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File: 995 KB, 1920x1080, fuckwhitepeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10235139 No.10235139 [Reply] [Original]

Just read this. Can /lit/ recommend me any more books about how awful white men are? This book opened my eyes to how I, a white male, and actually an angry white man who is responsible for all of societies problems and I would like to read some more books to reinforce my new found self hatred.

Also, feminist literature thread I guess.

>> No.10235183

I know this is bait.
I am looking for feminists who aren't afraid of evolutionary psych or biology in general (because evolutionary psych does have some problems).
David M. Buss did such a book which I will read first.

>> No.10236005

If you want a book to prove how awful white men are, just find any book written by a white man featuring their unfiltered opinions on women and their peers.

>> No.10236080
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Here you go.

>> No.10236089

>If you want a book to prove how awful white men are, just find any book written by a white man featuring their unfiltered opinions on women and their peers.

unless that white man is a feminist. then it's gold. no other way to get hilary elected.

>> No.10236098

Like Americans, White Men are always at the center of the larger narrative, negatively or positively. We are the main characters of race.

>> No.10236104

Are you saying you just read this or that we should just read this?

>> No.10236119
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>> No.10236149

Camille Paglia is a must, I'd imagine

>> No.10236151

troll'd hard

>> No.10236226

>who is responsible for all of societies problems

only the 1%, the elite whites are responsible
and by 1% and elite, I of course mean jews

>> No.10236248

lol who's trolling who mate?

>> No.10236575

OP here. This isn't me.

And I am not trolling, I am genuine. Since I became a feminist, I contemplate suicide, castration, an cry myself to sleep every single night because I am so utterly disgusted by my race, my gender, my privilege, my culture, my country, and my history. I just want to be educated about the real reality of society and its shortcomings so I can do something about it.

>> No.10236604

Thanks for being sincere. I will check her out.

>> No.10236771

Here's a reality- it's all bullshit. All of the arguments the feminists have are rooted in some truth, but focusing you efforts on those issues are superficial at best. Almost no one wants equality, even those that preach it, and everyone wants to be on the top. That's why it's all bullshit. Also, you have horrible bait.

>> No.10236792

Why are progressives so obsessed with Blacks?
Seriously 2/3 of those books are about Black people.

>> No.10236932
File: 29 KB, 385x499, 41ozGpiGtML._SX383_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anthology Evolution's Empress is literally exactly what you're looking for. Also check out pic related.

Human behavioral ecology is what evo psych wants to be when it grows up, you'll probably find stuff that interests you if you look through the recent research.

Camille Paglia's whole shtick is that feminism denies the realities of science, but her alternative is no better. Her academic background is English and media studies and it's obvious she's out of her depth. If you believe feminism/gender discourses/egalitarianism/whatever you want to call it need to accept scientific realities, then her work's not for you. Look for something written by an actual scientist instead of an art history professor.

Your comment about superficiality doesn't make much sense. If feminist arguments are rooted in truth then there should be some way for them to focus their efforts on issues that are genuine, no?

>> No.10236950

t. NPC

>> No.10237074

>Human behavioral ecology is what evo psych wants to be when it grows up, you'll probably find stuff that interests you if you look through the recent research.
Recently finished one behavioral ecology book and a few other textbooks. They dealt with animals and had small chapters on humans. I've been looking for a biological anthropology textbook as well, but no access to it yet. So this should be good.
>The anthology Evolution's Empress is literally exactly what you're looking for.
Yep thanks, though I would also be interested in a practical one as well. Plenty of feminists seem to take stance that almost everything is determined by culture, and so culture must change. I think they should start acknowledging that genes play a bigger role. Culture will still be the solution though.
I think the current solutions will back fire, if it hasn't already done so.

Thanks again.

>> No.10237097

Focus on these issues is important to a point, but the way that some go about pursuing this will inherently lead not to equality, but merely a flip of societal hierarchy.

>> No.10238500

>but her alternative is no better.
What about her alternative is not based on science? I am not familiar with the work. The whole appeal to qualifications is a shit argument, but I know you academic types love that.

