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/lit/ - Literature

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10254558 No.10254558 [Reply] [Original]

Write a poem about your day

>> No.10254564

Woke up at 5 o' the PM today,
Felt as if a NEET woken from vidya,
Dreams, but it is since school is o'er now,
Glad I'm off drugs, no akathisia

>> No.10254588

Drove amigo to work
Tired as fuck
Went home, no duties to shirk
Went shopping, under budget with luck
Playing video games and listening to music
I feel like I'm gonna lose it

>> No.10254605
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I have no purpose in my life
Due to constant existential inner strife.
Who I am remains elusive, my motives unsure, my will inconclusive.
Each day passes with melancholic sadness,
Mind constantly blank without any gladness.
I'm an empty husk determined by the universal machine
Perhaps things will change or remain an ever flowing stream.

>> No.10254606

woke up and did nothing
i should
sat around and did nothing
i should
it's cold, i should take a bath
i didn't
it's cold, i should have some tea.
i did
maybe i should do something else
i won't
maybe i'll go back to bed
i will

>> No.10254609

At fifteen to twelve I awoke
Had me a coffee and smoke
Then I watched porn
Played Rising Storm
The while not a single word spoke

>> No.10254611


>> No.10254636

what a wonderful patch of flowers,
i can see them in my anus, deep inside my anus,
where the tendrils grow spacier each day and length bizarrely, i can no longer contain such growthlings inside me without any exterior emotion to guide them, i must show them my true passion via the arts, as i was beginning to smear feces all over my bedroom wall my mama had burst in and exclaimed that she had arranged a play to be held in my honor in the kitchen of our abode, as i slowly arose from my crouched position alongside the wall i affixed my gaze on the corner of the wall behind my mama, where new papa had been peaking, he seemed horrified at what he was looking at which is curious because all aspects of life are truly bizarre and surely my activities were no more strange than his habitual slow eating of crust on his morning toast. As i meandered over to the kitchen to see to the preperations of aforementioned play I was caught in a giant net cast over me by new papa, he began to pull and tug until my shit stained hands and feet drew lines of resistance all the way out to the door, where he tossed me and the net completely out of! I was astonished first, that he would have the gall to do this, especially in front of poor mama, but she seemed elated, in a strange ecstasy she began kicking and shouting at me on porch until i slowly rolled out and onto the street. I had been well and truly cast out, and in what manner might say you dear sirs, have prescribed such injustices, and in what light might you view them knowing full well beforehand that I had done no wrong to accrue such vile acts upon my person. Well have it, have it all, this truly irks me to declare, but i don't think i will be receiving tendies tonight, of all nights, out in the cold of the street where i am now forced to call home. This my dear brothers was my day.

>> No.10254869

This ain't a shitpost thread

>> No.10254955
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>> No.10255096

The greatest sin
Removed from us
But so within
Take them home
Terrible eyes

>> No.10255104

Woke up at 5
Lifted some weights
Sit around until 7
For the market, I wait

>> No.10255108

The walls spit warm nausea
On my neck, monotone voices
Sing, a carriage on train tracks:
A smart man after drinking
Hydrates, hydrates, hydrates!

There's beerdust on my tongue
And lipstick on my arms,
Friday has passed, regret has come,
Another day to wonder, to wonder
At dawn.

I wonder and my youth wanders
On spring days in the sun,
Times when my only wish
Was to love when I was loved,
When I was loved.

So obsessed with loss I can
Only toss and turn at night
And shoot out the last minute
Of light to avenge the silent
Deadly knife I stuck deep inside
My lonely mind, in times when
My only wish was to love, and for
My love I slowly died.

I see her every morning
And I punish her every time,
Every bottle every woman
Every lie and every velvet
Rose I say cries for eyes
I couldn't love
Couldn't keep as mine.

Number sixteen sits and
Her red lips sip on red wine,
And I wonder, how funny it would be
If the wine sipped back for the sake
Of a bad simile roaming in the wild.

>> No.10255117

Bags unfilled,
indulged in sleep,
and in an urge to sit and weep,
a hefty heap of sorrows built

>> No.10255129

The pebbles, rocks and boulders
Turn and twist my stomach
Again I've gotten older
Yet the sun, the sun, the sun it
Shines as it always has before
I truly feel, my heart, my mind alike
That I cant go on no more
With this gloryfied decay called life

>> No.10255141
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Unconscionable consort o' Ahab,
Relinquish me from thy dastardly clasp!
Thy scent is that o' th' noble Punjab.
Unplug mine ears to hear thy awful rasp.
Give thou no good footing, thy Vagina
Dentata won't succeed to entrap here,
Within bespectacled eyes is right fear.
Ye occlude th' classics; Taiwan's China.
Extricate oneself,
O' roasted bovine.

