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/lit/ - Literature

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10257845 No.10257845 [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, does your book pass the Bechdel test?

1.The book has to have at least two women in it,
2.who talk to each other,
3.about something besides a man.

>> No.10257856

Yes but I wrote it and it only fits under a very specific definition of "woman"

>> No.10257865

Female characters from My Little Pony?

>> No.10258004

Bechdel test is a lousy benchmark for quality in literary excellence.

>> No.10258021

Like We Have Always Lived in Castle?

>> No.10258028

>having female characters

>> No.10258030

>having characters

>> No.10258034


>> No.10258037 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10258042

imagine having no other issue with a piece of literature than that girls don't talk about enough unimportant shit that they can't subsatntiate
women are allways spewing unfalsifiable nonsense.

>> No.10258047

>The only application for criticism is to determine if something is great or shit
the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.10258054

there is no such thing as a grey area. you are either on the side of Beyng or the side of Nothyng. I do not have time to waste on books accorded to the principle of Nothyng.

>> No.10258061

Yup. However, if you have a setting where women are as common as men (as opposed to US army base in Iraq, for instance) but they don't have a life on their own (Bechdel test), maybe that says something about your writing ability.

>> No.10258064

I don't think the Bechdel test adequately measures what it's supposed to be useful for measuring. A two hour movie with an all-male cast except for a five minute scene of two women talking about makeup would pass, whereas a movie about a single woman fighting for survival in the wilderness, or perhaps single-handedly fighting a cartoonish patriarchal army of men, would not.

>> No.10258087

Yeah, but I think we all understand in what context the test is supposed to be used.
BTW I find it hilarious that Sir Mix-A-Lot - Baby Got Back passes the test, because it starts with two chicks talking about butts

>> No.10258091

>Yeah, but I think we all understand in what context the test is supposed to be used.
I don't think you do--it really only applies to movies, the Bechdel test isn't meant to be cross-medium.

>> No.10258095

Whatever happened to Baby Jane?

>> No.10258102

I have never written a female character and I never will

>> No.10258109

>tfw you try to write a female character but your own humility, empathy, and wit can't be overcome so she ends up acting humble, compassionate, and witty like a man

>> No.10258110


>> No.10258124

Yeah, you're right. Officially it's about all works of fiction, but I've only seen it applied to movies and maybe comics. Still, I find it interesting that many books that should pass the test - don't. Mine doesn't at the moment, and I really don't see a reason why.

>> No.10258858

It fails the test which means it's not pleb trash

>> No.10258865

I am reading pulp stories from 1906 and there are woman characters that play important roles as well as act like any other person. If writing females was not an issue then, when the phrase "militant-suffragette" was actually thrown around in seriousness, then I am sure we don't have any issues with it nowadays

>> No.10258866
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>tfw my book is about the sacred bond between a white father and his son as they try and cope with facing sickness, death, and the helplessness that comes with the possibility of having to bury your own child


>> No.10258901

Conforming to feminist ideology is inversely correlated with writing ability.

>> No.10258928

yes it does

>> No.10258962


1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes

>> No.10258963


>> No.10258966

bechdel test is for films

>> No.10258971

It isn't a good indicator of whether a movie is good either.

>> No.10258973


My fucking life does not even pass one half of the Bechdel test. What should I do with that now?

>> No.10259031
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>Mfw the Iliad doesn't pass

>> No.10259049
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naw the test didn't pass the iliad bro

>> No.10259101

Your life is sexist

>> No.10259107

>maybe that says something about your writing ability.

No it says something about women i.e. They're boring and not worthy of attention

>> No.10259110

Yeah, in the opening scene

>> No.10259151

And what are they talking about?

>> No.10259161

It's not feminist. The characters can talk about how all women smell and are subhuman and all feminism sucks. It still passes the test

>> No.10259165

Work stuff

>> No.10259185

Some women's lives don't even pass the Bechdel test.

>> No.10259278

Should I purposefully seek out books that fail this test? I feel like the majority of good literature probably does.

>> No.10259820

Working Titles:

Fagus Grandifolia
The Nature of Beech Leaves
The Winter People

>> No.10259833

Rewrite it anon.

>> No.10259841

Because it was never intended to be as such?

>> No.10259847

Stop rewriting The Road faggot

>> No.10259909

This is discriminatory against my diary desu

>> No.10259948

Heh. Fagus.

>> No.10259960

I wonder how strongly having a female protag correlates with passing the Bechdel test, and a lone male with failing. If you're having mostly one on one conversations, most of which include the lone protag, their gender is going to determine if you have MM+MF or FM+FF. Seems like the test is a thinly veiled means of asking for more female protags.

