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10234826 No.10234826[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what's going with the character assassination raids against jordan peterson?
did the postmodernists take over the board?

>> No.10234831

no he's just got popular so now we have to hate him. it's the law.

>> No.10234842
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>some people disagree with my internet dad and criticize him for being intellectually dishonest
>baaw le ebil pomo numale leftist commie tranny cuckold marxist jews are subverting me again

>> No.10234843

yeah, i remember when /lit/ used to worship him like he was the new jung

>> No.10234849

>/lit/ used to worship him
That literally never happened. At best some people preferred him in debates with Stiller, but that's hardly a praise.

>> No.10234853

are you sure you're not new here? there used to be countless threads where he replaced zizek as /lit/ waifu and jokes about how zizek would now replace his fondness for lacan with a peterson fetish

>> No.10234868

There were countless poltardian bickering threads and some decent debate discussions. Certainly nobody outright praised him except election cycle arrivals from /r/t_d.

>> No.10234898
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we ballin nibbas

/lit/ is our turf

>> No.10234948
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if i didn't constantly see peterson threads on the front page maybe I wouldn't him
I naturally dislike everything that gets shilled over and over, I think it's a normal reaction to have

In my 7 years here I have never seen anybody "praise" him other than the crowd>>10234868 describes

>> No.10234950

>go to anonymous imageboard
>find people who disagree with me
>make a thread to whine about it

did i miss something or is this what happened?

>> No.10234993
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>mfw a thread died so OP could whine about this nonsense
Goddamn Peterson is the new Rand. You know what must be done /lit/

>> No.10235613

It's not character assassination you turbo brainlet, there's a huge divide in opinion about him.
>One part redditors and teenagers who see him as the second coming of Christ and/or Socrates
>One part /pol/acks who watch "Insane SJWs being Destroyed" playlists on YouTube
>One part /pol/acks calling him a kike shill because he isn't a holocaust denier
>One part well-read /lit/ calling him out in the areas where his views are incomplete
>Nine parts shills making bait threads for the sole purpose of getting (You)s

>> No.10235631

hang yourself

>> No.10235658

I thought Foucault hated Derrida

>> No.10235662

There is nothing wrong with post modernism, it simply presents a different lens to view a world which any man made language can't describe accurately enough.

>> No.10235664

>people who have expierence with political post modernism
>like anti-pomo speaker

>> No.10235668

People just liked him for sticking up to "sjw"s which is an easy target.

>> No.10235681
File: 156 KB, 740x464, michel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post seasonally appropriate Michels. I'll start.

>> No.10235713

>>Nine parts shills making bait threads for the sole purpose of getting (You)s

popularity = shill on internet.

no exceptions

>> No.10235718


>> No.10235728


>> No.10235758
File: 178 KB, 1242x1237, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet Ryan
>a forklift operator by day
>an expert on grammatology and simulacra by night

>> No.10235772

This whole redpilled/being woke/(((them))) stuff is becoming too common to retain its credibility any further. It's only natural that after a while people begin to question their assumptions, customs, and tastes. That's how art/philosophy works. That's how you go from modernism to postmodernism.

>> No.10235799 [DELETED] 

The problem elites have with postmodernism is that it suggests the white patriarchy paradigm is on an equal plain with the feminist paradigm, the African paradim, etc. that's what's gone so butthurt. The same old tricks don't work anymore once viewed through this lens.

>> No.10235833

what's that

>> No.10235836

i totally claimed that, but yeah it's damn right. i use grammatology and unitology and scientology to rock my forklift all day, all night

>> No.10235840

The subreddit /r/the_donald. A large amount of retards from it immigrated here during the election

>> No.10235844

yeah it's weird that the /r/theredpill brigade are all pro-peterson as trp has a whole bunch of assumptions about the world lifted from pomo.

dunno why no one mentions that, but wev

>> No.10235971

didn't you mean?
>One part /pol/acks who see him as the second coming of Christ and/or Socrates
>One part redditors and teenagers who watch "Insane SJWs being Destroyed" playlists on YouTube

>> No.10236007
File: 24 KB, 640x480, foucault in holland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh nice, he really goes for a stark contrast with the white turtleneck here. It reminds me of Hieronymous Bosch - and it is well known he enjoyed the painter's work.

Pic related is not a seasonally appropriate Michel for where I live, but I'm sure it is for somewhere, some place. Holland, perhaps.

>> No.10236075

meme is valid argument. better post a frog pic for that extra university credit.

>> No.10236078

yeah there seems to be a concerted effort to discredit him without actually addressing his ideas.

it's sad cause the pomo crowd falls over when they do address the ideas. you have to get through the trashy 4chan bullying to get there tho.

>> No.10236093

Sperg-tastic post

>> No.10236123
File: 22 KB, 600x315, pPdNZ3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently a liberal professor who believes in the traditional gender dichotomy and talks about basic liberal economic and psychology really triggers leftists

The fact that think he is a rightist is just... hilarious.

>> No.10236126
File: 253 KB, 645x773, 1492732460411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One part well-read /lit/ calling him out in the areas where his views are incomplete
>/lit/ is this delusional

>> No.10236138

This, ban on sight