>> No.10255146

Early in the morning
My rabbit was awake
And she gave me a warning
That I had some food to make

So I got out of bed
And got the dried carrots
My eyes are red
And my bun is actually a parrot

>> No.10255191

Toutes blessent, je me tais
Sous la couette je les entends
Moqué, pris dans leur rets
Toutes blessent, passe le temps

Mais te voilà, délicieux ouvrage
Lève moi, anime ma carcasse
Habille moi, enfile mon corsage
Sort moi de cette horrible nasse

La marionette ambitieuse se rie
De la tristesse, l'euphorie
La dernièr ne peut tuer ce qui vit

>> No.10255200

cum in bag
smoke a fag
dont stand for lag

The sun shines on my hairy leds
however my determination, eggs

I am alone now
however... a poem never ends,
it just stops moving

>> No.10255388

There was once a man who had a fap

>> No.10255403

Cocooned foot with slender crack
Sends my life right out of whack
Wake up bored from dreamless sleep
Ennui into me doth seep
Can't work out or leave this house
Out of films or books to browse
Play some Alcest, go on /lit/
Sometimes go and take a shit
A dawn just like all the rest
Unproductive I confess
Into my couch I take root
All because I broke my foot

>> No.10255407

I woke at 9
Coughed a lot and took my meds
Fapped to page 3 girls
They are not skinny and happy for it
Breakfast was at 12
I read The Conquest of Gaul intermittently til 6:30
Where upon I showered and had Red Rooster for dinner
And walked
Around the block
Sated I returned home and to bed and Caesars legions tramping to and fro across Gaul, Germany, and Briton
Their temporary victories against scheming tribes as meaningless as my life

>> No.10255408
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While anon1 had his fap
Poor anon2 was on on nofap

>> No.10255955
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anon3 posted thicc asians
anon4 was WN but couldn't help but stroke his dick to an abrasion

>> No.10256070

Dazzling little specks
Of life's scarce fluid
Flicker across the still auburn leaves
Of an unfallen falls spirit
You whisper to me
That fall is here at last
And we try and catch the little flakes
On our exposed tongues

>> No.10257121

Bought beer
drank it too
my visions blurred
but my heart hurts still

>> No.10257126

going to bed

bjork will never drape my face in velvet


>> No.10257158

life is depressing
with no gf by my side
please somebody shoot me
i want off this ride

>> No.10257164

Wake up
Eat ass

>> No.10257167
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wife, child sleeping
clean home amphetamine

>> No.10257417
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Awoken from ambiguous dreams
Salt and coke
Against the routine
Gone out to see the blokes
Smoking tobacco and herb
Medicinal drugs get on me like amphetamines
Laughs and thoughts shared
Sinful food devoured
I blow and spit, higher by the minute
Laughs and thoughts shared

>> No.10257420

this reads like xxxtentacion lyrics

>> No.10257424

tissues coated with semen.
dog park,
tissues coated with dog blood.

>> No.10257429

wordless paper
thoughtless head
I intend to spend
these four years
high as fuck

>> No.10257458

poop or pee
I choose to be me

>> No.10257473
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>> No.10257488

I barebacked some guy in the ass
then I had to catch a train
before being caught in the rain
shit was pretty cash
now I have to take PEP again

>> No.10257904

kinda good actually

>> No.10258085

fed the horses
for the last time

they are back

maybe they have changed?

I did not

did jiu jitsu in the park for two hours
with an old friend from high school

he does not tire out

the adderall betrays me

go to in n out
to talk of plans for a band
that will never form

two nervous systems
shouting in a car

as the present fades into something else

it has never stopped, and
it never will

>> No.10258128

an early rise
worse than the last
I work, and realize
some thoughts have passed
the day drags on
I linger on only one
all comes to nothing
and my day is done

>> No.10258173

Walking up, hungover,
Fucking up, all over.
Working the night shift, feel like a zombie;
When I get home, I'll smoke weed and read Niestzche.

I'm awkward as fuck; denied another girl,
Left my lover cause I felt nothing for her,
But now my heart aches and my head hurts,
I'm alone and stoned imaging taking off her shirt.

Now all I do is think of suicide,
My life is so fucking absurd; I just hide.
Constantly wanting just to die,
But for now I'll just take another toke and get high.

>> No.10258201

I made 20%
of my initial trade
Thats 500 dollars in a week
Wage cucks make that in 5 days,
I weep at their incompetence

>> No.10258212

Living is easy with eyes closed,
Misunderstanding all you see.
It's getting hard to be someone but it all works out,
It doesn't matter much to me.

>> No.10258250

I like this one

>> No.10258279

I hope you know a wifebeater wrote it

>> No.10258291

That just makes it genuine.

>> No.10258422

Shitty, who rolls in a park, that requires the kind of lack of social awareness that might be the confidence meme. Also bjj is lame as shit

>> No.10258467
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I don't recall giving you permission to post my waifu.

>> No.10258554
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unironically most readable in the thread

>> No.10258810


>> No.10258816

three days
a day
to sleep

>> No.10258847

I kiss her legs and she ignores me
I waste away slowly gently
I'm trapped in this hell with all of them
I cough up angst as much as phlegm

>> No.10258853

how to now
creep to sleep;
the long wake
has brought an ache

>> No.10258863

5 days is less than a week

>> No.10258880

woke up
grabbed a brush and put a little makeup
(I wanted to)
why'd I leave the keys up on the table
(I wanted to)

>> No.10258999
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Depression in the morning

Depression at Noon

Depression when night falls

Hope to die soon

>> No.10259003
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Holy fuck, check my trips. How appropriate

>> No.10259175

Woke up at 8
Worked out
Ate chicken
Read Dosto
Fucked gf
Fell asleep
Lucid dreamd

>> No.10259203

woke up quick
at about noon
just thought that I had
to be on 4chan soon

I gotta get drunk
before the day begins
before my mother starts bitchin'
that I ain't got no friends