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10226111 No.10226111 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, this is so deep! Writers are so on the ball these days! The publishing monoculture of faggy libs totally did not lead to boring books!

Everyone on lit loves this article.


>> No.10226132

/lit/ has always been anti-Franzen, pro-Dave

>> No.10226173
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>implying the world ins't undergoing a major shift and inept, corrupt leadership won't address the various issues until it's too late
nice try OP

>> No.10226696
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All I want is for these fucktards to put intense focus on prevention of nuclear war and global warming. Is it really too much to ask? I don’t give a fuck about immigrants. I don’t give a fuck about minimum wage. I don’t give a fuck about health care. It feels like I’m living in the twilight zone. Such conditions are not suitable for human life.

>> No.10226703

I don’t think Franzen is a bad writer but Jesus Christ he is so self-absorbed.

>> No.10226704

>I don’t give a fuck about immigrants Get a look at this liberal idiot.

>> No.10226707

Like I said, I’m living in the fucking twilight zone where death of all biological life takes second place to brown people coming into a country.

>> No.10226721

Nah brah, just enjoy humanity's final moments. There are only two rules: don't fiddle kids and non-consenting adults and don't smoke near others as they must be healthy before the meltdown.

>> No.10226753

Brown people are the least likely to preserve the environment. White people are the only people who care about the preservation of nature, so if you actually care about it you should promote policies that decrease the number of brown people and increase the number of whites. Also, you're a poor long-term thinker.

>> No.10226763

What alt-retards don't realise is that environmental collapse will result in an increase of immigration. But fuck it! God made the stuff in the world, we use it up and he'll put it back!

>> No.10226767

Because immigration is something just happens and isn't dependent on whether or not a country lets those people in, right?

>> No.10226773

>muh pagan apocalypse
nothing has changed since this whole meme began

>> No.10226774

Yes, but a lot of the countries where major environmental damages are a major threat to said countries, the population will seek refuge elsewhere.

Same can be said about societal collapse (see Syria)

>> No.10226776

If things get as bad as some models predict, entire regions will become uninhabitable and millions will seek refuge elsewhere, probably through violence. It may be a bit much for the West to commit genocide or start some weird kind of race war.

>> No.10226780

Im not talking about an apocalyptic event, but something palpable like rising sea levels, deforestation and on.

>> No.10226801

>rising sea levels,
humans have no control over the sea level read the about the king who tried to write a law that stops the tide from coming in
plant more
>and on
immigrants don't help that

>this whole cult in general
its pure hubris anti-technology to say that man gets to decide to live like savages like no-impact-man or die in the soylent green world.

>> No.10226802

The world will not end with a bang, or even a whimper, but a long passive-aggressive sigh

>> No.10226809
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>prevention of nuclear war and global warming
I am a meteorological officer. I stopped giving a fuck about telling people to stop global warming because I am not going to get married anyway. Get burned by the intense sun you brown and yellow sons of rabbit men.

>> No.10226811
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>/pol/ doesn't even know which authors we like and which ones we ignore

You just come in here to dump your bullshit and don't read any of our posts.

>> No.10226812
File: 87 KB, 1234x852, un_population_projections_steve_sailer_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The destruction in Syria was caused by neocon jews who want to take out yet another neighbor of Israel, it had nothing to do with environmental changes.

Think logically though. Where the ecological damage is likely to occur is on continents like Africa, and the cause is the population boom caused by Western medicine. So if you actually want to save the environment, promote policies that limit the population growth who can't function without outside help.

>> No.10226813

Lel go back to ribbit.. You're a shitty liberal.

>> No.10226814

>White people are the only people who care about the preservation of nature
White capitalists who build one factory after the other care a lot about nature, indeed. Kill yourself before shitting out another laughable post.

>> No.10226821
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>> No.10226826
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>> No.10226828

Polar Ice melting will increase sea levels, don't give me anyone nonsense about Nero fighting Neptune you classical nerd.

I'm not saying immigrants will help, Im saying they are a result of environmental destruction. If they have no home to return to, where are they going to go. Climate action is a bunch of luddites running around demanding we return to caves, but that we be more perceptive about what we do, and how to take care of our environment.

Stop being a fatalist.

>> No.10226829

>another meme articles to cream out the white rich liberals
Do you idiots know that theres people like dying for starvation and not having jobs or you know getting killed by (illegal) immigrants?

