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/lit/ - Literature

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10258745 No.10258745 [Reply] [Original]

>your type
>your favorite body of work

See if there's any correlation, and suggest literature to other Anons based on their types.

>> No.10258762


Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Zafon

Second and third place are Gravity's Rainbow & Hypersphere

>> No.10258763
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>> No.10258824

INTP neet-race reporting in

Steinbeck's lazy-bum trilogy, aka Cannery Row, Sweet Thursday and Tortilla Flat.

I also really enjoy Calvino's novels and think they share a lot of similarities with Steinbeck's. Of Mice and Men and The Path to the Nest of Spiders are oddly similar; both have an unusual pairing of a child with a wiser adult-figure that tries to guide them through a perplexing world. Baron in the Trees and Tortilla Flat are both stories about men who try to avoid responsibility but can't help but be pulled back to participate in society.

>> No.10258826

>Blonde white girls with a nice ass, blue eeys a must
>Probs Dostoyevskiy

>> No.10258827

*eyes obviously

>> No.10258852

INTJ here
fuck you I like dogs.

Favorite books would be All Quiet on the Western Front and American Gods.

>> No.10258875
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Unless we’re allowed to include that Guardian journalist who does retrospectives on all the big stories.

>> No.10258876

Herman Melville, Joseph Conrad and HP Lovecraft. Correlated?

>> No.10258894

Enders Game and The Road are prolly my two favorites rn.

>> No.10258895

Dostoevsky and other moralist faggots

>> No.10258903

might as well just use astrological signs, dude

>> No.10258907

Howboutcha read some books instead of arguing about personality test results

this board is so shit

>> No.10258911
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I am an INTP and my favorite book is without question pic related

>> No.10258921

The Elenium (though it endlessly repeats what Eddings has done earlier). Also HP Lovecraft, but it depends on what mood I'm in at the time.

>> No.10258933

People like to make correlation in anything.

>> No.10258938

Who made up these categories?

>> No.10258965


The Recognitions

>> No.10258970

ENFJ I'm not fictional please believe me
Crime & Punishment

>> No.10258974


anything Joyce, Dante and Melville

>> No.10258976

The Recognitions, A Naked Singularity and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles form a kind of trifecta i guess

>> No.10258977
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Sorry, OP, for using your thread, but can we try something else.
>Your type
>% of certainty (don't lie, it's for science)
>Describe pic related in your best prose

>> No.10258991

66%, I sometimes score close on the T/F spectrum, but I tend to follow my feelings more then what makes sense logically.

Hues of scarlet, chestnut, and mossy greens covered the canvas. The countenance they surrounded bore a most curious expression. At first glance the unshifting, upturned edges of a smiled seem to suggest happiness. But looking into the eyes above those thin lips, and you could see they bore little joy.
Detached amusement perhaps? This was the face of a woman who had seen too much, and had been broken by it all. Yet somehow, still found some modicum of humor in it all. Is it you the viewer of this portrait? The artist painting her? Or something more obscure?

There's only one thing that was for certain, she had the Mona Lisa smile.

>> No.10259001

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Also, red-pilled/anti-semitic

>> No.10259020

INTP - I wanna kill myself everyday

The bible. Always numero uno

Literally should be anyone with this personality’s proffered book.

Second book, meditations. Not even kidding.

>> No.10259034

In high school I identified with Nietzsche and Dostoevsky's oh-the-edge characters. I tested out as INTP then, but mostly because I intentionally skewed the results because I thought being a feeler is uncool. On a side note people who say that they test out as a different type every time kind of perplex me.
In college I identified with Kafka.

>> No.10259048

I'm INTP/INFP ( it's 50-50 on all the tests I've taken)

I love Cosmere series by Brandon Sanderson, it's a complete universe full of different fantasy serieses look it up you will not be disappointed

>> No.10259053
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>As I Lay Dying

Also I have this image as well if it helps, recommend me shit please I have a lot of free time right now.

>> No.10259065

In Search of Lost Time or Complete Greek Tragedies

>> No.10259067

That’s pretty good taste. I’d recommend the 2012 32 issue thunderbolts run as a fun comic which hits similar beats to some of the moon knight stuff.

>> No.10259081



>> No.10259122

These tests are stupid. I get INTP more often than not but these questions are really too broad to be answered with a dot in a box.