>> No.10259974

Why would I want to pass the test?

>> No.10259976

If you ever want to make a good cheese sauce you need to start with a Bechdel

>> No.10259986

>this test created by a dumb bitch is dumb

>> No.10260238


>> No.10260252

it’s a genus name anon!

>> No.10260254

This isn't meant for books though tbqh

>> No.10260268

From what I know, in reality young women only talk about
>men and other mutual acquaintances (gossip)
>improving one's looks (fashion, cosmetics etc.)
>pop-culture (primarily TV series)

>> No.10260302

In all seriousness though it’s nothing like the road. It’s more about a case of serious malpractice and the ensuing fallout of that.

>> No.10260967

No. It's about a young man thinking about beatiful women and beatiful jugend buildings. There are no dialogue and the main character would propably have difficulty imagining women interacting with anyone else but himself.

>> No.10260980

The first convinces the second to release an edited version of her sex tape to slander the CEO of a major company via a false(?) sexual assault accusation.

A third conducts an interview with the first about if/why the concept of popularity is unjust.

A fourth fires the second for incompetence.

A fifth makes a rude comment about the presence of a sixth.

Coming soon to Disney DVD.

>> No.10261452

literally the plot of The Road

>> No.10261470

Women are a meme.

>> No.10261718

Women are basically furniture.
I might mention an antique oak wood desk in my story, but I'm not going to base my narrative around it.

>> No.10261731

They are like all the other 'extras' in the world, passively viewing the world through a lens of helplessness and dependency. They don't act, they react. I get more use out lawn ornaments than I do out of most extras.

>> No.10261736

You remind me of myself: intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humour.

>> No.10261749

You ever think that many prostitutes might be geniuses or savants? At the very least, they seem to have have hedonism well worked out.

>> No.10261755

why do i feel a sudden fit of nausea?
(your irony is not lost on me, good sir. I am no fool. no dullard. I see whats going on here. No fool am i, no sir ree.)

>> No.10261767

Why women tho?
Why not people?

>> No.10261771

Women are especially so. They are passive actors. They stand in the background and look pretty.

>> No.10261773

Whenever a woman has something intelligent to say, she is trampled by her fellows. (Which isn't to say its a frequent occurrence) Men aren't afraid to shout.

>> No.10261785

I really wish you could just strap tits and vagina to half the male population. They'd get used to it eventually, and they'd make for better conversationalists.

>> No.10261793

>Implying women aren't passive animals, brainless and big-breasted and beautiful

>> No.10261799

See, women imagine that if men became women we would awaken to a new perspective. In reality we would be the exact same people we were before, we'd just masturbate more than previously thought possible.

The human race would probably die out to the near total incidence rates of lesbianism. Men aren't going to change just because you turn them into women.

>> No.10261804

what a life!

>> No.10261810


>> No.10261812

>tfw bimbo fetish

Women as soft, pleasant, pliable creatures, easily led and directed, is actually a pretty powerful kink.

>> No.10261815
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>> No.10261819

women are just a personified resource-seeking algorithm anyway

nothing they do is interesting in any way if they aren't physically there in front of you

>> No.10261824

I still say its a cultural phenomenon. There is nothing preventing women from developing their intellect, they are simply incentivized not to.

I imagine its their hormonal passivity that prevents them from showing any outwardly expression of intelligence. Women have demonstrated they are capable of introspection, depth and complexity, but rarely do we think of these as positive qualities in a woman.

Still, I don't know that men would be as docile if they were put into the same cultural position as women.

men would rebel, they would scream and stand tall and beat their chest upon the mountain.

Women just shrink and shrivel away, like some poor wilting violet, stillborn in the night.

>> No.10261825

>talk to eachother
nope, not really
>about something besides a man
if you consider the normal question to be outside a man

this test is total bs

>> No.10261827

>tfw no clinically retarded 10/10 gf

>> No.10261831

This actually reminds me of something Mary Wollstonecraft wrote about the education of women.

>> No.10261835

When challenged, a woman submits. I find this behavior loathsome. I would not tolerate it in a man, why would I tolerate it in a woman?

>> No.10261841

I think its disgusting.
It makes me want to vomit.

>> No.10261846

>gfw no buxom genius wife to make me feel stupid

>> No.10261850

Its men who have the most to learn and the most to gain by learning how to submit. When men understand that there are things about the world that they cannot change, when they surrender themselves to the truth, they grow.

Everytime a woman submits she dies a little inside. Eventually its like leading a goat about on a leash.

>> No.10261851

so hawt

>> No.10261856

Fragil things need a pedestal.

