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File: 260 KB, 1200x1606, IMG_1346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10252213 No.10252213 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10252227

what is it about this website that draws people who have no interest in actually having a serious/nuanced discussion but instead want to reinforce their view exclusively through retarded autistic memes?

I'm curious. Does the average person on this board have the maturity of a 12 year old?

>> No.10252234


>> No.10252277

Got him kek

>> No.10252309

DUDE RETARDED MEMES LMAO. run along now, tell your mom you made another "maymay" today.

>> No.10252456
File: 443 KB, 800x1182, IMG_0330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The individual seeks to bond with a group, or at the very least pursuing the idea of bonding, by adapting a particular "dialect" native to the group in question – it's a universal phenomena and you can see it unfolding everywhere, know what I'm saying?

Pic related explains the general culture very well.

>> No.10252502

lol what a fag, I bet he came back the next day.

>> No.10252525

mate you don't know it yet but you are retarded for posting that image. especially with the caption "Pic related explains the general culture very well." you'll know some day.

>> No.10252537

he's right tho

>> No.10252636

Maybe. The anonymous format of 4chan gives a great foundation for expressing raw, unfiltered opinions that is rarely found anywhere else. It has a strange allure that many here perhaps know all too well, but still, it comes with it's flaws: namely, when the individual poster loses himself in a board specific group mentality, being content with parroting unreasoned opinions and inside memes to fit in. The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind by based Gustav Le Bon is an excellent work for understanding this phenomena a bit more in depth.

I've been here for years mate. Instead of talking like a "wise" grandma firmly set in her stubborn habits, why don't you engage the criticism raised in the picture by providing a concise counter argument?

>> No.10252874

If you let yourself change who you are by people you don't even personally know or see on a daily basis you should fucking kill yourself.

I can't believe someone needs to come and spell it out to you that most people shitposting are either false flagging or god forbid, just making a joke.

It's the best era we've ever been in, this depressed anon meme needs to stop.

>> No.10253391

>If you let yourself change who you are by people you don't even personally know or see on a daily basis you should fucking kill yourself.
Should everyone kill themselves then?