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/lit/ - Literature

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10260683 No.10260683[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

remember when people got increasingly desperate to find a reason for their lives and began holding out for increasingly arcane sources of meaning to the point where they started unironically pretending to buy into traditionalism? that shit was so funny

>> No.10260689

hey not kiko

>> No.10260691

That describes me

>> No.10260695

Remember when I rode a long, thick dick but said no homo so it was all good?

>> No.10260698

yeah, i think i remember that, but i was pretty drunk so im not so sure

>> No.10260756

happens more and more

>> No.10260784

We either enter a new spiritual age or humanity dies off.

>> No.10260809

But pippo are still doing dis

>> No.10260822

Why do you have pictures of underage Slavic schoolgirls, anon?

>> No.10260827

>underage Slavic schoolgirl
wish it were me

>> No.10260857

Shes turkish

>> No.10260902

Imagine holding a body like that, to have a smile like that directed towards you as a consequence of your existence and the personality you have developed over time. For someone with such obviously high aesthetic standards to feel compatible with you and thus suggest your own physical desirability and general high-standard. It hurts, sometimes physically, especially in the lower gut, to be reminded that at this VERY MOMENT this girl is awake, conscious, and in love with someone else, that her little heart beats quickly for him, that her cute face blushes when he is nearby. That there are hundreds of thousands of girls similar to her in the small demographic of women I would absolutely marry after a week of talking and mutual smiling who will NEVER so much CONSIDER dating a depressed manchild undiscovered genius like myself. It isn't fair and frankly somebody has to pay.

>> No.10260914

Shes Azerbaijani

>> No.10260940
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>It isn't fair and frankly somebody has to pay.
kek is this the power of new sincerity

>> No.10260959

>implying there's a difference

>> No.10260968
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>> No.10260974

The only thing worse than autistic virgins that demonize women are the ones that idolize them.

>> No.10260977

I know this is pasta but she is a child anon. I've cuddled with my niece and stuff, they're not that demanding.

>> No.10260990

fuck now i have to start all over again

>> No.10261062

It's pretty hard to forget those people, unfortunately, cause they tend to shit up every board with their ranting about modernity, Jews, "degeneracy", and so on.

>> No.10261084

Start what all over again?

>> No.10261106

Im sure the better option is to sink yourself into the modernist culture and truly immerse yourself and go with the flow. Consume copious amounts of chemical pumped junk food and genetically altered meals, drink alcohol and carbonated drinks profusely, regardless of their affects. Spend your free time desperately fighting for the attention of the opposite gender, only for when you win their favour, to have vacuous sex after equally empty conversation, not expressing any real feeling but only regurgitating known lines in order to better appeal. After ejaculating onto or into the cunt, take of the piece of plastic on the male genitalia, and the girl downs some pill to make sure no life is actually created, what a tragic thing that'd be, and the only solution would be death for the little accident. Then I could go to slave away at the job I loathe to pay for the recreations that take away from the stress that is caused by the job that I loathe which used to pay for the aforementioned recreations. Some recreation may even be just pumping myself directly with chemicals to forget I even fucking live because holy shit am I ever so fucking lonely and empty and miserable but hey, at least I'm not some loser, anachronistic, outdated, virgin traditionalist, right?
neck yourself, kike.

>> No.10261202
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>> No.10261214
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>> No.10261220

god i wish i were drunk

>> No.10261223


>> No.10261247

you sound nervous my guy. don't worry—i'm sure there's something to sufism, i mean there has to be r-right?

>> No.10261277
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this is me 2 years ago

>> No.10261335

How do you think these little girls would feel knowing you post their pictures to a neo-nazi otaku forum?

>> No.10261343

remember when this board was about literature?

>> No.10261354
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What do you mean what happened

>> No.10261367

Christ. This was a good read. I don't know if it's a pro that i relate to what's said here or if it's a con.

>> No.10261372

>he only has sex to procreate
>calls other people miserable
so this... is the power... of traditionalists...

>> No.10261394
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Good post.

>> No.10261405

its sad that traditionalists really think this is what they're fighting, when really they are just larping against their own meaningless existence. the options aren't rene guenon or hillary clinton you dumb fucking faggot

>> No.10261421
File: 16 KB, 270x224, GONNAKNOCKYOUOUT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize there are other forms of recreation and pleasure beyond forcing your miserable cock into some std ridden cunt over and over and then pulling out and ejaculating onto her (or his, in the case of a faggot like you) makeup caked face, right?
You also realize that you can both find utility in something AND enjoy it? Right?
No, you don't, because you're a literal subhuman.
Suicide isn't too hard, even a nigger like you ought to be able to figure it out.
It's sad that you don't realize the disturbing moral depravity that modernism entails. Enlighten me, though? Tell me what this magic fucking truth you seem to posses. Because currently, as I see it, you are either submitting to the depravity, apathetic of it, or rebelling.
I'll keep LARPing as a traditionalist, and you keep LARPing as someone whose life isn't a moral tartarus.

>> No.10261437

That sounds like a much better option than being a 19th century subsistence farmer, which is what most people were before modernity.
You also seem to not realize that people still have the option to eat healthy food, fuck for procreation, and so on.. in modernity. It's not like modernity forces everyone to be a consumer drone who fucks for pleasure. It just gives people the option to do that.
As for the "job that I loathe", guess what, that has more to do with the laws of physics than with modernity. And the chance that you would have to do a job that you loathe is actually probably higher in traditionalist societies, where you'd just go into whatever career your dad wanted you to go into.