>> No.10238503

This is completely true. The current push for women in power cause some men use it for sexual gratification in no way addresses the myriad of potential negative uses of power a woman could execute when in power.

This third wave is straight political power plays and has nothing to do with reality. Hey, guys the airconditioning is sexist. Doesn't matter that my forebears died under horse foot for the vote, we gotta get the airconditioning right, that's real oppression.

It's just fundamentally retarded.

>> No.10238573
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Coming from a white man who isn't very angry at all, I can confirm: I'm not a bad guy t b h.

>> No.10238578

black people haven't had the best time over the past 200 years from what i can recall tbqh

>> No.10238587

Because leftist ideology is built around ressentiment. Blacks love this because it allows them to resign accountability for why they're historically such failures around the world.

>> No.10238616

Well actually the most harmful people from this 1% are anglo-irish scum. The best example is Rupert Murdoch.

>> No.10238625

Victim worship.

>> No.10238627

>feminist literature
this isnt feminist literature, this is ""feminist"" literature

>> No.10238632

or just talk to pretty much any man and you'll quickly realise he doesnt care about anyone but himself and thinks he is amazing for no apparent reason.

points for associating himself with some of the greatest men in history because they both have a penis.

>> No.10238638

This is up to date feminist literature. I think what you consider the true feminist literature is very outdated now.

>> No.10238647

Most people ever do this. Men just get to do it mire because they, unlike women, have built literally everything. If left to the initiative of women we would have never even reached the pyramid stage of development.

>> No.10238648

Never met somebody like this before and I'm a man. Where do you live, on Wall Street?

>> No.10238656

oh look you did it again.

>> No.10238664

You're right, my bad, it's oppression that kept women from mining the earth, carrying stones, and building all the hospitals, schools, houses, etc. You've just got it so hard, hon. You're just the biggest little victim, yes you are. :)

>> No.10238668

lol you are a moron.

>> No.10238675

>feminists create entire classes around cherry-picked women who did something of enduring value for society
>get triggered when men acknowledge the labor of collective generations of 1 gender building everything you see in any developed society

>> No.10238677

>Barrack Droneman

>> No.10238681

>le women never worked before the 20th century meme

okay buddy.

you know women also even worked in mines, but y'know why check facts.

>> No.10238683

I'm not a misogynist, nor an anti-feminist, but inventiveness and courage are typically male traits. If this is due society or due to biology, that's another question.

>> No.10238693
File: 569 KB, 563x800, a56611bfc99dae26af89e2b57cdfdd2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed women did carry the EQUAL SHARE of the LABOR. Pic literally related, the WOMEN LEGIONS of the Roman Empire split the very mountains in half with their WOMANS INTUITION. The endless miles of Aqueducts built to elevate the quality of living for society was EQUALLY distributed among the women, for sure.

>> No.10238699

you do realise women would have been pregnant or nursing small children most of the time in the past, also legally barred from doing anything prestigious and owning property.

>> No.10238719

It's a hard life, having to stay trapped in the baths having sex orgies instead of enjoying the privilege of marching 35 miles a day with 100 lbs of gear and setting up and packing camp every night and morning. Very prestigious it must have been to labor like a slave every day of your life to make a society comfortable enough for women to later spit on because they couldn't hold office.

They could own property though, you just don't know as much as you think you do.

>> No.10238722

Nobody said they are awful OP, stop trolling.
Feeling entitled based on your gender or ethnicity is ignorant and lazy. It doesn't make you awful or bad.

>> No.10238724

you are comparing class and gender idiot, obviously upper class women lived better than lower class men.

>> No.10238743
File: 34 KB, 550x350, 2721285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm comparing slaves and free people. Women generally having it easier regardless of whichever you ended up as. Or wait, is that upsetting for you? I'll phrase it differently...

It must have been distressing having to spend your days doing peoples hair as a slave woman as compared to those privileged white cis-scum males getting all the good jobs like carrying and stacking rocks to build a wall the entire width of Britannia.

