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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 149 KB, 475x312, INSIDENEWTRAILERS_WarPeace_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1022286 No.1022286 [Reply] [Original]

"Never, never marry, my friend! That is my advice to you: never marry till you say to yourself that you have done all you are capable of doing [...] marry when you are old and no longer good for anything, otherwise all that is fine and noble in you will be lost- all wasted on trifles. Yes, yes, yes! Don't look at me with such surprise. If you expect anything of yourself in the future, you will feel at every step that all is over, all is closed to you except the drawing room, where you will be on the level of a court lackey and an idiot... well, what more is there to say?" - Leo Tolstoy

(itt tll;dr marriage sucks, don't do it, it'll fuck you up and make you emotionally castrated and whipped. Also, general War and Peace thread. Just started reading. Andrei and Nikolai are pretty cool dudes, but all the female characters are just fucking annoying)

>> No.1023255


No one wants to discuss literature's greatest classic? Seriously?

>> No.1023271

I`m writing my masters thesis on Tolstoi's significance in cultural life in the 1880-ies.

>> No.1023290
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>> No.1023292

Sorry bro, ain't read it.

>> No.1023297

Jup, that is how it is written where I come from.

>> No.1023306
File: 41 KB, 468x355, moemoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natasha'a definitely annoying, but I liked poor little Sofia. Especially when she put that moustache on.

But then again, that is my fetish.

>> No.1023311
File: 32 KB, 504x360, fagflag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related, btw; it's the flag of my country.

>> No.1023338

>complaining about spelling of a russian name in a non-cyrillic language

>> No.1023433


>Implying the Count is his characters.

>> No.1023471
File: 21 KB, 474x328, artist_eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this were /tv/, I would talk about classic russian CINEMA, but it's /lit/ so fuck that shit

>> No.1023491

I saw the movie/mini-serie.

haters gonna hate

>> No.1023499

I support marriage for the same reason I support religion: it keeps a lot of people occupied that would otherwise be doing stupid shit.

War and Peace? mor liek Whore and Piss amirite

>> No.1023694

Anna is REALLY fucking annoying, Marya only slightly less so. I really wish the women in this book would either talk like men or keep their mouths shut.

>> No.1023697
File: 30 KB, 268x268, the count.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Count

>> No.1023709

I like this book. You can read about 68 pages into it and feel like you've already read over 200 pages.

>> No.1023752

i understand what you're saying, but honestly it's through the stupid shit that people grow up. that's what so many coming of age stories are all about. it's the people who do stupid shit and don't grow up that are pathetic. that's what charles bukowski talked about alot, people who just shit their lives away. included in this are those who get married early on and don't get the chance to really 'live' at all.
but for the ones who do stupid things experimenting early in life, and can learn from it, come out from the other side of it all with a new perspective on life, that's what the really good stories are about.