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/lit/ - Literature

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10248546 No.10248546 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw to intelligent for monolingual ameridumbs

>> No.10248561

Why wouldn't you talk about Heidegel porn?

>> No.10248564

Why not though?? I would pay to watch that

>> No.10248573

Was he the first to realize how dumb amerilards are? He can't be

>> No.10248586

Anglos were a mistake

>> No.10248592

The Anglos started the only schools of thought that brought us actual undeniable progress - free market capitalism, rationalism, skepticism

The Germans and the French produced little but pretty idealism. And don’t get me started on modern French post-neo-Freudian-Marxist-feminist-theory

>> No.10248609
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>> No.10248614

Prove me wrong kiddo

What contributions to the real world has Lacanian psychoanalysis, the critical theory or Althusserian neo-Marxism ever brought?

>> No.10248616

> what is the the Italian Renaissance

>> No.10248621
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>actual undeniable progress - free market capitalism, rationalism, skepticism

>> No.10248622

Opinion (d)écartée

>> No.10248624

does anyone actually care if someone is monolingual? who actually gives a shit about this meme

>> No.10248626
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>rationalism and skepticism are anglo creations

nobody cares and most people who bring it up are non english speakers who consider themselves bilingual because they can communicate on a cantonese fish farming website

>> No.10248632

>schools of thought
The only thing Anglos consciously invented is Newtonian Physics. You can't even give them credit for creating capitalism since we had to wait 150 years for a continental economist to explain what it really was about. Anglos couldn't be bothered to understand the monstrosity that spawned in their own fucking country.
That'll be Descartes.
Nietzsche, Marx, and Freud were all continental

The only thing anglos are good at is imperalism.

>> No.10248645

and retarded ethical systems.

>> No.10248646

The Anglos spawned empiricism, mechanics and free market theory, one has to give them credit for that

>> No.10248669

All soulless children of Newtonian Physics. When holographic theory of consciousness spreads, the intelectually decadent anglo culture will evaporate.

>> No.10248670

So you mean Marx?

Capitalism was merely adjusted into a “light” version due to Marxism, not entirely transformed. Many of the points formulated by Adam Smith still stand today.

The belief that Marxism alone was sufficient to run an economy was proven wrong again and again, often in tragic ways. So Anglos had the edge here.

>> No.10248672

Do you have a book recommendation in that topic? The history of science and it’s relation to consciousness theory?

>> No.10248675

>free market theory
China is the most efficient capitalist country, free market is a meme

>> No.10248686

Firstly, China has not even closely reached the level of prosperity and productivity found in the West and may face huge future problems.

Secondly, Western economies are also characterized by a heavy (40% or so) share of government intervention.

Free market economics per se are disastrous and have been scrapped after the Great Depression, I give you that. But Chinese-style government capitalism is not necessarily better.

>> No.10248692

Jung was the first man to break the curse of Newtonian Physics when he realized Freud's theory of consciousness didn't hold up well in clinical settings. Then came quantum physics.

There are many ways to dive into this relatively new topic. It is being explored in physics, biology, mathematics... I'd recommend Bohm and Grof.

>> No.10248695

>posts slur intended to divide whites
>unironically posts jewish fake philosopher
97% chance OP is a jew.

>> No.10248702

Anglo meme

>> No.10248704

Anglos and Jews are the same. It's why the alt-right is so obsessed with them. Protestantism is judaism' next step - Jacques Attali says it himself.

What you hate in others is what you hate about yourself.

>> No.10248707

Excellent bait

>> No.10248724

Jung always seemed like a fascinating thinker to me, but at the same time one trapped in highly speculative psychoanalytic and even mythological thinking, so I dismissed him.

In which book does he comment upon the relationsship of his theory to existing scientific dogma? Thanks for the sources already provided.

Tbqh, I really hope that Anglo world collapses one day. This mixture of cultural relativism, late Capitalism and rational egoism cannot be the pinnacle of humanity.

>> No.10248771

The alt right is obsessed with jews because they're aware of how obsessed the jews are with us, and how they view whites with a hatred so deep that once you understand it you realize jews are little more than a sick cult of freaks bent on destruction.

That said, anyone trying to divide whites by using the Amerifat/Europoor meme should automatically be assumed to be a kike. There's no excuse to promote divisions when we are both undergoing shitskin invasions. Only a jew would do that.

>> No.10248775

>tfw no master/slave dialectic porno

>> No.10248776
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>> No.10248780

why do you feel the need to fart out opinions no one asked you for? Do you think we haven't heard this a million times already?

>> No.10248797

Jung acknowledges the highly speculative nature of his theory. I will not expand much on his works since it is not what you might be interested in. Jung's main body of work is clinical and phenomenological, it will spark interest in those who have a penchant for such matters. I'd advise reading Man and his Symbols for a brief overview of what his views are and how it entails the departure from newtonian science and rationalism. I'm a huge Jung and Eliade fan, so naturally I gravitate towards such mystical perspectives.

Otherwise there are plenty of options to dive into this new paradigm of science and consciousness. I'd recommend reading Grof' The Holotropic Mind. In truth there are many ways to get into the subject as it is new and therefore not contained within a single explanatory system.

>> No.10248800


Tfw too*

>> No.10248802

Stop doing it and you'll stop hearing about it.

>> No.10248827

Here we can see a fine example of the typical Anglo mind at work

>> No.10248839
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>stop doing it
if you think I'm OP you're wrong, but are you seriously going to spew out the same shit every time someone posts something that goes remotely against your ideology? if so kill yourself

>> No.10248857

Go fuck yourself buddy. OP sucks and whatever I have to say is more important. Posting jewish memes that to divide whites IN a thread about a kike that subverted western philosophy. Every white should be in here calling this guy out for being a jew and reporting the thread immediately.

