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/lit/ - Literature

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10239230 No.10239230[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You just know all these people did humanities degrees at mid tier state schools, skimmed some important philosophers without going in depth in to anything or engaging critically with anything and then tried to combine Christianity For Kindergarteners with their lefty beliefs implanted by society.

So /lit/, basically

>> No.10239241

What's your point? Protestantism was a mistake?

>> No.10239249

>Environment and racial inequality
Those aren't incompatible with Christianity at all. Actually they're deeply embedded in christfaggot morality

>> No.10239266
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>> No.10239275

so you got buttmad at some shit article and decided to post it on /lit/? are you on the right board?

>> No.10239284

More marxist subversion. Christianity that ignores the truth of scripture is falsehood.

>> No.10239286


>> No.10239311
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>Implying the Reformation wasn't an all-Enlightening sun

>> No.10239322

Not in fundamentalist circles. The personality traits that are drawn to fundamentalist religion are the same that will tend towards racism and getting irritated if anyone implies their current way of life isn't sustainable.

>> No.10239359

Yeah, I hated the part of Critique of the Gotha Programme where Marx said we should make priests homosexual.
However, it baffles me how these people think their liberal stances are compatible with Christianity. Their teachings effectively undermines the christian religion. It is no wonder the places where Christianity is the least relevant as a social force is the protestant countries, where the church have effectively dug its own grave by trying to absorb the very liberalism that pushes organized religion out of fashion. It is like the Tsar trying to save his position by adapting communist principles, when those very principles are hostile to his position.

>> No.10239395

This. What is with all the /pol/ posts on /lit/? I came here to get away from this shit.

>> No.10239399

Yes the Anabaptists were a boon, overall

>> No.10239442
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What's wrong buddy?
Cuckstianity is universal and everyone is equal in the eyes of god.

>> No.10239446
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>go on 4chan
>expect reddit
>get 4chan
>rage about it

>> No.10239462

Jesus was a carpenter. You need a traitor, a Roman legion, the right date, evil Jews manipulating the Romans and the traitor, and intentional misunderstanding of God en masse.

>> No.10239561

>isn't sustainable
a lefty talking about sustainability? lmao. the only people who can even pretend to sustainability are trads/prims

>> No.10239572

Are you european? In america our version of the right literally believes climate change is a made-up hoax to steal money. The democratic party is a bunch of ineffectual pandering idiots but at least they acknowledge it exists.

>> No.10239575

heh sounds like these christcucks aren't redpilled enough for paganism, my fashy friend . they worship le jew on a stick xD

>> No.10239579

fucking hell stop bumping this thread you faggots kill yourselves

>> No.10239580

The US right is also trying desperately to cling to coal energy instead of anything resembling renewables. I don't think Repubs even know what sustainability means.

>> No.10239584

the right denies that climate change is reasonable addressable by policy. This is probably true. There's basically nothing we can do to reverse it, except hope for geoseeding technology

>> No.10239587

Oh, and also their tax plan doesn't exactly ring "sustainable".

No, they don't, you retard and/or liar. They literally say it doesn't exist.

>> No.10239602

Both of your statements are factually incorrect. Are you sure you're actually looking at what members of the Republican Party say and not just repeating corporate propaganda spouted by comedians?

There's plenty we can do, the problem is that it isn't profitable for the big businesses that have bought out the Democrat Party. We could wean ourselves off of fossil fuels and transition to nuclear power; it's something the Trump administration has made moves to do. The problem is that it gets shut down by Democrats in the Senate like Pelosi and McCain because it doesn't profit the Chinese Coal industry which has spent very large sums of money ensuring that they have a monopoly on the coal market.

>> No.10239606

>lowering taxes on the lower and middle class while raising them on the upper class in a sustainable manner
>not sustainable
what did he mean by this

>> No.10239610

please quote an authoritative figure of the Republican party that defends this position

>this is probably true. There's basically nothing we can do to reverse it

the right defends there shouldn't be ANY policy to fight climate change, let alone reverse it, since it's just a natural occurence and humans can not impact it

it is actually scientists who say climate change isn't reversible at this point and the most we can do is limit the damage

>> No.10239611

/pol/ is peak reddit anon
go back.

>> No.10239614
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Here is the most powerful republican in the country. There are apparently over a hundred similar tweets, many of which assert that every time it gets cold somewhere climate change is proven to be a lie.

>> No.10239618

>"4-4chan was always a leftist hugbox safespace for progressive faggots with aids like me :^)"
thanks reddit

>> No.10239630

Be enlightened like me and reject religion.

>> No.10239645

This may be naive of me but I think /lit/ threads should involve literature of some kind. At least reference the Turner Diaries.

>> No.10239652

>Blobble Blimpf has no power and will be impeached any day now :^)
>Zabgo Zoompf is METAPHYSICALLY HITLER and even the minutest of us thoughts is relayed to billions of agents and followers all across the country
Make up your mind already you hysterical pussy.

>> No.10239655

>brainlet doesn't believe in empirical falsification

>> No.10239657

>get told
>single out one post out of 30 for lack of literature references

>> No.10239731
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>> No.10239732

Someone said republicans don't deny climate change and I provided evidence that the man they nominated as president does. I didn't do anything else, but thank you for demonstrating /pol/'s truly limitless depths of shitposting.

>> No.10239746
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>> No.10239759

Christianity is partly based on the OT which is heavily racist in favor of Jews.

>> No.10239760

republicans didn't nominate Trump, a bunch of rural and suburban retards did

>> No.10239767

I promise to you that not even one of them has true faith in God. They'll compromise Christianity away