Favourite body of work is science-fiction, in the kind of cheating Lafferty sense (I count Homer as science-fiction. Fight me). Pretty sure I once read in one of these things that INTPs are all science-fiction fans. That seems to make sense since it seems to be the faggot loser result.

That's some pretty turbo-gay taste you've got there.

>> No.10259125

>turbo-gay taste
Explain fag

>> No.10259128

Obsidian make boring meme gaymes, TWBB is edgier than Fight Club and not that impressive to look at, Tony Abbott was a useless stooge who was only willing to mount a token resistance against anti-Catholic forces at work in Australia despite almost becoming a priest at one point and supposedly taking his faith seriously, Pepsi is better than Coke.

>> No.10259130

INTP, I read mainly psychology (my major), political theory and Dostoevsky. Also like some Pynchon, but there's not enough translations to my language and reading it in English is virtually impossible.

>> No.10259132


>drinking soft drinks
>watching porn

For reckless self-destruction, I prefer heroin.

>> No.10259135

>Pepsi is better than coke
Taste discarded

>> No.10259137

>Pepsi is better than Coke

>> No.10259144

>Hating on Abbott
>A Rhodes Scholar in Philosophy
>A staunch Catholic in the tradition of Aquinas
>Drifting more and more towards traditionalism as he becomes increasingly disenfranchised with the old neo-liberalism
>Stopped the boats
>if given power could stop the planes

He's what this country needs.

>> No.10259147

Fighting the boats is the best way to ensure that the planes never get stopped. Dick Smith is Australia's best chance at a nationalistic immigration policy. As we are we can't even call ourselves a nation, since apparently any pajeet capable of walking and talking is as Australia as me the moment his feet touch the ground.

>> No.10259158

>Also, red-pilled/anti-semitic
I guess the INT doesn't come from "intelligent" :3

>> No.10259160

How is this not the most based type?

>> No.10259166

Does this mean that "cuck" comes from "intelligent"?

>> No.10259176


The bible probaly

>> No.10259183
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>> No.10259199

Planet Escape is shit

>> No.10259202

South Park is garbage

>> No.10259209

I'm the person you're replying to. I did not intend for this thread to become a template muh taste thread. I was trying to get recommendations based off of my other interests and favourites. I regret posting that image now. Sorry /lit/.

>> No.10259215


Songs of a Dead Dreamer and Grimscribe

>> No.10259217

>fav tv show
>fav cartoon
>fav anime
So you could technically just drop your 3 favorite anime in there if you're a weeb.

>no fav poetry slot
>no fav play slot
>not even fav writer slot

What kind of pleb shit is this

>> No.10259222

Sive is an amazing play.

Poppies in July or Pitched Past Pitch.

Thomas Ligotti

>> No.10259224

It looks like something that originated from /v/.

>> No.10259232
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>> No.10259233


Anything by Dostoevsky

>> No.10259239

We could have an actual /lit/ version, 3 by 3 is kind of played out anyway.

>> No.10259255

That test is such bullshit, notice how every description is positive. Where's the psychopaths and autistics? They just want to make you feel good so they can get your money.

>> No.10259258

I guess this way it automatically has more scientific validity.

>> No.10259263

anything by Dostoevskij and Kafka. cried like a little babby at Madam Bovary ending

>> No.10259267

My therapist made me take a Big Five Personality Traits test. It confirmed to me just how unlikable of a human being I was, and that no one should be inflicted by my presence. Seriously, it made me feel like shit. I now know that I have to make strives toward positive change.

>Agreeableness: Compassion and Politeness
Very Low across the board
>Conscientiousness: Industriousness and Orderliness
Moderately low. 0th percentile in Industriousness but high in Orderliness.
>Extraversion: Enthusiasm and Assertiveness
Enthusiasm is exceptionally low but Assertiveness is exceptionally high
>Neuroticism: Withdrawal and Volatility
Extremely high in Withdrawal and average Volatility
>Openness to Experience: Openness and Intellect
Both exceptionally high

At least MBTI makes you feel like a special snowflake. This just means I'm a huge asshole.

>> No.10259268

Nobody here takes it seriously

>> No.10259275

Brothers Karamazov

>> No.10259280

Those dichotomies don't make a lot of sense.
It's not a matter of "It's a spectrum" either. Most of these just seem to be kind of independent or at least in a more complex relationship than "mutually complementing".

>> No.10259290

You are an imaginative and strategic thinker, bold and strong-willed.
Here, do you like yourself better now?