>> No.10248867

American meme

>> No.10248873

I have never gotten into phenomenology, since and most of its products seemed more like science fiction than anything else to me. But I want to believe, since I hate the Anglo universe as much as every other non-Anglo does.

Tbqh, I am a turbopleb in this regard and believed that the Newtonian universe is the only probable one for most of my life, only rarely dabbing into alternative worldviews.

However, my interest in alternate metaphysics was ignited again when I spoke to a STEM friend of mine and realized that most great discoveries of “physics” were actually corrections of the Newtonian paradigm. Could you recommend a book on general science theory?

>> No.10248875

Bait but I bet you are a big fan of Jewish mythology, aka Christianity

>> No.10248884

Stop bickering over nonsense. That's how the jewish enemy flooding every European nation with subhuman rapists sees you too. Less than that, actually. Cease the small scope faggotry.

>> No.10248890
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t. ameritard without any history or culture of his own

>> No.10248893

Christianity is the beta version of jewish communism and liberalism: universalist ideology jews push so they will be allowed in and allowed to exploit. So no.

>> No.10248895

Liberalism and universalist values are white European inventions, Americuck

Israel is, to this day, far more eugenic and racist than your mutt nation ever dreamed to be

>> No.10248908

Here is the jew. See, that's what I was saying here. This is a jewish meme and letting ourselves get divided like this instead of uniting to remove the jew is counterproductive. The jew is the problem for all of us.

>> No.10248915

Everything is a white invention, but universalism is what jews use to weaken whites and give them an inroad from which they can be parasitic within their host nation.

>> No.10248920
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>He unironically thinks /int/ memes are part of a Jewish conspiracy
I'm Italian kek

>> No.10248933

Jews make these memes. Italians are among the lowest IQ Europeans though, so it's not exactly surprising you can't see the forest for the trees.

>> No.10248939
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Actually we're the highest IQ in Europe. At least according to the /pol/ infographics.

>> No.10248952

Look at this jew pretending to be Italian.

>> No.10248964
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t. John Tyrone Hernandez

>> No.10248968

>Rationalism is Descartes
>Anglos were the empiricists like Hume

You realise that was the Continent that muh rationalism and skepticism?

>> No.10248985

A jew confirming what I was saying from the beginning. Reminder to all whites to learn the jew's tactics and not fall for their D&C. The jew is a sick vagabond we will remove in time, through unity.

>> No.10248989
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Reminder that if Derrida were alive today, he would have flown Joanna Ong out of the States to go live with him in Paris, where he would take care of her after her ordeal with Searle. Derrida and him had a bitter debate, which, surely, Jacques knew the dark heart of his American opponent. Why else would he have such scorn for the American people, if not for the parle with a brute such as Searle?

>> No.10248992

Quick q: Do I include speaking old english on my resume?

>> No.10248995
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t. Roberto "Bob" Marquez

>> No.10249012

Searle was right about the jew Derrida's philosophy being utter nonsense.

>> No.10249075
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>the /pol/ infographics.

>> No.10249091

Well he's clearly from there so I mentioned sources familiar to him.

>> No.10249118

Actually I'm not from there and the jewish problem is mainstream now so pol is inconsequential.

>> No.10250593
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>> No.10250737

>successfully derailed by a /pol/-tard

A tainted gem, if anything

>> No.10251622

>"For there was, beneath the astonishingly volatile fluidity of his writing, an authentic simplicity about Derrida, an obstinate and unchanging simplicity. That is one of the many reasons for the violence of the attacks made on him, just after his death, especially in the American press. The attacks on an 'abstruse thinker' and 'incomprehensible writer's were no more than the most banal anti-intellectual insults
>Let us call the insults 'Texan', and say no more about them."

- Alain Badiou, Pocket Pantheon

>> No.10251656
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How I love this French-Amerimutt beef. It is delicious seeing American logicist anti-intellectualism get BTFO time after time.

>> No.10252052

Haha, so many Marxist idiots on this board!

>> No.10252134


>> No.10252353

Anglos create civilization with cold empiricism
The French weaken it with decadent modernism
Germans destroy it with autism

>> No.10252364
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They are just French anon, there is no need to call them autistic. Just call them what they are
>No longer a white country

>> No.10252422

Civilization is castration. Every step forward in this industrial society is a step towards complete servitude.

>> No.10252444

>Invades North Africa
>Gets BLACKED and Islamified
Who really won?

>> No.10252458

Let's get back on topic. What's the most /lit/ language to learn if you already know english?

>> No.10252459


Delete this

>> No.10252465
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>> No.10252471

This is a lesson the west is learning, that Spain learned before, that you simply cannot allow jews to exist in your nation.

>> No.10252490

What a retarded opinion to hold. Pre-modernity, 9 out of 10 men were illiterate, rightless slaves/serfs

>> No.10252496

>Everybody bashing the Anglo
>In English

We win every time

>> No.10252648

Society assimilates. Industrial society, being infinitely more complex, requires a huge amount of coordination between its parts in order to function. Its growth being limited by human nature, human behavior has to be manipulated to fit the need of the system. This isn't pejorative per se. Education being the foremost example. But as society accelerates towards complexification, it needs to fix human behavior radically.

Today we are sent to school, not to study, but to specialize. Specialization is required for this industrial society. Some fraction of freedom has to be sacrificed in order to serve the needs of society, in this case specialization. Tomorrow we will genetically engineer ourselves to fit the needs of this ever growing, ever complexifying system. The only logical conclusion to an industrial society is Transhumanism.

>> No.10252729
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>> No.10253158
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We'll get you shifty anglos one day!