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1023006 No.1023006 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1023011

zombies run on curses and magic they are dead people with cursed bodies

infected are still alive but have lost a lot of vital mental function
my friend bought that book it was quite humerus and i liked it

>> No.1023013

Who's to say that the virus itself does not produce that chemical that the comic said?

>> No.1023027

bro its ATP...

>> No.1023031

>infected are still alive

Which is why they can survive on the bottom of the ocean and after being frozen in glaciers all winter?

Read World War Z

>> No.1023032

Dude, they're zombies...

>> No.1023248
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>> No.1023265

My thirteen year old nephew thinks this book is awesome. So. . .yeah.

>> No.1023283
File: 85 KB, 464x400, bismuth-crystal-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with OP; the idea zombies is silly and shouldn't be allowed in books.

Same as FTL, lightsabers, aliens, magic spells, teleportation, intelligent women, and anything that's not 100% real and actually exists in the world RIGHT NOW

Fiction as a whole is so gay. Pic related; it's how hardcore I am.

>> No.1023302

World War Z is a good read.

Only angsty, pretentious teenager wave their reading choices in other people's faces and insist superiority lives in their choices.

Most often, they don't even "get" the works they read. Their bookshelves are full of coffee-table books; they are there for show only.

Reading for pleasure is not a crime. Being a sweaty, angsty, embarassing teenager is.

>> No.1023309
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>intelligent women
>not exist

my face

>> No.1023316
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I don't understand what you're trying to say.

>> No.1023320
File: 248 KB, 451x352, 1280019140013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm saying I agree bro.

>> No.1023457
File: 17 KB, 264x282, artist_stach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't aware anon actually cared to save dean .jpg's