>> No.10259301

Kind words, but I think the results show that I have an arrogance within me if anything. Strong will means nothing if I have no diligence towards my work or studies. I suppose that is way of thinking positively though, so thank you.

>> No.10259315

My mistake.
Try this one:
You are an imaginative and strategic thinker, with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
Does it sound more inspiring?

>> No.10259317

Eh, the truth is, however cutesy it may sound, that most characteristics and traits aren't inherently good or bad, what matters is what you do with them. Excepts for low industriousness, that shit is cancerous. But you can work on it, step by step.

>> No.10259323

Oh, shut up. You are just jealous because you are not naturally talented like me and anon.
If low industriousness is the problem the way to fight is is to find something you like doing. Though this is just common sense I guess. What exactly bothers you?

>> No.10259329

>The God Delusion

>> No.10259332
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>south park

>> No.10259335

You have it backwards. You don't decide what your passion is, your passion chooses you. Nothing has found me yet. Depression and intense feelings of suicide mostly bother me. I'm not helpless, I am trying to cultivate myself, I am forcing myself to be better but it is a slow process.

>> No.10259336

neckbeard horoscope

>> No.10259340

In the, I assume, ~20 years you have been in this world you have found nothing you enjoy doing?
You don't have to be a special snowflake, you know.

>> No.10259352

Nothing that would be considered industrious, only hedonistic. There is a disgust I have for people who indulge in their hedonism, so naturally I have feelings of self-loathing. I "enjoy" reading, writing and debate (even though I find the latter anxiety inducing), committing myself to those pursuits fully though requires a more conscientious approach, and something I'm working towards. I have to force myself.

>> No.10259361
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Thoughts on this template?

>> No.10259365

What exactly are you doing?

>> No.10259382

I just completed my undergraduate degree at University. Next year I am doing postgraduate degree in Law.

Since I'm in between, I'm prescribing myself a goal of reading one book per week, while applying for jobs.

>> No.10259391

How is reading one book per week going to help you?

>> No.10259406

Something to do, knowledge I suppose. What do you think I should do?

>> No.10259411


I guess Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson.

>> No.10259417


"The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green

>> No.10259428
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>> No.10259438

I don't even know anything about you or your life.
Have you not read enough books until now?
What kind of books are you going to read and how exactly are they going to be useful to you? Do you have anything in particular you need to know? What in particular do you expect to learn?
If you want to feel well make sure your day to day life is meaningful. Do something that relates to reality. Stop thinking about things "in general" for a while.

>> No.10259450

I seriously hope you faggots don't take that shit seriously. Humans can not be pigeonholed

>> No.10259454

t.special snowflake

>> No.10259456

t. buttmad virgin ISTJ

>> No.10259462

Why do people take the Myers-Briggs scale seriously? It's what happens when you let vaginiggers do psychology. It has literally 0 value for any purpose whatsoever

>> No.10259468

Should I add religious views to the bio? Maybe seperate slots for classical and non-classical works?

>> No.10259473


>> No.10259490

Psychology is definitely the one field where women had the most disastrous influence, they pretty much downgraded the entire field to HR gossiping

>> No.10259511

Under the sycamores, was the open body of a rabbit. The wind didn't blow but the leaves had moved. Something very interesting was happeneding. However, a large, confused Italian woman obscured your view. Oh no!

>> No.10259519

just blatantly incorrect

>> No.10259521


>> No.10259551

The entire field of Social Psychology would like a word.

>> No.10259565
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Thus spoke zarathustra is a close second but my favourite book is brave new world. there's just something mystical about the distant (or not so distant) future that makes it intriguing to think about. utopian or dystopian fiction in general is very enjoyable for me to read, although i spend more time thinking about it than reading the book, which makes the process of reading it a very long, albeit enjoyable one. sadly it falls in the same category as sci-fi which is regarded as shallow in this community. sure, it's 4chan with its elitism and gatekeeping, but most discussions about books like this are instantly shut down by trolls. that's why i'm happy to finally see a worthy discussion thread, which is now up

>> No.10259569


>> No.10259583

Anything with E
Anything with I

>> No.10259658
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Yes. It's very good as-is, though.

>> No.10259669

Gulliver's Travels

>> No.10259715

Maybe you should read some good books before choosing your favourite

>> No.10259869

thank god for cogsci

Jung's psychology was just his Electra complex coming out

>> No.10259883

Same here on both fronts

>> No.10259889


so many introvert here lmao

>> No.10259890

>1-2 pages a minute

>> No.10259932
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>>your favorite body of work

>Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction
>Value and Momentum Everywhere (The Journal of Finance)

and other books and research papers about evidence based forecasting and investing.