>> No.10261862

There are times when I just want to scream at women. "You dumb cretinous cow! You empty headed vermin! Have you not a thought within that vacant coconut shell? Fire back, you Harlot! Grow a spine!"

>> No.10261881

"If you were a man I would strike you for your cowardice! If you were a man I would lash you until you had some sense of accountability and understood the error of your ways! But you are a women, loved by all, and beholden to no one! I could not lay one finger about that pretty little head of yours without your harpy screams bringing the wrath of a thousand shaved gorillas down upon my head! You deserve the most wicked browbeating of your life, slattern!"

>> No.10261887

>You are going to woman? Do not forget your whip!
-William James

>> No.10261902

The word for Islam is "submit".

If a man can learn to submit, then why can't a woman learn how to stand up for herself? Where is her grace when called upon to do her duty? Where are her libertine sensibilities then?

>> No.10261905

you idiot, woman must also submit

>> No.10261916

If women wish to layabout and be used as doormats, then i will line my carpet with them. I will wipe my feet on their bellies and sit upon them as if they were couches. I will do little but feed, clean and water them, as if they were houseplants.

If that is all a woman is capable of, then that is all the good she is capable of doing.

>> No.10261921

Women don't need to be "taught" to submit. That is there Grace.

They know how to submit. They must be taught to fight.

>> No.10261928

nobody has ever been so wrong before

>> No.10261941

You can not allow women to dominate the discourse with their shallow thinking or give them the privileged of intellectual lazyness or dishonesty. You can not dismiss them when they deserve a stern talking to as any man would, you can not humor them when they behave like fools, and you can not shout her down when you know she has something of merit to say.

This is the bed men have made for ourselves, taking an already docile creature and making it utterly helpless and dependant on us, then wondering, "Why can I not find a woman whom I can respect?"

>> No.10261948

Fine. Enjoy your doormat. Myself, I'd prefer a fine persian rug over that broken thing you call a 'woman'.

>> No.10261958

you can't fuck a rug or show it off outside of your floor
I fuck my woman and then all my friends tell me I'm lucky
it's great
she has a huge ass

>> No.10261967

What a fine intellectual speciment you are. Tell me young man, wherehaps be your scar from your surgery to remove your forebrain?

I hear they are in vogue these days and all the rage in Paris.

>> No.10261969

Shut the fuck up

>> No.10261983

grand fagus.

>> No.10262079

I don't know why, but this post made me crack up.

>> No.10262127
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i´m clueless

>> No.10262417
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>that excellent comfy feel when there are so many women-hating incel faggot losers ITT and you feel smugly superior knowing you have a qt3.14/out/fit/lit/ gf of your own and they don’t

>> No.10262428
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My book only has 1 character, so that isn't even possible.

>> No.10262682

you be talking to some low test bitches, probably cause you yourself are a low test bitch

>> No.10262694

do you act like a retard as a defense mechanism? Remember james, ironic shitposting is still shitposting!

>> No.10262695

raging fagus?

>> No.10263213

Kek indeed.

>> No.10263226

your post oozes test

>> No.10263535


>> No.10263539

Everyone knows all great works of art follow strict rules.

>> No.10264065

what are some good bechdel-approved movies?

>> No.10264155

Kind of, they can't be talking about men though and feminism is inherently about men and women.

>> No.10264160
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80% of men are shit just as 80% of women are.

>> No.10264162

>The Divine Comedy
...not sure it does, tbphwy

>> No.10264252

Barely despite having more named and important female characters than male ones and most of them in crucial roles. It's a crappy test, although kinda funny since the criteria is artificial. Mako Mori one is way better.

Eh, I have three female protagonist and only one of them passed it, since most of the characters are in settings where they are together with someone of opposite gender, in a group or alone.

>> No.10264505

Hmm I'm not sure what to feel. I have a WT/k/fit/pol/ gf who thinks that I'm a nerdy faggot because I read and likes classical music.

>> No.10264753


>> No.10264797

But the only thing women talk about is men.

>> No.10265325

Yeah. All my female characters talk about killing each other and taking drugs.

Dysfunctional relationships are my aesthetic, so I never talk about normie shit.

>> No.10265468

>Has to suck the dick of every smelly, wrinkled old fuck that asks, or the pimp will beat her up

Hey guys, we have an expert on prostitution over here

>> No.10265957
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Have you not seen the original Rocky?

"It's a waste of life."

>> No.10266045



>> No.10268073

This is so true. That's why I write stories about men doing push ups by the sea and they smoke and they're sad and war is hell and women are sluts who don't understand my POEMS poop fart shit