>> No.10226832
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OP is triggered

>> No.10226835

The global capital system is run by jews, not whites. Whites are the only people who have ever shown an interest in preserving the environment and even a high IQ group of nonwhites like East Asians give zero fucks about such things, not to mention low IQ blacks and browns who care even less.

>> No.10226834

Do you not know how to read? I said societal collapse. Syria no longer exists.

>> No.10226836

It would be hilarious if this entire climate change business were to blow over without any real consequence and many were then forced to think less apocalyptically about their lives. Kinda like those believers who had to live with themselves after their Rapture didn't take place. Then again, given how much shit we're going through in terms of automation (precarious work) and biogenetics, maybe it's for the best that some (me basically) live like they're the last generation.

>> No.10226846

> So if you actually want to save the environment, promote policies that limit the population growth who can't function without outside help.

I agree, but it might only change the number of migrants (climate refugees or whatever) rather than the environment.

>> No.10226858

The only people who give a shit about IQ, are brainlets

>> No.10226864
File: 195 KB, 705x504, 1458171645655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fucking whole in the wall
Do autists get tard strength too

>> No.10226867

t. nu male.

>> No.10226878

Shhhh, go take care of your wife's son. Kevin Spacey, the Space Monster, might get to him.

>> No.10226883

>implying scientists don’t already know how to stop global warming but don’t want to do it because people would just continue not giving a shit about the environment

>> No.10226885

>muh global warming

While that IS a problem, water/air pollution is a much bigger problem. But it's just not popular for whatever reason.

>> No.10226890

What's occurred in Africa is the result of moralistic white people with a misdirected sense of humanitarianism who think it's their duty to save the world. Nature should be allowed to correct itself, which means we should not let these people into our countries and that they should be left alone. This is going to end with them slaughtering each other either way. It was never our problem. But the moralism many social signal-y whites display regarding environmentalism is exactly what caused that problem in the first place.

>> No.10226893

>White people are the only people who care about the preservation of nature
White people care in an "out of sight, out of mind" kind of way. They export all their polluting industries to countries with less strict anti-pollution laws and then brag about how there's no pollution at home even though they're still indirectly responsible for the pollution taking place in those other countries. It's like saying you're innocent of murder because you didn't pull the trigger yourself, you hired a hitman to do it for you, even as you moralize against the hitman.

>> No.10226899


>> No.10226912

It’s not a conspiracy theory, scientists know they could release a natural chemical into the upper Stratosphere that would reverse warming but the problem is it doesn’t solve the actual problems and could have negative effects on the Indian Ocean (for whatever reason).

>> No.10226918

It's not just helpful whites, Africa's place in the global market already exposed it to all kinds of interactions with the outside. Cutting humanitarian aid wouldn't mean cutting off all interaction with the rest of the world so the results would still be unpredictable (since it isn't a closed system). I do agree that the population explosion, as well as this in-between of tribals with cellphones (even those living in the large cities) is a problem for the world.

>> No.10226919

So what? That doesn't mean white people care less about living in clean areas with green spaces, it means someone else found solutions to give them what they wanted. You have to pick your battles and most of the world is full of filthy brown people who care less about living in squalor. The only way you could fix these issues globally is by promoting global white imperialism, since not only are whites the only group that cares about the environment, they're the only ones capable of producing the technology to solve problems like pollution. But I'm sure leftists think that would be evil.

>> No.10226929

The philosopher Graham Harman mentioned that the way in which that solution affects some countries for the better and other for the worse might lead to disputes, maybe even wars, between countries.

>> No.10226939

Its because at this point climate change is irreversible. There is no solution, but there are attempts to try and mitigate the damage it will cause

>> No.10226940

Yes, that’s why scientists don’t want to do it unless they know they have to.

>> No.10226944

I’m not even sure what this is trying to say, climate change is inevitable regardless of the century.

>> No.10226946

Meh, even Italy knowingly lied on its CO2 production reports. China, India and the others would probably come up with negative values ("don't mind the gas masks, we're just fumigating") and screw things up even more. It's a mess either way. Hopefully I've played enough post-apocalyptic survival games to make it for a few years.

>> No.10226971

Human climate change, as in what we are experiencing now is a direct result of our industrial change and influence.

>> No.10226972

Global warming cultists are the new Millerites

>> No.10226975

>White capitalists who build one factory after the other
virtually every white country is deindustrialized. go genocide the poos or the chinks if you really care, fag