>> No.10259949

>notice every description is positive.

Except it's not retard, even the 16personalities provides you with a list of weaknesses you might be prone to have.

>Meme Five Test

Truly don't understand the people with a preference for this test over MBTI. Literally the same exact thing, measuring the same exact things: A self-report questionnaire which measures how comfortable you are interacting with others, what you focus on when gathering data, whether you deal with situations through reason and fairness or empathy and compassion, and whether you prefer to be organized and structured, or flexible and adaptable.

Good post Anon.

>> No.10259959

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

>> No.10259968

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.10259982

Pynch is INTP, no doubt. What's Your language?

>> No.10260032
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>Tfw 0th Percentile Conscientousness and 99th Percentile Openness
>Tfw somewhere in the 60's for Neuroticism
>tfw 50-60 Agreeableness
Tbh I feel /lit/ is gonna share a lot of personality trait scores.
Who needs to /sortthemselvesout/ here?

>> No.10260055

ENTP, engineering student, 21 years old

>> No.10260059
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And I also forgot the image. Oh well

>> No.10260065 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10260142
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>> No.10260149

Literature just tends to make me depressed nowadays so I've been getting into painting and other visual art.

>> No.10260218

enfp, war and peace
am I a faggot?

>> No.10260221

infp-t, white nights by dostoevsky
we dying alone senpai

>> No.10260264
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>> No.10260374

>Literally the same exact thing, measuring the same exact things
Well, at least in theory they are different.
The Jungian model only reflects congitive abilities: the way be collect, process and store information.
Big 5 covers a variety of traits most of which reflect emotionality.
The Big 5 and MBTI overlap only to the extent that emotionality to a great degree influences our cognitive preferences and abilities but the relationship between those is a complex one.

>> No.10260445


Proust + Celine

>> No.10260531

just terrible. utterly terrible

>> No.10260577


>through reason and fairness or empathy and compassion,
>these are opposites

Putting stock into any thought that opposes reason with emotion is painfully dumb.

>> No.10260586


>Are u super smart and realize the deep secrets of the universe in teenage years?


>Do u consider urself really smart and sophisticated when it come to art and culture


>> No.10260607

To be fair putting it that way is a distortion of the model. The T vs. F distinction is about how you process value consciously though how exactly this happens is poorly understood in the first place which leads such opinions as this anon expressed.

>> No.10260614

Let's say a woman steals from your shop having to feed her children. She takes as much food as she can carry, but you can catch her before she leaves.

Are you the type of person to take the food back, and demand she pay for it? Or are you the type of person to let her leave with her food, so that she may feed her children?

>> No.10260625

You really have to differentiate, mate

>> No.10260629

INTP. Desk Reference Atlas. The world is so beautiful, it brings gobbles of tears to mine eyes.

>> No.10260633

I'd give her the food but ban her from the store.

>> No.10260636

Different lines of reasoning could lead to either of these solutions or to many others.

>> No.10260645

Yeah, you're right. I'm trying to think of a good example, but the one I posted was a gross over simplification with a considerable amount of factors which could be taken into consideration before coming to a conclusion on what to do.

>> No.10260648



Yang Metal

>> No.10260706

Now there's a chart that makes sense.

ISTP, The Idiot maybe?

>> No.10260712
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>> No.10260825
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One Thousand and One Nights

>> No.10260843

For me, it will always be Houellebecq's Atomised.

>> No.10260877

Uuugh. Talk about try-hard.

>> No.10260882

Well, here is how I would try to explain it.
Imagine the following: You are about to leave the house for work in the morning. Suddenly you get a small "bad feeling" about it. So here you stop and try to consider what you should do. What you would decide would depend on how much weight you would attach to this feeling in the range of "It's probably nothing" to "That's it. I'm calling in sick".
Still, even in such a simple situation there are other factors at work, other "feelings" you might have that would modify your final behavior.

>> No.10260962


Novel, probably Blood Meridian or Pale Fire

Philosophy, I like Plato, Nietzsche, Rousseau, Heidegger and Leo Strauss

>> No.10261166

New age horoscopes. It would hapoen eventually.

>> No.10261325

What do you mean?