>> No.10238756

Slaves didn't build Hadrian's wall dumbass

>> No.10238758

That was my point, retard.

>> No.10238761

what a conveniently specific example, i suppose you think being forced into prostitution is a laugh. men are physically stronger of course male slaves were used more for hard labour.

my point is women for most of history have been chattel, owned by men, with very few civil rights, and physically weak and vulnerable because they were usually pregnant, i'm not saying there is was a patriarchal conspiracy, it is a natural result of difficult circumstances, but you are determined to believe all women forever have just been chilling on some guys dime which is obviously ridiculous and false, women still do, in the third world, the majority of menial jobs because they are not allowed better, that doesnt mean poor men dont suffer hugely as well, but you clearly have a prejudice, so go fuck yourself you gigantic faggot.

oh and fyi, i am a historian, that is my job, so fuck off with your misty eyed fantasy of what history was 'really like.'

>> No.10238765

What? You were comparing life as a slave woman doing someone's hair to slaves carrying rocks to build Hadrian's wall (which didn't happen)

>> No.10238768

You're a pretty shitty """historian""" if you didn't know past the early Republic of Rome women could divorce if they felt like it. Self-proclaimed feminist historians are usually very transparent in their unwarranted self importance.

>> No.10238771
File: 15 KB, 300x200, 432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was comparing the life of a slave woman to a freed man, you fucking moron.

>> No.10238780

i'm not a feminist historian, i study the history of philosophy, what the fuck has divorce in one specific time period got to do with women's rights generally. i am fully aware that roman women specifically had slightly more freedom, but still only slightly.

you are the one cherry picking because you want to believe that men are blameless and women are cunning manipulators because hey, maybe you suck balls as a human being, but you arent a woman so that makes you feel good, fuck off asshole.

>> No.10238781

>women are physically weak
>men are physically stronger
>men deserve the harder jobs
>but men don't actually deserve to feel entitled to the product of this labor
Your moral teetering is very awkward and makes little sense. I don't think many egalitarians would like hearing you say all of these things like that women can't do what men can.

>> No.10238794

You're entire post is a bunch of deluded non-sequitur ramblings of an autistic tumblr """historian"""
>men are blameless
When did I ever say this? You're so mad you can't even remember the past 10 minutes and you expect anybody to believe you're a historian? That's a fucking laugh.
>women are cunning manipulators because you suck balls
What? I also never said this, but it is kind of true, isn't it? Look at the juxtaposition of morality within women today. They assert the lie of the "pay-gap" without actually doing the same work. These 'egalitarians' and 'female empowerment' organizations don't actually care to see women as engineers or doing the same work - they just want the comfy shit.
>you arent a woman so that makes you feel good
We've spent the entirety of this argument talking about just how fucking GOOD women have, and always have had it. Shit, you think I wouldn't love just sitting on my fat ass and bitching all day while somebody brings home the bread I gorge on? It's even easier today, you could make a full time living just going on WoW and saying what a girl you are and nerdy faggots will pay all your living expenses.

>> No.10238795

who said anything about deserve, if you want to hire somebody for hard labour obviously you'd pick the strongest people, who are men.

>> No.10238796

This post reeks of R*ddit
Please respect my safe space and adopt our preferred mode of speech or else I'll call the thought police

>> No.10238798

you ignored everything i said about the entirety of human history and just got mad cause i called you a name, you are delusional.

>> No.10238800

>gender quotas are okay unless it actually requires any sort of physical labor

>> No.10238801

>stop providing inconvenient facts, y-you asshole!
She's right anon, why must you be so mean? You horrible human being, you are distressing the historian.

>> No.10239064

>my point is women for most of history have been chattel

Then your point is factually false

>> No.10239082

Explain to me how most of the anger on this board at women and minorities isn't exactly what that pic describes.

>> No.10239366
File: 49 KB, 360x240, the_dark_knight_rises_bane_5_by_messenjahmatt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It fuels the fire, but didn't start it.
Let's be honest: it is not full nurture now is it?