>> No.10261444

>You realize there are other forms of recreation and pleasure beyond...
He never said there weren't.
You're failing to make a good case for traditionalism. You just sound butthurt.

>> No.10261458

>It's sad that you don't realize the disturbing moral depravity that modernism entails.
not liking modernism does not mean accepting traditionalism
>Tell me what this magic fucking truth you seem to posses.
there isn't one. that's why you look like a clown pretending you believe you've found one

>> No.10261461

I'd remind you, brother, though you are right in your conviction, you are wrong in your method of argument.
Do not scapegoat, do not accuse, do not undermine.
To prosletyse one must do it with love and patience, not vindictiveness.
Convert through reason and example, not finger pointing and stone throwing.

>> No.10261465
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ITT: Traditionalism BTFO

>> No.10261466
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>> No.10261481

This post represents pretty well the average 21th century "traditionalist": a 20-something american retard with the philosophical literacy of a nigger and the capacity for thought of fucking Chuck Pahlaniuk that projects his inability to live in the world onto his surroundings. Basically a commie but right wing.

>> No.10261482

>trump memes
t b h with you my dude, it sounds like you are one of the countless lost souls in modern society that have slipped through the cracks. You have been shunned from society so you choose to stay in your little corner and sulk. You keep searching for external causes, for things to blame, you search for the people responsible for your current predicament. All external things, you refuse to confront the internal causes. You refuse to face yourself. At the end of the day you hold your beliefs and convictions with an iron grip because they are all you have to "fight" back against a corrupt society, they are all you have to elevate yourself from the masses. Because the masses are all wrong, morally corrupt and wicked while you are a pure individual who is above their depravity. You espouse these beliefs not because you arrived at them logically but because to you, they are a form of rebellion. If you were born 50 years ago and did not find acceptance in society, you would descend into hedonism and detest the traditionalist lifestyle that the masses hold so dearly. And you would defend those hedonistic beliefs just as vehemently as you defend your traditionalist beliefs.

>> No.10261492

> work with my hand as a farmer
> believe in God
> have a date with a girl in my village
> live a pious live with subsistence means
> life is good
> have 12 kids
> life is good

>> No.10261496
File: 64 KB, 370x229, codingerror-370x229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the solution

>> No.10261499

>projection this hard
a search for traditional life does not mean he is bitter about life in general

>> No.10261500

>modernity is great because you can have an iphone :)

>> No.10261501

>undiscovered genius

>> No.10261502

be your fucking self.

>> No.10261504

Are you genuinely braindead? Here, let's compare the two, shall we?
Peasant farmer:
>strong family life
>fulfilling life
>low suicide rate
>general autonomy (valued by most people)
>hard work
>limited lifestyle
Now, modernist life
>feels good
>any STD, really
>drug addiction
>loneliness, isolation from any genuine human connection
>weakness, low testosterone
>lack of autonomy, free will
>powerless in majority of major decisions
>unfulfilling work
>high suicide rate (relatively)
>reporting greater levels of unhappiness
the list goes on really. Your choice, no one will miss you when you die of AIDs at a young age, friendless and without family.
>He never said there weren't.
He implied it was by joking that you are miserable if you don't view sex as only pleasure.
>there isn't one. that's why you look like a clown pretending you believe you've found one
Wow, brilliant. I'll shut my shit down, better give up on any prospect of a traditional life and go back to modernist simply because... why? Traditionalist is archaic? It isn't perfect?
No, traditionalism, currently is the only reasonable worldview, it isn't perfect, but life isn't meant to be perfect of easy or lofty.
I'm not your brother, don't lump me in with whatever Christcuck shit you're likely on about.
Good ad hominem. Would please now actually formulate an argument. I know that's asking a lot for a literal retards, but try your best.
It's just a jpeg anon, don't hurt yourself about it.
>And you would defend those hedonistic beliefs just as vehemently as you defend your traditionalist beliefs
This is a disturbing assumption for you to make? How did you even come to this, you realize I just as easily today could have turned to even more degenerate behaviors as to be even more gruesome than the masses as rebellion?
Also, this is all moot, as your ad hominem does nothing to prove me wrong or justify modernism

>> No.10261505


Not that anon but you should read through your post, look at all the vile and debased language that you use, and then quietly note to yourself that you need to stop doing that from now on if you want your larps to be taken seriously. If not, then as a prior anon has said, other people are only going to think of you as a butthurt rampant egotist who refuses to see how blatantly hypocritical he's being.

You don't get to eat your cake and have it too, you ideological fatboy. You don't get to talk down to others and smugly proclaim that they live in a "moral tartarus" as you communicate through absolutely degenerate gutterspeak.

Wake up to yourself. There are anon on here who represent traditionalism in a good, positive light -- you aren't one of them.

>> No.10261506
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Don't be too hard on traditionalists. One can understand their point of view when faced with the trials of modernity.
With people like De Maistre, it is difficult for even the most observant reader not to get tangled in the web.

The fact is, and remains, that the only answer to the problems of modernity, and human relations in general, is Christianity.
For any astute reader, one would recognise that Rene Girard has dealt with this problem and provided us with the anthropology, literary analysis and psychology to begin understanding exactly what a statement like "the answer is Christianity" means.