>> No.10261338
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Righto cunts. Patrician cumming through.

>> No.10261348

not him, but Texhnolyze is great

>> No.10261534

He probably means you need to diversify your tastes.

>> No.10261564

I know the feel

I am
O: extremely high
C: moderate
E: high (i can be both introverted and extraverted)
A: very low i dont really care if you decide to feel hurt by what I do
N: extremely high

Basically Im an assertive intellectual with no respect for terrible ideas idiots and people who are sheep/dont think for themselves

MB: INFP usually

I oscillate between I/E

N and F are very strong

I oscillate between P/J

>> No.10261628

Count of Monte Cristo

Come at me

>> No.10261665


Exact same no.1 and no.2

>> No.10261673


Anything Kafka

>> No.10261676

My brother.

ENTP and Brothers Karamazov.
Divine Comedy as well.

>> No.10261697
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Mishima, Mann, Musil, Tolstoy. Only started getting into philosophy but Hobbes, Kant, Schopie, Hegel and Nietzsche struck a chord with/interest me so far.
High agreeableness, low conscientiousness, low to moderate extraversion, high neuroticism, high openness

>> No.10261839



INTJ here. Sad to see that not even one of you isn't a massive faggot. I would mention that I'm a huge fan of John Hawkes but I based on inference I should probably just kill myself.

>> No.10261864

Haven't really found a good one to name it and say: "This is the book I have read in my life, this is how I want to be known".
I don't understand how people are naming their favourites so easily.

I might be a dumbo though.

>> No.10261940
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>> No.10262326

Same on both counts

>> No.10262346

Anon, are you in your late 30's/early 40's?

>> No.10262371

>The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.10262416

ENFP here

Tried to refute this but realized I was writing a speech about friendship

>> No.10262441


Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead

>> No.10262450

ESTJ father of 2.
I own a small business
I do what I have to do.

That's my poem.

>> No.10263077

t. tested as intj because he's an edgy projecting homosexual

>> No.10263244
File: 59 KB, 577x539, 23172612_1420486338070507_205266421588146772_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by Joyce or Dostoyevsky

>> No.10263265

It it me or are there two types of INTJ: the most autistic person you'll ever meet and the edgy emo faggot.
What is the difference between an emo INTJ and an edgy INFP? Aren't they practically the same thing?

>> No.10263327

>The Bible

Nigga youse retarded

>> No.10263416 [DELETED] 


Currently 21 years old, and have completed different MBTI tests every year since aged 14. I have experienced three defined stages of character traits which correlate to important life events.

>Age 14-15.99.
>INTJ period
>metal kid, dyed black hair, voluntarily seeks out gore threads on /b/, edgy atheist, chronic masturbator, runescape and call of duty are my only real hobbies, bad diet, no exercise, virgin.
>Secretly believed I was better than everyone else but never had the confidence to assert myself over others in social situations, and I didn't read.

>ENTJ period
>Lose 12 kg of fat in the 3 months following my 16th birthday because I found a semblance of a father figure in Elliott Hulse.
>Shave my head, begin lifting, life improves dramatically; still a masturbation addict who continues to play video games but use newly found self-confidence to acquire rich Swedish girlfriend through League of Legends.

Key transitional point from INFJ->ENTJ:
>losing my virginity at aged 17 to Swedish girlfriend who flew from Stockholm to England just to see me. This was during a one-week long weed and alcohol bender/LAN with 10 of my friends in my parent's house when they went on holiday. Fucked first love and exited my room to be handed a joint by cheering dudes, felt like a king.
>gain 15-20kg of muscle over the course of four years, break up with cutie Swede gf before starting university to immerse myself in club culture and one night stands. Later acquire pure virgin Saudi Arabian/American girlfriend who I believe I will marry by 24.
>"All work and no play gives him an erection" - this is unironically true. I became a manic workaholic and socialite while studying history at uni, read a sample of classic fiction but mainly consume hundreds of charisma building self-help books because of my obsession with always being 'better'.
>'The Way of the Superior Man', 'The Power of Habit', 'Think and Grow Rich', etc.

>20.5-21.5 (present)
>Saudi gf broke my heart as I spiral into a deep heartbreak/existential depression during the final year of uni. Feel a depth of emotion that I've never experienced before. Absolutely crippled but use previous life-hack knowledge to finish uni degree with 79.5% and acquire new cutie gf but can no longer ignore the importance of helping others, emotions are suddenly important, individualism and rationality matters far less to me these days.
>ignore pHd path and begin new life as volunteer vagabond labourer contributing to projects across England/Europe.

