, it's politics)
Brevik's Manifesto

>> No.10261792

>Mein Kampf
Read it in highshcool philosophy

>Gulag Archipelago
I've tried to read it before but it's way too much of a slog for me. One of those books where it seems like Solzhenitsyn didn't know exactly what info was worthy of being written into the book.

The rest... lol I think I've read enough far-right literature already.

>> No.10261806

fuck off to plebbit if you can't handle the redpill

>> No.10261811
File: 151 KB, 418x469, 1493970581528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe overlord.
T: Fashy pol-tard

>> No.10261818

Hillary Clinton's "What Happened"

>> No.10261822

Nigel Farage is one of us, and he hates inferiors

>> No.10261828
File: 48 KB, 207x288, Solz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that the only reason Solzhenitsyn got the Nobel was as a fuck you to the USSR from Sweden.

>> No.10261838

>Hillary Clinton's "What Happened"
Might as well include the pissing Russian hookers memo as Political Literature

>> No.10261847

Hillary is a destroyer of whiteness and masculinity

>> No.10261849


Piss off trumptards. Your time is coming.

>> No.10261854

You'll be sent back to Africa!

>> No.10261861



>> No.10261873

The Road to Wigan Pier is pretty nice

>> No.10261876

Democracy at work: A Cure for Capitalism

>> No.10261900

The totality of Carl Schimitt's oeuvre

>> No.10261903

You can keep him

>> No.10261912
File: 120 KB, 960x960, farage daughter (Maybe).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But do I get to keep his daughters?

>> No.10262260

Nigel Farage stirred the Brexit shitpot and bolted as soon as he has to deal with the fallback, litteraly the pussiest move I've ever seen in politics

>> No.10262285
File: 20 KB, 308x475, trueheaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10262796

Read David Rockefeller's bio, and Henry Kissinger's. Alan Greenspan's is prob worth a read too as one of the world's most powerful bankers for a couple of decades there.