Non-fiction: Aurelius, Epictetus, Emmerson, Montaigne.
Fiction: The Road, Stoner, Island (Huxley).

>> No.10263427


Currently 21 years old, and have completed different MBTI tests every year since aged 14. I have experienced three defined stages of character traits which correlate to important life events.

Ages 14-15.99.
>INTJ period
>metal kid, dyed black hair, voluntarily seeks out gore threads on /b/, edgy atheist, chronic masturbator, runescape and call of duty are my only real hobbies, bad diet, no exercise, virgin.
>Secretly believed I was better than everyone else but never had the confidence to assert myself over others in social situations, and I didn't read.

Ages 16-20.5
>ENTJ period
>Lose 12 kg of fat in the 3 months following my 16th birthday because I found a semblance of a father figure in Elliott Hulse.
>Shave my head, begin lifting, life improves dramatically; still a masturbation addict who continues to play video games but use newly found self-confidence to acquire rich Swedish girlfriend through League of Legends.

Key transitional point from INTJ->ENTJ:
>losing my virginity at aged 17 to Swedish girlfriend who flew from Stockholm to England just to see me. This was during a one-week long weed and alcohol bender/LAN with 10 of my friends in my parent's house when they went on holiday. Fucked first love and exited my room to be handed a joint by cheering dudes, felt like a king.
>gain 15-20kg of muscle over the course of four years, break up with cutie Swede gf before starting university to immerse myself in club culture and one night stands. Later acquire pure virgin Saudi Arabian/American girlfriend who I believe I will marry by 24.
>"All work and no play gives him an erection" - this is unironically true. I became a manic workaholic and socialite while studying history at uni, read a sample of classic fiction but mainly consume hundreds of charisma building self-help books because of my obsession with always being 'better'.
Non-fiction: 'The Way of the Superior Man', 'The Power of Habit', 'Think and Grow Rich', etc.

Ages 20.5-21.5 (present)
>Saudi gf broke my heart as I spiral into a deep heartbreak/existential depression during the final year of uni. Feel a depth of emotion that I've never experienced before. Absolutely crippled mentally but use previous life-hack knowledge to finish uni degree with 79.5% and acquire new cutie gf but can no longer ignore the importance of moving beyond my individualism to help others, emotions are suddenly important, individualism and rationality matters far less to me these days.
>ignore pHd path and begin new life as volunteer vagabond labourer contributing to projects across England/Europe.
Non-fiction: Aurelius, Epictetus, Emmerson, Montaigne.
Fiction: The Road, Stoner, Island (Huxley).

>> No.10263572


>> No.10263929


>> No.10263969

emo INTJ: mistype (90%) or immature INTJ (10%)
edgy INFP: immature (100%)

INTJ fits the edgy loner stereotype, so people just answer what they wish they were like on 16personalities and get INTJ as a result. The most austistic person you'll ever meet INTJ is the actual INTJ.

>> No.10263985

Holy fuck you were a retard until 20.5

good to read this though: >ignore pHd path and begin new life as volunteer vagabond labourer contributing to projects across England/Europe.

Interesting how depression can change and shape a person. Would you say you benefited from these experiences?

>> No.10264272

yr mother's ass

>> No.10264295

That is a top-tier book anon.

>> No.10264363
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>your type
Pic related.
>your favorite body of work
I want to say Pynchon, but, realistically, it's probably DFW. Kafka is a close third.

>>10258763 is surprisingly accurate. I'm of the firm belief that animals are not moral agents. Haven't killed any, but I've kicked a cat before (in self-defense — it was biting my leg).

She smiled at me.

>> No.10264367

I think the MBTI is snake oil bullshit, Blood Meridian.

>> No.10264689
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Bertty goud

>> No.10264699
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My apologies, better version

>> No.10264700

Haven't read it since I was a kid, but I am also INTP and I used to brag about having read this like 20 times or some shit when I was 9 or 10. I need to dig this up and read it again.

>> No.10264724

kill yourself asap

>> No.10264851

I like Hemingway, Wilde, and Dostoevsky.

>> No.10264888
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I don't have a favorite

>> No.10264929



>> No.10265137
File: 1.94 MB, 1200x800, thennow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bartleby the scrivener
Gooseberry park
D. H. Lawrence

>> No.10265235